Timeless Tales of Honor

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Timeless Tales of Honor Page 45

by Suzan Tisdale

  But to give in to his emotions would mean destroying Arissa in the process. How could he force himself upon her, a man she had grown up knowing as a faithful friend? How could he damage the trust between them, the companionship simply because he had been weak enough to fall in love with her? It was his own flaw, a flaw he would not thrust upon her because he was unwilling to do her even the slightest amount of harm.

  Forcing himself to ignore the blazing heat was the hardest thing he had ever had to do. It would be so easy to....

  "Are you feeling well enough that you might rejoin your party?" he asked, his voice tight.

  Arissa was gazing at him openly. Before Mossy had interrupted them earlier, she had been positive that Richmond had been preparing to kiss her, and she had furthermore vowed to feel his lips upon hers, just once, even if it meant distancing him forever. She had always been able to manipulate him in order to fulfill her desires ever since she had been a small child; the greatest knight in Henry's army had always bent to her will.

  Aye, she was shameless when it came to Richmond. She suddenly did not care anymore. There was nothing more important at this moment than feeling his mouth upon her lips as it was always meant to be.

  "Nay," she said slowly. "I do not wish to rejoin them."

  His brow furrowed slightly until a small finger came up and delicately touched his chin. Richmond froze; the small white finger moved across his chin and up to his mouth, tracing an erotic line across his lower lip that sent bolts of lightning leaping through his big body. He simply couldn't believe what he was seeing, feeling.

  Richmond began to quiver beneath her touch. The more she explored, the more intense the quiver. His body was tight, straining against itself to respond to her touch. Curiosity! His mind screamed. A maiden's simple curiosity! God's Teeth, do not respond to her! ... oh, God....

  Her silky hand moved to his stubbled cheek, caressing it. Shifting on his lap, she managed to lodge herself more tightly against him as her other hand came up, cradling his entire great face within her two small palms. Gazing into his astonished blue eyes, she smiled.

  "Do you know that I have always thought you to be the most handsome man I have ever seen?" she whispered.

  His throat was so tight he could barely speak. "Nay, I.... I did not know."

  Her thumbs moved along his lower lips as he spoke, watching his mouth. "You do not smile enough," she murmured. "Father swears he’s only seen you smile ten times in all of the years he’s known you. You smile at me ten times in an hour. Why is that?"

  He was losing a battle greater than any he had ever fought. His palms were sweating, aching with more desire than he had ever experienced to return her curious touches, to explore her beloved face as she was exploring his.

  "Because.... because I want to smile at you, I suppose."

  She was studying his lips intently. As his sentence concluded, she suddenly plunged a finger into his mouth and stroked his teeth. His control snapped.

  His hands came up, clutching her beautiful face, touching her as he had never touched anyone in his life. His gaze was both ecstatic and remorseful at the same time.

  "Riss, we should not.... we cannot...."

  All of her restraint was gone. He was responding to her; his tender touch to her face confirmed the most outlandish of dreams and a whimper escaped her lips, a display of the pure joy she was beginning to feel. A gateway to eighteen years of childish infatuation and maturing love was opening wide before her.

  "Oh, Richmond," she suddenly sobbed, tears coursing down her cheeks. "I want to, my love, I want to. Don’t you know how long I have loved you?"

  He stared at her, his eyes as wide as the heavens. He tried to speak and nearly choked in the process. "How.... God's Teeth, Riss, how can you say that? I am old enough to be your father!"

  She shook her head, tears pelting his wrists. "But you are not my father," she sighed raggedly, her hands gripping the mailed gloves on her face. "Richmond, I do not want to join the cloister because I love you. I realize that a man of your importance could not possibly return my feelings, but I will tell you all the same. I am sorry if my confession makes you uncomfortable, but I cannot stop myself. You must know."

  His mouth hung agape; he couldn't help it. All he could do was stare at her, touch her, the knowledge that she loved him filling him beyond his wildest dreams. He still had difficulty grasping what he was hearing.

