SSRIs, see selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors
Stanley, Jonathan, 380, 381
Starkey, Angel, 421–28, 432, 438, 498
state mental hospitals, 385–89, 390–91
STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), 202
Stein, Bill (pseudonym), 73–77, 441–42
Stetson, Danquille (pseudonym), 351–52, 360
Stevens, Anthony, 404
Stewart, Jacqueline, 467
stimulants, illegal, 230–32
see also substance abuse
Stoic philosophers, 292
aggression as release of, 253–54
cortisol levels affected by, 57, 58, 59–60
humiliation as main cause of, 63
of modern life, 31–32, 125, 404, 406–9
right-brain activation and, 418
social withdrawal as reduction of, 125
suicidality increased with, 252–54
stroke, 193, 415–16
Strupp, Hans, 451–52
Styron, William, 135, 136, 365, 491
substance abuse, 217–42
adolescents and, 221, 467
antianxiety drugs and, 119
brain adaptations to, 218, 219–20, 222–23, 231, 233
contemplative vs. precontemplative, 223–24
criminal behavior in support of, 354
depression intertwined with, 37, 217, 218–22, 354–55
escalating needs of, 218
genetic predisposition toward, 217, 218, 223, 224
hospitalization treatment after withdrawal from, 391
of indigent depressed, 337, 346, 354
maternal, 254
of military veterans, 381
neurotransmitter systems affected by, 217–18, 219, 223, 228, 231, 473
pharmacological rehabilitation from, 229
relapse prevention strategy for, 229
as self-medication, 217, 220, 238
social norm variabilities on, 226–27
speed of intoxication in, 218, 237
suicidality linked to, 220, 222, 227, 254, 467
withdrawal from, 219, 222, 224, 229, 232, 234, 391
see also addiction; alcoholism; specific drugs
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 369
substance P, 171
competitive superiority vs. personal achievement as, 405
suicidality and, 255, 258
suicide, 25, 37, 243–83
alcoholism and, 227, 255
animal serotonin levels and, 114, 254
on antidepressants, 80–81
as anxiety response, 275
attempts vs. completed acts of, 248, 251, 258–59, 472
of Berlin Jews, 204, 465
in childhood, 184, 254, 257–58, 261, 264–65, 356, 460, 461, 464
as civil liberties issue, 247, 248, 283, 293–94
congressional hearings on, 373
contagion of, 250–51, 258, 279
contemplation of, 67, 68–69, 71, 121–22, 251
control exerted through, 280, 282
cortisol levels and, 59
depression as independent from, 243–44, 249, 470
detoxification stress and, 220
of elderly, 258–59
euthanasia and, 268–73, 275–79, 280
family history of, 250, 268, 472
faulty logic of, 244–45, 266–68
four groups of, 244–45, 249–50
genetic predisposition toward, 250, 254
among Greenlandic Inuit peoples, 208, 465
guns used in, 254, 255, 474
homosexuality and, 202, 463, 464
and hospitalization coverage, 370
hospital restraints against, 387
hotlines for prevention of, 358
inexplicability of, 262–63, 264–65
insomnia linked to, 146
and intolerance for pain, 85
locations of, 251
of men vs. women, 178, 459
in mixed states of manic-depressive illness, 48
modern technological means of, 254–55
neurotransmitter systems and, 252–54
of octopus, 257
of older men, 258–59, 270
para-suicidal acts vs., 260, 261, 263
parental death and, 257
philosophical considerations of, 245–47
preventative treatment for, 251–52
rates of, 248–49, 251, 257, 373, 447, 471, 472, 475
rational consideration of, 245, 247–48, 258, 268–69, 283
reactions of friends and family to, 262, 264–65, 279, 283
religious prohibition of, 132, 246–47, 259, 304
self-mutilation and, 421
social contextual views of, 249–51
SSRI prevention of, 115, 252
substance abuse and, 220, 222, 227, 254, 255, 467
of successful people, 255
of terror survivors, 281–82
variety of means for, 259–60
in Vietnam War era, 262
suicide prevention movement, 248
Sullivan, Andrew, 178
supermarkets, choices in, 408–9
Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 160, 368
support groups, 137, 159–62
surgery, 163–65, 441
survival courses, 137, 142–44
alcohol consumption in, 227
suicide rates in, 248
Swift, Jonathan, 317, 482
synaptic cleft, 332, 333
synaptic function, 55
Szasz, Thomas, 247–48, 393
TAC (Treatment Advocacy Center), 380
talking therapies:
ancient roots of, 287, 291
cognitive-behavioral therapy, 104, 107–9, 111, 228–29, 351
duration of, 102–3
eighteenth-century rejection of, 307
EMDR incorporated in, 141
emotional candor within, 106
emotional insight gained from, 102–3
funding cuts for, 384
in Greenlandic Inuit Eskimo culture, 213–15
in groups, 137, 158–62, 170, 341–42, 343, 354
high costs of, 107
indigent depressed responses to, 341–42, 344, 351, 358, 359
initial development of, 102, 323–26
interpersonal therapy, 107, 109–10
long-term efficacy of, 103–4
physical intervention integrated with, 101–2
physiological alterations effected by, 111
as protection against recurrence, 104
psychoanalysis, 48, 50–51, 102–3, 323–26, 328
psychopharmacology vs., 101–2, 103–4, 451
religious practice vs., 130–32
speech as mood-enhancer in, 419
therapist selection process in, 105–7, 110–11
three forms of, 37
Taylor, Shelley E., 433–34
Taylor, Verta, 457
TB (tuberculosis), outreach treatment programs for, 378, 493
teenage depression, 187–89, 461
Tegretol, 93–94
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, 270, 321
terror, resistance to, 281
testosterone injections, 117
Thase, Michael, 145–46
Thomas Aquinas, Saint, 62, 293, 450, 479
Thompson, William, 483
thyroid releasing hormone (TRH), 55, 56, 145, 448
“time born,” 17
“Tithonus” (Tennyson), 270
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 250
Tofranil, 114
Topamax, 119, 422
transitional societies, 208, 407
therapy directed toward memories of, 140–41, 158–59
tolerance levels for, 85, 302–3, 355
trazodone, 116, 193
treatment, 101–34
access to, 353
alternative methods of, 135–72; see also specific alternative therapies
of children, 183, 184–89
civil right to avoidance of, 378, 394
combination, efficacy of, 451
in community clinics, 377–78, 384, 391, 392, 393
costs of, 337, 339, 340, 353, 382–83, 490
drop-in centers of, 391–92
of elderly, 190–93
electroconvulsive therapy, 62, 75–76, 82, 120–23, 139, 163, 190, 252, 366, 397, 423
in emergency facilities, 83–85, 381
evolutionary knowledge as factor in, 419
historical methods of, 286–87, 288, 289, 290, 291, 300, 303–4, 309, 313, 317–18, 327
hospitalization for, 75, 120, 165–66, 190, 309, 317–21, 370–71, 378–82, 385–93, 423, 424, 425, 427–28
inappropriate, 26
inclusive biopsychosocial model of, 101–2
of indigent depressed, 335, 336–60, 375, 488
individual choices on, 123–25
lack of, 25, 80
noncompliance with, 116
outreach programs of, 338, 341, 349, 375
patent process reforms and, 395
percentage of depressed population in, 25–26, 446
pharmaceutical industry bias in, 394–95, 495
political influences on, 361, 375–78
preventative, 56–57, 60, 120
quality standards of, 354
religious belief as, 130–33
resistance felt toward, 338, 341, 354
of specific populations, 37, 183, 184–89, 190–94; see also populations
of substance abusers with depression, 37, 218–22, 228, 354, 468
two major modalities of, 101–2
voluntary vs. involuntary, 378–82, 386, 393–94
see also antidepressant medications; talking therapies
Treatment Advocacy Center (TAC), 380
Treisman, Glenn, 340, 346, 347, 353–54, 490
TRH (thyroid releasing hormone), 55, 56, 145, 448
cocaine use with, 222
discovery of, 331
manic-depressive disorder and, 118
neurotransmitters and, 114, 117, 171
reuptake mechanism blocked by, 332
SAMe vs., 148
side effects of, 115, 117–18
triune brain, 414–15
Troisi, Alfonso, 401–2, 406, 407, 419
tryptophan, 111–12, 138
tryptophan hydroxylase, 254
