Crimson, Volume 1

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Crimson, Volume 1 Page 12

by Sax Alexander

  She gasped, looking up to see that he had shoved Matt away from her, knocking him to the floor.

  “She’s mine!” he growled, a voice that no human could ever produce coloring his words.

  It frightened and aroused her all at once.

  “I need to come,” she moaned, desperate to draw their attention back to her.

  They were squaring off with each other, both looking more than ready to tear each other limb from limb for the ability to spill their seed inside of her. The sound of her moaning drew both sets of eyes back to her, and Lucas grasped her roughly by the waist.

  “You want to come?” he growled.

  She nodded, feeling locks of her red hair falling out of their bun to cascade down her cheeks.

  He shoved his member inside her, not caring for gentleness. She gasped as he gripped her waist, pumping into her with all the force he had. She felt as if she was going to break in half, but she did not dare ask him to stop.

  Matt had slinked closer to her again, letting his still erect cock dangle just above her mouth. She took it in both of her hands, and stroked it as she licked at its head.

  “That’s right. Lick his cock while I pound you,” Lucas moaned, thrusting harder still.

  “Oh God,” she moaned. “I’m coming!”

  She felt a fresh wave of juices explode from her as her pussy tightened around Lucas. He did not slow in the least, going a few moments longer before she felt his hot cum spill inside her. Matt moaned, reaching down to pinch Marilyn’s nipples. Lucas pulled out of her, both of them gasping.

  “Suck Matt off,” Lucas said, sitting by her feet. “It’s not fair that he doesn’t get to come.”

  Marilyn leaned up, moments away from asking Lucas why Matt could not finish inside her too. But she stopped herself, not wanting a repeat of the earlier scene. She sat up on her knees and bent to take Matt into her mouth. She sucked as hard as she could muster, working in a few tongue strokes for good measure. She cupped her left hand under his balls and rubbed them while she sucked, and sucked on them while she stroked him. It did not take long, as apparently Lucas’s challenge had done nothing to dim Matt’s arousal, before she felt him explode hotly into her mouth. She swallowed it with barely a thought, and she felt Matt’s dick harden in her hand almost instantly.

  Lucas laughed, as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back to recline in his lap.

  “You’ll have to find somebody else for that, Matt. Marilyn deserves a break.”

  As much as she wanted to disagree, as much as she wanted to relive those orgasms over and over, she, in truth, could not argue. Even as she lay there, she felt her eyes drooping. Lucas kissed the top of her head.

  “Let’s get you dressed. I imagine that you’re quite tired.”


  Marilyn arrived back at her dorm that night to find Sheryl nowhere to be seen. This did not bother her in the least, as she was grateful that her roommate would not be pestering her for the details of her night. Without bothering to change clothes, Marilyn threw herself onto her bed and fell asleep straightaway.

  She did not see Lucas or Matt again until her next Literature to Film class. The two sat in their usual spots several rows away from her. She thought about catching their attention and sending over a friendly smile or wave. But the memories of their night together brought a hot blush to her face that kept even those chaste movements from her mind. So she sat, boringly, through her class. When she was sure she was in a really lame level of hell where the class would never end, the professor called it to a close. The usual scuffle followed, but Marilyn just sat in her seat, patiently waiting for her rowmates to leave before her.

  “Hello,” Lucas said.

  Marilyn jumped, whirling to find him sitting on the desktop of the now-vacant seat behind her. “H-hi, Lucas.”

  He laughed, reaching out to entwine his fingers with hers. “I had fun. How about you?”

  Marilyn nodded. “Yes. Um, and don’t worry or anything... your and Matt’s secret is safe with me.”

  “I should hope that my girlfriend could keep my secrets.”

  Marilyn blushed. “Your g-girlfriend? So, that wasn’t a onetime thing?”

  “Well, the threesome in particular is certainly not an every time thing,” he said, and Marilyn frantically shushed him. “But the dating? Well, what kind of guy did you take me for? That is, if you’re willing.”

  “Oh, I’m willing.”

