The Vampire's Throne: A Paranormal Romance

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The Vampire's Throne: A Paranormal Romance Page 7

by AJ Tipton

  Ben shrugged and Alice opened her mouth like she was about to say something, but Margot tapped her arm and shook her head. Alice glanced at Christopher and blushed, then went back to studying the blueprints, moving the coins slightly on the map and edging around the table to look at the picture from a different angle. The light from the chandelier elongated the shadows under her eyes like she was already dead.

  No, not her. Never her. Christopher circled the room to put some distance between himself and Alice, knowing he was being selfish trying to minimize her involvement. He couldn't stop thinking that making her a vampire had been supposed to preserve Alice and keep her from harm. Now she was helping them plan for battle.

  Danny looked up from a debate with Valerie about whether it was worth trying to proactively turn some of Rhys's sirelings to their cause before the battle when he saw Christopher approach. Danny lightheartedly elbowed Christopher in the ribs.

  “Hey there, Chris. It’s nice having us all together, admit it.”

  “Even if I’m marching you to your probable deaths?” Christopher asked.

  “Even if.”

  “I do enjoy seeing you all, being together as a family but...” Christopher sighed, “Just the other day I accidentally rendered Margot mute, just from a careless word. This damn hortari makes me a danger to all of you.”

  “I’m not sure if shutting up Margot for a moment is such a bad thing.” Danny ducked out of the way of a flying candlestick thrown with impressive speed. “Just kidding.” He waved his hands in surrender. “It doesn’t have to be this way. I’ve heard stories of vamps breaking the hortari.”

  “That’s what they are, stories.” Christopher ran his hand through his short, dark hair and gripped at the ends in frustration. “The hortari bond is unbreakable, and Rhys is going to use it to enslave everyone around him.” Christopher looked around the room. How many would still be alive when all of this was over? “We will have to call on everybody we can trust, every ally.”

  “My sirelings have sirelings,” Danny said. “Gotta love that exponential growth.”

  Christopher plunged a knife into the nearest blueprint. “We’re going to need every advantage we can get.”

  Alice stared at the knife wedged deep into the table. It cut through the throne. Not a comforting image. Christopher and his sirelings were still discussing battle strategies and how to ensure safe avenues of retreat. For all that Christopher turned people he respected as artisans, they were also all trained warriors and had lived long enough to learn a few things about strategy.

  I want to join the battle.

  She wasn't sure when she'd come to the realization. Sure, Alice had always wanted to help, but actually being part of a physical assault? It was almost unthinkable. It might have been seeing Christopher pace around the room with fear etched in the lines around his eyes. Or hearing him stand amidst his people and request support in a room full of vampires who would have no choice but to help if he had been less careful in his wording. Christopher was a good man, and the sirelings he'd created were some of the most fun and clever people she'd ever known. The thought of any of them getting hurt made her feel sick.

  Alice slid her coins on the map of the throne room, adjusting it slightly. She bit her lip. There were so many variables that would come into play when positioning the flash bombs. The blueprints showed how tall the room was and where the windows were positioned, but there could be any number of factors that might impact the reach of the UV rays.

  "I have to go with you," Alice said.

  Danny and Margot were in a loud argument about the comparative merit of spears in the coronation room versus their uselessness in the tight castle corridors.

  Alice raised her voice to be heard. "I'm going to come with you to the coronation."

  "That's ridiculous," Christopher said.

  Danny and Margot stopped arguing. Margot turned to Alice and pursed her lips.

  "You're barely turned, Alice," Margot said. "That makes you weaker than every vampire there. You might be good with that sword with a few more years of training, but you're nowhere near ready, hon."

  "I didn't turn you so you could die a week later." Christopher's voice sounded final.

  "You don't get it," Alice said. "Those UV bombs. You're going to need me there to maximize their reach."

  "Ben can handle it. He invented them," Christopher said.

  Ben raised his hand. "Actually, Ben can't." Christopher scowled at him. "Look, I just make the contraptions. I leave it up to you guys to use them to the best of your abilities. My expertise is in chemical reactions and mechanics, not light distribution."

  "It's not happening," Christopher said. He looked around the room. "And that's final."

  "But--" Alice started to say.

  Christopher held up a hand. "Stop."

  Alice's entire body locked in place, her mouth clicking shut as Christopher's sire compulsion took control.

  She struggled to move, sweat beading on her forehead at the effort. She concentrated on the specific command. He said ‘stop’, not ‘stop talking’.

  "My liege, can I talk to you a second?" The words took effort to leave her mouth, but since his command had been so unspecific, Alice managed to form the words.

  Christopher pulled his fingers through his hair. He let out a long breath. "Yes, sorry. We can talk outside." He looked at the others. "All of you, you know what to do. We'll meet again tomorrow to compare numbers and continue to fine-tune the plan."

  The sirelings all shared significant looks and filed out. Christopher held open the door for Alice and walked beside her until they were outside on the front porch. Her car from the day before--which felt like a million years ago--was still parked at the end of the driveway.

