Ice Queen (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales)

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Ice Queen (Futanari Erotica Fairy Tales) Page 2

by Julie Law

  Katya moved a couple of steps away from the Queen and turned to face her.

  “I don’t care about your opinions, or tastes.” Katya said, finally losing her patience. “I’ve summoned you for a specific reason. I want…”

  “I know what you want.” The Ice Queen interrupted Katya. Her voice was colder than before, without the edge of amusement. “You want your sister safe, don’t you? You want her disease to go away, and for her to become healthy once again.”

  “How do you know that?” The princess asked angrily.

  “What else would you ask for?” The Queen replied with a raised eyebrow. “Your sister’s disease is well known throughout the land, as is the love your family bears her. I guessed.”

  “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”

  Suddenly the weather got colder and the winds started tugging at Katya’s skirt. She almost lost her balance and saw a bolt of lightning fall on one of the trees nearby.

  She turned to the Ice Queen, fearful, knowing the woman was responsible.

  “I don’t lie.”

  It wasn’t a shout, it wasn’t even particularly loud, but the Queen’s voice drove Katya to her knees, pain racking at her mind, her breath freezing in her throat.

  A few moments later the winds abated, the storm faded and the princess could breathe once again.

  Katya remained on her knees, prostrating herself before the woman that could save her little sister and begged.

  “I apologize, your majesty, please save my sister.”

  The Queen remained quiet for a long time. “There will be a price.”

  Katya raised her head and looked right into the Queen’s eyes. “I’m ready to give up anything for my sister’s recovery.”

  “Are you really?” The Queen’s voice was neither convinced nor distrustful. “Would you give up your freedom for her? Would you give up your purity? Would you give up your children for your sister?”

  Katya nodded at every question the Queen posed, hesitating on the last one, but acquiescing as well.

  The Queen started walking again, until she stood behind the prostrated young woman and then she kneeled.

  Katya felt the Queen yanking her head and she had to throw her head backwards, her lower back protesting at the move.

  The Queen’s voice, when she spoke, was so close that Katya shivered. “Then you’ll give me all those things and more, you’ll become mine, my toy, my pet, my lover. Will you do it?”

  Katya hesitated but nodded.

  “Say it.”

  “I will.” Katya replied.

  The princess felt her clothes give away against the Queen’s unnatural strength, and she shivered as her skin faced the air. The woman’s hands were cold on her back, and Katya felt goose bumps appear all over her body.

  With a push the Queen made her turn and lay on her back.

  Katya rested on her ruined clothes and looked up at the Ice Queen. She saw the other woman’s clothes slowly dissolve, looking almost like water as they ran over the woman’s pale figure.

  Then the redhead gasped as she saw the cock that lay between the Queen’s thighs.

  The Queen advanced, leaning over Katya and looking into her blue eyes.

  “I ask you thrice. You’ll be my lover, you’ll bare my children, you’ll be mine and for that I’ll heal your sister. Do you accept?”

  Katya could feel an ominous feeling in the air, and she realized that was the last time she had to think about her choice. On one hand there was the life she knew, a life that would continue even after Tatiana’s death, with her parents and friends.

  On the other hand there was her little sister’s life and an unknown future as the Ice Queen’s lover, and all that came with it.

  If Katya refused the Queen’s offer she could return home, become queen and marry someone she loved and who would cherish her.

  If she accepted, she would live the rest of her life with a creature that wasn’t human, no matter how she looked, and she would bare that creature’s children even if she didn’t want to.

  In the end, it was the memory of her sister’s smile that made her choose; the future might change at any given moment, but Katya wouldn’t live with herself if she let Tatiana die.

  “I accept.”

  The Queen moved faster than Katya could see, almost serpently, and pressed her body against the princess’s, their breasts touching.

  Katya gasped and swallowed at the contact, not knowing how to behave or what to do. The other woman claimed her mouth, not letting her think, cold pale hands running over her ribs, stopping just underneath her breasts.

