Taken: A Dark Romance Collection

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Taken: A Dark Romance Collection Page 9

by Duvane, JB

  “Of course,” I said, pulling off at the next exit. It was just as well that we stopped now. I didn't want her wandering around the house unattended as soon as we got there. Of course, I had removed things from plain sight that I didn't want her to see, but there was always the off chance that she would be a little snoop, which given her demeanor at times, was pretty likely. As I watched her blond ponytail disappear into the rest stop bathroom, I became even more excited to get this week underway.

  When she got back in the car, I laughed to myself when I saw that her makeup had been retouched, and she had brushed through her hair.

  Not much point in all of that, I thought to myself. I knew I was going to have her all messed up again soon enough.

  Within a half hour, we were pulling up the long drive that led to my vacation home. Even though it was only a couple hours from the city, it always felt like I was in another country when I came out here. Another place that was so far removed from the rest of the world that it had all but disappeared. This place was my sanctuary. Where everything that happened revolved around my desires and my needs. In all the years that Amelia and I were together she had only once or twice agreed to join me out here. But now I had Emily here with me, and I wasn’t going to let her go.

  I walked around to her side of the car and let her out. It was dusk and the only sounds were the crickets and the rustling wind. I grabbed Emily's suitcase from the trunk and approached her where she was standing. She hugged her arms around her thin body, waiting impatiently to go inside.

  "It's chilly out here," Emily complained. "I should have brought a jacket."

  "It's always a little cooler out here in the country. Don't worry, though, we won’t be out here long and I keep it nice and toasty inside,” I assured her. I couldn’t help but notice how far her hard nipples were poking out underneath her thin shirt. My cock flared again as I put one arm around her and guided her up the steps.

  I unlocked the door and stepped inside, flicking on the lights. Emily was right behind me. She gasped as she looked around the entry with awe. We entered a large foyer, with dark mahogany trim and moss green walls.

  "Welcome, Emily. Make yourself comfortable." I gestured for her to walk in ahead of me to the living room. I set her suitcase down at the base of a staircase, then took of my jacket and hung it on a rack near the entry. Emily sat down on an oversized couch with massive pillows that came up to her shoulders. She looked like a little girl sitting in a grown-up chair and it made me smile.

  “How about a drink?” I asked, clasping my hands together.

  “That sounds good,” she said. Her voice sounded a bit shaky, as if she were unsure of herself, which made me all the more excited. I went to the kitchen then came back out to find her looking at one of my paintings. She turned when I walked up behind her and smiled when I handed her a glass of sherry.

  “Are you trying to get me drunk, doctor?” she asked with a bat of her eyelashes. “It’s not very professional to ply an underage girl with alcohol.”

  “You're a mature young lady, and I'm sure you can handle a glass of sherry. Besides, I thought it would help you relax a bit. And no more of that doctor business this week, Emily,” I reminded her. “I mean it.”

  Emily smiled, taking a sip. “Oh yeah, I forgot. Thank you, Max.”

  I tapped on my glass for a moment, watching Emily and deciding my next move. It was time I got a bit more stern with her. She was on my territory now, and I figured I should start out early on making sure she understood that I wouldn't tolerate any more games. I didn’t want to leave a doubt in her mind as to who was in charge—fully and completely in charge.

  "Emily, since we are going to be spending the week together, I think it might be a good idea for me to show you what I expect from you.”

  Her eyes flashed at me. “What you expect?”

  “Yes, in fact, maybe it would be a good idea for me to show you the rest of the house now, and then we can go see your room. I want you to start to feel more comfortable here … with me—“

  “Oh, but I do feel comfortable, Max. I’ve been so excited about this trip.”

  “This isn’t just a trip, Emily. I want you to understand the nature of the relationship we have now. I want you to stop blurring the boundaries of our roles.”

  “I thought you said we were friends. You’ve said it more times than I can count, actually.” She straightened her back a bit and I could tell that I had hit some sort of nerve.

