employment, 337, 351, 366–68, 370, 374, 376, 392, 425, 428
health care coverage through, 372
modern choices of, 406
productivity losses and, 371
salutary effects of, 374
Enchantment Resort, 454
endorphins, 138, 223, 229, 467–68
energy therapies, 136–37
cultural norms of drinking in, 226
gas-related suicides in, 255
Victorian asylums in, 318–19
English Renaissance, 296–97
Enigma of Suicide, The (Colt), 243
enkephalin, 218
environmental crisis, 30–31
ephedrine, 116
epinephrine, 332, 333
Erasistratus of Juli, 289
Eskimo (Inuit) peoples, depression in, 208–15
Esquirol, J. E. D., 484–85
estrogen levels, 117, 173, 457
ethnicity, 194–200
African-American, 195–200, 351
Cambodian, 32–37
East Asian, 200
Hispanic, 194–95, 343
Inuit Eskimo, 208–15
Jewish, 180
Russian, 200–201, 226–27
West African, 165–70
euthanasia, 268–73, 275, 280, 476
Evagrius, 293, 478
evolution, 401–20
of brain function, 413–20
dominance ranking and, 404–6
of emotional range, 412–14
of interpersonal benefits of depression, 409–12
modern life stresses and, 406–9
of optimism vs. realism, 433–34
social aspects of, 404–14
treatment decisions informed by understanding of, 419
exercise, 137–38, 148, 198, 200, 311, 454
existentialism, 41, 245, 329–30, 435
eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, 137, 140–41, 144, 158, 394, 454
Eyeson-Annan, M. L., 447
failure to thrive, 183–84, 460
faith, spiritual, see religious faith
family planning clinics, mental health services in, 339
Farman, Joseph, 491
Faverin/Luvox (fluvoxamine), 334
see also Luvox
FDA (Food and Drug Administration), 362, 395, 397, 456
fears, irrational, 109, 305–6
Federal Aviation Administration, 367, 491
femininity, passive ideal of, 176–77
Fénelon, François de Salignac de La Mothe-, 131
Ficino, Marsilio, 295–96, 299, 301, 312, 479
Field, Tiffany, 459
fight-or-flight response, 58
Final Exit (Humphry), 268
fish oil, 139
fitness training, 198, 200
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 144
Fliess Papers, 323
fluoxetine, see Prozac
fluvoxamine (Faverin/Luvox), 114, 334
flying phobias, behavioral therapy for, 109
Flynn, Laurie, 370–71
folic acid, 138
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 362, 395, 397, 456
Food Doctor, The (Edgson), 139
foods, therapeutic value of, 138–39
food stamps, 339
forbearance, 81–82
Forest Laboratories, 445
Foucault, Michel, 320, 485
Frank, Ellen, 101, 103–4, 451
Frazer, Allen, 113
freedom, stress induced by, 406–9
free will, 335, 432
Freud, Sigmund, 222, 285, 297, 326
on ego splitting in response to loss, 324–25
hidden motivations posited by, 102, 103, 325
infantile experiences emphasized by, 183, 204, 328
on melancholic’s acuity of perception, 433
on mourning vs. melancholia, 299, 301, 323, 324
Plato vs., 287
social context of, 176, 407
on suicide, 246, 252, 473
unconscious mind and, 102, 323, 324–25
on women’s hysteria, 176
Friedman, Richard A., 114, 118, 119, 137–38
Friedman, Richard C., 203–5, 463
reclusive past as obstacle to, 162
repair of, 70
strain on, 69, 411–12
frontal cortex, 49, 55, 123
GABA receptors, 228
Galanter, Marc, 468
Galen, Claudius, 291–92, 301, 478
Gardner, Russell, 405, 495–96
gastric secretions, 56
gay men and women, depression among, 202–8, 463–65
gene-based therapy, 171–73
genius, melancholia associated with, 285, 288–89, 299, 300–301, 316
genome-lag hypothesis, 406–7
“Gerontion” (Eliot), 225
GHB, 232
Gifford, George, 297
gingivitis, dry mouth and, 422
ginkgo biloba, 116
glass delusion, 304
Glass Licentiate, The (Cervantes), 304
glucocorticoid receptors, 57
Goddard, Russell, 62
Goes, Hugo van der, 295
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 251, 314, 315
Gold, Mark, 466, 467, 469
Gold, Sarah, 118
Goldstein, Andrew, 373
Goldstein, Risa, 472
Goodwin, Frederick, 447
Gore, Tipper, 365, 374
Grand, David, 141
granisetron, 116
Gray, Thomas, 312, 315
Greden, John, 26, 60, 80, 449
Greece, suicide rates in, 259
Greek medical practice, ancient, 286–90