  Her words came out a bit sultrier than she had intended, and Lucas was laughing again. Marilyn shook her head and spied Matt gathering his items and exiting the classroom without even shooting the two of them a friendly glance.

  “How is he?” she asked. “I mean...did I...fix him? Or whatever?”

  “Yes. He’s bona fide now. Now...I thought, maybe, we’d do something a bit tamer this time around. Like see a late movie?”

  Marilyn grinned, nodding. “I’d like that.”

  “Meet me at the Student Union building Friday night?” he asked, hopping off the desk.


  Lucas kissed her cheek and moved past her. In the gutsiest moment of her life, she called him to a stop. “Lucas?”

  He turned. “Yes?”

  “About... our first date. I understand it not being an every time thing, you think you and Matt would be okay with it being a sometimes thing? You know, if he needs someone to... help.”

  Lucas laughed, nodding. “I think we could work that out.”

  Blood Oranges


  Persephone Jones

  Chapter One

  Forbidden fruit. That’s what Audra Rhoades’ orchard was.

  She never had a trespasser before. Let alone in her orchard. More to the point, she’d never held a gun on someone. First time for everything, she supposed. The rifle was probably overkill, no pun intended, with the perpetrators either bored teenagers or hungry animals.


  The most gorgeous man she’d ever seen spun around to face her. Long, pale blond hair that spilled past his shoulders, elegant slender bone structure, piercing dark blue eyes bordering on violet, the likes of which she’d never seen.

  And fruit juice all over his face.

  “What the—”

  Reminiscent of an old vampire movie, the bare-chested man held his arm up to his face like a shield and hissed. Not exactly the reaction she anticipated. A string of curse words, a cloud of dust made in haste to flee the scene, or the male’s backside sprinting in the opposite direction would have been typical. But a Bela Lugosi impression?

  “What are you doing in my orchard?” She labored to hold the heavy firearm steady. Sure, she’d practiced in front of the hallway mirror while holding it unloaded. But it never occurred to her that she might need to hold it longer than a few seconds. What if he was waiting for her arm to start shaking? Then what?

  Much to her dismay, her flashlight flickered. She looked heavenward and rolled her eyes. Why now? The most reliable flashlight she’d ever owned, brand new with fresh batteries, was suddenly nothing more than a nightstick. In hot pink. Police carried the same kind, for crying out loud. Okay, maybe not hot pink, but the same brand, anyway.

  Veiled in darkness, she made out the beautiful stranger who’d turned his back to her. And what a back it was, lean and muscular like the rest of him. Too bad she’d only caught a quick glance. Stupid flashlight. She couldn’t blame him for looking away. The scene was ridiculous, like something out of a cheesy horror movie. This was the part where the monster ate the heroine.

  “I beg your pardon. I hope I didn’t frighten you,” the monster said in a tone of voice that gave her pause.

  As if someone had flicked a switch, her trusty flashlight came back on, illuminating the man’s angelic face. She hadn’t expected he would be civil too.

  “No. I’m fine.” She shook her head.”You just—”

  “Startled you.”

  With little effort, he’d taken her wor
ds and put them back in her mouth. She could think of something else he could put in her mouth. But now was not the time for single-girl fantasies.

  “Well, I—”Audra stammered awkwardly, which only served to embarrass her more.

  The stranger stepped forward into the light, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. It was a gesture she found terribly masculine and reminded her how much she missed men. But not just any men. Good men. Not the kind she’d been avoiding lately, like her ex-boyfriend J.R. Parks.

  “Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kell Asher. I’m your next door neighbor.”

  Had he just said neighbor? Shit. Way to start things out on the wrong foot.”I wasn’t aware anyone had moved in.”

  Audra watched him shift on his feet, also bare. Other than the blue jeans, the man was so naked she couldn’t help but wonder what he wore underneath them. Just like that, her lusty fantasies returned. “Last night. The place was partially furnished. That’s probably why you didn’t hear me.”

