The Fire Goddess and Her Wolves [The Shifters of Freedom Springs 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Fire Goddess and Her Wolves [The Shifters of Freedom Springs 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Maia Dylan

  The Shifters of Freedom Springs 2

  The Fire Goddess and Her Wolves

  Fiona Aideen is a Fire Elemental who knows how to take care of herself just fine. It's the two wolf shifters who claim she is their mate and the psychotic demon with a God complex hell bent on the destruction of earth she's going to have some difficulty with.

  Cole and Travis Winters are twins with a mission. Convince their mate that she is exactly what they want and need, and that they can be the same for her. They both know that getting Fiona to accept them both will be a challenge, but neither of them are willing to take no for an answer. Not when the prize was so damn perfect for them and everything they had ever hoped for in a mate.

  Can the three come together to solve her portion of the prophecy and bring them one step closer to victory, or will Fiona’s past and her fears stop them before they’ve even begun?

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Shape-shifter

  Length: 41,471 words



  Shifters of Freedom Springs 2

  Maia Dylan


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2015 by Maia Dylan

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-63259-630-7

  First E-book Publication: August 2015

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To my love, for encouraging me when I need it and pushing me when I don’t feel like it, and loving me unconditionally at all times.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  About the Author



  Shifters of Freedom Springs 2


  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter 1

  Our lady Olwen, on lilies she treads

  Hides in the Otherworld, from a fate that she dreads

  When Carnage threatens to overwhelm

  The Elementals must rise to save this realm

  Earth comes first, as Spring takes hold

  To altar the future and watch it unfold

  A key must be found to unlock the door

  Or Aeron and carnage will reign once more

  Fire comes next, as Summer descends

  With a heat and a rage that may never end

  Fire takes two to calm the beast

  And extinguish the fire that burns in the east.

  Air is third when the Autumn leaves fall

  The power of blood could win or lose all

  A champion must rise and bring forth a shift

  To hold them in light and close off the rift

  Water is last as winter sets in

  To fight in a battle they all must win

  Carnage will know his chances are done

  When Spirit and Water are united as one

  Olwen stood quietly within the area of the portal, the only place in the Otherworld she was safe from Aeron and his soldiers. She would have to leave its safe haven soon or risk starving to death, but she knew he was close. After centuries of fighting him, she had developed a sixth sense whenever he was near. Her skin would crawl and the scars of the wounds he had inflicted on her would burn, and right now, everything within her was telling her he was close.

  Olwen had fled to the Otherworld to save her father centuries ago, and Aeron had become obsessed with her almost from the time he laid eyes on her. She had fought his advances at every turn. He demanded that she give him her heart, but what he failed to realize was that it was no longer hers to give. It belonged then, as it did now, to Rohan.

  When his demands went unmet, and his threats turned into beatings, she remained steadfast in her refusal. She knew she just needed to bide her time. The prophecy would come to pass and her Elementals would join her on this journey to save the Earth.

  “Olwen, come now, why do we continue to do this?” Aeron’s voice came through the mist that surrounded the area of the portal. She shivered at the sound of his voice, knowing she would hear it in her nightmares for the rest of her life. Even if her chosen Elementals were to get her out of this Realm and back into hers.

  “If you would just give in to me, be mine so that I might treasure you for all time, and we can rule over the Earth Realm together, we can put an end to this infernal fight between us and be done with this damn prophecy!”

  Olwen shook her head at his words. Aeron’s id
ea of ruling over a realm was with an iron fist that would no doubt be covered in the blood of the innocents who lived there. If he were to enter the Earth realm, he would take his ghastly followers with him, and carnage and chaos would reign. Only the prophecy and her Elementals stood in the way of that becoming a reality.

  Olwen wanted to argue, to scream that she would rather die than join him, but she needed to conserve her strength, the side benefit being that her silence would drive Aeron crazy. “Olwen! You will come to me or you will die! Do you hear me? You will join your precious Rohan in death. There will be no future for the two of you together!”