Greene, Graham, 12
depression among Inuit peoples of, 208–15
youth suicides in, 258
Gretzky, Wayne, 237
depression vs., 16, 79, 124, 299, 323, 324, 412, 434, 435
love at root of, 412, 414
social value of, 434, 435
Griesinger, W., 319–20, 485
grooming, as socializing force, 36–37
group therapy, 137, 158–59, 170, 341–42, 343, 354
guns, availability of, 254, 255, 357–58, 474
Gut, Emmy, 435
Guze, S. B., 447
Hacking, Ian, 194
Hadley, Suzanne, 451–52
Hagen, Edward, 411
Hahn, Kurt, 142, 143, 455
Halberstadt, Anna, 200–201
Halcion, 119
hallucinogens, 222, 232–33, 291
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 245, 300, 316, 419, 470
happiness, 499
cultivation of, 133–34
as insensitivity, 443
postdepression experience of, 78
vitality vs., 443
see also joy
hard drugs, 230–32
see also substance abuse; specific hard drugs
Haroules, Beth, 382
Harrington, Scott, 493
Harris, M. Jackuelyn, 463
Hassoun, Jacques, 326
Hauenstein, Emily, 339–40, 344, 348–49, 353, 354, 355, 490
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 329
Healey, David, 396–98
health insurance:
cost increases vs. numbers covered in, 372, 492
industry lobbying on, 372
lack of, 372, 375–78
mental illness parity in, 361, 369–74, 377, 492
state control vs. federal mandates on, 376
health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 374
hospitalization coverage and, 370–71
psychopharmacology and, 90, 107, 384
heart disease, 57, 58–59, 103, 449
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 316
Heidegger, Martin, 440
heights, fear of, 27–28
Heldman, Kevin, 386
Hellinger, Bert, 158, 456
hemangioma, 355, 357, 358
Henry, Patrick, 249
Heracles (mythological figure), 288–89
herbal medicine:
Chinese, 137, 148, 229
in historical treatments of melancholia, 286–87, 288, 290, 291, 300, 304, 313
Khmer, 36
Saint-John’s wort, 146–47, 148, 149, 304, 313, 394
for sexual side effects of antidepressants, 116
Hernandez, Sheila (pseudonym), 346–47, 360, 379
heroin, 218, 221, 229, 232, 235, 238, 346, 391
Herophilus of Calcedonius, 289
Herrel, R., 463
hibernation, 406
Hinckley, John, 373
hippocampus, 60
Hippocrates, 31, 285, 286–87, 288, 289, 291, 301, 319, 334
Hispanic culture, 194–95, 343
HIV/AIDS, 71–73, 77, 203, 347, 353–55, 362
HMOs, see health maintenance organizations
Hobbes, Thomas, 413
Hoffman, Friedrich, 308, 481
Holocaust survivors:
CBT principle as strategy of, 109
suicide of, 281–82
homeless, 354, 355, 375
military veterans among, 381
outreach programs for, 390, 392
psychiatric care vs. social intervention for, 106–7
homeopathy, 137, 148, 149–50, 154
Homer, 287
homesickness, 435
homicide, 282, 373
Homme Machine, L’ (La Mettrie), 308
homophobia, 202, 203–4, 205–7, 465
homosexuality, 202–8
hormone levels, neurotransmitters and, 174
hormone therapies, 117
hospitals, hospitalization:
class-action suits against, 392
dehumanizing experience of, 75, 385
deinstitutionalization movement and, 380, 392
eighteenth-century abuse in, 309, 318
of elderly depressed people, 190
establishment of asylum residential system of, 317–19, 320–21
facilities shortage and, 378
health plan coverage of, 370–71
internal advocacy for patient rights in, 424
in long-term structured residential services, 391
noninstitutional programs vs., 391–92
per-patient budgets of, 385, 386
recurrences of, 427–28
restraints employed in, 386, 423
sedating medications and, 385, 386
in Senegal, 165–66
state facilities of, 385–89, 391
supervised housing programs after, 424, 425, 427
as treatment resource, 120
voluntary vs. involuntary, 378–82
how to stop time (Marlowe), 238
Hugo, Victor, 321
human genome, 172, 456
humanist philosophy, 295
humiliation, 63
humors, four, 286–88, 290, 291–92, 306, 323
Humphry, Derek, 268
hunger, 77, 402
hunter-gatherer societies, 405, 406
Huysmans, Joris-Karl, 321
Hyman, Steven:
on antidepressant medication, 103, 113, 236
on childhood depression, 185
on genetic effects in brain, 171–72
on mental health outreach, 338
on “mood gene,” 23
