Dragonkin: Storms

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Dragonkin: Storms Page 10

by Crymsyn Hart

  “What happened?” Wyeth asked gently.

  Savanna trailed her free hand over her stomach, feeling the emptiness there. She looked at Wyeth, and looking into his eyes she saw his feelings for her were not imagined. She took his hand between hers and closed her eyes again so that she could focus on him. Clearing her mind was challenging, because she was between the two of them.


  “Shh...” she shushed him. She cocked her head to the side and listened for her guides. They were there, but they weren’t speaking to her in words. Instead, they listened. Savanna stretched out her mind and sensed the link tightly wound around the three of them. What Drake had said was true. They were bound together. All of them were learning to understand and accept it. She wasn’t sure if it was love or if it would bloom into that. Whatever Wyeth felt for her, it was genuine.

  “Savanna, please tell me what you saw?” Drake begged her. He moved a piece of her hair from her shoulder. The small movement of his fingers along her flesh made her nearly moan. “You touched the both of us and then you were gone. This other came through. She had your voice, but it wasn’t you. I sensed the change. Kestrel was telling us there was a way for me to go home, and then she left.”

  “It’s taxing on both of us to switch back and forth. Kestrel told you the truth. There is a spell to get you home.” It would be selfish of Savanna to want to keep Drake after all of the extraordinary things that had happened. She didn’t want to find herself away from him. It was tough to admit that she would lose him and probably Wyeth. Savanna was just getting used to the idea of both sexy men being attracted to her. She looked down at the words she had written and told the two men what happened while she left her body.

  Drake read the spell. He asked her questions until her head hurt. Savanna stopped them and walked away. Savanna stood on the balcony staring out at the sea. The dark waters swirled beneath her, and a cool wind drifted off the ocean. The song the sea sang was one of loneliness and desolation. Within it, she heard the wails of the souls who had perished along the rocks. On the rocks below, their transparent forms winked in and out as the wind blew. She had never seen them this strongly before. It had to be something to do with what was happening between the three of them. Savanna tried to rationalize her developing feelings for the two men. True, she believed in love at first sight and soul mates, but she never thought it would befall her.

  It’s easy to think they want me. It’s another thing to blame it on this link. And yet the more I’m around the both of them, the more I can’t stop fantasizing how they would be. I want to fall into their arms and forget the world. Love? The last time I allowed that I was screwed. I can’t say it’s love, but definitely lust. Can we base a relationship off that? Could I be this dragon mate that Drake was talking about? Yet, she had been to a different world. In her wildest dreams as a child she had always thought a world of magic existed. Her abilities to tell the future and communicate with the dead were seen as otherworldly. She’d always felt out of place, even within her family. If she could help return Drake back home, then she would do it. Her emotions shouldn’t get the better of her. She had to harden herself against her growing feelings.

  Savanna ran her hands over the gooseflesh on her arms. “What am I going to do?” She sent the silent plea to her guides. Sometimes they answered her directly, as though she was hearing someone talk inside her head, and other times it was just images or feelings. It all depended on how the supernatural higher beings wanted to respond. The conversations kept her sane, because with them she knew she wasn’t alone. With the growing connection between the two men, she wondered if she was ever going to feel alone again.

  “What does your heart tell you?” The answer came into her consciousness. A small weight settled on her right shoulder to inform her the advice came from her otherworldly guardians and not her imagination.

  Savanna rolled her eyes at the question. “I don’t know what it tells me. That’s why I’m asking you. None of this makes any sense. There shouldn’t be dragons or another world.”

  “Really? What do you call us? We’re from a different reality, and yet you are able to perceive us. How do you know that we’re not from the same world that Drake hails from?” another guide posed to her.

  “Because you’ve been talking to me all my life, and I can feel when you’re close. I know your energy. I know that you used to be from this world. It’s just inherent that you don’t have to tell me.”

  “You know all of this because you have gotten used to it. As you said, you’ve grown up with it, knowing who and what we are, but we could always be lying to you.”

  “You’re not. Stop trying to throw this all back in my face.”

  “Stop being so analytical. You know the answer deep down, no matter how much you throw the rationale away. How many times do you tell your clients they have to believe in the impossible, and that’s the most probable answer? You humans sometimes lose sight of what’s there in the most basic of forms. You need the world to stop so you can listen. You’re good at listening, Savanna. So just listen. If that means reacting to what your body’s telling you, then react to it. Make your decisions as they occur, because this is a unique situation that’s never going to happen to you again. Do you understand?”

  “Hey, why don’t you come back inside?” Wyeth asked.

  Savanna opened her eyes and stopped the conversation with her guides. Wyeth stood behind her, and she saw the unspoken invitation in his eyes. He wanted to have her in his arms once more. She wanted to be there as well, and Drake’s. “Do you believe it all? Honestly? How do you feel about me?”