  “Look, this is supposed to be a relaxing week for the both of us,” I said, setting my glass down and putting my hand on her shoulder. “I don’t want any bad feelings. I just feel that it would benefit both of us to be clear about where we stand in regards to one another. Don’t you agree?” I looked deeply into her eyes, tucking a tuft of hair behind her ear.

  "I agree completely," Emily said, gazing back at me and looking relieved.

  I offered her my hand and led her down the hall that was off the main living room. The house was large—not as large as her mother's house that she had grown up in, but was still large enough that most would consider it to be a rather lavish property.

  I noticed that she had kicked off her heels under the couch before we had left the room and smiled to myself at this. Emily was so strong, yet so pliable at the same time. She clearly was begging for someone to take care of her. Take control and relieve the burdens that she had been carrying for so long.

  Everything about her made me want to keep her all to myself. To keep her here and never let her go. I had never worked out in my own head exactly why this was, but it was obviously something that had become more than a habit throughout my life. I didn’t want to share what was mine with anyone. I didn’t even want to share her beauty with the world anymore. They’d all seen enough of her. Her remaining years would be for me alone.

  When I looked at her again she was much shorter than she had been with her shoes on. She looked just like an oversized doll.

  "Which way to my room, Max?" she asked, biting her bottom lip and looking at me excitedly, with a touch of seductive darkness in her eyes.

  "We'll get there. First, I wanted to show you the deck.” I led her through the kitchen, and to the back of the house, which was nearly a single wall of glass. Through the massive window there was a view of the woods, and beyond that, the mountains.

  Emily gasped. "It's beautiful!"

  She stepped back from the window, backing up against my body, and I put an arm around her and turned her toward me.

  "I was hoping you'd think so," I said. “I want you to be happy here, Emily. I want you to stay for a long time.”

  “So this is for longer than a week?” she asked, her eyes filled with hope.

  “Yes, I want this to be for longer than a week.”

  “Oh, Max!” She threw her arms around me and I lifted her up, her slim body so light in my arms. “I’m so happy! I would do anything for you, you know that.”

  “I certainly hope so,” I said as I set her back down on the ground. "Now, lets go see your room."

  Chapter 11 - Emily

  I turned and followed Max down the hall. When we arrived in front of a closed door, the last door in the hallway and in the very corner of the house, he paused. Max pulled a satin blindfold out of his pocket and dangled it in front of me.

  “I’m going to place this over your eyes?" he growled in my ear, running the silky fabric over my bare shoulder. His chest was pressed up against mine as he moved both hands behind my head. "I want this to be a surprise."

  I started to say something about feeling silly, but when I looked into his eyes, I sensed his seriousness. I gulped, but silently nodded yes, keeping my eyes on his until the blackness overtook them. I was willing to do just about anything to get his cock inside me at this point.

  I felt him tie the delicate fabric around my eyes, then he took my hand. I heard the door open and I was led across the threshold.

  "Are you ready now, Emily?" Max’s voice was somehow fir
m and gentle at the same time.

  I felt like my life was in his hands and even though I was nervous, I gave myself to him willingly. "Yes,” I replied, my voice shaking.

  I suddenly felt his hot lips on my neck and jumped. It startled me at first but I quickly sank back against him as a warm tingling sensation spread from my neck to my pussy. His lips dug into the curve of my neck at my shoulder, the most sensitive spot, as his strong arms held me tight against him. I could feel his cock grow harder as each second passed. A deep moan escaped from my throat as his teeth nibbled my skin—gently at first, but then harder so that the tingles blended with pain that shot throughout my body.

  I almost cried out when he stopped. I immediately felt the absence of his lips. I felt him carefully untying the blindfold and smoothing my hair down.

  When I opened my eyes they darted around a lavishly decorated room. Dark wood walls with wallpapered panels, drapes that gathered elegantly on the floor and sheer curtains that let the fading sun in.

