Once Upon a Misty Bluegrass Hill

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Once Upon a Misty Bluegrass Hill Page 13

by Rebecca Bernadette Mance

  He had never had them until she made them for him the first summer she lived home again.

  Just wait until Patrick was smelling that smoking barbeque full of baby backs from across the way. Maybe she would get out her big fan to really blow smoke over to Patrick's house.

  But she really didn't need the fan because the oncoming storm was bringing just enough wind to carry the smoke right to the desired location.

  Jolene put on her music loud…just like she always did when she barbequed for Patrick. He would know what was going on. And he would soon smell the smoke being carried by the pre-storm wind.

  With a wide smile of delicious revenge, Jolene went to her fridge and pulled out a Bourbon Trail Kentucky beer that she kept for Patrick, opened it and poured it into a ball jar.

  She got the charcoals ready. Lit the fire.

  Then she prepared the meat, with her father's special sauce…that did require a bit of beer.

  It was hot as heck outside so she used the opportunity to execute another part of her plan... to put on her tank top with no bra….just like Natasha advised. Natasha had said she was just the right size in the boobies and Patrick would not be able to resist looking at her chest if she wore a tank top with no bra.

  Well….she was going to find out.

  If he came for a rib.

  She took several more swigs of beer. Then took off her jeans and put on her short-shorts. Natasha said that she had pretty legs…even with the freckles.

  She threw on sandals with just a small heel. Helen said it would make her legs look really nice.

  Hopefully Patrick and Leona would be able to see her on her back porch. Even with their stupid dinner party going on.

  She lit the special lamps to keep the bugs away.

  She sang, she danced, she cooked…and the rain came.

  She got soaking wet while she pulled the ribs off the grill and put them in the oven to keep them warm while she sat on her back porch and watched the rain.

  It came in heavy but not in sheets like it did sometimes. There was a little far-away lightening. She watched it drip off the porch and soak her mother's roses.

  Tears from heaven.

  Mamma I miss you so.

  The lights came on in Patrick's house. She could see a silhouette of Patrick and Leona kissing.

  "I hate her so much."

  Jolene stomped inside to her fridge, jerked open the door and pulled out the Mason jar filled with moonshine from Bobby Walker. He and his daddy made it in the woods. She got a lighter and poured a little in the sink. She lit the clear potent liquid and it lit up clear and white. If it was white, it was good, if the flame went red, it was poison.

  Flint had taught her that. He said that is why they call it White Lightning. She poured some into a Ball jar and went back out to the porch to sputter through several generous gulps.

  When her glass was empty she was already tipsy. "Where have you been all my life?" she said to the glass with just a few drops of moonshine left.

  "What are yer doing sitting out here talking to a glass jar when yer got those ribs inside?" Patrick's voice was low and velvet speaking from the raining darkness beyond her porch. "Hurry now, you and get me a few before I have to go back." He walked up the porch steps and closed his umbrella. He was dressed in a suit and his eyes glowed purple-black in the lamplight.

  Jolene jumped up and her moonshine world tilted just a little…just as the wind blew into the porch and hit her and Patrick with rain.

  Gaining her balance, she opened the screen door and he followed her inside. "I thought you were at the dinner party."

  "All vegetarians."

  They walked through to the kitchen and Jolene turned on the light laughing. "That is what you get."

  Patrick's gaze immediately locked onto her boobies, wet from the rain with the red puckered tips sticking out to him. His eyes were purple heat searing her chest.

  His expression was one of a man who had never seen anything like them or even knew what they were. She turned away brushing her hand over her puckered nipples in excitement and equal shame.

  Heat surged between her legs.

  "Well, I have some ribs ready." She reached for the potholders with quivering fingers and opened the oven door.

  Patrick cleared his throat. As she turned with the pan of ribs she looked into his eyes that darkened but forced a focus on her face. "It is hot out isn't it Jolene?"

  Jolene tried not to look down at her boobies when she answered. The tips hurt from his gaze, itching to be touched. "It was super-hot. I could hardly stand it, especially out by the grill."

