Lady Guardians: Ride For Free

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Lady Guardians: Ride For Free Page 3

by Hadley Raydeen

  “Goddammit. Why are you so stubborn? Why do you have to make things so difficult?” I shook my head.

  “Seems like I'm making things hard, Z.” Her attention dropped between us to my growing erection. She placed her small hand over the bulge and massaged it. I damn near lost my mind. It felt so freaking good, but Ky and I shouldn’t be doing this.

  “What are you doing?” I ground out through gritted teeth.

  “You say you want to help me... I know what you can do for me right now.” Her voice was small, but the words rang in my ears.

  She continued to massage and caress, making me feel good. “For one night, help me take my mind off of things. Can't exactly plot revenge if my mind is not thinking about it or it’s otherwise engaged. She continued rubbing me as she spoke, her words mesmerizing, her eyes never leaving me. Looking into her light brown eyes was hypnotizing. I could do that for her. I would do anything for Ky. “Do you know what you're asking, baby girl?” I asked, wrapping my arms around her, lifting her up on the sink. Her butt pushed the glasses back farther on the counter. The contents sloshed everywhere as the scent of whiskey mixed with the scent of her gave me a heady feeling. I dipped my head and captured her lips with mine. Kissing her was more than I ever thought it would be. Her lips were soft and demanding. Just like her.

  She sipped on my lips and did not give up. I would give her what she needs. What she wanted spoke volumes through that kiss. I dipped my head and nipped at her jaw and then her neck, licking and sucking there, placing my mark. She threw her head back allowing me better access. “Zach, I want you... I need you right now. Help me feel good. I need you to help me feel good. Take my mind off of all of it.”

  I obliged, tugging at the waistband of the boy shorts she was wearing.

  God damn.

  She wasn't wearing any panties. I could smell her arousal now, mixed with the scent of her and whiskey.

  “You drive me insane, Ky.”

  “Just take off the damn shorts, Z. Don't think about it. Get out your head and give me what I need and what you want.”

  “So bossy and stubborn.” I shook my head. “That's what gets you in trouble.”

  She pulled my shorts down over my ass and hips until my erection popped free. She looked down and then back up at me, and her eyes were wide.

  “Shit. Who knew you were working with all that?” She licked her lips as the first bead of pre-cum bubbled over my head.

  She wrapped her soft hands around my erection and pumped me once, then twice as I moaned.

  “Fuck me,” I whispered, squeezing my eyes shut tight.

  “That is what I'm trying to get you to do.” Her tone was low and teasing.

  I looked at her and she grinned back at me. “Oh, you got jokes, girl?”

  Her grin fell as she looked me dead in my eyes. “I'm not joking about needing this.” Her grip on my member held firm as she ran her thumb over the drop of pre-cum at my slit. She used the other hand to pull her boy shorts down the rest of the way before spreading her legs wide for me.

  “Help me not think about it,” she whispered, lightly scratching her fingernails around my hips before cupping my bare ass cheeks, pushing me further toward her. The tip of my erection hit her wetness, and I almost came right there.

  “We need protection,” I grunted.

  “I'm on the pill. I know you are clean. I am, too. Stop stalling,” she whined.

  I pressed forward the head of my cock splitting her open. She threw back her head, moaning a sound so animalistic. “Yes, Z. Fill me up…”

  My heart thundered in my chest as the sound whooshed in my ears.

  This would be so damn good. I knew she would be.

  Her head whipped back as she glared at me. “What the fuck is that?”

  I hadn't heard what she was talking about the first time. She placed a hand on my chest stopping me from pumping into her again. I stayed silent, the sound of our heavy breathing was the only thing I could hear until the sound came again...a pounding.

  “son-of-a-bitch, somebody is knocking at the front door.”

  She growled as I stepped back pulling my erection with me. She looked down at it and then back up at me. “Don’t think we're finished here.”

  Chapter 5


  I almost ripped the door off the hinges as I threw it open. Whoever was on the other side of this damn door would not like the me they were about to get.

