Bodyguard_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

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Bodyguard_An Older Man Younger Woman Romance Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

My cock is raging right now and there’s not much I can do to hide it. The way her head is angled she must be looking right at it.

  She runs her hand all the way across my chest to the other side, grabbing my side. She used the leverage to pull the entire length of her body into mine. Even her legs are touching mine.

  I look down at her from above. I feel somewhat like a fatherly figure and her man all at the same time. It’s confusing, gratifying, and making me horny as hell all at the same time.

  But it’s not just lust. It’s more. I want to deny it, but I know it’s true.

  I feel her hand slide back across my chest halfway before stopping in-between my pectoral muscles. She extends her index finger and slowly drags her hand down the center of my body, following the line that runs right up the middle…the one I’ve spent years on sculpting both in the gym and from real life in the field working.

  She stops just at the top of the sheet and begins moving her hand up again.

  Thank god this isn’t going in the direction I thought it was going.

  Or so I though.

  I was wrong.

  Completely fucking wrong.

  She guides her hand back down my body to the sheet, but this time she doesn’t stop. She slides her hand underneath and wraps her hands around the base of my cock as best she can.

  She can’t close her grip. I’m way too big for her hands which she now moves up my shaft all the way to the tip.

  I want to stop her but I can’t. And I won’t. Not now at least, but I know the real truth. Not ever. Not anymore. Maybe I could when she was eighteen but she’s a woman now. I’m not under her dad’s thumb and she’s not under mine. We’re two adults who can do whatever we please. And what she pleases right now is damn sure pleasing me.

  I take a deep breath in and she takes it as a cue to take things to the next level.

  Her head comes off the side of my chest and her torso moves toward my midsection.

  She lifts the sheet back with her other hand only to cover my dick right back up…with her mouth.

  I watch as her head descends down on my cock as she takes as much as she can. She’s still got a long ways to go before she can fit all of me, but what she can take already is more than enough.

  More than enough to set me off.

  More than enough to send my hand up and through her hair and onto the back of her head. I don’t guide her, she doesn’t need it. She knows just how to make me feel good.

  She slides her lips up and down again and I feel her warm mouth lubricate my dick.

  This is more than I can take.

  I lean forward and grab her by the shoulders. She comes up off my cock but never takes her eyes off it. Instead she lifts her leg slowly guiding it over the top of me as she straddles me.

  She places her pussy right on top of my rod and leans forward, never taking her sight from my dick.

  She’s not making eye contact at all, but it somehow heightens everything. It doesn’t make sense until it does. It’s like I’m watching my own fantasy which she’s watching at the same time. I’m watching her about ready to ride my cock as she’s watching my cock which she’s about to ride. It’s like we’re on the exact same page mentally, which is strange for both the male and female brains…how can they both be in sync like that? Not in day-to-day stuff, but like this…both living inside the same fantasy and from the same point of view.

  But it’s not a fantasy anymore and my overcomplicated analysis ends the second I watch her eyes close as she slides down my pole taking me inside her.

  I feel my cock swell even more as all the blood in my body rushes to please her, and me, at the same time.

  Her head leans back and she rides me. I watch as her hips move in and out and in and out as her stomach moves like a belly dancer. Damn this girl knows how to move!

  But as she’s moving back and forth she’s also moving up and down. Each time she goes up she comes down just a little bit more allowing more and more of my dick inside her pussy.

  I watch as her juices cover my rod each time she comes up to the head of my cock. My dick glistening in the moonlight.

  And then she does something I would have never expected. Her pussy starts pulsating.

  It’s not an orgasm. It’s like something she’s trained it to do. Probably read how to do it in some damn woman’s magazine but no way in hell I’m complaining. I’ve never felt anything like it before and I know I’ll never feel anything like it again.

  Because after her there is no one else. No more first times. No more new bodies. Only hers as it changes over the years as she takes my seed and gives me the sons I want. The only thing I really ever wanted in this world, and she’s going to be both.

  My woman and the mother to my children.

  But right now she’s something else. She’s the woman who’s got me losing my mind and close to busting again…and again way, way too soon.

  How come I can’t last with her?

  Maybe that’s it right there…because she’s the first one I ever wanted everything else to last with. She’s not just for one night…she’s for every night forever.

  Fuck me!

  I can’t take it anymore. I grab her by the hips and move with her as she rides faster and faster.

  I grab tighter and feel her body contract and suddenly she leans back and unloads on me just as I unload in her.