  Why, oh why didn't she wear a bra?

  She uncovered the foiled ribs and chanced to glance back at Patrick. His eyes moved over her boobies again with blue-purple fire…and she felt the heat between her legs…it was the heat that Patrick always made her feel, only now it near sent her to a jig.

  The moonshine made her limbs hot and tingly and she felt free and uninhibited.

  Desire gushed through her middle leaving a tremble behind in its wake. She wondered if he might ease her the way he did that one time the night of the Derby.

  As if he knew her thoughts he sifted over her body again with smoking blue eyes.

  Natasha was right.

  "Yer wet." His voice was low.

  Jolene looked down. Her dark pink nipples were puckered hard as pebbles and screaming towards him…. "Yes I am." She felt the simmering blush coasting over her entire body. She was certain it made her freckles stand out even more.

  But she was so pissed about the vegetarian dinner party…and the fact that he was sleeping with Leona sometimes…she just knew it. She handed him a rib in a napkin.

  He took the rib but didn't eat it. "Put on a better shirt Jolene and I'll stay and have some ribs with yer before going back to the house of vegetarians.

  "It is very hot Patrick."

  "No, the rain has cooled everything."

  "Not everything Patrick. I am very, very hot."

  His intake of breath was sharp and his eyes turned to burn. "Jolene, what are you up to now?"

  "You want some moonshine that Bobby Walker brought over. It might warm you up some."

  His eyes covered her flushed face. "So that is what has brought the blush to your cheeks." He shook his head, disapproval framing his mouth. "Well, young lady you should hand that stuff over to me before I leave, it is deadly stuff, that."

  "Only if you light it and the fire is red. If it has no color it is okay."

  "It is not okay for young ladies, so you'll be handing it over to me before I leave."

  Jolene giggled and moved closer to him, pressing her boobies just slightly into his arm. She heard his soft groan and pressed forward. "You remember that time when you kissed and touched me before I left for school?"

  "Jolene!" His voice was a graveled whisper. "I won't have you speaking of the bad things I did. I was wrong for doing that to yer. It is that moonshine a'talking now."

  Jolene looked deeply into his eyes and dropped her words to a husky whisper. "I liked it a lot Patrick, it felt very good, I mean, really, really good...I mean, maybe if you did that again it would help that hurt in my boobies and my diddle...it wouldn't really be like cheating on Leona. I have this ache right down there.” She pointed down between her legs.

  His intake of breath was sharp. "Stop talking dirty Jolene, where did you learn that stuff? From those girls at school?"

  "You don't like it even a little?" She leaned forward and hiccupped. "What will you do if I say another word? Wash my mouth out with soap?" Jolene giggled remembering her mother's saying.

  Patrick closed his eyes and pulled himself back. His nostrils flared like a stallion. Then he painfully pressed his breathing to steady.

  When he opened his eyes again a few seconds later, they were cold blue steel. His anger was tangible and dangerous. Jolene stepped back from the blue blaze.

  "Go change yer shirt and put on a bra....right now Little Red. And not
another word."

  Chapter 17

  The name "Kentucky" derived from an Iroquois [Native Americans including the Cherokee who lived in North America before the arrival of Europeans] name for the area south of the Ohio River. There were many variations of the word during early pioneer times, including “Kaintuckee" and “Cantuckey." The meaning of the Iroquois name is disputed by historians, but it is believed to mean “meadowland."

  The state’s official nickname is the “Bluegrass State," which is derived from the famed species of grass grown in central Kentucky, Bluegrass, or Poa. “The nickname also recognizes the role that the Bluegrass region has played in Kentucky’s economy and history."

  "I still can't believe he did this!" Natasha paced the dorm room with balled fists. "The British Royals would never do something like this!"

  Helen sighed and shook her head. "Really Natasha, I hardly think this is the time to make royal comparisons and let us be perfectly honest that the British Royals would never marry anyone like Jolene into their family either."