  Katya arched her back unconsciously, offering herself to the Ice Queen and in reply the blue haired woman moved her hands up, cupping Katya’s mounds.

  While her hands weighted Katya’s breasts, the Queen leaned down and kissed the redhead’s throat, cold lips against soft skin, making the girl shiver, while the Queen’s tongue licked her.

  The blue haired woman moved her mouth over Katya’s body, from one side to the other, down to her chest, taking one of the nipples into her mouth for a few moments, and then up, until she reached one of the redhead’s earlobes and pressed her lips against it.

  The young princess moaned at the woman’s ministrations, her hands poised on the Queen’s body, just atop her ribs. She heard the Ice Queen murmur something at her ear and felt a burning sensation throughout her body, like she had never felt before.

  Her nipples hardened, and goose bumps appeared on her skin and yet she was not cold, she burned with lust.

  The Queen’s hands started roving over her body, making her shiver, feeling her abs, her stomach and legs and then moving up and cupping her breasts.

  Katya arched her back, her mind unable to process the signals her body sent her. The princess could feel a wetness gathering between her thighs, and a need for something she couldn’t name.

  The Queen moved back down again and took one of the princess’s nipples into her mouth, tasting it, swirling her tongue around. She felt the redhead’s hands grasping her hair and pulling her tighter against the princess’s body.

  The Ice Queen smiled amused, never taking her mouth of Katya’s breast.

  Slowly she moved her hands down the young woman’s body and put her hands on her rear, pulling the princess’s body against her own, making the her moan as she felt the Queen’s hard cock pressed against her inner thigh.

  The Queen cupped Katya’s buttocks as she divided her attentions between the redhead’s breasts, kneading the plump flesh.

  Katya moaned even more when she felt the Queen pressed her hands against Katya’s inner thighs, pushing them apart, spreading the girl open.

  She could feel the Queen’s warm rod pressed against her leg, and couldn’t help but think of what it would feel like having it inside of her.

  The Ice Queen poised one hand on Katya’s core, making the girl jump in surprise, while her pale fingers ran over red curls, and then down, touching the princess’s nether lips.

  Katya trembled when she felt that touch, and again when the woman’s fingers started tracing her labia, getting coated in her wetness. She felt them close around her clit, grasping the little bundle of nerves and flicking it, then gripping it and shaking.

  Katya saw herself forced to close her eyes and bit her lips, not wanting the blue haired woman to know just how much she was affecting her. From the amused sounds of the woman, Katya realized it didn’t work.

  When she grew tired of playing around, the Ice Queen pushed a finger against Katya’s opening, entering her.

  The redhead head trembled but didn’t make a sound, at least until the Queen curled her finger and then she shouted in pleasure.

  The Ice Queen laughed, and moved down Katya’s body, stooping only when she reached the girl’s sex. Then she leaned down and tasted the redhead, letting her tongue glide over the pink pussy, moving it up and down, and the sideways over the supple slit.

  Katya shouted, trembled and twitched in pl
easure, her legs resting upon the Queen’s shoulders, pulling the woman tight against her. She only wanted that tongue to go deeper, to enter her and please her forever.

  The Ice Queen moved up and closed her mouth over Katya’s clitoris, letting her tongue swirl around the little bud for a few moments, before she climbed the princess’s body and claimed her mouth.

  Katya kissed the woman without holding back, not caring about the taste of her own sex, their tongues dueling.

  The blue haired woman put her cock at Katya’s entrance, moving it over the slit, lubricating it with the girl’s wetness, before she pressed forward, letting her cock enter the princess for the first time.

  Katya clutched the Queen’s body, pulling the woman against her, trying to deal with the sensations the woman invoked.

  She could feel that only an inch or two of the woman’s cock had penetrated her, but even that was more pleasurable than anything Katya had ever felt.

