A Man Like No Other

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A Man Like No Other Page 3

by Aliyah Burke

  “What’s wrong?” he asked in a controlled tone.

  “Not a thing,” she commented without sparing him a glance.

  “You’re in pain, angel. I can see it. Tell me from what.” He frowned as something occurred to him. “Did I hurt you last night?”

  She froze and met his gaze. In hers, he could read shock at his question. “No, you didn’t hurt me.”

  A wave of relief swarmed him. “Then what’s causing you pain?”

  Cool composure filled her face and she lifted one shoulder. “My business is my own.”

  He shook his head. “I’m making it mine.”

  Serefina yawned and zipped her bags shut. “Make it yours with someone else. I’m tending to mine.”

  “After what we shared—”

  “We shared a night of fucking,” she interrupted sharply. “That’s all.”

  He could hear it in her voice—she didn’t believe the crap she spouted. Neither did he. True, last night was rough and intense, no gentle words of love were shared, but something had happened between them on a deeper level. And it scared her.

  Not just her.

  Tongue skimming his teeth, he sat straight up and sought her gaze. “Why do you think you hate me, Serefina?”

  Her eyes narrowed a minuscule amount. “I never said I hated you. And even if I had, why do you say ‘think’ when it comes to me hating you?”

  “You wouldn’t have given me the time of day, no matter what the attraction, if you hated—truly hated—me.”

  For a split second, he saw past her guise. Saw the vulnerable woman beneath. Then, in a flash, it was gone.

  “Thank you for today’s pysch lesson. Nice to know I can only sleep with someone I don’t hate.”

  “You’re not making this easy,” he said.

  She hefted her bags and walked to the door. “I’m not interested in a relationship. I was looking for a night of mindless sex.” Her gaze heated as it roved over him. “Which you gave me. Thank you. Now, why are you insisting on talking? I’ve heard about you, Taber. You’re rarely there come morning. So, instead of asking me why I think I hate you, perhaps you should be asking yourself this. Why were you here come morning and why are you trying to keep me here with a bunch of questions instead of taking the freedom I’m trying to help you have?”

  Serefina opened the door and stepped through, only to pause and turn back. “The rooms paid up through tomorrow so feel free to use it. Goodbye, Kysenzki. It’s been a real pleasure.” A sex-infused grin filled her face and she winked before disappearing. The door closed silently behind her.

  Taber fell back with a groan of frustration. She had been spot on with her retaliatory questions to him. He didn’t know what to think about her having heard about his reputation. But why had he stayed the entire night and wanted to keep her around longer? He had no answer.

  Jumping to his feet, he swiped the key off the desk and bolted outside. Relief filled him at the sight of her Xterra still there and he headed to stand beside it. Possessiveness replaced the relief when he found her talking to a tall man at the door to the hotel’s office. The way he touched Serefina made Taber’s stomach churn. There lay way too much familiarity in it for his liking. The man was handsome which didn’t help Taber’s current state of mind.

  He growled low when she kissed the man on the corner of his mouth. Without moving, Taber remained by her vehicle and waited for her. The closer she came the stronger his desire to claim her. Beyond her, the gaze of that other man followed her.

  Fuck it.

  With a coiled move, he stepped out to intercept her. There were no words. He just grabbed her by the back of her neck and drew her close before slamming his mouth over hers. She stiffened beneath his assault before responding. Like molten lava, her response poured into him, burning him, setting him aflame. His cock pressed like an iron rod inside his pants.

  Serefina ended the kiss as fast as he’d started it. Her face flushed, lips swollen and moist, and her eyes stormy with leashed passion. She reached out and tenderly laid a hand along his stubble-covered jaw. In her eyes, he could see the need for something before it was masked.

  “Do anything like that again, Taber Kysenzki,” she said in a calm, husky voice, “and I’ll shoot you where you stand.” She walked around him, her hand slowly leaving his face.