  Eventually my eyes landed on the lavish four poster bed that was the centerpiece of the room. Chained to the dark wood bedposts were black leather restraints on all four corners. In the middle of the bed sat a gift box, tied with a single black ribbon. Next to the bed an array of candles were arranged on an antique dresser, and beyond that a full length mirror that reflected the box that sat on the bed.

  I looked at Max questioningly. "This … this is my room?" There was some fear in my voice that made me cringe. I didn’t want Max to think I was too young and inexperienced for him, but I hadn’t imagined this.

  "Do you think you'll be comfortable in here?" He asked with smiling eyes. "I think we'll both be able to get very comfortable. Don't you?"

  My breath caught in my throat. I wasn’t sure what to say. I had wanted this. I wanted Max to be in control, to dominate me the way he did in his office, but now that I was faced with cuffs and chains I didn’t know how I felt. "I think so," I answered quietly, my eyes on the leather cuffs.

  I slowly took a step toward the bed. "What's in the box?"

  “It contains what you will be wearing the rest of the evening. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to step away for a moment and allow you to change.” He took the glass of sherry that I still held in my hand and set it on the bedside table, then pushed the box toward me.

  "When I return to the room, I expect you to be dressed in your new attire, I expect this drink to be gone, and I expect you to be waiting on this bed for me. Is that clear?" His eyes bored into mine, making sure I gave him an answer.

  I nodded again, unable to make any words come out of my mouth. Max brushed his hand against my cheek and smiled. "Good, I'll be back shortly," he whispered.

  Then I was alone in the room. I looked around again to get my bearings and try to calm myself. I started to panic a little when the thought occurred to me that maybe I really didn’t know Max that well at all.

  “No,” I said out loud to myself. “You’re being silly. This is all just new and a little scary. Max isn’t going to hurt you.” I looked in the full length mirror across the bed at the hollow stare that met mine. “He loves you.”

  * * *

  When Max opened the door again a few minutes later I was on the bed exactly as he had instructed. I was wearing the black lace panties and garter that I had found in the box, and my breasts were covered by a sheer camisole with corset-like ribbons that tied up the front. It was took time to tie myself, but I did it as quickly as I could. I didn’t want to disappoint Max.

  I sat perched on the edge of the bed and watched him enter the room. He couldn’t take his eyes off of me and that alone was worth pushing through the nervousness and uncertainty I felt. Max set a tray of drinks on the side table and approached me, his hard cock already visible in his pants.

  "Have I done everything the way you wanted, Max?" I asked softly.

  “Yes,” he assured me. “Everything is perfect. Are you comfortable in your new attire?" he asked, staring openly at my breasts that were pushed up high by the corset and clearly visible through the sheer black fabric.

  I smiled. I didn’t want to be difficult, but this was the most uncomfortable thing I’d ever put on in my life. "No," I admitted.

  "Good, you aren't supposed to be. Besides, it will be coming off shortly."

  "So you're going to fuck me now?” I asked, suddenly desperate to feel his cock inside me again. That’s all I wanted, to feel him inside me. To be as close to him as humanly possible.

  Max gave me a stern look and spoke firmly. “Yes, Emily, I am going to fuck you. However … from this point forward, you will do exactly as I say. When we are together like this you will only speak when I address you.” He trailed a finger over my lips and stared at them as he continued. "You will open up your legs or your mouth when I tell you." His hand moved down and held my chin softly. "And, you will only come when I tell you to.” Moving his hand down to my pussy, he pet the soft area between my legs through the thin fabric. I could feel the wetness seeping through my panties and when Max brought his finger back up and pushed it into my mouth I tasted myself on him.

  “Do you understand?”


  “Yes, what?”

  “I-I don’t know,” I stammered. I wasn’t sure what he wanted me to call him. He had already made it clear that I wasn’t to call him doctor, and I imagined Max wasn’t what he was after either. “Yes, Sir?”

  Max smiled as he looked down at me. “Very good. You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Max unbuttoned his shirt and quickly shrugged out of it, throwing it to the floor.

  "Stand up," he instructed me.