  The Queen moved and whispered at Katya’s ear, speaking slowly in a lyrical language.

  Katya couldn’t understand what the woman said, but she felt her body heating even more and the pleasure she felt redoubled. The princess couldn’t help it and begged, needing the other woman to fuck her. “Please, take me.”

  The Queen laughed, amused, and thrust her hips, slowly, careful not to hurt the virgin princess, feeling her cock sliding into the girl’s depths.

  Katya moaned and trashed, and only stilled when she felt the Queen’s press against her barrier. She looked into the Queen’s eyes, finding blue eyes so similar and so different from hers.

  The Queen looked down and smirked, but her eyes softened, and she thrust harder than before, breaking Katya’s hymen and filling the girl completely for the first time.

  For one moment their bodies became as one, but it didn’t last; the Queen only waited until Katya grew used to her girth and size, and then she started moving in and out of the princess, feeling the girl’s nether lips clasped tight around her cock.

  Katya moaned as the older woman plundered her again and again.

  She could only offer herself to the woman fucking her, spreading herself even more, and hope it wouldn’t take long for her climax to come.

  The Queen received her offering willingly, thrusting harder with each moment, until Katya’s cunt tightened painfully around her cock and the girl came, screaming out loud with pleasure.

  She stopped moving then, letting pleasure flood the girl’s brain, waiting until Katya came down from her high before she started moving again.

  Katya came again shortly, being too sensitive from her previous orgasm to resist for long.

  The Ice Queen didn’t stop this time, and continued until she felt her own climax near, after making the princess come twice more. With a shout, the blue haired woman buried herself in the princess’s cunt, feeling her cock release its seed.

  Afterwards they remained entwined for a while, both coming down from their respective highs.

  Katya didn’t know what to think, not believing she had let the other woman take her like she did, without even resisting momentarily. She had a sudden urge to cry, but held it back, unrepentant about what she had done to save her sister.

  Without wanting too, she yawned loudly and realized how tired she was. She almost fell asleep, the only thing that stopped her was the Ice Queen moving and picking her up bridal style.

  “Where are you taking me?” The redhead questioned.

  “To my palace, your new home then I will visit your sister and heal her.” The Queen replied, moving towards the lake.

  Katya nodded, too tired to speak, and closed her eyes, her mind welcoming the darkness of sleep.

  Chapter 2

  “My Queen, are you sure you want to do this?”

  Tatiana Le Blanc, twenty year old queen of Adalia, raised an eyebrow at her chief advisor, making the man beg forgiveness for his daring.

  His name was John Belfort and even though he was a little limited when it came to court intrigue, Tatiana chose him as an advisor because he was an honest and trustworthy man.

  “It’s just that your father just recently passed away…” The man tried to amend after a moment.

  “That means it is even more important for me to do this then, as a way to honor my father’s memory.” Tatiana spoke without looking at the man, finishing the inspection her clothes.

  The advisor bowed quickly. “I suppose the Queen is …”

  “Besides,” Tatiana interrupted. “I will not give my greedy cousins even more reasons to complain about my rule and try to force me to give up my crown.”

  John bowed again and remained silent.

  Tatiana nodded to herself, satisfied with the image she presented and left the room, the older man following her obediently.

  She entered the throne room and seated herself, ready for what would be the first public hearing since her father died and she was crowned.

  The steward announced her titles, and ordered the first supplicant to approach.

  The last years had been rough for the royal family.

  First Tatiana’s mother had died which wasn’t completely unexpected, seeing how frail the queen had been since Tatiana’s sister had disappeared all those years ago.

  Not long after that the king became ill.

  Tatiana shook her head and tried to dispel the memories, her father was never the same once Katya disappeared and her mother’s death only made things worse. She helped him as much as she could and took some of his duties into her shoulders, but it wasn’t enough.

  One month ago he had perished, and Tatiana was soon crowned Queen of Adalia at the tender age of twenty.