  Of course. That made sense. “Oh. I’m sorry. Where are my manners? I’m Audra Rhoades. Welcome to the neighborhood.” She doubted anyone had welcomed him with a gun before. Southern hospitality required she lower the barrel of the gun to the ground in order to shake his hand. But that didn’t mean she didn’t want to know what his excuse was for sneaking around in her orchard in the middle of the night.

  “Thank you. It’s nice to make your acquaintance, Ms. Rhoades.”

  “Nice to meet you too.” He was a livewire. Her fingertips tingled at his touch. “But that still doesn’t answer my question.”

  He smiled a little, an entirely different beauty emerging on his face. Before, his appearance had been like that of an old Victorian portrait, his expression stoically reserved and without emotion. Now his smile was disarming enough that he could have sold swamp land. “I’m sorry. While unpacking, I let time get away from me. I’m from the city and I’m used to grocery stores, restaurants being open later than they are here. I have nothing in my refrigerator. I looked out the window, saw your orchard, and thought a few pieces of fruit might keep my hunger at bay—”

  “Stop. I—” She waved her hand, feeling like an ass. “Now it’s my turn to apologize. Please, take the fruit. I have plenty.”

  Kell Asher paused a moment, as if allowing her time to reconsider. “Thank you. Once I get settled, I’ll be sure to repay you for your kindness.”

  Jesus, she could listen to him talk for hours. His voice was beyond melodic, the pitch soothing like feathers against her ears. “Oh, that’s not necessary. Really.”

  “I insist.”

  Guilt, sympathy, and a twinge of something else prodded her to extend some kindness of her own. “Listen, um—I have some bread, milk. Stuff to make sandwiches. I know it’s not fancy, but—”

  “I’d love to.”

  Oh Lord. What had she done? She didn’t mean to invite him to dinner but rather give him some food and send him on his merry good-looking-as-hell way. “Um—right this way.”

  Audra led him through the rows of trees, across the small backyard, and up the steps. Flicking on the light as she entered, the more light the better, she glanced back and saw him lingering in the doorway.”Comin’?”

  He stretched his long, lean form in the doorway, filling it with ease. With his arm bent at an angle overhead and the other delicately touching the door jam, he looked like a beefcake model. “May I?”

  “Yes, please. Come in.” Eager? Nah, never her.

  Eyes locked on her, he took a step inside, and the light above him flickered. During the two years she’d lived in the house, it had never done that. As a matter of fact, she’d never experienced any sort of electrical problems.

  Light-headed, she swayed on her feet. Served her right. Putting off spring cleaning until June meant she’d suffered in the thick summer heat. And now she was paying dearly for it. She’d gotten too much sun.

  “Are you all right?” His voice, God his voice, was like magic, an incantation. Like a flash of lightning, he closed the space between them. One second he was standing at the door and now he was close enough to kiss.

  A kiss. That’s what she wanted. To know firsthand how soft his sensual lips were, what they tasted like. What it would feel like when he conquered her resistance and pulled her under. “I feel fine.”

  “Let’s find out.” Kell took her by the arms, his grasp both firm and tender. She’d worn a sleeveless sundress that day, as little as possible while doing housework. In Kell Asher’s possession, it felt like nothing at all. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she detected a faint stickiness on his fingertips. No doubt the fruit juice that had run down his arms when he’d peeled and sucked her oranges dry. Not that it bothered her. Far from it. She was far too intoxicated by his earthy smell, a subtle bouquet of grass, blood oranges, and sweat.

  Before she could comprehend what was about to happen, his mouth descended on her, melding in perfection to hers for a kiss. Holding her where she stood, he brushed his tongue lightly over her lips, cheeks, and chin, cleaning the fruit juice his closeness left on her skin. He returned to her lips intermittently, his tongue delving deeper into her mouth, lingering longer with every kiss.

  Meanwhile, his hands made an unapologetic exploration of her body, smoothing up the bowed swell of her thighs, his palms over the rounded curves of her ass, coming close to breaching the crack of her ass with his eager fingers. So eager that she stretched upward on her tiptoes to grant him further access. Emboldened, he moved his hand beneath her sundress and into her panties. He dipped his fingers into her feminine sweetness, and they came way coated in the rich nectar of her arousal. In a momentary world of her own, she watched him bring them to his nose and inhale deeply, taking her essence into him.