on overemphasis on serotonin, 112
on psychotherapy, 103, 105
on social stigmatization of depression, 363
on therapeutic effects of prayer, 130
hypericum, 146
hypnosis, 137, 144
hypnotic drugs, 222
hypothalamic functions, 48, 55
cortical function and, 448
light stimulation of, 140
hypothyroidism, 289
IAPSRS (International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services), 368
iatromechanical model, 307, 481
icebergs, 210–11
Illiminaq, Greenland, 210–15
illiteracy, 351
imaging technology, brain metabolism represented in, 254, 362, 417
imipramine, 153–54, 331
immune response:
cortisol employed in, 158
depression as cause of decrease in, 57
of indigent depressed, 345
interleukin-6 in, 146
right-brain activation as predictor of, 418
impotence, 115, 116
impulsiveness, 253, 255, 256
India, train suicides in, 255
individualism, 132
industrial revolution, 320
asymmetry of brain activation in, 418
cause/effect linkage developed in, 350
depression in, 181, 459
see also childhood depression; children
Inquisition, 293, 308
drug treatment for, 119
of elderly depressed, 190
suicidality linked to, 146
instinct, 414–15
institutionalization, see hospitals, hospitalization
insurance coverage, see health insurance
interleukin-6, 146
International Association of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (IAPSRS), 368
interpersonal therapy (IPT), 107, 109–10
intimacy, value of, 436
Inuit (Eskimo) peoples, depression in, 208–15
invention, nature vs., 430–31
involuntary-commitment laws, 378
iprindole, 333
iproniazid, 331
irrational fears, 305–6
irritable bowel syndrome, 65
Islam, holy wars of, 247
isolation, 103, 214, 220
isoniazid, 331
Italian Renaissance, melancholia in, 295–96, 299
Jack, Dana Crowley, 176–77, 178
Jackson, Stanley, 445, 478
Jacob’s Room (Woolf), 16–17
James, William, 321, 322, 328, 485
James I, King of England, 297
Jamison, Kay Redfield, 445
on adolescent depression, 187
on complexity of brain chemistry, 254
on depression as killer, 57
on emotional range, 412
on family responses to depressed relative, 63
on genetic predisposition to depression, 56
struggle against depression described by, 61–62
on suicide and suicidality, 254, 259–60, 263, 264, 265, 447
Janesson, Ruth Ann, 343–45, 360
Jefferson, Thomas, 329
Jewish men, depression rates of, 180
Jews, Berlin, suicide rates of, 204, 465
Joelson, Amalia, 212, 213–14
Johansen, Karen, 212–14
Johns Hopkins University Hospital, psychiatric training at, 328
Johnson, Samuel, 310, 311
Jones, Nancy Aaron, 459
Joshi, Paramjit T., 184, 186, 460
joy, 443, 499
depression survivors’ appreciation of, 78, 434, 439
see also happiness
juvenile delinquency, 337
Kaczynski, Theodore (Unabomber), 125, 454
Kahn, Eve, 82–83
Kahn, Jack, 404
Kant, Immanuel, 312, 314, 315
Kaptur, Marcy, 372, 373–74, 378, 379, 381
Katz, Ira, 461–62
kayak anxiety, 213, 465
kayaking, 143, 213
Keats, John, 314
Keller, Martin, 104
Kendler, Ken, 450
Kendra’s Law, 380
Kenyon, Jane, 66, 79
ketamine (Special K), 232
ketoconazole, 58
Kevorkian, Jack, 268
Kharms, D
aniil, 77
Khmer Rouge, 32–35, 351, 448
kidney stones, 46–47
Kierkegaard, Søren, 316, 484
kinesiology, 142
Kleber, Herbert, 219, 221, 223, 224–25, 230, 468
Klein, Donald, 103
Klein, Melanie, 326
Klerman, Gerald, 109
Kline, Nathan, 331
Klitzman, Robert, 104, 436
Klonopin, 83, 119, 121, 234
Kraemer, Gary, 474, 475
Kraepelin, Emil, 189, 285, 323, 326–27, 328, 331, 450, 486
Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 485–86
Kramer, Peter, 236, 399
Kristeva, Julia, 52, 263, 435, 440, 445
Kuhn, Reinhard, 478
Kuhn, Roland, 331
Kye, Christopher, 460
Kyner, Marian, 344, 349, 350–51, 355, 358, 359
Lacan, Jacques, 326
La Mettrie, Julien Offray de, 307–8, 481
Lange, Amelia, 212, 214
language, asymmetrical brain function and, 416–17, 418–19
L-arginine, 116
Last Kings of Thule, The (Malaurie), 465
Latin culture, 194–95, 343
Lawlor, B. A., 462
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