  As for Katya … Tatiana couldn’t even imagine what had happened to her sister and every time she thought about it she felt a pang in her heart.

  The redhead had sacrificed herself for her and Tatiana wouldn’t ever be able to repay it, but she sometimes resented Katya for what she had done.

  She loved Katya unconditionally, but couldn’t help and wonder if their parents might be alive today if she hadn’t disappeared.

  Tatiana shook her head and focused on her current task.

  Most of the supplicants that appeared before her were nobles, subject that lived far away from the capital and hadn’t arrived in time for her coronation.

  Now they had come to pay their respects, so Tatiana spoke to them, received their gifts and thanked them.

  After came the merchants and other tradesmen. Some wanted the queen to settle their disputes, others whished for the crown’s patronage in their endeavors and after them came the common people, wanting justice for the most varied misdeeds.

  Tatiana dealt with them in a just manner, always hearing both sides of an argument and thinking deeply before replying. Most people left the throne room happy with their queen’s justice, knowing she was not a woman to cross or easily fool.

  It was when Tatiana dismissed the last supplicant for the day that something out of the ordinary happened.

  A little girl, six or seven years old at the most, entered the throne room.

  She was beautiful, with pale skin and blue eyes, dressed in a light blue dress. She was clearly nobility – she had to be, moving with such poise and grace. The most particular thing about her was the hue of her hair, a light blue that could only come from some kind of dye.

  Most courtiers smiled at her, finding her an enchanting and amusing sight, wondering who her parents were.

  Tatiana saw the girl approach and smiled.

  “Hello little one,” Tatiana spoke to the child as gently as she could. “Are you the last supplicant for the day?”

  The girl curtsied with more grace than should be humanly possible. “Yes, your majesty, if you would have me. I am Maud.”

  Some titters where heard over the room, people smiling at the small child.

  Tatiana smiled as well, even as some nagging recognition tickled at the back of her mind. The girl’s face was very familiar.

little Maud, what would you have of me?”

  The girl bit her lip and hesitated for the first time. “I want you to help me.”

  Tatiana saw her hesitation and rose from her seat, walking towards the girl. In a move that surprised most of those watching, Tatiana kneeled in front of the girl, putting them face-to-face.

  “What can I help you with?” The queen asked, ignoring the murmurs of the people around them.

  “It’s my mommy,” Maud started, her voice breaking a little, and she looked down shyly. “She’s always lonely and sad. I try to make her happy, but she will only smile for a little while and then gets sad again.”

  “Does your mommy know you’re here?” Tatiana asked absently, thinking about how she could tell the girl she couldn’t do anything about her mother’s state of mind.

  The girl hesitated again and shook her head.

  Tatiana smiled. “You shouldn’t have run away from her, now she will get even sadder.”

  “But she misses you.” Maud said loudly, surprising Tatiana with her vehemence.

  Warning signs started going on inside Tatiana’s mind, the young queen looked at the girl’s familiar face, her posture and her eyes, swallowing before she asked. “Who is your mommy?”

  Her voice was poignant and forceful, and Maud hesitated, saying softly. “Mommy is mommy.”

  “Her name?” Tatiana clarified, drawing the girl against her and holding her cheeks, seeing a face so similar to hers when she was a child.

  Maud clucked and smiled. “Silly aunt, mommy’s name is Katya.”

  What happened after became a blur in Tatiana’s recollections. She could only remember Maud’s face, her niece’s face, her voice and her cheerfulness.

  She spent the day with the little girl, questioning her about the most varied things. When Maud got bored, Tatiana played with her, running after the girl, tickling her, hugging her.

  For one day the young queen became a child again, until Maud yawned and Tatiana put her to sleep in her own bed, waiting until the girl fell asleep.

  Tatiana ran her hand down Maud’s hair, the little girl shifting in her sleep to accommodate her aunt’s caress. She moved a few strands of hair aside and touched the girl’s ears.


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