  “Drake and I were talking about that. We know we have to work this whole attraction thing out between us. Two alpha males adoring the same woman is difficult. Makes one a little jealous. He doesn’t know if any other dragons have had two mates before. You know I’ve never had anything like this happen to me, either. It’s not normal. You’re right, I never would’ve looked at you. I planned on coming to check on you after I brought you home. You were cute, in a way, but definitely not my type. I do want to pursue something with you. My head keeps telling me this isn’t possible, but my heart tells me it’s possible. That anything can be possible. It’s the strangest thing. I can sense Drake in a way I haven’t been able to before. Growing up, I had always heard stories. I thought they were crazy until I saw him at my father’s funeral. I resented him, because his family was there whenever we made these decisions. Now I understand. Part of me wants what he wants. It’s very creepy. There is me, and then when I think about him, I have this other sense tied to you. I can feel you like an echo of my heartbeat. I’m babbling. And then an overwhelming rage erupts when I see him going toward you. Those are my feelings, and it’s not a simple answer. “

  “It sounds as though you’re as conflicted as me when it comes to this thing that is winding tighter and tighter around us. Maybe it’s best for me to stay away and not bother with either of you. Then you can return to your lives. When I’m away from you, I’m not obsessed with the two of you. I can think clearly.” Savanna could distance herself from the two men and get back to business as usual.

  “You know as well as I do, that isn’t happening. The longer and the further you run from this the more painful it will be for us. Besides, we’ll find you and bring you back. I know that from other dragons. They run from it, and it drives them insane until the other comes back or they are found. I wouldn’t want to see that happen to you. Come on, Savanna. Listen to your heart. It’s the best mode of communication. Don’t fight it.” Drake stood in the living room by the balcony, but giving her and Wyeth enough space so she would not be overwhelmed.

  Listen to her heart, the very advice her guides had imparted. The very same she had always given her clients came out of the mouth of this man. If what Drake said was true, they would find her if she ran. Was it possible she could find love with these two men and get past the lust?

  “Even if all that’s true, in a mo
nth you’re going home. There is no reason for us to get involved in any kind of relationship. I’m not going to stand in your way. You will have others of your kind there. Whatever you’re feeling for me, for us, it will fade. You can’t say you haven’t thought of that?”

  “Of course I have, but this bond is not something I will form with another woman or dragonkin. There is only one soul mate for a dragonkin. I can’t say how it is between dragons and their spellcasters. We were always considered wild dragons, and there were others who never had the ability to shift between the forms.”

  “How does that happen, anyway?” Wyeth asked.

  Drake shot him a harsh look. “Do you really want to talk about that now?”

  He shrugged. “I’m just trying to change the subject, because the three of us are all asking, or at least thinking, the same question. We don’t want to address it.”

  “Which is what?” Drake questioned her.

  “Are we going to end up in bed together?” Wyeth inquired.

  Chapter Ten

  Kestrel stared in the mirror and wasn’t sure that she could believe what had happened to her. Ralag was beside her. The old man seemed as worried about her as she was astonished. She ran her fingers over her face to make sure she was entirely reintegrated into her body. The baby kicked to reaffirm she was anchored in her flesh. When the switch had transpired, it wasn’t something she had been expecting. Originally Kestrel gazed into the mirror to future gaze and see what would happen in the months to come. Ralag said it was a talent she had acquired.

  She had peered into the glass and waited for it to cloud over, but she felt a tug on her consciousness. Kestrel was whisked along the connection and when she opened her eyes she stared at a strange man. It took her a moment to realize that she was sharing her vision with Savanna. It was not a pleasant experience. Kestrel had received the information about the spell and the storm from Orlana.

  Gazing through the eyes of the woman she inhabited, she knew they were linked. It was the connection that Kestrel and Andrik shared. This woman was Meruke’s mate. Kestrel didn’t know Savanna’s thoughts, but as she took in her location, things did not shine the way they did in her realm. There was no magic in this place. It was heavier, and she was bound to her flesh more.

  “Did it work?” Ralag asked. “Did you see him? Were you able to tell them about the spell?”

  Kestrel raised her hand to stop him from peppering her with questions until her head stopped spinning. “Yes. I was able to go there. I didn’t have enough time to tell them completely about the incantation. What about you? Did she come here?”

  “Yes. Savanna stayed long enough. I whispered the spell to her. I hope she got it. I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to do this again.”

  She snorted. “It wasn’t my intention, and I don’t think it was hers. I think Savanna initializes this link.”

  “Is she that powerful?” Ralag asked.

  “I don’t know. There is no magic in their world. I’m surprised Meruke has survived this long. He is the bright light against the backdrop that is their reality, not really fitting in, and yet trying to because that is what he has had to do for so long. And yet, it has changed him in some way. And I also noticed something else while I was there.”

  “Such as.”

  “He’s formed a mate bond between Savanna and another human male.”

  “How do you think that’s going to affect him?” another voice came from the library.

  Andrik. Her heart swelled. He kissed her and trailed his finger down her face. Her entire body quickened. The touch of him always brightened her spirit and made the links between the two of them flare open. They were two halves of the same whole and could share one another’s magic as if it were breathing. They were connected telepathically, although they tried to stay out of one another’s mind, except when they joined together as one.

  “I missed you,” she admitted.