  Serefina had driven away before he could find the wherewithal to form any kind of response. Jesus, she made him so hard. Normally, he’d have a woman and that’d be it. She would hold no more appeal. Not Serefina LeBenoit. He got turned on by her threatening to shoot him.

  Geez, I’ve got it bad.

  He found the gaze of the man who’d kissed Serefina upon him. Uncaring he wore only a pair of jeans, he walked to him, taking in his lean musculature, coppery hair and tanned skin.

  “Need something?” the man questioned in an unhurried manner, his tone a thick, lazy drawl. Louisianan if Taber had to hazard a guess.

  “You know where she’s going?”


  “You know where she lives?”

  The man narrowed his eyes. “Who are you?”

  He bit off his first answer to say merely, “The man who needs to talk to her.”

  “Didn’t do much talking when you were in her room?” He shook his head and chuckled. “Ne’er mind. From your state of dress or lack of one, I’ll assume not.”

  “You know her, how?” Taber wanted to throttle the arrogant smirk from the man’s face.

  “We’re related.”

  He noticed the gold wedding band on his hand. The thought knotted his stomach.

  “How are you related?”

  “Oh, I married her aunt a whiles back.” He stuck his right hand out. “Gary Jordan.”

  “Taber Kysenzki,” he replied, shaking the offered hand.

  “So you know our little Serefina, do you?”

  “Not as well as I’d like to.” He blurted that out unintentionally. Taber felt a bit uncomfortable about admitting that, for he wasn’t one to share his emotions, but refused to drop the man’s stare.

  Gary chuckled. “Well, best of luck with her. She don’t seem to settle down nor have any desires to do so.” He stroked his chin. “In fact, I think in order to do so, one would have to corner her.”

  Taber’d begun to figure that out himself.

  “Where’s her house?”

  All humour and kindness faded from Gary’s gaze. “Look here. I love that woman like she were my own. Give me one reason why I should help you.”

  “Did she tell you not to tell me where she was going?”

  Gary looked perplexed. “Well, no.”

  “Think about it. I’ll be right back.” Reaching into his back pocket, he withdrew his card and passed it to Gary. “This is me. You can call and verify it. Or call and report you think I’m hurting her. Your decision.”

  He ran back to his room and finished dressing in a flash. Back by Gary, he hooked his thumbs in his pockets. Gary handed him an address and said, “Don’t hurt her.”

  He gave a sharp nod, spun on his boot heel, got in his truck then left, her address firmly in hand. Apparently, Gary had checked him out or figured it was okay anyway.

  Chapter Three

  Serefina wasn’t sure what to make of the tumultuous feelings coursing through her at warp speed. Gary had called and told her what he’d done. She then had spent all day expecting Taber to drive up. Day turned into night and there remained no sign of him.

  I wonder if he got hurt or lost.

  She shook her head. Not her problem or her business. He would have been the one to decide to drive here. As things sat, it appeared he’d opted not to. The real question was why it angered her so much he hadn’t arrived.

  Forget him.

  Easier said than done. The way he’d made her feel, it had been unlike anything before. Hell, just the memory made her wet and ready to orgasm. With a frustrated groan, she headed for bed. Sleep eluded her for a long time, and this time, it was beca
use of a tall, broad, powerfully handsome blond with blue eyes. DEA Special Agent Taber Kysenzki.

  She moaned and punched her pillow a few times. I will not be ruled by desire. A mantra which had worked in the past. Before I met him. Her throbbing slit had other ideas on that, and it took an inordinate amount of willpower not to give in and bring herself to release.

  “Think of something else,” she ordered herself.

  She clamped her eyes shut and hissed in agony when all she could conjure was Taber. The feel of him, thick and hard, sliding in and out of her. How primal he had looked when she’d knelt before him and taken him in her mouth. And she couldn’t forget how the sun had glistened off his bare chest, still damp from his shower, as he stood before her in naught but jeans.

  “Shit!” she cried as her body shattered. Panting and craving something else she knew now only one man could give her, she rolled over and admonished herself for coming without a single touch.

