The Family's Secrets

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The Family's Secrets Page 3

by T N Lowe

  “No. Jackson is fine; just a two-year-old bundle of energy.”

  “Good, so what can I do to help?”

  “What do you know about the Mal Cartel?”

  “The Mal Cartel?” Paul parrots. “Are they giving you problems in Moose Valley? I didn’t think they were that far north.”

  “No, they’re not in my town. Four Mal Cartel members kidnapped two of my cousins in D.C. and I’m here to help.”

  “Shit! The Mal Cartel is ruthless. They are currently fighting to take over the Carballo Cartel’s territory. I’ve haven’t heard of them entering the kidnapping business, but they will do anything to get what they want.”

  That’s what I was afraid of. Why would they come to D.C.? Do they need quick money to help make their next play? It doesn’t make sense why the Mal Cartel kidnapped Rylie and Shauna when there are plenty of wealthy people closer to Mexico that they could have captured for quick cash.

  “Do you know anyone who may have more information on the cartel? Where they might be holding my cousins or what they want with them?” I ask, almost begging.

  “I do. Let me call a couple of people.”

  “Thank you, Paul.”

  “You’re welcome, sweetie. I’ll call you back in a bit,” Paul assures, ending the call.

  Shit. What if they took a contract to kidnap Rylie and Shauna? Maks and Patrick both have powerful enemies. Rylie would be the perfect substitute for Lena.

  Worry twists in the pit of my stomach. What if they don’t want to give them back? What if they plan to sell Shauna and Rylie on the black market to the highest bidder? Human trafficking is becoming a bigger and bigger problem every day.

  Jesus, this keeps getting worse and worse.

  Stop it, I tell myself. You know, standing in the hallway playing ‘what if’ is a bad idea. You need to keep your head in the game and work on bringing back Rylie and Shauna.

  After chastising myself, I walk towards Fi-Fi, who is standing on the other end of the hall. She has the same grave look on her face. “Get anything?”

  Fi-Fi shakes her head, “It’s not good.”

  “I know. I talked to Paul. He’s going to make some more calls.”

  Fi-Fi nods and begins to brief me on what she has learned. “I talked to Matt. He didn’t know a whole lot.” When I left the FBI Fi-Fi was partnered with Matthew Johnson. There was a time I thought they would end up together. But when Fi-Fi came to Moose Valley to help me with the D.C. Carver case, she fell hard for Cain. “He did say that the Mal Cartel is not to be taken lightly. They’ve been raising hell in Mexico and Central America, trying to kick out the other cartels in the area.”

  I sigh, “Guess we should tell everyone what we learned.”

  Fi-Fi nods, “Yep.”

  “What did you learn?” Maks asks as soon as we cross the threshold.

  I bite my lip, more than a little scared of Maks’ reaction, “We didn’t learn much. The Mal Cartel is ruthless and is currently fighting with the Carballo Cartel for control of the drug trade in Mexico and Central America. From what my contact said, they will do anything to get what they want. It could be they kidnapped Shauna and Rylie for quick money. The people we know are going to ask around and call us with more information. As soon as we know anything, we’ll let you know.”

  “That’s it!” Maks roars, rising from his chair.

  Landon stands from his spot on the couch, ready to confront Maks, if needed. Maks stumbles back into his armchair and puts his head in his hands. The sob that tears from his chest makes my heart ache. I wouldn’t know what I would do if it were me in this situation.

  Aunt Riana, Shauna’s mom, goes to him. Sitting on the arm of the chair, she wraps her thin arms around his muscular frame. “I know honey. We will get our girl back. Don’t worry,” she comforts him, her voice breaking.

  Maks nods his understanding and hugs Riana around the waist.

  Patrick clears his throat, bringing my attention to him. “You’re sure they said the Carballo Cartel?” He asks, his golden-brown eyes full of worry.

  “Yes,” I answer, sitting next to Landon.

  “Excuse me,” Patrick mutters, nodding to his parents before leaving the room

  My phone rings so I have no time to dwell on Patrick’s odd reaction.

  “Hi Paul,” I say standing and leaving the room.