  "How.... oh, God, Riss...."

  He couldn't think of anything other than his desperate need to kiss her. His shaking hands clasped her face with savage tenderness, pulling her luscious mouth to his desperate lips.

  As he knew, her lips were sweeter than he could possibly imagine. A tremulous kiss that was meant to introduce her into the world of desire suddenly turned overwhelmingly passionate, blinding by force and nature until Arissa was practically crushed in his arms. She cried softly against his mouth, sounds and tears he absorbed.

  He simply was not getting enough of her. He needed more from her. His tongue licked her lips indecently, parting her lips for his erotic invasion. Sobbing with joy, Arissa opened her mouth wide to him as if she had been doing it all her life. He growled as his tongue came into her, tasting the essence of her sweetness. She was in his arms, finally where she belonged.

  Richmond lost all concept of time. He had no idea how long he had been kissing her, only that he was no longer content to merely taste her honeyed lips. With Arissa still seated on his lap, he rolled onto his side and took her down to the floor. His armor was jabbing them both, but neither seemed to realize it. Nothing in the world mattered any more.

  His lips began to explore new territory, moving along her cheek to her chin. His hungry mouth devoured her delicate jawline, blazing a scorching trail to her ear and down the side of her neck. Arissa sobbed through it all as if her heart were breaking, so deliriously happy that she knew of no other way to express her joy. Richmond stopped only once in his quest, grinning as he lapped her tears. She had simply cried harder.

  He was mindless in his pursuit, only aware of his desire to taste every possible inch of her flesh. Her deliciously large breasts beckoned his touch, his mouth, and gently he answered. The yearn to touch her was an overwhelming, seducing hunger.

  Arissa sobs had faded somewhat, her hands intertwined in his rich brown hair as his lips nibbled at the ripe swell of her bosom. When a great mailed glove tenderly traced the underswell of her breast before enclosing it within its grasp, she gasped with the shock and pleasure of it.

  His passion-creased face came up, his eyes conveying far more emotion and depth than she ever thought possible. With the deepest of feeling, he kissed her chin, her eyes, her nose as his hand gently massaged her right breast. She closed her eyes against his touch, clutching his head against her.

  "I do not want to join the cloister, Richmond," she whispered against his hair. "I want to be with you. I want to love you."

  His mouth was on her neck, both hands on her magnificent breasts. "And I want you, Riss. God only knows, I have wanted you for nearly as long as I can recall."

  She moaned as his fingers traced the outline of her puckered nipples. "Will you talk to my father?"

  His mouth moved down her neck to the valley between her breasts. He was mindless with the intoxication of her. "I shall do whatever it takes. You shall marry me, Riss. Not the damn church."

  She smiled, a gesture of genuine joy. "Do you love me, Richmond?"

  His head came up, the beautiful blue eyes focusing on her. "More than words can express, kitten. I have always loved you."

  She traced his lower lip, new tears springing to her eyes. "Truly?"

  He kissed her finger, her hand as it touched him. "Truly."

  She gazed into his eyes a moment, scarcely daring to believe that a dream that had been a daily part of her existence had actually become a real part of her life. Tears found their way onto her temples again, bathing her hair.

  "Thank you."

  He dipped do
wn, kissing her more sweetly than life itself. "Nay, kitten,” he murmured. “Thank you."

  She wound her arms around his neck as their lips fused once more, becoming familiar with the taste of one another. After several moments, she realized his kisses had slackened in intensity and she opened her eyes questioningly.

  He was staring at her. "How is it that you have fallen in love with a man twenty-two years older than yourself?” he whispered. “Why have I become the fortunate one, Arissa?"

  She shook her head, touching his face with delicate hands. "I do not know,” she murmured. “I cannot remember when I haven't loved you. As a child, I used to dream that we would be married someday and that I would bear you a host of strong sons."

  He smiled faintly. "Why do you think I have never married? There was only one woman for me, in spite of the fact that she was pledged to a convent."