  My cousin, Starla, stood on my front step. She wore black leather from head to toe, and her motorcycle helmet dangled from long manicured fingers. She looked every bit the badass.

  She knew how I felt about bikes and this lifestyle now, but it didn't stop her from coming over here dressed like this. I looked beyond her at her bike sitting in my driveway next to Zack’s.

  Christ, I couldn't get away from it, no matter how hard I tried.

  “What do you want, Star? Why are you showing up here unannounced?”

  “I would have been announced if you answered your damn phone for a change,” she snipped pushing a hand full of curls, similar to my own, over her shoulder

  “Yeah, she has a problem with not answering the phone.” I heard Zack say coming into the room. He looked freshly showered.

  That had to be the quickest shower in the history of showers.

  I raked a gaze over that sexy form I’d just been wrapped around like a tree monkey. I saw the hard-on was no longer there. He was pretty far gone when I left him in the bathroom. He probably needed a quick shower to calm himself down. I smirked to myself knowing I was the cause of that. We would definitely be revisiting that sometime soon.

  Star looked from me to him and back again. She narrowed her gaze, giving me a once-over and a knowing grin split her face. The smug expression was so much like my own; light caramel complexion, golden eyes wild unruly hair. We could have been twins.

  I rolled my eyes at her. She better not say a damn thing. “What do you want, Starla?” I asked again.

  “Don't get sassy with me, dear cousin,” she said pushing past me into my house. “What's up, Z?” She looked between the two of us again. “So, what exactly did I interrupt here?” she asked, brow raised.

  “Nothing,” Zach and I said in unison, making nothing sound like a whole lot of something.

  “Then why is he here with his shirt off, jeans riding low and wet?” Star pressed.

  “I believe I am the one paying the mortgage on this house. Who's here and their state of dress is not your concern. Now, I love you, cuz, but you need to tell me why you're here or you are gonna have a problem.”

  “Oh, we already have a problem. That is why I was trying to call you.” Star put a hand on her hip.

  “What's going on?” Zack asked, coming over to me.

  “It seems Aunt Stella and Buck decided they weren't going to wait for club procedures of the Guardians; they decided to take matters into their own hands.”

  “Christ, like mother like daughter,” Zach mumbled under his breath and I shot him a glare before I looked back at Starla.

  “What are you talking about, Star? Spit it out already,” I demanded.

  “After the Memorial Service yesterday, Aunt Stella and Buck made plans to go deal with the Hellhounds. They were supposed to go over and speak with the president, Luther…”

  Luther that name sounded so familiar. I tried to pick my brain until I remembered. The asshole that took Tangie…

  “They went over there by themselves; just the two of them—”

  “Why didn't they take more people?” I asked.

  “They said they were trying to go in peace, but I think that's a bunch of B.S. They know good and well the Hellhounds don’t want peace. They've been gone since yesterday. No one has heard from them. A few Guardians went over to check out the clubhouse and their bikes were nowhere to be seen. There were few people at the club, but when the Guardians tried to roll up, it was quickly suggested by the Dogs they leave.”

  “My mom wants ev
eryone to come over to the house. We have to talk about this and figure out what we're going to do next. She called in the national chapter of the Lady Guardians. Their president is on her way back out. This is a big deal. Not only are the president and vice of the Guardians missing, but the Lady Guardians president is missing as well. This is nobody but the Dogs. You know we don't promote violence or anything like that, but something needs to be done. They’ve gotten away with too much. We need to go.”

  Not only was my father missing but now my mother is, too? This shit was getting crazy. “Let me get dressed, and then we'll go.”

  When I returned, Zach had found a shirt and put it on. He stood talking to Starla in low whispers in the middle of the living room. “What are you two talking about?” I asked.

  Starla looked like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. I looked from her to Zach who looked guilty as well. “One of you two want to answer my question?”

  “Just trying to figure out a plan,” Zach spoke up. “Do you want to ride with me?” he asked, his helmet in his hand.