  “Hey. I called a friend of mine who works for the CIA. They have an agent embedded with the Mal Cartel, and what he has reported is not good. The Mal Cartel is well organized and is rich with money, drugs, and weapons. The agent reported the cartel is run by a wealthy businessman; the agent had not met him at the time of the report,” Paul states.

  “How old is the information?” I ask.

  “The last report is more than a month old; the handler doesn’t believe the agent has gone rogue. He has agreed to set up a meeting with you and Tomas, the agent. But only you and Fi-Fi. You need to understand the risks. If this guy’s gone bad, you risk everything; yourselves and your families.”

  “The handler isn’t worried?” I question.

  “No. He said he’s a good kid. Been in the CIA for a few years, and was in the Army before the CIA. He did a couple of tours in Afghanistan.”

  “Ok. We’ll do it,” I say without a second thought.

  “Are you sure? What about Landon and Jackson?”

  “If it were Landon or Jackson who had been taken I would want someone to do whatever they could to bring them home to me,” I explain.

  “Okay,” Paul answers on a sigh. “But there is one problem. Your meet is in Mexico and it’s full of Mal Cartel members and informants; you will need to meet him without breaking his cover.”

  “Not a problem. When do we meet him?”

  “Two days from today. Noon at the American Cantina,” Paul says. “And Erin, be careful.”

  “We will be. Thank you again, Paul.”

  “Anytime. Please call me if you get into any trouble. And of course, let me know when you get back.”

  “I will.”

  “Good luck, kiddo,” Paul offers, ending the call.

  Putting my phone back in my pocket, I lean my forehead against the wall and silently pray that I’ve made the right choice. I reassure myself that it’s the right thing. I take a deep, cleansing breath, then blow it out slowly; I know it is. Patrick and Maks will protect Landon and Jackson with their own lives if needed. I will be smart, using my training and skills to bring Shauna and Rylie back without getting myself killed.

  Rounding the corner to return to the living room, I realize that Patrick is speaking to his parents, “Carballo is involved. I don’t how, but he is.”

  Brianna’s hand flies to cover her mouth; Quinn pulls her close, “You’re sure he’s involved?”

  “Erin’s contact is sure,” Patrick answers.

  “Who is Carballo to you?” I ask, stepping into view.

  Patrick looks to his parents before looking back at me, not sure if he should tell me.

  “If you want me to help, I need to know everything,” I bark.

  Brianna steps free from Quinn’s embrace, “He is Rylie’s biological father. When Rylie was born, she had several health problems. Carballo ordered her mother to get rid of her. Carballo doesn’t know Rylie is alive.”

  “Thank you for telling me. I will do what I can to bring Rylie and Shauna home,” I offer, hugging Aunt Brianna. Then I leave them to find Fi-Fi and explain our plan.

  “Are you crazy?” Fi-Fi shrieks.

  “Probably. But if it was Cain or the kids, wouldn’t you want someone like us to help any way they could?” I ask, trying to explain my point.

  She sighs, “You’re right.”

  “Thank you.”

  “The guys are not going to like this. Cain wouldn’t let me come to D.C by myself after I told him about the kidnappings. There is no way he will let me go to Mexico without him to meet with an undercover CIA agent.”

  “You’re right,” I say, absently. Racking
my brain, I try to think of a plan that will let Fi-Fi and I do our jobs while assuring that the guys don’t lose their minds. Then it comes to me, “A couple’s getaway!”

  “What?” Fi-Fi asks, confused by my sudden outburst.

  “We go in as two couples on a romantic getaway. Mexico City is full of tourists. We play up the part of two couples in town on vacation away from the kids.”

  “It might work,” Fi-Fi says, looking awestruck.

  “Why do you sound surprised?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. Let’s talk to the guys.”

  Returning to the living room, we find Connor and Rian trying to comfort Maks. “Did you learn anything?” Connor asks.

  “I did. The CIA has an agent undercover with the Mal Cartel. The agent’s handler has agreed to set up a meeting,” I say a bit more confidently than I feel right now.

  “Let’s go,” bellows Maks, as he jumps at the opportunity of his wife’s recuse.

  “The handler has agreed to set up a meeting with ONLY Fi-Fi and me. It would be too dangerous for the agent to meet with anyone who is not trained in undercover work.”

