Timeless Tales of Honor

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Timeless Tales of Honor Page 17

by Suzan Tisdale

  He smiled at her. “What wudna be proper?”

  “For us to sleep in the same bed!” she lowered her voice to a low whisper. “We’re not married. It wouldn’t be proper to do that.”

  He laughed at her. “Lass, I promise ye that nothin’ improper will be takin’ place.” That is if he could survive the night without touching her.

  She remained quiet, still shaking from the fright the dreams had brought.

  “Do ye want to go back to yer own room then?” he asked, knowing it would be better if she would go but wanting very much for her to stay.

  While she did not like the thought of being alone this night, she was equally bothered with the notion of sharing a bed with Duncan. She shook her head and quietly said no.

  “Well if ye want no’ to be alone and ye want to be in me room with me, then ye’ll be sleepin’ in my bed and no’ on the floor. I promise, nothin’ improper will be takin’ place. I’ll stay on one side of the bed and ye to the other.”

  He finally let go and went back to his bed and crawled in. Propping himself up on one elbow, he looked at her. “What will it be, lass?”

  It was true she wanted not to be alone. She knew not what she should do. A very large part of her wanted to sleep near him and to feel safe knowing he was there to protect her from whatever bad dreams may come. But she did not know if she could trust herself, for he did look so braw and handsome laying there in his bed with the moonlight caressing his bare skin. She wished for a moment that she could be the moonlight just for a chance to touch his skin.

  “Lass, did we no’ sleep near each other for many nights? Out in the country by warm fires?”

  “Aye, we did.”

  “And did anything improper take place on those many nights?”

  He made a most excellent point. They had spent many nights together, under the stars sleeping very close to one another. Nothing had happened then, so why should she assume something would happen now? Perhaps it was because her feelings for him were growing more toward romantic inclinations as the days had passed.

  “Then what be the difference this night?” he asked. “Be it that there is a nice warm bed involved?” Duncan expected the offer would be too much for her and at any moment she would turn around and go back to her own room. He had spent many sleepless nights when his thoughts turned wicked as he dreamt about having her in his bed. This was not quite what he had envisioned.

  Aishlinn was certain he did not hold the same romantic thoughts for her as she did for him. She looked first at him and then at the open door behind her. Her mind buzzed as she contemplated what she should do. Deciding she did not want to be alone, she turned, quietly closed the door and walked to his bed. She stood looking down at him, at his bare chest and strong arms. She prayed that she wasn’t making a mistake as she climbed in.

  Duncan scooted as far to the other side of the bed as he could and was quite surprised that she had decided to stay. “Are you sure this will be all right?” she asked him as she snuggled deep into the bed while Duncan pulled the covers up over her shoulders.

  “Aye, lass. ’Twill be fine.” That was the second time today he had lied to her.

  She had told herself that she would rise early and return to her own room and no one would be the wiser. She felt safe with Duncan and was quite certain he would not offer any physical advances that she might have to fend off. Deep down however, she wished that he would. She silently cursed herself for having thought it. He was her foster brother for heaven’s sake! She would stay on her side of the bed and he on his and all would be well.

  They lay on their sides facing each other. As she looked at him, with his bare chest and muscular arms, she took a deep, steadying breath. He was such a handsome man! Oh how she wished -- for a moment or two longer than she should have -- that he did have more than a brotherly kindness towards her.

  She thought about the conversation they had had earlier in the day as they had stood on the hill. Did he really believe that someday someone might take a fancy to her? Did he really believe that she was not plain? She closed her eyes and listened to the sound of his breathing. I wonder if this is what it is like for a married couple. Do they lie in their beds like this each night listening to each other breathe?

  Her mind wandered to what she might like if she were one day blessed with a man in her life who thought her bonny. She would want him to hold her very close each night with his strong arms wrapped around her like a warm blanket. She wondered what it might feel like to lay her head upon his chest and listen to the sound of his beating heart. She wondered as well what it might be like to be kissed with love and passion and tenderness.

  Her mind wandered further to things she thought were far from proper. She was glad that Duncan’s eyes were closed and the room dark for she did not want him to see the embarrassment on her face.

  How many nights had he lain in his bed thinking of her being here with him? Now here she was, lying close enough that he could reach out and touch her, kiss her. But he could not and would not do that to her. She was a fine and proper young lady and fine and proper young ladies do not do those kinds of things unless they were married.

  He knew he could not hold himself in forever. Someday he was either going to have to give in and tell her how he truly felt, or he would have allow her to move on. He could not continue to interfere with her life and keep her from the enjoyment of other men. Someday and someday soon he had to make a decision. Tell her or let her be.

  He listened to her soft, quiet breaths as she lay there next to him. He chanced taking a peek at her and slowly opened his eyes. He was startled to find her green eyes staring back at him. Not knowing what to say or do at the moment, he asked, “Are ye comfortable, lass?”

  Aishlinn nodded her head slowly as a tender smile came to her face. “Thank you, Duncan.”

  He knew that if he did not close his eyes that moment, he was going to end up doing something he should not do. “For what, lass?” he asked, shutting his eyes quickly.