  Hearing her beloved’s name pass the lips of that insidious creature had her anger rising, but still she keep a firm grip on her control. She just needed to wait him out. During the first round of the battle of the Elemental Prophecy, Aeron had been hurt. He had been injured because he had underestimated the strength and the determination of her Elementals.

  He had thought by planting doubt and spewing his foulness into their minds that they would simply give in to him, but he had severely miscalculated the strength of her Fire Elemental. Fiona had come at him with everything she had, and she had hurt him. Olwen’s concern was that she had hurt herself in the process, but she hoped that the mates she had destined for Fiona would help her heal.

  Despite the dire situation, Olwen couldn’t help but smile when she imagined how Fiona might react when she discovered that she was the destined mate of not one, but two alpha wolf shifters. For a woman who had walked a challenging road in life, having two men love, cherish and protect her seemed only fair. Fiona just had to allow them to do it.

  Chapter 2

  “Fiona! You need to get your ass up out of that bed and come downstairs! Your mates are on their way over and I don’t think they are going to take no for an answer anymore!” Casey’s voice got louder as she stomped up the stairs, no doubt making her way to Fiona’s room. Fiona groaned and pulled the blankets over her head. As a child, she had always thought that blankets pulled up over your head were impregnable. Not monster, claw, knife or weapon could hurt you if you had your head under the covers. She pulled her pillow over her head for good measure. As a child, her nighttime monsters and demons weren’t as loud as Casey Rika.

  Bang. Bang. Bang.

  Christ, it was lucky Casey owned the damn house. If she knocked any louder, she might actually do some structural damage to the foundations of the house. Fiona grinned when she realized she was speaking about her Elemental sister who had the ability to manipulate Earth. Hell, she had witnessed her incredible power only two short weeks ago!

  Fiona was still in awe of the level of control she had over her element. Since the day they had solved the first part of the prophecy, which involved them taking back the spiritual altar of the goddess Olwen by having Casey and Micah get their freak on while sitting on the damn thing, Casey had been working with her daily, trying to improve her control. It was slow going, but she hadn’t set any furniture alight since the night she destroyed the couch.

  Sure, she had torched a couple of trees in the yard, but one of them was totally not her fault. The blame for that one could be laid right at the feet of Travis and Cole Winters. Who the hell just came right out and blurted that they were the fated mates for one woman? Who the hell just did that? But for them to both lay claim to her in front of Casey, her mate Micah, and Casey’s mom, well, that had just been a little too much for Fiona.

  Moments after they announced, or rather, roared that she was their mate, and that supposedly her future in the relationship department was going to be a ménage—which, for a virgin, was pretty damn intimidating—a tree had exploded at the edge of the property. So, yeah, totally not her fault. She had used the confusion and chaos that followed to slip upstairs and away from it all. She had called to Casey down their Elemental link, begging her to tell them to leave, that she would contact them when she was ready.

  Casey, bless her, had done just that, and took it a step further by actually getting them to agree not to come by or call Fiona until she reached out first. Fiona could have kissed her for that, but apparently that offer had a statute of limitations on it that expired after two weeks.

  “I mean it, Fiona Aideen.” Casey’s voice boomed through the room. Hell, she could project through a solid wooden door! She sounded like she was actually in the room with her!

  Fiona squealed and sat up when someone sat down on her bed, and when the pillow and blanket fell away, she came face-to-face with one grumpy-looking Earth Elemental. “How in the hell did you get in here? I locked the damn door!”

  Casey rolled her eyes, “Oh please, as if a flimsy lock is going to keep an Elemental out.” Grinning suddenly, Casey admitted, “Especially one who had a misspent youth and a boyfriend at the age of sixteen who taught her how to pick locks!” She held up two thin pieces of metal, one of which had a ninety-degree angle bend in it. What a cheater!

  “Yeah, well, what do you want? It’s early and I’m not feeling well.” Fiona threw herself backward on the bed, faking a moan and grabbing her abdomen. She had always fancied herself a bit of an actress, but from the unamused look on Casey’s face, she thought maybe she should rethink that.