  "I have heard you say that before. I thought you were jesting."

  He shook his head slowly. "Nay, lady. I have never been more serious in my life," he studied her porcelain features for a moment, the enormity of the situation beginning to saturate his mind. "But I cannot promise that we will meet with immediate success, Arissa. You have been pledged to Whitby for eighteen years."

  A look of desperation crossed her features. "I cannot take my vows before God, not when I love you. I do not want to...."

  He shushed her quietly, leaning on his elbow as he touched her beautiful face. "You will not have to stay there any longer than necessary. If my petition meets with rejection, I shall simply abduct you and we shall flee to France. I have relatives in Normandy, and we can be married."

  She swallowed. "You would give up everything you’ve worked for? Richmond, your reputation is flawless. To end a brilliant career by abducting a novice nun and fleeing the country is certainly no way to cap off your success."

  He stroked her hair. "I have waited my entire life for you, Lady Arissa. My success, my reputation, means nothing without you."

  She seemed to be particularly emotional this day, with good reason. She cradled his face, touching him as she had longed to touch him for years. "I am so unworthy of you," she whispered. "You are a great man, and I am a foolish girl with grand dreams. I simply cannot believe that you would make such a monumental declaration so easily."

  He leaned down, kissing her tenderly, as tenderly as he had always wanted to kiss her. "This is not a hasty decision. All I know is that I love you, and I will do what is necessary. But not a word to anyone, Riss. This must be between us for now. If your father found out...."

  She nodded rapidly. "His rage would know no limits. My father's temper and I are well acquainted."

  Somewhere, voices began floating into the small solar and Richmond leapt to his knees, his ears piqued. When the voices drew closer, he pulled Arissa to her feet and sat her in a chair. With a quick kiss to the top of her head, he barely had time to move a respectable distance away before William and Maude were entering the well-appointed room.

  William's eyes were wide on his daughter. He passed an inquisitive glance at Richmond as he moved towards her. "I trust Richmond has straightened you out, young lady?"

  Arissa nearly choked; Sweet St. Jude, what monumental implications his simple statement encompassed! Swallowing hard, she cleared her throat very lady-like. "He has, my lord. I apologize for my display of bad manners."

  William drew in a long breath, offering his daughter a single nod. "Well and good. I would hope that you would apologize to Sir Tad, as well. Your words offended him deeply."

  Arissa nodded submissively, looking to her hands. "I shall apologize if that is your wish, father," she said softly. "But I do not wish to be alone with him. I.... I do not trust him."

  William cocked an eyebrow and opened his mouth to question her when Richmond stepped in. "Tad de Rydal was less than courteous with her earlier, William, which explains her attitude towards him. And I hardly blame her."

  William frowned. "Define his actions, Richmond."

  Richmond shrugged, crossing his arms. "He was rather bold with his language and his actions. When I intervened, he challenged me."

  William's eyes widened. "Why did you not tell me of this earlier? How dare he call you out in the midst of a social occasion!"

  "It was of little consequence. A humiliating lessoned learned and he was sent on his way."

  William turned to his daughter. "What did he say that was so terribly bold, Arissa? And, more importantly, did he try to harm you?"

  Arissa swallowed hard, glancing at Richmond before she spoke.

  "He.... he called you an idiot for pledging me to the church. When I attempted to defend you, he grabbed my arm and told me a woman of my beauty was made for a man's pleasure."

  William was outraged and Richmond's expression bordered on pure hostility. Although Richmond had been lingering in the shadows monitoring the situation, the muffled conversation between Tad and Arissa had been unclear to him; he had intervened not as a result of the words spoken but as a direct reaction to Tad's movements. Had he known the extent of the young knight's statements, he would have interceded far sooner.

  A fierce sense of jealousy filled his veins. How dare the bastard direct such harsh words at a woman as fragile and sweet as Arissa. His Arissa. Damnation, he had been aware of her feelings all of ten minutes and already he was acting the protective husband.