  “For being so good to me,” she whispered before a yawn escaped her. “For being such a good brother to me.”

  He lied to her again for the third time that day. “’Tis my pleasure, Aishlinn.”

  It was not a pleasure being brotherly toward her. It was a torture and one he was not certain he could bear for much longer. Knowing well that she would die from embarrassment should anyone find them together like this, he promised himself he would wake early to send her back to her own room and no one would be the wiser.

  * * *

  Bree had gone to Aishlinn’s room early that morning only to find her bed empty and unmade. Assuming she was already in the kitchens, she went to look for her there but no one had seen her this morning, which was very unusual. She wanted to find Aishlinn to let her know Manghus’ wife had delivered a beautiful baby girl in the middle of the night. Perhaps they could go visit and take a peek at the new bairn.

  Bree searched out of doors, even the stables and barns but could not find Aishlinn anywhere. Thinking perhaps Duncan might know where she was she went in search of him. After realizing she was searching the same places again and finding neither Duncan nor Aishlinn, she wondered if it possible they were together. Back into the castle and up the stairs she went first to Aishlinn’s room. ’Twas still empty and Bree was beginning to grow concerned as Aishlinn was never difficult to find. Perhaps she would find Duncan in his room and he would know where to find Aishlinn.

  She walked the short distance to Duncan’s room and quietly knocked on his door. Hearing no answer, she opened it and before she could speak his name she saw them there. Duncan and Aishlinn. Together. In his bed. Duncan had his arm wrapped around Aishlinn who had her back nestled into his stomach. A broad smile came to Bree’s face for she was glad the two of them had finally realized how they felt about one another. She quietly closed the door and hoped no one else would find them together.

  * * *

  Such a blessing it was, to be married to
such a braw, strong man. It was amazing, really, that someone like him would love someone like her. Her husband was beautiful, if such a thing could be said of a man. Remarkably enough, her husband looked very much like Duncan, with the same chestnut colored hair and mesmerizingly blue eyes. Deep, blue eyes that even twinkled like Duncan’s!

  And muscles? Glorious muscles! Big, strong arms that had no problem holding her close to his chest as they snuggled together in their marital bed. And strong, well-toned legs, as big as tree roots. ’Twas odd though, her husband had three legs, and one was pressing into her lower back and buttocks. It didn’t matter if her husband had three legs, or even five, he loved her, loved her dearly and that was all that mattered!

  One of the most amazing things about her husband was the fact that he was not blind. Perfect vision. And still, he thought she was beautiful! He had told her so repeatedly throughout the night. And how many times had he whispered in the dark, his hot breath caressing her ear, how many times had he said “I love you”? More than once, she was certain of it.

  His hands were so warm, one of which happened to be pressed rather nicely against her stomach. In truth, she wished he would remove her nightdress so that she might know what his skin would feel like against her own. It would be a most magnificent sensation, she was sure of it. Perhaps after he woke, she might be blessed with discovering the wonders of that sensation. For now, she would let him sleep, and would remain content just to be held.

  She snuggled closer to him as she let out a quiet sigh of contentment. Who knew love could make one feel this way? Safe, protected, and cherished. These were the things dreams were made of.

  Chapter Seventeen

  As Bree closed the door and turned around with the smile still on her face, she ran straight into her mother.

  “Bree, what are ye doin’?” Isobel asked her.

  “Nothing!” Bree answered, knowing full well that if Isobel found out what she knew, Duncan and Aishlinn would be in a great deal of trouble. Thinking quickly, she asked, “How are Manghus’ wife and bairn doing?”

  Isobel seemed distracted as she answered. “They are well. Have ye seen Aishlinn about this morn?”

  “Nay, I haven’t.” ’Twas partially true she told herself for Aishlinn was not actually about. She was sleeping peacefully in Duncan’s bed.

  “If ye see her, please tell her I wish to speak to her.”

  Bree nodded, her back still at Duncan’s door. She wanted desperately not to be the one who gave away Duncan and Aishlinn’s secret.

  “Well?” her mother asked. “Don’t just stand there, Bree. Be gone with ye!”

  Bree took off running down the hallway, hoping and praying that her mother would not find Duncan and Aishlinn together. ’Twould surely be a most frightful thing for both of them if she did.

  Isobel stood with her hands on her hips as she watched her daughter run away. What on earth had gotten into that lass lately, she wondered? Shaking her head she prayed the good Lord to please give her patience when it came to her child.

  Needing to speak with Duncan and not being able to find him or Aishlinn anywhere this day, she had grown frustrated. She had not meant to be so abrupt with her daughter, but she had been up all night helping Manghus’ wife birth her first bairn. It had been a difficult delivery for the lass but finally, after many long hours of hard labor the wee girl bairn was born. Isobel was tired and wanted nothing more than to sleep. But Manghus was quite insistent that he speak with Duncan straight away, about what, she did not know.

  Not bothering with knocking, she opened the door to Duncan’s room. Not prepared for the sight before her, anger and frustration rose from deep within her belly as her heart sank. This was not good, not good at all.

  “Duncan McEwan!” This was the last thing she needed to have happen.