  Jolene laughed wiping her watery eyes. "Thank you for that…it makes me feel so much better."

  Helen patted Jolene's shoulder. "We completely didn't predict this. He gave no warning at all that he had turned his attention to someone else. We should never have made it out like a done deal in your favor…we are sorry."

  Jolene sighed pressing away a fresh batch of tears with her fingers. "Oh don't worry about it. I was the biggest fool of all of us. He has always been the enemy and I should not have forgotten that."

  Helen shook her head sadly. "It isn't that he is the enemy. That is just men for you."

  Jolene felt hot tears filling up her eyes again. "She even made him take the flags down, can you believe it?"

  "Oh my gosh…why…?"

  "She said that it would offend her friends! Like who cares about her friends? She came from Harvard and said it was insulting and offensive to some people to have flags…"

  "Even the POW flag?"

  "Especially that one."

  Natasha sat down next to her and closed her arm around Jolene. "Well, it isn't the first time I have heard that kind of rubble….I just can't believe Patrick let her dictate something so important to you."

  Jolene closed her eyes in disgust. "He told me that we had to be sensitive and compromise with others."

  Helen sat down on the other side of Jolene. "What else happened? Were they all lovey dovey and stuff? I mean, maybe it isn't too late. He isn't married yet after all."

  Jolene's shoulders slumped. "That…and some…they were always kissing and she was calling him all these stupid baby names."

  Natasha screwed up her face to a disgusted expression. "It sounds simply awful."

  "It was awful….really awful. Even after all we did to make me look sexy I felt like a pole bean next to her."

  Natasha patted her sympathetically. "Don't worry pet, somehow it will all work out."

  Jolene shook her head. "The only thing that saved the summer was Mary Jane and Michael. I got to have really fantastic wine at their house. They invited me over for dinner whenever Leona had one of her snobby parties. I learned a whole lot about wine."

  Helen grinned. "I get to have wine when I go home too. Did Patrick know?"

  Jolene grinned. "Of course not, but then he never asked. He knows they bring fantastic wine back from California when they come here for the summer." Then Jolene giggled as another tear dropped down her cheek. "He took away the moonshine Bobby Walker brought over and the beer....his own beer!"

  "Well, look on the bright side, he and Leona didn't get any of that good wine from your friends Mary Jane and Michael."

  Jolene rolled her eyes. "I am sure Leona bought expensive wine for their dinners. But I had a terrible lot of fun with Mary Jane. She has a lot of good advice and she understood my situation very well. They invited me to stay at their house in Napa, California sometime."

  Natasha raised one brow. "Perhaps you should send Mary Jane to talk to Patrick."

  Jolene laughed bitterly. "He is too moon-eyed over Leona to listen to anyone, even Mary Jane even though he likes her a lot. He doesn't even go see Linda and eat with Mary Jane and Michael at the stockyards like he did before."

  Helen sighed and plopped on her bed. "What are you going to do at the end of the year when you have to go back?"

  "I don't know. I just don't know."

  Natasha narrowed her eyes and rubbed her hands together. "So, when all else has failed.....why not a plan for revenge?"

  Jolene looked at Natasha with skepticism. "Like what kind of revenge?"

  "Well, it is all very simple...."

  Chapter 18

  After 1775, Kentucky grew rapidly as the first settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains were founded, with settlers (primarily from Virginia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania) entering the region via the Cumberland Gap and the Ohio River. The most famous of these early explorers and settlers was Daniel Boone, one of the founders of the state. During this period, the settlers introduced agriculture to the area. Tobacco, corn, and hemp were the major crops of Kentucky, and the hunting stage of frontier life faded away.

  Kentucky's second largest city, and former capital Lexington, is named for Lexington, Massachusetts, site of one of the first battles of the Revolution. A fort was built there during the last year of the war for defense against the British and their Native American allies. Kentucky was a battleground during the war; the Battle of Blue Licks, one of the last major battles of the Revolution, was fought in Kentucky. Due to the ongoing violence, by 1776 there were fewer than 200 settlers in Kentucky. Wikipedia - July 23, 2012.