  “This is why I should have stuck to my rule. I knew he was trouble from the moment I laid eyes on him.”

  She felt marginally better when she woke. Dressed in a tank top and workout shorts, she poured herself a cup of coffee and walked out her back door. The morning had barely begun; shafts of light chased away the remaining darkness.

  The air, while mostly still, was broken by coyote’s barking and howling. Leaning on the rail, she laced her fingers around the mug and sighed. The rich aroma of her coffee tickled her nose but the air brought something else to it also. A hint of outdoors with sandalwood and leather. Sexy would be another word for it. So would Kysenzki. It had been a scent she was reluctant to remove from her body.

  With more calm than she had, she took a sip of java and turned her head. Nothing to the left. But to the right… There he was. Larger than life. He leaned against the post and watched her, an eerie fire in his eyes. His ankles hooked and arms crossed.

  “There a reason you’re on my porch at oh-five-thirty, SA Kysenzki?” she asked, facing forward again, doing her damndest to ignore the pounding of her heart.


  She hadn’t expected that response. Still, when nothing further came, she glanced in his direction again. He remained in the same place.

  “It’s early, too early to pull every flipping word from you, Kysenzki. Either tell me or get the hell off my property.”

  “You’re the reason,” he drawled, drawing closer.

  It took a lot to control the shakes her hands suddenly acquired. “Something more to add to that?” she questioned, trying desperately to put an edge in her voice. When, in truth, his admission pleased the hell out of her. All she wanted was a repeat of last night. For every night until she died.

  “Why were you in pain?” he rumbled in her ear.

  His closeness robbed her of breath. Her icy composure waned. And with rapid swiftness.

  “What does it matter?”

  “Because I care about what’s mine.”

  She almost dropped her mug; as it was, she did waver a bit. Is he for real? It would be so easy to shift slightly to the side and into his embrace.

  Drawing on her reserves, she met his gaze and lifted a brow. “I fail to see how that concerns me.”

  “Really?” His question was more of a purr. Velvet seduction. The promise of pure pleasure. A promise she knew from experience he could definitely deliver upon.

  Wetness flooded her pussy and her clit cried out for his touch. She barely won the struggle to not press her legs together.

  “Really.” Her statement fell with no inflection.

  The next second, he boxed her in between his chiselled body and the rail, one incredibly strong arm on each side of her. His breath teased her neck and electrical shocks skirted her entirely, hair standing on end.

  “I beg to differ, angel,” he uttered, his thick Texas drawl even more pronounced and flowing over her skin like warmed liqueur.

  Eyes clenched tight, she worked hard to maintain calm breathing. Not an easy feat when each inhalation brought to her his rugged masculine scent. With a big drink, she placed the cup down and turned slowly within the circle of his arms to face him head-on.

  This may not have been such a great idea.

  He was close. So close. She bit the inside of her lip and held his gaze.

  “If I play your game, will you leave?”

  She thought he may take offence. He didn’t. Instead his blue eyes began to sparkle.


  “So how do I get rid of you?”

  His eyes roamed her face before he answered. “Tell me honestly you want me to leave and never bother you again.”

  Never. Again.

  Those were two words with very big implications. She licked her lips and stared.

  Taber brought himself closer until they were nose to nose. “That’s kinda what I thought, angel. You may not be sure what’s going on between us but you want to figure it out.” He nibbled on her bottom lip before sucking it into his mouth. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  And she knew she was fucked.

  “Now, why don’t you tell me why you were in pain?”

  A burst of laughter erupted from her. Honest to goodness laughter. Not faked for a case she may be working, just the real deal.

  “You’re not going to let that go, are you?”

  The look he gave her smouldered. “Nope. One thing you’ll learn about me, angel, is I’m very persistent.”

  She decided she liked seeing that impish twinkle in his eyes. “One thing? There’s more to you than what I see?”