  She continued to yell as two half sleeping, disoriented and terrified young people jumped from the bed. A quick tug of war ensued over the sheet, each of them trying to lay claim to it in order to cover themselves. Aishlinn caught a brief glimpse of Duncan’s very naked behind and quickly decided he needed it more than she did and immediately gave up her end of it.

  “Of all the lasses in the castle?” She could not remember a time she’d been this angry with anyone. “Of all the lasses ye could have bedded ye have to choose Aishlinn?”

  Aishlinn stood frozen in the corner with tears welling in her eyes, horrified that they’d been caught together in such a compromising position. The anger in Isobel’s eyes sent a chill down her spine.

  Duncan was trying desperately to hold on to the sheet while searching for a way out of his current predicament. He was trapped between his bed and a very angry Isobel. He thought of jumping over the bed and out the window, but a very shaken Aishlinn stood between the bed and his only means of escape -- the window.

  “She is an innocent young girl! How could ye have taken advantage of her like this!” Angrier than she could ever remember being, Isobel looked about the room for something to either throw at him or beat him with.

  “Ya wait until yer uncle returns Duncan! He is going to skelp ye somethin’ fierce. That is if I leave him anythin’ to skelp!” She truly thought of picking up a chair and hitting him over his foolish head. A more befitting punishment however, would be to leave him in the hands of Angus who would surely be more than angry with him.

  Duncan held up a hand to protest, “Now, Isobel,” he said.

  “Do not ‘now Isobel’ me young man!” She would not listen to him. “This poor lass comes to us for help and safety and ye do this to her?”

  “Nothin’ happened!” Duncan roared. He had never raised his voice at Isobel before, for he knew his uncle would have killed him for showing such disrespect. She was jumping to conclusions and he had to explain to her what had happened. If she would only calm down long enough to listen, he would be able to explain that neither of them had done anything wrong. But in Isobel’s eyes, the mere fact that they had shared a bed together was bad enough.

  Why was she so angry with him, he wondered? He had shared his bed with plenty of young women over the years. While Isobel had been disappointed in him over those dalliances, she had never been as angry as she was at this moment. Perhaps Aishlinn was as special and important to Isobel as she was to Duncan.

  Isobel lowered her voice and glared at him. “Do ye really expect me to believe that?”

  “Aye, I do! I would never take advantage of Aishlinn!”

  Finally finding her voice, Aishlinn spoke up. “’Tis true Isobel!” she said pleadingly. “’Tis not what ye think.”

  Isobel looked at the tears streaming down Aishlinn’s face. Did the lass cry from embarrassment at having been caught? “Go to yer room and wait for me.” Isobel tried unsuccessfully to hide the disappointment in her voice. “Go now.”

  Aishlinn quickly walked around the bed to leave but paused at the doorway. “Isobel, Duncan was truly an honorable man last night. He did nothing improper and neither did I. He is like a brother to me and nothing more.” Without waiting for a response she hurried to her room.

  Isobel turned to Duncan as she tried to regain some composure. She wanted very much to believe they were telling her the truth. However, the evidence at hand was quite overwhelming. Taking a deep breath while she studied Duncan closely, she asked, “Is what she says true?”

  Nodding his head quickly he said, “Aye, ’tis.” He wrapped the sheet tighter around his waist. “Nothin’ improper happened.”

  “Then why do I find her in yer bed this day?” she asked with her hands planted firmly on her hips. She was quite ready to skelp him the moment she detected a lie.

  Exasperated, he let out a sigh as he ran a hand through his hair. “’Tis the nightmares she has, Isobel. Every night she has them. She worries the soldiers will come here and find her. She worries that if and when they do, they’ll kill all of us, the people she has come to love and feel safe with.”

  Isobel took a deep breath as the anger slowly be
gan to leave her. She had not known the lass suffered so. Why had Aishlinn had not come to her with her troubles?

  “I would never do anythin’ to hurt her, Isobel.” Duncan needed her to know it was God’s truth that he spoke. “She is a fine young woman and deserves no’ to be taken advantage of. I’d never do that to her.” His eyes pleaded with her to believe him.

  Isobel studied him closely for a few moments and decided he told the truth. Duncan was a fine young man but she could tell from the way he spoke of Aishlinn, the way he looked at her, that he held very strong feelings for her. Perhaps respect was one of them.

  “Have ye shared yer feelings with her?” she asked.

  Duncan stood a bit taller before answering. “Nay. I haven’t.” As much as he would have liked to do just that, for whatever reason, he simply could not tell Aishlinn how he felt about her.

  Isobel was quite relieved to hear it for she felt that Aishlinn was probably not ready for anything akin to a romance. “That is best, considerin’ all that the lass has gone through.”

  “Twas my thinkin’ as well.” Certain Isobel was no longer ready to skin him alive he began to relax. “She needs time to heal,” he told her. “Aye, the bruises and welts may be long gone. But there be other wounds that take longer to heal than the body.”

  Isobel released another heavy sigh as she wondered what to do with the two of them. True love could not be denied. She knew and believed that with all her heart. She could send Aishlinn to the ends of the earth and it would do no good. No amount of distance between two people who were truly in love would cause their feelings to diminish. If anything it would make them grow stronger.


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