  “Hell no. You know I’m not getting on the back of that bike.” I shook my head.

  “You do know if the Guardians ride out to help avenge Uncle Free, Aunt Stella and Buck you will have to get on a bike, right? You can't trail behind us in your four-door sedan,” Starla quipped.

  “Shut the hell up, smart ass.” I rolled my eyes at her. I loved this girl like a sister, but her mouth was gonna get her ass kicked. But, I was one to talk… My mouth had written checks my ass had to cash for years. Today would be no different. “If I have to get on a bike, I will, but I'm not doing it tonight”. I grabbed my car keys. “I’ll meet you two at the clubhouse.”

  Chapter 6


  By the time we reached the clubhouse, it was abuzz with activity. There were people everywhere; some on their phones, some looking at maps, some in the corner talking.

  A pretty woman dressed in all black leather, except for the pink and steel patches, stood in the middle of the room with slick, black hair pulled into a ponytail. I vaguely remember seeing her at my dad's Memorial Service. I think she was the president of the Lady Guardians from the national chapter. I leaned in to ask Starla, “Is that—”

  Before I could get the question out my face, Starla cut me off.

  “Justice, President of the National L.G. Chapter, yeah, that's her.” She checked her phone for the umpteenth time.

  I wanted to ask her who the hell she was texting, but Justice spoke up killing my question to Star. “I need everybody to be quiet, please.” She only had to ask once. The place fell silent. “I want to thank the members of the Guardians and Lady Guardians from the Arlington chapter, the national chapter and the ones who came in from our Fairfax chapter to be with us here today. As we all know we have a dire situation here...”

  She had everyone’s attention; men and women alike. It was nice to see a woman take charge, but I have been used to seeing that all my life, women in authority. My mom and my aunt were no-nonsense. I could appreciate that, because they’d raised me to be the same way.

  When it came to this club... I don’t know if I could get behind it, but I knew in this situation, I had no choice. I was raised in this and I knew what Justice was about to say, and what we had to do. I took a seat; Starla next to me and Zack on the other side.

  “We've had a breach and you know as well as I do this is not what we stand for. This is not the Guardian way!” Justice continued. Several people around shook their heads in agreement. “We have to ride out, like it or not. One of ours is captured. We are going to go get her back.”

  “Not just one!” someone said in the far corner.

  Justice shook her head. “Yes, you're right, not just one. A Lady Guardian and Guardians; we're all family and this has to stop here. Free Trent was a good man, a nobleman, and he held this club over any other. It's a shame how he went out, and we won't stand for that.” She looked at me when she said it and I lowered my head. Nausea started to build in me and my head started to pound. I looked back up; she was still looking at me. “We will not let your father's death be in vain, Kyanne. We won't stand for this. We will send a team to take care of this. Starla, we've talked about this,” she said looking at my cousin. My cousin nodded once at the president of the national chapter. I looked at Star and did not take my gaze off her. What was Justice talking about? What did Starla talk to this woman about that she didn't tell me, especially if this had to do with my parents?

  I had every right to know. Starla refused to look at me. This isn't the first time my cousin had some explaining to do.

  “She has an in, and we will use it!” Justice declared. As the rest of the clubhouse cheered, Starla stiffened.

  The only in my cousin could have in the Hellhound clubhouse is that boy she knew from years ago. I didn't even know she was still talking to him. She never mentioned him... Elias... after that day. When I’d asked her, she brushed it off as knowing him from school. I was too traumatized by being kidnapped and what happened to Big Pete and Tangie to press her further about the boy. But, now that I thought about it more, I vividly remember the prick that pushed me up against the wall that day; that had it hard in the pants for my cousin. And, here we are ten years later and she was still talking to him?

  What in the entire fuck?

  When the meeting was adjourned, and we had our walking orders, I cornered Starla so damn quick heads could spin. Zach was hot on my tail.