  “Oh, for Christ’s sake!” Casey pulled all the blankets off the bed and threw them on the floor. Her eyes widened when she caught sight of Fiona’s sleeping attire in all its glory, a tank top and boy shorts with pictures of the gang from Scooby Doo on them. “Huh. I would have pegged you more for a Simpsons or Family Guy lover.”

  “What’s wrong with Scooby and the gang? They solve a hell of a lot of mysteries, you know.” Fiona crossed her legs and tucked her hair behind her ears, very content to continue the conversation on cartoons, knowing it was more acceptable than the alternative of—“Travis and Cole.” Damn it! “They’re on their way over here and there is nothing I can do to stop them, and Fi…” Casey sighed. “I wouldn’t anyway, because you need to talk with them.”

  Fiona closed her eyes, shaking her head.

  “I have absolutely no idea what to say to them, Casey.” Fiona’s took a deep breath, then voiced what she thought must be the reason why they were so desperate to talk to her. “What if they were mistaken? What if I’m not their mate, and they have come to tell me that it was all just a horribly embarrassing mistake?” Fiona was suddenly not too sure if that would be a good thing or a bad thing. She had felt something for Cole as soon as she had laid eyes on him, and then Travis had entered the scene and had her need increasing twofold.

  Hell, she had been dreaming of them both since she was a child! But because they only ever appeared individually, she had thought they were the same person. Granted, one was taller than the other and there were definitely differences between the two, but to a child, it was the same boy who came to her, talked to her and made her love them. In her dreams, she was quick to add, not like in real life or anything.

  “Fiona!” Casey suddenly rammed a pillow in her face. “There is no mistaking the damn mating bond, and if you weren’t so damn afraid, you would recognize them as yours, too. You can’t tell me that you haven’t dreamed of them since you were a child, because I’d know you were full of shit. Now, get the hell out of this bed, put your Scooby jammies under your pillow, pull on your big-girl panties and come and talk with your goddamn mates! I am at the end of my tether, Fiona. They call me incessantly, checking to see if you’re okay or ready to talk to them.”

  Casey stood up and moved to the door, scowl firmly in place. “And it is interfering with my life. Worse, it is interfering with my sex life! They have cock blocked me and mine twice in the last twenty-four hours and I have had it! So, yeah, I told them you said you were ready to have a conversation.”

  “What!” Fiona screeched and leapt up from the bed.

  “Like I said, Fiona, you need them, and they sure as hell want you, so have a conversation and get to the good bits.” Casey suddenly grinned and wriggled her eyebrows. “Because I know damn well ho
w fucking good it can be with one Winters brother. I can only imagine how hot it will be with two of them!”

  “And that is something you will never fucking know, Casey Rika!” Micah’s voice boomed from downstairs and Casey startled.

  “I didn’t mean that I wanted a ménage with them, Micah. I was trying to give her a fucking pep talk!” Casey screamed back as she left the room, arguing with her mate the entire way. Fiona’s shoulders dropped in defeat and she made her way into her bathroom, wondering, if she spun it out for three hours, if people would become suspicious.

  * * * *

  Travis looked at his watch for about the fiftieth time in half an hour. Where the hell is she?

  When Casey had called to tell him and Cole that she was ready to talk to them, he had leapt out of bed and was halfway down the drive to his truck before he heard his brother shout his name. He’d turned, expecting to see Cole running to join him by the truck, just as keen to get to their mate as he was.

  “Travis, you head over there naked and she’s likely to cut you,” Cole’s amused words brought him up short and he looked down. Sure enough, he was buck-naked, and he was thankful that he and Cole had built their house in the woods on the outskirts of town. Head high, and ignoring the warmth spreading up his face he strode back to the house.

  Now, he felt just as naked sitting in the kitchen of the old Bradford house waiting for Fiona to come down the stairs. He had left the army three weeks ago, and had planned to spend a couple of days getting everything squared away, knowing that he was coming home for good. But the day after he was honorably discharged, he had felt this urge to get home as soon as possible. He had called Cole and heard about Micah getting mated and that things were slightly strange at home, but nothing that would warrant this deep-seeded need he had to get on the road and get home as soon as possible.


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