tuberculosis (TB), outreach treatment programs for, 378, 493
Tuke, Daniel H., 485–86
Tuke, Samuel, 317–18
TWA flight 800, 435
Two Discourses Concerning the Soul of Brutes (Willis), 306–7
Tylenol, 267
Unabomber (Theodore Kaczynski), 125
unconscious mind, 102, 323
Undercurrents (Manning), 121–23
unemployment, 337, 345, 351
Upjohn, 171
Valenstein, Elliot, 111, 113, 163, 394
Valium, 74, 93, 94, 95, 98, 119, 228, 234
van den Berg, J. H., 407
Vasari, Giorgio, 296, 479
venlafaxine (Efexor/Effexor), 76, 78, 86, 87, 114, 118, 119, 160, 235, 334, 447
Venter, Craig J., 456
Veterans Administration, 381, 494
Viagra, 92, 117
Victoria Falls, 27–28
Victorian period, 318, 320, 321
Vietnam War:
heroin use in, 232, 469
homeless veterans of, 381
suicides during, 262
Villette (Brontë), 133–34
of depressed men, 178–80
economic privation linked with, 347
involuntary commitment due to, 380
mental illness associated with, 373–74
in rural poverty, 351
self-destructive behavior vs., 424
vision, 56, 60
vitamins, 138–39
volition, 102, 224–25, 294, 348, 350, 432
Volkow, Nora, 466
Voltaire, 311, 315, 317
Wallace, Mike, 365, 491
Walpole, Horace, 311, 312
Warnock, Julia, 117
Washington, Lolly (pseudonym), 340–43, 349, 360
Waste Land, The (Eliot), 270–71
Watson, James, 138
Watson, Paul J., 409–10
Weaver, Claudia (pseudonym), 149–58, 438, 442, 456
Wehr, Thomas, 144, 145, 406, 455
Weil, Andrew, 147, 455
Weiss, Mark, 49
Weissman, Myrna, 109, 175, 457, 458, 460–61
welfare recipients:
depression rates of, 336, 338
government spending levels on, 338–39
work transition programs of, 338
welfare reform, 336, 360
Wellbutrin, 86, 93, 95, 119, 121, 127, 163, 235, 447
activating potential of, 87, 114
negative sexual side effects ameliorated with, 92
neurotransmitters affected by, 118, 171
Wellstone, Paul, 369, 371, 372, 376, 377
Weltschmerz, 315
Wender, Paul, 472
West Africa, ndeup ceremonies in, 165–70
Weston, Russell, Jr., 373, 374
Wetzel, Richard, 471–72
White Guard, The (Bulgakov), 7
White House Conference on Mental Illness, 374
Whitman, Walt, 329
Whybrow, Peter, 445, 448, 453
Wier, Jan, 297
wife batterers, 178–79, 180
Wilde, Oscar, 321
wilderness survival program, 142–44
Williams, Tennessee, 443
Willis, Thomas, 306–7, 483
Willowbrook, 380
Willow Weep for Me (Danquah), 195
Wilson, Fred (pseudonym), 354–55, 360
Wilson, John, 374
Winter’s Tale, The (Shakespeare), 430
Wise, Bob, 369, 377, 384, 392
witchcraft, 297–98, 303
Witthower, Rudolph and Margot, 445
alcoholism of, 175
suicidality of, 249, 471–72
women’s depression, 173–78
in African Americans, 195–96
biological causation of, 173–74
in eighteenth century, 311
feminine passivity vs., 176–77
indigent status and, 337, 338, 339–52, 355–59
male depression rates vs., 173, 175, 177–78, 180, 457, 458, 457, 458
motherhood and, 83, 121–22, 174, 175, 180–81, 337, 338, 342, 345, 346–47, 440–41, 458
in rural areas, 339, 343–351
sexual abuse and, 176, 340–41, 348, 349, 350, 351, 355
social factors in, 174–78, 457, 458
Wong, David, 334
Woodhull Hospital, 386
Woolf, Leonard, 55
Woolf, Virginia, 16–17, 55, 87–88, 103, 273–74
Wordsworth, William, 314
World Health Organization, 331, 397
Xanax, 54, 64, 89, 93, 119, 127, 234, 235, 358, 487
anxiety controlled with, 51, 61, 63, 78, 92, 129, 234
side effects of, 87, 88
withdrawal from, 70–71, 74
Yapko, Michael, 144, 455
Years, The (Woolf), 103
yellow bile, 287
yohimbine, 116
Young, Edward, 311
Young, Elizabeth, 57, 58, 59, 60, 449
zinc, 138
Zoloft (sertraline), 51, 60, 78, 114, 118, 119, 121, 236, 334, 487
see also Lustral
Zubenko, George, 461–62
Zyprexa, 89, 90, 119, 164, 426, 447
antianxiety benefits of, 87
appetite affected by, 242
> sedating effect of, 88, 92, 93–94
withdrawal from, 234–35, 236
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