  “I am not letting you go alone,” Landon reproaches.

  “It’s okay. We have a plan to go together. A couple’s retreat, you, me, Cain and Fi-Fi. But, Fi-Fi and I will still need to go to the meet alone. The rest of the time, we will be two couples spending time away from the kids.”

  “I’m not sure I like this plan, sweetheart,” Landon objects.

  “You would like it less if I went on my own,” I inform him. “Because those are your two options.”

  “Okay,” Landon says, holding his hands up in surrender.

  “And what about us? You want us to sit here and wait while God only knows what is happening to my wife,” Masks asks.

  “Maks, I need you to stay here in case they call with a ransom demand.”

  “What do you need from us?” Patrick and his father, Quinn, step forward.

  “A flight to Mexico City and a place to stay,” I answer.

  “Done,” Patrick says, “and I want constant communication.”

  I nod, “Okay.”

  “And you will call if you need anything? And the second you have our girls,” Connor demands.

  “I will,” I reply, trying not to show my own fear of what awaits for us in Mexico.

  “When are we leaving?” Cain asks.

  “As soon as we can since we are meeting with the agent in two days. We need to learn as much as possible about who has Shauna and Rylie and where they might keep them.”

  “I will email you the hotel details. And if you need anything, I will do everything in my power to make it happen. Just contact me through the Gnome Treasure game,” Patrick says, hugging me.

  After saying our goodbyes, Landon, Cain, Fi-Fi and I leave in the SUV we rented. Our first stop is Riana’s house where Mom is staying. We need to tell her what is happening and then we can all say goodbye to our kids.

  My relationship with my mother has been in shambles for years. Growing up, we rarely saw eye to eye. Then I learned that she and my father, who died of a heart attack several years ago, hid the fact that we are part of the Irish Mafia who calls themselves The Family. The only reason Mom told us then was because my life was in danger from one of the members. I did not speak to my mother for a year and a half, until she showed up at my wedding. After Jackson was born, I began to see the error of my ways and we started to rebuild our relationship. If nothing else, my son will know his grandmother.

  As Landon drives onto the vast estate, he asks, “Are you sure about this?”

  “No. But Fi-Fi and I have the skills and training to bring them back. If it was Jackson, wouldn’t you want someone to step up and do what needs to be done to bring him home safe?”

  “If it were Jackson, I would burn the world to the ground to get him back.”

  “Exactly. Now let’s say goodbye to our son and then bring my cousins home. The sooner we leave, the sooner we can get home to Moose Valley,” I convey, leaning over the console to kiss him before exiting the SUV.

  Following Cain and Fi-Fi inside, Shauna’s four brothers bombard us and demand answers. “Do you know where they are?” CJ, the oldest, asks.

  “What do they want with them?” Brenn, one of the twins, asks.

  “Are you getting them back?” Manus, the youngest, asks.

  “Let’s go in the living room, and I’ll tell you everything I know,” I offer, pushing through the wall of Daly men.

  As we walk down the hallway to the living room, Mom is standing in the playroom doorway, “You’re back sooner than I thought.”

  “Why don’t you come with us to the living room and I’ll tell you everything. Cain and Landon can play with the kids.”

  “Sure,” Mom answers, following us and sitting on the couch next to me.

  As Shauna’s brothers take seats around me, I explain everything we learned from Bryan, Paul, and Matt. Then I tell them my plan. “We are leaving first thing in the morning for Mexico City. We’ll learn as much as we can before the meeting with Tomas, the CIA agent. With his help, we hope we can get Shauna and Rylie home.”

  “How long will you be gone?” CJ asks.

  “Hopefully no more than four or five days,” Fi-Fi answers.

  “Is it safe?” Mom asks, taking my hand.

  “I don’t know, but we will be as careful as we can. Patrick and Maks have both offered their assistance, and Connor said he would put people on standby if we need to make a quick escape,” I explain.

  “Promise me you will be careful,” Mom begs.

  “We will be,” I say as I hug her.

  Standing, Fi-Fi and I leave our cousins to talk while we say goodbye to our children. Walking into the playroom, we find Landon and Cain pinned down by three little people. “What are you doing?” Fi-Fi asks with a giggle.