  She was talking to the president, but I gave little to no shit. I needed answers and Starla had them.

  “Were you gonna tell me you were still talking to him?” I stepped in front of Star and the remaining people in the room quieted down.

  “Ky, please don’t start—”

  Oh, no. It’s already started, cousin. I put emphasis on that. Star and pretty much everyone that knew us knew I called her sister. She had always been like a sister to me but right now it was like I didn’t even know the woman standing in front of me.

  What the hell?

  “Kyanne,” she warned. “Now is not the—”

  “Don’t tell me when is a good time, Starla!” I countered.

  Justice cut in. “Kyanne—”

  “With all due respect, Prez. I’m beyond the point of fucked up. My dad is presumed dead, my mother and my pretend uncle are missing all at the hands of the club where she has an inside man. So, if you don’t mind, can you give me a second to ask my dear cousin, what in the entire hell?”

  “Kyanne.” Justice stopped me again. “We are working on this. We don’t know why your mother and Buck went off on their own, or if it even happened on their own accord.” She stepped toward me. “Trust we have your back, though. This is a family first and foremost. Even if you don’t trust it.”

  I looked into her sympathetic eyes, and though I wanted to hate everything about it, I trusted her. “Okay,” I resigned, my eyes filled with tears and I hated that. I did not want to do this in front of everyone. Tears were a sign of weakness to me, but I always cried when I got angry and there seemed to be nothing I could do about it. I couldn’t do anything about this. Everyone was keeping me in the dark, and it was a helpless feeling.

  “I know. I know,” She said again as she wrapped an arm around me and drew me in. “You don’t have to worry about this alone. You have your family here…and extended family. Okay? The national chapter, your neighbor chapter down the highway, Fairfax... We are here, Ky. I know you haven’t ridden for a while, but—”

  “I don’t even have a bike anymore.” I shook my head. “I don’t need one to—”

  Zach cut me off when he saw the look on Justice’s face, one of shock and disbelief. “I’ll get her a bike, Prez. Trust me, I have it covered. That’s what I’m here for.”

  Justice turned her gaze on Zach. With a raised brow, she looked him up and down. I don’t know if I quite cared for the look of appreciation for a fine male specimen in her eyes. She was classy, but could still
catch these hands if she didn’t stop looking at my man…

  She reached out her hand to him. “And, you are?”

  “Zachary Foster. Everyone calls me Z…”

  “Or, pain in my ass,” I mumbled.

  He glanced at me. “Or, the Arlington Guardians’ Tail Gunner.”

  Justice full out laughed at us. “You two are cute. A couple?” she asked.

  “No!” we both said too readily, and she looked at us with knowing eyes.

  “Mmm-hmm. Yet,” she said with just as much fervor as our denial. I rolled my eyes.

  “Okay okay, enough of that.” I held up my hand. “Now is not the time for this. My dad may be dead; my mother is missing... Can we just…”

  “Of course.” She shook her head. “I wasn’t implying… Your parents are number one priority. We ride until we find them.” The authority was back in the woman’s tone and though I didn’t like it, I could respect it. “We ride out tomorrow morning. Can you get her a bike by then, Z?” She looked at Zach.

  I turned to him. He looked at me, his gaze lingering longer than was normal. I knew that look. We’d shared that passion just a short while ago in my bathroom. “She already has a bike, Prez,” he said not looking at the other woman, his gaze never leaving mine.

  Chapter 7


  “Ky, this is for you, baby girl. Happy graduation. Your mom and I are just so damn proud of you.”

  “Thank you, Dad.” I hugged him tight as he turned to open the door to his trusted garage, one arm thrown over my shoulders.

  Mom and Zach stood behind us beaming from ear to ear.

  “Dad, what are we doing here? We were supposed to go out for dinner,” I asked.

  “Well, wait a minute. I have something I want to show you,” my dad said, swinging open the door...

  I stepped into the garage my dad used to call his own, and I choked back the emotion. God in heaven, I hadn’t been in here since I was…


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