  She stepped off of the airplane in Lexington pressing down her carefully selected rose- patterned shantung silk suit. She stood as tall as her five feet one inch allowed in her spiky pink stilettos.

  She had so much time to think on it all since last summer. She had been sent to Paris over the last holiday before graduation to learn French and French cooking. It was because Patrick knew that she didn't want to go home over Thanksgiving and Christmas and see him and Leona so he saved her that.

  Instead, Patrick insisted that she use the earnings that stemmed from Storm winning the Triple Crown to do more "bettering of herself" with a fully rounded education in France. She had flown to England to spend the holidays with Natasha and her family and the rest of the time at the expensive French boarding school where she learned to cook fancy food with periodic visits from Natasha. Natasha was well into her wedding plans so they often shopped in Paris.

  Leona would have called her new cooking "gourmet". Ugh. But it had been fun to learn despite that it was something snobby Leona would like.

  But now it was all coming together again because she was returning home for good. In the years away at school before Leona .... and even after Leona if the truth be admitted, Jolene had dreamed of Patrick while lying in her cot, his presence was in her hymnal songs she sang so sweetly for the nuns. He was part of everything she did.

  He had betrayed her so terribly after kissing her and touching her so beautifully.

  Now after the year of planning and of waiting to get back to him, she was going to kill Patrick McCabe. In the least, she was going to get even, deadly even with him and that nasty old Leona.

  Oh it wasn't that he had completely made her life miserable...or that she failed to say her Rosary daily as she had always done and found comfort from the past in its recitation….or that she didn't know a good bit of Latin now….or that she didn't speak just so. And of course there was the French experience as well. The lessons had all helped her so she had to credit Patrick with that at least. She was even thankful for the manners she learned at the stern but gentle hands of the Sisters at Vance.

  Nevertheless, she was going to make him pay! Oh she was.

  His threat to send her back to Aunt Paula was repeated every year as motivation for her to return to school. Not that she was reluctant to leave that last time after the summer with
Leona. She knew by her second year he wouldn't send her back to Aunt Paula, but his reference to it reminded her of what she owed him.

  And that is what really galled her the most. She owed him despite how livid she was.

  Now, she had worked hard and graduated those few weeks early to make it back for the Derby. Patrick had said, "If yer promise me to make your best grades in this last term, I'll get your tests early for yer and we'll bring you home early for the Derby to see Summer Storm run. Summer Storm was Big Storm's colt.

  Oh she would be at the Derby alright. Flirting with every man in sight in front of him and that hateful picked bride of his, Leona Mason.

  She had learned a lot about Leona from Friendface. Leona Mason came from a snobby family in Lexington.


  Just four years her senior Leona was the toast of Lexington and toast of the Friendface world. Jolene had followed the romance on Leona's Friendface like an obsessed woman that whole last school year. Each posting had been a sharp shard of glass penetrating her heart. Everything from Leona's platinum blonde hair to her fake laughter had made Jolene furious.

  She had barely spoken to Patrick when he called that last year. She imagined that when she did talk to him that she could hear Leona in the background laughing.

  Of course Leona also had lots of advice for Jolene that last summer to add insult to so much injury...her advice was on everything from her clothing to her need to cut off long locks of red sausage curls that everyone else admired, even strangers.

  Patrick had been hurt and embarrassed by her mulish behavior and Jolene was certain both he and his fake-smile-spray-on-tan fiancé were more than happy to see her return to school. So she was relieved that Patrick had sent her to France for the holidays even though his ease of ridding himself of her presence hurt like a thousand bee stings to her heart. But it was better than putting up with the pair of them.

  Jolene had a lot of time to think and she had formulated a plan with Natasha and Helen. She refused to appear inexperienced, unsophisticated and clumsy next to the plastic woman that had so neatly inserted herself into Patrick's life.


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