  My head leans back to match hers and we’re moaning at the moon like two wolves in heat. And we are, even though we completely empty ourselves for each other.

  But I know we’ll be filled right back up and ready to go again soon. There’s just no stopping what’s happening since we’ve seen each other again after these last few years.

  Fate is bullshit, at least that’s what I thought until now. There’s a reason why I got this job and the reason is her.

  We’re supposed to be together and we’re going to be. I’m going to make sure of it.



  “We got the prick,” Pete says.

  “You’re sure it’s him?” I ask. I lean back into the pillow as Mila showers off in attached bathroom. Watching her is keeping me hard for another round. And if this is really the guy then I don’t have to go back outside and patrol. Instead I can patrol each and every last inch of her body all night.

  “Yeah, I put my local boys on it. Didn’t take them long. Claims it’s not him, but we’ve already tied an address he used about a year ago to a house with a shitload of pictures of Mila in there.”

  “He has a house with pictures of Mila?”

  “Yeah. More than any sane person should have.”


  “We don’t know. Says they’re not his. Standard B.S. There is some paperwork about taking them to TMZ and exposing some big politician. Looks like the only thing he’s exposed is his infatuation for her.”

  “Does he mention the politician?”

  “Nothing that we’ve found so far.”

  “And they're local boys or cops?”

  “You know how it is here on the Island. They’re kind of one in the same. Things don’t quite work the same as they do back on the mainland.”

  “That’s for sure,” I say.

  “But rest assured that we got him my brother. I bet you weren’t even able to sleep yet, were you?”

  “No,” I say. Little does he know the reason why though.

  “Okay. I know you’re off tomorrow. Sorry your visit wasn’t so much fun this time. Next time I’m Stateside I’ll make it up to you.”

  “Are you kidding? Thanks for your help. Once the payment comes through I’ll route some of it your way.”

  “You’re the one who’s kidding, bro. I’m not taking any of your money.”

  “It should be yours. Take a least some of it. You deserve it.”

  “I’ll accept none, but if you want to set aside a little for some debauchery next time we get together I’m all for it.”

  “That’s a deal.”

>   “Safe travels.”

  “Thanks,” I say. I hang up the phone.

  “Who was that?” Mila asks.

  Damn she looks so fucking fine. She’s just fresh out of the shower and completely naked. She’s holding a white towel which she’s using to dry her hair. I want to freeze this picture in my mind so I can imagine it forever. Shit I’d put it as my cell phone wallpaper if I didn’t know how easy it is to hack those things these days.

  No way anyone’s getting a glimpse of my woman naked…real life or just a picture.

  “Pete. They got the guy.”

  “They did?”


  “Yes!” she says. She balls up her hands in fists and brings them up to her shoulders as she closes her eyes. She takes a deep breath out. “What was his deal?”

  I almost don’t want to tell her. I don’t want to bother her or scare her anymore, but I have to tell her the truth. In this situation it’s my responsibility to let her know.

  “He knew who you were.”

  “What?” Her mouth opens wide at the surprise.

  “He had pictures of you in some place he had rented a year ago. They found some notes that said he was going to expose a big political figure.”

  “Hey knew about me and my dad?”

  “Seems that way although he didn’t mention your dad by name…at least not in the stuff they’ve found so far. He just referred to him as a political figure.”

  “That’s not good.”

  I purse my lips.

  “If he knows then who else knows?”

  “No telling,” I say. I was hoping for a celebration and our night in bed to continue, but now the mood is definitely off.

  “Well, no use in worrying about it now,” she says.

  “Wow, you’ve got a tough mind,” I say.

  “I learned from the best,” she says as she jumps back in bed and slide in for a kiss.

  “Your dad taught you well,” I say.

  “Not my dad. The man who spent the most time looking after me. That’s my real daddy…or at least what I’m going to be calling him until the sun comes up.”

  “What time is it?” I say quickly as I move my head frantically as I pretend to look for a clock on the walls.

  We both laugh.

  She gets back on top of me, but I quickly flip her over before delivering a slap on her ass.

  “Oooh. Just like that. More daddy,” she says as she gives me a wink.

  The fun has just begun.



  “So this is it, huh?” I say. Non-travelers aren’t allowed any further inside the airport. From here he clears immigration and then he’s off to…somewhere. He says it’s easier that I don’t know, and he also says he doesn’t really know either. Each stop is just that…a stop along the way towards getting himself right again in the security world.

  “I wouldn’t say that,” he says.

  It’s like I’m always second place with the men in my life. I’m my father’s secret family. I’m the girl Owen thinks he can’t be with, even though we both know it’s right.