  “Funny angel. But you’re not distracting me. Tell me.”

  Worrying her lower lip, she faced the rail and the open land beyond, well aware he still pressed close. She took a drink and swallowed it slowly.

  “Our last sting went…went to hell.” He tensed but remained silent. “I lost four agents and took a bullet. I winced because on occasion I step wrong and it bothers me.”

  “I heard about that op in… Los Velos, was it?”

  Tears stung the backs of her lids and she nodded, unwilling to trust her voice. His strong hands gripped her upper arms with tenderness.

  “I didn’t know that was your group. I’m so sorry. What about you? Took one in the leg?”

  She was so grateful he didn’t ply her with sympathy, just gave his condolences and left it at that. Without hesitation, she sank into his torso, accepting the silent strength he offered.


  He tugged her head back using her hair. Fury boiled in his gaze. “Are you telling me you have a recent gunshot injury where I was holding you that night?”

  “It would appear so. Before you yell, which you seem prone to do, I was fine. Other factors overrode any pain it could have given me.”

  Smugness and arrogance filled his expression. And yet, behind it all, she could see concern.

  “Okay,” he said, appearing appeased. “So what now, angel?”

  Good question. Excellent, really. She had no idea.

  “You do like your reputation says and move on to the next girl.”

  The sound of a deadly rumble reached her and his fist tightened in her hair.

  “Not funny.”

  She shrugged. “I wasn’t trying to be. But you know what; I answered your question, now you answer mine.” She faced him. He watched her face, his a blank slate. There was a lovely distraction of his fingers rubbing her scalp.

  “And your question would be?”

  “Why are you pursuing me? It’s not your rep.”

  “So sure you know how I operate?” His tone was low and dangerous.

  “I knew your rep way before I ever met you. Stop stalling, answer my question.”

  “What do they say?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Never sleep with the same woman more than once. Never wanting for female companionship. Oh yeah, and no woman will ever have access to your heart.” She lifted a shoulder. “I’m sure there’s more.”

  No warmth remained in his
eyes. He dropped his hand from her hair but didn’t move back.

  “No woman will ever own my heart. Does that bother you?”


  “No,” she said, proud her voice remained modulated. “Why should it? You’re the one who came after me, tough guy. Not the other way around.” His expression told her all she needed to know. The reason he’d come after her was as much a mystery to him as it was her. Her phone rang and she ducked by him to slip inside.

  Taber expelled a sharp breath and used the rail to hold him up. This woman…Serefina LeBenoit struck a nerve with her question. And the fact she’d pointed out he was doing the pursuing, not her.

  There was a serious problem. The ‘no woman would have access much less own his heart’ rule had a hole he could drive a tank through. One already did. She didn’t ask for it, and to him, it seemed she didn’t want it. Nonetheless, she had it. Which led him to another problem.

  What was he going to do about it?

  Without knocking, he headed into her house. Open and airy, tile floors and simple wooden furniture, what he’d come to expect in New Mexico. The walls surprised him though. They were covered in art depicting Louisiana, past to present. As well as many shots of the bayou. And just stunning nature scenes, as if she’d transferred some of Louisiana’s rich greenery to her the middle of the desert where she lived. He continued to scan and found a wall of people pictures and slid closer.

  Serefina watched but never moved from her spot in the kitchen. Standing before the photos, he shoved his hands in his pockets. Her love for her family hit him hard. There was a large family. He recognised Gary in a wedding photo. What took his breath away was the fact Serefina smiled and looked happy in them.

  There were ones of her ATF team as well.

  What did they have to get smiles from her? He shook his head and buried the jealousy. Casting a glance back to Serefina, he approached her. Her southern lyrical voice flowed over him and soothed the restlessness in his soul.

  He waited in silence for her to finish her call. She met his gaze after hanging up the phone.

  “Something I can do for you, SA Kysenzki?”

  His cock made its wishes known but he ignored it. “Taber. Why don’t you do DEA? What brought that up?”


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