In Her Eyes

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In Her Eyes Page 12

by Jeanette Lynn

  “You should be more careful what you say, One-eye,” William said smugly as he rocked little Calliope to sleep, watching as she yawned, wrinkled her cute little nose and blinked her pretty green eyes. “You might jinx yourself and end up the father of the four boys that chase the Lupenstein girls.”

  I snorted like I didn’t believe it, but silently took back anything I might have ever said to curse myself into that particular existence.

  My little wife walked up to me and nudged me.

  I looked down at her and smiled as she gazed fondly at the pouty lipped, little angel she had bundled up in her arms.

  I believe this one is baby Alice, with her black tresses and large blue eyes.

  “She’s so precious, Ben. I want one,” she whispered as she looked up at me.

  I cleared my throat and eyed her warily.

  “Just not four at one time, eh,” I said pleadingly, “I don’t think I could handle it. And let’s make sure the first seven or so are girls... just to be safe. What do you say?” I asked hopefully.

  I can handle running off boys... but being the father of four, horny, male menaces as they tried to plug everything with a vagina... I shuddered, remembering my youth... no thanks.

  Yeah... a little girl would be awesome.

  She could look just like her Mama, with her light brown hair and beautiful grey eyes, and I could just go out and buy a shotgun.

  I grinned as I warmed up to the idea.

  My little Penny blinked at me and smirked as she took in my expression.

  A really big shotgun, I amended as I thought about how gorgeous my woman is and how beautiful our daughters would be.

  Hmmm... Maybe a boy would be better first… now that I think about it.

  He could help fend off any would be suitors... we could turn it into a sort of bonding thing.

  “I have no say over that one, buddy, that’s all on you,” Penny said, referring to my plea of a moment ago for seven girls and reached one hand over to pat me on the ass.

  I shooed her hand away and glared at Plant boy when he laughed at the byplay.

  That shut his little green hide up, I thought, smirking at him as he immediately sobered up and looked elsewhere.

  “Where’s Segrid? I’m surprised he’s not here by now,” Katarina asked, truly surprised.

  Katarina and Alfred had gotten home from the hospital last week and we’d all stopped by to see the babies and congratulate the new proud parents.

  “It’s kinda nice not having that giant ball of red... Ow! Sugar, be nice!” Alfred yelped as his feisty little mate whacked him one.

  “You know, I haven’t heard from Vivi either,” my little wife said thoughtfully, “weird.”

  I had a funny feeling that the two coincidences were completely related, but I didn’t want to give my little wife any unnecessary worry.

  There was a commotion coming from the backyard, some motion off to the side catching my eye and I walked over to the back screen door, just in time to see my sister in law streak by, covered in mud as she ran as fast as her legs could carry her.

  She looked like a mud monster.

  She even had it painted on her face and completely covering her hair.

  I gaped as I watched her go by, little bits of blonde hair peeking out of her mud costume as she looked around frantically for some yet to be identified threat.

  “Oh, my god, is that Penelope’s sister?” Plant boy exclaimed, stunned.

  “Who?” I asked, playing stupid.

  “You saw Vivi? Here?” Penelope asked, surprised as she tried to hurry over to peer around outside.

  “Marshmallow needs to get his eyes checked,” I said casually as I turned her back towards the living room.

  “God damn it, Cyclops,” Plant boy grumbled, “I know you aren’t slow! It’s man of the... hey, see! There’s... oomph!”

  Oops, did I do that?

  Plant boy doubled over as I reached over and gut checked him, before he could announce Segrid was in the backyard with Vivienne slung over his shoulder, grinning from ear to ear as took off with her and she beat on his back, cursing him soundly.

  Props to wolf boy on the sound proofing in this place, I thought enviously, unable to make out Vivi’s tirade.

  “Did you hear something?” Penelope asked after a moment, “I thought I heard... but no... couldn’t be.”

  I gave Plant boy a warning glare to keep his trap shut and kissed my pretty little wife soundly on the mouth.