  As Maude moved to comfort her daughter, William turned to Richmond.

  "I want him out," he growled. "I do not care what it takes - I shall leave the details to you. But avoid insulting Ovid if you can. He’s a powerful baron and I shall not have the man going to war against me."

  Richmond cocked an eyebrow. "As you and I have agreed, I am not the diplomatic sort. When I throw de Rydal from this keep, I will not stop to ask him if I have been offensive in manner. Mayhap you should speak with the father while I deal with the son. If Ovid understands Tad's offense as you explain it, he will most likely allow me to complete my duty as I see fit."

  William nodded shortly. "Agreed," he turned to his daughter once more. "I am sorry, Riss. I had no idea that he had been so terribly brutal with you."

  Her gaze moved to Richmond, feeling more love and pride than she ever thought possible. "Richmond saved me, father. Tad never truly had a chance."

  Richmond heard the words, saw the expression. Never in his life had he felt so fulfilled, as if discovering Arissa's feelings had suddenly made him a whole, undivided man. It was all he could do not to match her dreamy gaze.

  William grunted as he moved from the solar, intent on dealing with his unruly guests. Maude remained with Arissa as Richmond moved to follow William. A lingering gaze passed between them, expressions filled with a thousand words of thanks for what had occurred between them this day.

  Richmond allowed his gaze to rest on her beautiful face longer than he should have, his promises to her rolling over and over in his mind. He had promised to marry her, no matter what the cost. And he would. The fact that she was a princess far beyond his reach no longer seemed to matter anymore; she loved him, and he loved her. Lowly knight or no, he would have her.

  At the moment, however, he was forced away from his thoughts to the task at hand. Richmond tore his gaze away from Arissa, bowing silently to her mother as he excused himself.

  Wrapped in her mother's arms, Arissa stared at the open doorway long after Richmond had vacated the room. Still, she could scarcely believe what had transpired between them. It was still difficult to grasp, even as she continued to taste him upon her lips.

  She wondered when she would awaken from her most vivid, wondrous dream yet.


  "I thought you said Tad was leaving," Emma shielded her blue eyes against the afternoon sun. "He’s on the field with the others."

  Arissa's gaze lingered on the sun-lit field. The Stick and Ball game was about to begin and the two teams were catching a bit of practice before the match commenced.

  The men clutched angled sticks
in their hands, broad and thin and designed to precisely smack the object of the game, a small leather ball. The entire purpose of the event was to move the ball through the opponent's team to their protected end of the field. When the opposition was conquered, a score was made.

  It was a brutal game with few rules of conduct, making for an exciting and bloody match. It was extremely popular with the men-at-arms and the peasants, but on a few occasions the knights and nobles would compete simply to appease their own lust for sport. As Arissa and The Horde gazed upon the field, Bartholomew and Daniel took the field for the earl's team.

  "Richmond was supposed to escort him from Lambourn," Arissa replied to Emma's question, belatedly. "Truthfully, I have no idea why he’s still here."

  Emma sighed. "How awful that he insulted your father to his face. I wonder what possessed him?"

  Arissa kept her gaze averted, lest Emma see her guilt. Another small lie to appease her friend's fragile feelings, the omission of certain facts that had constituted her explanation regarding Tad's departure. Certainly she couldn't know of the coarse statements Tad had made, the guttural remarks that had sent her father and Richmond into a rage. It would have broken Emma's heart.

  "I do not know, truly," Arissa said, hoping to change the subject. "Goodness, I did not think Bart enjoyed Stick and Ball anymore. I have not seen him play since we were children."

  "Look, Riss," Penelope tugged her arm, diverting Emma's attention as well. "Isn't that Richmond taking the field?"

  Arissa stiffened, catching sight of a very tall, armorless man as broad as a tree. Her mouth opened in surprise. "He cannot play this game!" she suddenly leapt to her feet. "What in the world is he doing?"

  Emma and Penelope rose beside her. "Why can't he play? He’s played many a time before," Penelope said.


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