  I stood, looking up at him while I did. He was mesmerizing. It was almost as if power was emanating off of him as his eyes burned into me. I felt my throat go dry and my stomach drop as he stared at me, and had to look away. I’d had many men’s eyes on me before. Older men usually made it blatantly clear that they were looking at me everywhere I went. But no eyes had ever had this effect on me before. When Max looked at me like this I was powerless to say no to him. I knew that I would literally do anything he asked me to do from here on out.

  Chapter 12 - Max

  "Look at me," I whispered. She lifted her face toward mine, undoubtedly expecting a kiss.

  "Do you want this?" I asked her. This wasn't something that I would normally confirm at this point. I didn’t care about consent when it came to the other girls. They were usually so messed up that they barely knew what was going on, but for some reason with Emily I needed to know that she wanted this as much as I did.

  I didn’t know if it was her admission of what she had been through with her father that made me feel extra protective of her, or the simple fact that she was the spitting image of her mother. But for whatever reason, I had feelings for her that made things different—feelings that I hadn’t been able to completely come to terms with, that scared me a little and made me somewhat uncomfortable. I wanted her to be here for me, but I also wanted her to be here with me.

  Emily nodded. Her lips were a natural shade of dark pink and her cheeks were flushed—her physicality giving away her arousal and telling me the truth that she wasn’t willing to let past her lips just yet.

  I smiled. "On your knees, then."

  She silently obeyed, and I unbuckled my pants, letting them fall to the floor.

  "Keep your hands folded in your lap," I instructed her, as I pulled out my aching cock.

  She eagerly lifted her face, her lips slightly parted. I guided my head between her lips, and she allowed my length to glide down the surface of her tongue. Her warm, inviting mouth sucked me in slowly. Watching my cock disappear between her lips again was even better this time because it was all for me. I was watching her suck me down while she was wearing the clothing that I had picked out for her.

  She was going to be my most perfect slave.

  I didn't force myself into her. I would be fucking her other
holes soon enough. Instead, I enjoyed watching her do all of the work, craning her neck to take me in and pressing her cute nose against my pubic bone when she had me completely down her throat. And all the while those gorgeous eyes stayed on mine. She hadn’t forgotten what I’d demanded of her in the office. She had already learned what I wanted—what I needed from her.

  She made soft moaning noises, and I had to withdraw before I lost control and came down her throat too soon. Tonight, what I had in mind for her was to squeeze my fat cock into that tight, virgin pussy of hers.

  "That's enough," I said sternly, pulling myself out of her mouth and immediately missing the warm wetness.

  "Remove your panties, and get on the bed."

  She cautiously did as I instructed, with mildly trembling hands. I watched closely as she hooked the sides of the flimsy lace fabric and pulled the panties down, revealing her smooth, bare pussy to me. Even in the dim light, she was glistening from her arousal. When the panties reached her feet, she slowly stepped out of them, and stepped backward to sit on the edge of the bed.

  "All the way back," I told her. Fluffing the pillows, I gestured that she should lay with her head on them. "Legs apart."

  I surveyed her lissome body as it stretched out before me, my cock responding by standing at full attention. Suddenly thoughts filled my head of that first time I had seen her beauty, that night outside the bedroom in the dark hallway.

  “Roll over onto your belly,” I commanded. My cock buried deep in her hot, tight pussy now as I fucked her. But my eyes weren’t on Amelia. My eyes were on the vision in the hallway. Emily stood there. So beautiful … so delicate. She stood there and she watched. She couldn’t take her eyes off of me and I knew then that she would be mine.

  Climbing on to the bed and positioning myself between her pale legs, I looked into Emily’s eyes. She patiently waited for me, her body trembling in anticipation.

  I leaned over her, untying the corseted top and letting it fall open. Her breasts popped out from the constraints of the sheer fabric, revealing hard nipples that cried out to be bitten and sucked. Her tits looked like candy to me, and I couldn't do anything but lean my head down and bite into one, groping the other with my hand and kneading the softness into my palm. My cock brushed against her dripping wet sex, and she gasped.


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