  “I miss you little, wife,” I whispered huskily into her ear, hoping to distract her.

  “Oh?” she asked, feigning surprise, shivering a little in remembered pleasure.

  She’s probably thinking this morning, I thought proudly.

  God, now I really am horny...

  I recalled our morning romp and surreptitiously adjusted myself in my pants.

  “Mmmm, hmmm,” I murmured quietly, “and if you’re wanting to get started on that brood you plan on giving me, then we should get started as soon as possible, don’t you think?”

  “Eck! TMI, Ben, TMI,” William bemoaned from behind us, dodging me when I acted like I was going to gut check him too.

  “You know I am a little tired,” my sweet minx said on a yawn as she winked at me and went to hand baby Alice back over to her parents.

  Hot damn! I’m going to get me some!


  A few minutes later, we made our excuses and left.

  I wrapped my arm around my sweet bundle of woman and ushered her to the truck.

  I rounded the truck after I closed the passenger side door and hurried over to my side, eager to get my little wife home and rip her clothes off.

  We’d just turned out to head home when Penny gasped and slapped her hands over her face, her face turning and adorable, tinged pink with embarrassment.

  I looked around to see what had gotten my little wife all flushed and grimaced when I saw Segrid and Vivienne, practically mauling each other as they groped each other desperately and rolled around in what I’m hoping is more mud.

  “Well,” I said awkwardly, “Now you know what Vivienne’s been up to. Heh, or who’s been up in her...”

  “Ben!” Penelope squeaked in outrage.

  I chuckled and grinned as I reached over and ran my hand down her thigh, stopping to squeeze her knee.

  “You know I love you, my lucky Penny, don’t you?”

  She peered at me from between her fingers and I could see the little wheels turning in her brain.

  “You wouldn’t happen to have known anything about any of that…” She waved behind her as we drove away, “would you, manclops?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Who? Me?” I asked, my eye opened wide.

  “Ben!” she laughed, yelling at me.


  “You know,” I said thoughtfully, pretending to think about it, “I might be alright with four babies at once, as long as they’re all girls.”

  “What! Are you insane?!”

  See? I’m an expert at changing the subject.

  Subject effectively changed.


  “You can’t distract me forever, caveman.” I moaned as Ben’s tongue flicked across my nipple teasingly and he sucked the hardened bud into his mouth.

  I gripped his scalp, keeping his mouth tightly against me, crying out as he expertly brought me to the edge with his fingers on my clit and his mouth on my breast.

  “Wanna see how long I can distract you, sweet wife?” he challenged me.

  “No! I want you to screw my brains out and then explain yourself, mister,” I panted out, trying to sound stern, but it came out sounding breathless and excited.

  He hummed happily and let my breast go with a wet plop.

  The grin full of intention on his face had me quivering and squirming against him as he prowled up my body and settled himself over me.

  I kissed my man and bit at his lip, clamping down hard, before he could get free.

e grunted and looked at me, surprised, as I held his lip captive.

  “Roll over,” I said through my clamped teeth.

  He complied, rolling us over as he eyed me, trying to figure out my intentions, careful to keep us close so I didn't pull unnecessarily on his lip.

  I released his injured lip and straddled his waist.

  I gripped his pecs and lowered myself down on his monster cock, moaning as I slowly buried myself to the hilt.

  I stopped when I would have lifted myself up and clamped my kegel muscles down on him, grinding my pelvis into his.

  He moaned and panted as I squeezed his poor cock with my internal muscles, as hard as I could.

  It wasn't too difficult with the tight fit and his glorious girth.

  “Now,” I said, once I’d gotten comfortable, “You had something you wanted to tell me, husband.”

  He growled in frustration and bucked up against me, gripping my hips in his large hands when I refused to move.

  I grinned at him and plucked at his nipples.

  “Come on, Benny Boy, fess up!”

  “Tease!” he ground out and flipped us over quickly, his big body an unfair advantage as he swiftly subdued me, shoving my hands up high over my head as he shackled my wrists in his strong, tight grip.