  “Wrestling with Daddy and Uncle Landon,” Aaron, Fi-Fi and Cain’s oldest, answers.

  “Is that so?” Fi-Fi asks, picking up the five-year-old.

  “Mommy,” Laney, their two-year-old cries, tottering to us. Setting Aaron down, Fi-Fi bends down and picks Laney up, kissing her chubby cheeks.

  Landon stands from the floor and swings Jackson into his arms, “Is it time?” he asks as he hands me Jackson.

  I nod, raining kisses on Jackson’s face, making him giggle. “Mommy and Daddy have to leave for a little bit. You get to stay with Grandma! Does that sound like fun?” I ask swallowing hard to keep my tears from falling.

  “Yeah. Will you bring me a present?” Jackson asks, making me giggle.

  “Yes, baby boy. If you are good for Grandma while we are away, we will bring you a present. Now, kiss me goodbye.” After giving him several more kisses, I hand him back to Landon for his goodbye.

  “Be careful,” Mom says, hugging us each tightly before we go to bed.

  “Thank you for saving my sister,” CJ says, before leaving.

  Chapter Seven - Rylie

  The next morning Shauna and I wake up as the door flies open and hits the wall. Shooting up in bed, we see that the elderly woman has returned to escort us to the restroom. This time neck tattoo guy is not with her. Instead, it is a tall man with midnight black hair, chestnut brown eyes, and every inch of his exposed skin covered in colorful tattoos.

  The new guy sets our breakfast trays on at the end of our beds, then takes two garment bags into the bathroom. As he exits the bathroom, the woman uncuffs Shauna and escorts her to the restroom first. While she showers and dresses for the day I eat my breakfast of cold coffee and pop tarts, one brown sugar and one strawberry.

  “What do you want with us?” I ask after swallowing my first bite of pop tart.

  The man stares at me as if I’m the most fascinating piece of art in a museum.

  “Do you know who we are?” I try again.

  He continues to watch me, but this time, his lip twitches in the beginnings of a smirk.

  I take another bite of my brown sug
ar pop tart. “Do you know what my brother and Shauna’s husband will do to you when they find us?”

  This gets me a full smile. And he has one of the most beautiful smiles I’ve ever seen! No, no, no, no, no! This man is helping to hold us against our will; he does not have a beautiful smile. He is an awful man who does not deserve my time or thoughts. I feel embarrassed at my own thoughts.

  Shauna returns, pulling me from my confusion. Though freshly showered and wearing a pale green sundress, she is not happy. The woman attaches her cuff, hands her the breakfast tray, and then comes to my side. She uncuffs me and escorts me to the bathroom. As she closes the door, I hear Shauna ask, “Do you know who my husband is and what he’s going to do to you when he finds me?”

  I shower as the old woman stands in the corner watching over me. Turning off the water, I step behind the room divider and she hands me a garment bag. Opening it, I find a pale pink sundress, “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I mutter to myself.

  After dressing, the woman leads me back to the bedroom where I find Shauna in a stare-off with the handsome tattoo man. The woman reattaches my cuff, then leaves us alone with the man.

  The man grins his panty-dropping smile, then instructs us, “Finish your breakfast, the boss wants to meet with you in an hour.” His accent is not as heavy as I thought it would be.

  “The fuck!” Shauna shrieks. “You speak English?” She screams, as he opens the door and leaves us, locking the door again.

  “Can you believe that? I asked him what they wanted and why they took us, and he gave me nothing. Just stared at me like I was crazy,” Shauna tells me taking a bite from her strawberry pop tart.

  “I asked the same questions and got nothing but a smile. Hopefully his boss will tell us something,” I reply, taking a bite of my own strawberry pop tart.

  At what, I can only guess, was about an hour later, the handsome tattoo man returns. Bending, he unlocks Shauna first, then me, all the while explaining, “This is what is going to happen. I’m going to escort you two to the boss, without any incident.” He pulls a gun from the back of his jeans. “And just in case you two think you can overpower me, there are two guards standing outside this door that will come with us. So please, do yourselves, and me, a favor and don’t do anything stupid.”


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