  “As I you, little bird. I hate to be without your touch for so long, but it’s been necessary for me to go to the Athenaeum and see what the rebels are brewing. There are still some who want to see the bond between Blaze Mountain and the spellcasters broken. The peace between us in these past ten years has been good.”

  “I still should’ve gone, or you should’ve sent...”

  He waved his hand to silence her, because this was the same argument they had before. “And you know I wasn’t going to send anyone else. I’m not going to be my father and stay in the mountain while the other dragons forget about me. He was so depressed that the dragons forgot about us. We’re reaching out all over the kingdoms so that they know we are there for them. Other dragons are coming from all over. Besides, I wasn’t going to send you anywhere in your condition.”

  “My condition.” She chuckled. “It’s not like I’m useless. I am the queen and all.”

  He touched her belly and the baby kicked. The baby knew he was there with her. “You’re pregnant, and my first duty is to make sure you’re protected along with our young.” He brushed his lips over her cheek until he nibbled on her ear. “Besides, I want to feed you later, and we can make up for lost time.”

  Kestrel licked her lips and thought of the first time he had suggested feeding her raw meat, and it had turned her stomach. Now it was something she looked forward to, because it created an even greater intimacy between them. It was one of the duties a male did with females who had young or who were with child, and in the meantime it created a sense of trust between the two mates. “That would be nice. And yes, we have some things to make up for. And I understand why you wanted to go there, but I have always been the voice for us at the Athenaeum. I was once part of it.”

  “I know. And I’m not undermining it. They treated you as if you didn’t exist while you were there. You were the librarian for years because they didn’t know what to do with you and...”

  She put a hand on his chest. “Calm yourself, love. That’s in the past and nothing you need to remember. We have to focus on the future and helping Meruke. Whatever is going to happen with the Athenaeum, it will calm down. The dragons there can’t always want to go against what the king says. No matter what you say, you’re still their king. They know if you make a decision. Weren’t you asking about Meruke?”

  “Yes. Do you think he’ll be able to come back?” Andrik asked.

  “If Savanna wrote down the words I whispered to her, then they should be able to. Once the storm hits we have to say the spell here, too. His mother will help us, and with Kestrel we should have enough magic to open the doorway on this side. They are going to need to do it on their side as well. If they can pass through the eye of the storm, they will be able to come through,” Ralag explained.

  “You’re assuming Meruke will bring the two he has mated with?” Kestrel asked.

  “Wait? He has two mates?” Andrik questioned them. “I didn’t think that was possible.”

  “It can happen,” Ralag said. “It’s rare, but some dragons have two mates. There’s another question we must concentrate on.”

  “What is that?” Kestrel asked.

  “When Meruke comes back, will he want to rule? Before he disappeared, he was crowned king. He is your uncle. It’s from his younger brother we’re descended.” Ralag trailed his finger over the family tree that was still there.

  Kestrel studied the family history. “I don’t think he’s interested in ruling, from what I could see.”

  “Yes, but you were only there for a little bit. You don’t know him. Being gone must have been hell for him. I suspect he’s going to want to come back and learn his history that he has lost.” Andrik wound his hands around her waist and held her closer.

  Sometimes being around him made it hard for Kestrel to think, but she had to stay clearheaded for this. “Meruke seems constrained where he is now, and if he comes back here he can be himself. He won’t have to hide what he is. I’m sure he’ll see that there isn’t a place for him on the throne.”

  Ralag sigh
ed. “I hope you’re right. We will have to wait and see. We must prepare for this storm and spread the word about the damage it will cause. All the crops have to be taken in. We will have to make room in the castle for those who will ask for sanctuary.”

  “Is it really going to be that bad?” Andrik asked.

  Kestrel shivered as the cold of that otherworldly power speared her. She gripped the edge of the table as the voice of prophecy came from her. “The storm will bring ruin to many and renewal after the sufferings have passed. Floods will cover the land, and mountains will crumble. Powers will come together and threaten to tear the worlds apart. The magic you wish to work will happen at a great time where many things will be turning. Many worlds are to be piled atop one another. Be ready for things to come.”

  As suddenly as the energy overcame her, it left. Andrik led her to the chair so she could sit down and contemplate what she had said.

  “What did that mean?” Ralag asked.

  “It means we have to organize for something awful.”

  “Is it because of the magic we’ll be working?” Andrik ran his fingers over some of the books on a nearby shelf.

  She shook her head. “No. It’s a natural occurrence that will come with the alignments. It’s not just an alignment of this world and whatever the world is that Meruke is in. It’s an alignment of many other places as well.”

  “What are we going to have to prepare for?” Ralag leaned heavily on his staff.

  “The worst,” she whispered.

  Chapter Eleven

  Wyeth looked at the two of them and knew they were thinking the same thing. Were they going to end up in bed? Being around her was slowly driving him out of his mind so that he could feel her soft skin against him. He hadn’t thought about what he would do when she had come over. Dinner had been planned so they could talk and get to know one another. Sure, there had been other women he had jumped into bed with on their first or second date, but he didn’t want to do that with Savanna. After she went outside on the balcony, it hit him. They were arguing over nothing. She was the most important thing in the whole equation.


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