  Audra’s heartbeat was like a rabbit on the run, wild and sporadic. His kisses an ocean in her ears. Her head floated upward, separate from her body. She could see herself ascending, in complete acquiescence, reeling in the rapture she experienced in Kell Asher’s arms. If she didn’t return to her body soon, she’d be watching an X-rated film.

  And that was bad, because...?

  Perhaps she really had gotten too much sun. Maybe she needed to go to bed. Her mind reeled with abandon, fantasies escaping their stronghold. Bed, yes. Bed with Kell Asher would be even better, tangled in her yummy new neighbor’s naked embrace.

  In abrupt rejection, he put her at a distance, his long, sinewy arms straight as arrows. Staring holes through her with a hooded brow that reminded her of a white owl, he set his jaw and panted like a labored animal. He paused as if taking a moment to compose himself, then took her by the arms once again. She felt him plant a quick kiss on her forehead and speak against her skin. “Go to bed, Audra.”

  The spell was broken. Dazed, she left the kitchen without seeing Kell to the door and walked up the stairs to bed.

  Chapter Two

  Audra dreamed all night. Over and over like a repeating playlist, she found herself standing in the backyard with Kell Asher. All through the dream, she didn’t speak, mesmerized by Kell’s unearthly pull. With the sole power of his mind, he was able to command her into motion. Under his violet gaze, she was without reserve, slipping her sundress from her sun-kissed shoulders.. In a soft whisper, the garment fell to the grassy floor beneath her feet as she bared herself to him.

  As if watching a music video, she watched him cross the yard to meet her. Locked in his embrace, she received his irresistible kiss. Painting a trail down her neck, his lips came to a stop at the base of her throat. He stretched his mouth wide and took a handful of her hair in his grip, pinning her while he sank his long teeth into her flesh. She tried to cry out, but she could conjure no sound.

  She listened to their heartbeats slow and synchronize, falling into step like a pair of dancers. Her body convulsed in agony when he withdrew his bite. Using nothing but his mind, Kell whispered for her to drink from him, and despite her aversion to bloodshed, she obeyed without hesitation.
Unimpeded, his thoughts slithered in and out of her head like a serpent. Letting her mind wander, she could almost taste his rich crimson lifeblood rushing over her tongue once more.

  Each time she had the dream, it ended the same way, with the two of them teetering on the edge of a soul-sucking black abyss that reminded her of death. And every ending had them falling safely back into the blinding light of life at the last minute. Breaking away from each other in abrupt alarm, they crab-walked backward on their hands to opposite ends of the yard and stared in wide-eyed amazement at each other. If she shut her eyes, she could still see Kell’s ravenous expression.

  Most disconcerting, however, was the realization she’d woke up without a stitch of clothing on, her hand between her legs and her skin covered in a sticky glaze as if she’d spilled fruit juice all over herself.

  She spent the day in a slight stupor, cleaning, doing laundry, and tending to the orchard. But that was what her body did. Her mind proved more of a challenge to engage. In the span of one night, it had packed its bags and run away, taking logic and focus with it. Try as she might to keep distraction away she couldn’t help but wonder where Kell was. Earlier in the day, she’d spotted his car in the garage, so she knew he was home. The move had undoubtedly exhausted him as it did most people. She assumed he was sleeping in. Then she remembered him saying the house was partially furnished and began formulating theories about what he did for a living, what occupation would require that he sleep during the day. It was right about then that she decided she was well on her way to being obsessed with Kell Asher.

  There was only one thing that helped clear her mind and that was a long soak in the tub. After that, she’d slip into some pajamas and with any luck lose herself in one of the books in her To Be Read pile. On her way upstairs she heard someone knock at the kitchen door. Instinctively, she knew it was Kell. Sure enough, the gorgeous blond stood on her porch waiting to be let in.

  “Hello!” She cringed at how enthusiastic her voice sounded and chided herself. Desperate? Nah.


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