  Later today I’ll do what I always do. I’ll blend into the background while my father speaks. I might as well get started now. I should just walk away and not let this goodbye last one second longer. If anything I can just blend into the crowd of other people. The world is like an airport to me. Everyone coming and going, but no one staying. Maybe one day I guess that might change, but I’m not holding my breath. Regardless, I’m not going to burden Owen with my troubles. I mean, what does he mean to me anyways? He’ll be out of here in a few hours and then he’ll just go back to being a fantasy to me like he always was.

  “I better go,” he says. He reaches up with his hand and runs it along my cheek. Why did he have to do that? He knows it’s only going to hurt more that way.

  For a second I almost wonder if it’s going to hurt him as much as it’s hurting me already. He’s a guy, and a tough one at that. He’s probably immune to these things, having done these goodbyes to women at airports a million times before I’d guess.

  I’m silly for thinking it’s more than it is. A girl can hope right? A girl can dream.

  He turns to leave and I watch him walk away. He hands his water bottle to the agent and proceeds forward to immigration. I watch as some person in a uniform stamps his passport and then he’s gone…off to walk through the maze that is duty free shopping and then skyward.

  I just wish he could see things as clearly as I can. All the signs are there. It’s like this entire place is a metaphor.

  The uniformed personnel? Just as uniform, predictable, and doing the same monotonous routines everywhere. But not us. We’re different.

  Duty free? The ability to get what you want without having to pay the tax. When is anything in life free? Never. And the only things you can count on are definitely not free...death and taxes. But I know there’s one more thing that I can count that will tax my heart forever. The way I feel about him.

  And the maze that he enters. It’s like my life. I’ll search and search and search, but I’m the rat who will never find that cheese at the end…mostly because I’ll never find the end. I’ll forever be looking, just like the rest of us. In search of my happiness.

  Maybe I’m just being too melodramatic or maybe now it’s harder that I did get a taste of what I wanted, and now I’m paying the tax and watching it walk away.

  I slide on my sunglasses and walk towards the exit. No one’s going to see me cry anymore because I won’t. There’s no point in putting myself out there so deeply ever again if it has to end like this.

  I’m not sure what’s better…the days we just shared or the idea of what if I had never met him at all?



  I take a seat at my gate and immediately get to work on how I’m going to re-establish myself as a security professional so I can approach Mila like a real man.

  I want to have money in my pocket, both a short term and a long term plan, and the ring I need to make her mine.

  My mind is racing as I furiously try to put the pieces together in a way that can get us back together as soon as possible.

  I look around and can’t help but notice that half the people at the gate are couples. They come for the honeymoon and go home happy. Well, I got something like the honeymoon experience but I am definitely not going home happy. As a matter of fact I’m not going home at all because I don’t have one right now. I’m just bouncing around from place to place.

  Even planning out something where you know exactly what you want seems complicated. At least to me right now. My mind shifts and I wonder how this stalker could have put together such a plan for these past couple days.

  Okay, maybe he intercepted my phone calls when I made plans. I did call ahead for both the boat and the chopper, but not by much. How could he get over to both those places and put his plan into action?

  This couldn’t be some low level guy with an obsession. Could this be a syndicate? Is someone targeting her father for strictly political reasons? And if so then who knows how deep their pockets run and the levels they will sink to to get the outcome they’re after.

  But what is it exactly that they are after? If they want to try and embarrass the president, which Mila is anything but an embarrassment, why wouldn’t they just out her to TMZ or some news organization? That would definitely get plenty of media attention and the questions that come along with it.

  Why did they basically put a hit out on her?

  Or were they after me?

  But Pete said the guy had pictures of her at the place he rented. This just doesn’t add up.

  I’ll think about it on the flight. I open up the second hand tablet I carry with me to check my bank account and to access other personal information.

  I pull up the banking screen and login. Well I guess the case of this weird guy isn’t the only thing that doesn’t add up because I’m still sitting on
a big fat zero balance.

  I’m low on cash and will need to make a withdrawal as soon as I land. People don’t exactly rent on credit these days.

  I open my carry on and whip out one of the burner phones I have with me. I tear away the plastic packaging and dial Frankie Four Finger’s number from memory.

  Just after I hit send the airport gets buzzed by a group of fighter jets. Damn. I wasn’t ready for that. I saw the blue color, or the blur that was blue at least, and figure it must be the Blue Angels. Damn, they were loud and that was a low fly-by.


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