  He lined himself up with me and thrust home, both of us calling out as my hot depths enveloped him.

  “Later,” he murmured between thrusts.

  “Now!” I demanded and arched up against his sensual assault.

  He stopped and glared at me.

  “I had a feeling something was going on, but didn’t know. I saw her and Segrid playing tag earlier. He caught her covered in mud and carted her off. Marshmallow has a big assed mouth and your sister is a big girl who can take care of herself. That’s all I know,” he blurted, pausing over me, body poised and ready to plunder.

  “Oh, okay,” I said and peered up at him expectantly.

  Get back to business, husband! I thought, wiggling a little to emphasize my point.

  “That’s it, you’re okay now? Just like that?” He seemed completely exasperated with me now.

  No idea why…

  “Yes,” I said simply and grinned at his ire.

  “You’re going to pay for that, little wife,” he moaned as he sucked at my neck and resumed his pummeling thrusts.

  “Oh, yes please,” I panted on a gasp, gripping his shoulders, my nails digging in hard enough to leave marks, falling deeper into the spell my one-eyed husband was weaving over me.

  Made To Match Headquarters

  "Here are your messages, Miss La Faeii," Margaret intoned in her nasally, secretary voice as I held out my hand.

  "Thank you, Margaret," I said absently as I hurried into my office.

  My com beeped before I’d even sat down and I knew it was Margaret.

  Rounding my desk, I clicked the button and answered.

  "Yes, Margaret?"

  I kept my tone as light as possible when I really just wanted to hurry off and call Rez, see how things were progressing.

  "There was a very disgruntled Cyclops who called while you were away, Miss La Faeii. I doubled security as a precaution, I hope that's okay, Ma'am. He seemed so very... angry," she said, almost on a whisper.

  I grinned, glad she couldn't see my satisfied expression.

  "Has he called since then?" I asked, trying to sound concerned.

  "Well, no. Not since the one time, but you should have heard him! He was so mad! He even threatened you to run if you ever saw him coming!"

  "Thank you, Margaret. You did the right thing," I soothed, trying to calm my frazzled secretary.

  Can't have her quitting on me suddenly from the stress. She's the best secretary I've ever had.

  "You know, Margaret. I've been meaning to give you a raise. Consider it done."

  "Oh, thank you, Miss La Faeii!" Margaret gushed happily.

  "Will that be all, Margaret?"

  "Yes, uhm, yes. That's all."

  "Good." I hung up.

  I chuckled a little at her exuberant yet flustered state.

  I picked up my phone and dialed a familiar number.

  Rez answered on the first ring.

  "Talk to me," he said without any preamble.

  "You talk to me," I quipped back.

  "Hey, boss lady," Rez said jokingly.

  "Spill it, Rez. The Cyclops hasn't called to threaten me again, so I'm assuming everything is coming together."

  "It was downright brilliant how you pulled that one off," Rez said on a chuckle. "I can't believe you told him his bride had four eyes," he guffawed.

  I didn't like the implication that I had been dishonest somehow.

  "She does," I said defensively. “...sort of...”

  "And how did you get her into Mordenne without anyone having to escort her in? I've never heard about anything like that ever happening before."

  I smiled secretively, unwilling to reveal the mating necklace was also a talisman of sorts and allowed the person wearing it access to Mordenne.

  "Really, Rez," I said flippantly, "A lady needs her secrets, you know, and this one never tells. I thought you'd have figured that out by now."

  "Yeah, yeah. Secrets. Blah, blah, blah," he grumbled. "Just give me my next job so we can get off the phone. Our gab fests are starting to weigh on my nerves."

  I cackled at that gleefully.

  "Chill, Berserker. I already have your next assignment. It's already in progress, actually," I informed him primly.

  "But I'm still getting full pay," he grumbled.

  "Of course. But you'll have to tread carefully. It's a Troll and a Human."

  "A Troll!" Rez bellowed, "Are you insane?!"

  "Maybe," I giggled as I rubbed my hands together in anticipation, "There was a tooth fairy down the line on mama's side... so you never know..."

  Rez cursed me to Mordenne and back for a few minutes, but immediately acquiesced when I offered to double his pay.

  Nothing speaks louder than money when you're a desperate Berserker in need of some quick cash.

  We hung up and I suddenly grew thoughtful.

  Hmmm... Rez really needs to quit working for me and settle down. The poor Berserker has been so restless lately.

  "Ohhhh, I love my job!!!"

  I smiled mischievously.

  Inspired now, I pulled up files on my computer and let the search begin.

  This is going to be so much fun!!!!



  "How many?" Ben asked dazedly as he stared at the Centaur doctor like he was mad and alternately gaped at the ultrasound on the little screen.

  "Two," the doctor said on a chuckle, giving me a sympathetic smile.

  "Can you tell what the sex of the babies are going to be yet?" I asked excitedly, ignoring Ben's suddenly ashen face, muttering and crossing of his fingers as he squeezed his eye shut and chanted unintelligibly.

  "Hmmm... give me a moment and let’s see, shall we," Dr. Bohame said as he moved the ultrasound wand around a little and concentrated on the screen.

  I snuck my hand onto Ben's and uncrossed his fingers, twining our hands together, giving him a little supportive squeeze.

  "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Ochulles," Dr. Bohame said brightly, "Looks like you're gonna have two healthy, big, baby boys."

  The doctors hooves stomped a little bit and his tail twitched in his enthusiasm, flicking around from side to side.

  "Oh, thank god!" Ben whooped and fist pumped the air.

  I laughed at his unexpected show of enthusiasm, but I was a bit confused by it.

  "Uhmmm… I thought you wanted seven girls first, Benny Boy?" I asked, quirking a brow at him.

  "Seven?!" Dr. Bohame chuckled at Ben.

  Ben leaned forward and gave me a big smacking kiss, a silly little grin on his face.

  My hand came up and caressed his face, loving every laugh line, brushing back a wayward blonde curl.

  "Yeah, well..
." he said sheepishly, eye twinkling with joy, "I've had time to think about it and the more boys first, the better. You can never have too many older brothers to help guard, erm... uh, I mean, look out for their baby sister, right?"

  "Ben! You're terrible!" I said, giggling at him.

  "What?" he said defensively, the grumpy scowl I’ve grown so accustomed to making me smile at the sight. "She'll look just like her mama and I'll need all the help I can get.

  He rubbed a hand over my growing belly and took my hand with his other.

  "I love you, sweet wife. You've given me everything I could have ever wanted and more."

  "I love you too, you big one-eyed grump! You've given me everything I've ever wanted and then some... plus some crap I didn't even know I needed," I said sweetly.

  We both laughed.

  Yes, I reflected happily, I have everything I've ever wanted right here.

  I guess the saying holds true, love really does come in all shapes and sizes... temperaments too!

  I smiled a little as I thought fondly of my one-eyed husband and his dour disposition.

  The man can be as sour as a lemon sometimes, but at others he's as sweet as can be.

  And he's all mine!

  "What's going on in that head of yours, little wife?" Ben asked curiously, watching the many expressions flitting across my face as we exited the doctor’s office, ultrasound picture in hand.

  "Oh, nothin'," I said nonchalantly, smiling up at him sweetly.

  He gave me a look that said he didn't believe me at all and I grinned, giving him a quick wink.

  "Let's go get some lemonade, Benny Boy. You know how much I love to suck on the lemons," I said saucily, giggling at my own personal joke/innuendo.

  "Why do I have a funny feeling you didn't mean exactly what you just said?" Ben retorted, grinning at me as he helped me into the truck.

  I played with the collar of his shirt and nipped at his lips.

  "Maybe because you're right."

  "Hold that thought! I need to get you home first."

  He hurriedly detached me from his person, closed my door and rushed around to his side of the truck.


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