  Alice waited until she heard the last of the other sirelings leave and they were alone before turning back to Christopher.

  "You need me there. Not bringing me puts the others at risk."

  Christopher shook his head. "Are you so determined to die?" His voice grew louder with each word.

  Alice stepped toward him, determined to calm him down. "You gave me immortality so that I could have more chances to do good in this world. Helping stop your brother is exactly that."

  "Rhys is my problem, not yours. Your death is Not. An. Option." Christopher stepped so close, his breath brushed against her face. Everything in her body felt charged being near him. Her muscles practically vibrated with a need to touch him: to comfort or slap him, she wasn't sure.

  She pressed her palm against his cheek. "This is my choice. I'm going with you."

  He pulled her closer, his mouth pressing against hers in sudden desperation. His tongue pushed into her mouth, and she opened to him, grabbing his shoulders to pull herself close. His fingers laced through her hair, tangling in the strands, while his other hand cupped her ass. She shivered with pleasure.

  He felt so right, so perfect against her body. All day she'd been trying to not think about their night together, but it all rushed back at the feel of his hands, the scent of him surrounding her, her enhanced vampire senses making every detail of him more intense.

  He broke away from the kiss, still holding her close. "Don't you understand? I can’t lose you. You mean so much to me, more than anyone ever has. I need you to be safe." She started to protest, but he looked deep into her eyes. "Get in your car, Alice. Drive away and live your life the way you choose, but never look for me. I will never come near you again. This is my last command to you. Go." He stepped away from her.

  "No!" But it was too late, the hortari had already taken control. Every muscle in her body forced her towards her car. "Christopher, stop this!" She pushed back against the compulsion with everything she could, her mind screaming as she tried to gain control of a body that kept putting one foot in front of another in an irrevocable march.

  Christopher stood behind her, tears in his eyes and grief etched in every line of his face, but he didn't come any closer.

images flashed through her mind. The bright light of the UV bombs missing key areas of the room, Rhys’s faceless evil minions descending on Christopher and his sire line, their fangs dripping with blood like some B horror movie. All because she wasn't there. Danny dead. Valerie dead. Ben dead. Margot dead.

  Christopher dead.

  "No! I need to stay!" She looped her arms around one of the lamp posts that lined the side of the driveway and held on with all her might. With every second she tried to resist the hortari's pull, the pain increased. Her shoulders ached as her lower body pulled towards the car. A hot heaviness was forcing itself up from her feet through her legs and into her stomach, magma filling her limbs. She locked her arms around the pole as her legs throbbed in pain as they tried to walk away. She lowered herself to the ground, one hand under the other, until she lay flat on her stomach and her feet could only kick spasmodically behind her.

  "What are you doing?" Christopher asked. He came closer, his expression a mix of curiosity and awe.

  She closed her eyes, shutting out the pain, letting a growing fury push back against the weight of hot magma burning up her chest and into her neck. Alice screamed, the sound breaking through the agony.

  "This is such bullshit!" Fury like she'd never felt pulsed through her. This was her body. This was her will. She had to break this.

  Memories swirled. Christopher kissing her. Christopher carrying her to his bed. The pleasure shooting through her as she came over and over against at the feel of his mouth. Christopher's face when he told her they could never be together because it was his blood that made her a vampire. Everything about her new existence was perfect, could be perfect, if she could only break through this.

  The pain was agonizing, but she leaned into it now. Somewhere inside herself, Alice looked straight at the pain, acknowledged it, welcomed it. This was a goddamn staring contest from hell and there was no way she was about to blink.

  I can do this.

  One in a million broke the sire bond, but there was always that one.

  The pain tried to take over, pain spiking into her. She screamed again, a mindless wail of agony that was nowhere near accepting defeat.

  I can do this.

  Blackness tinged her vision, and Alice felt like she was passing out. No, that's the hortari. She fought against it, looking up into Christopher's face. He was smiling now, laughing almost, tears rolling down his face.

  "I can't believe it," he said. "You're amazing."

  She held on, pushing against the blackness, focusing on his smile.

  The hortari shattered.

  She collapsed limp against the ground.

  The pain disappeared, leaving only a dull ache in her limbs from all the strain and the kicking. The pull to leave was gone.

  She shakily got to her feet, dusting off the gravel that stuck to her arms and side.

  "Tell me to do something," she said, her voice breathless with hope and anticipation.

  Christopher shook off his shock. "Um, I don't know. Touch your nose."

  She waited a second to see if she felt anything, but there was nothing. Alice wiggled her fingers freely in front of Christopher’s face.

  “Nope! Not gonna do it!” She laughed and jumped forward into his arms, kissing him furiously. He kissed her back, pulling her closer and carrying her to the house, her legs straddling his waist and her arms wrapped around his shoulders.

  "No one…" He said in between kisses to her mouth, her neck, her cheek. "No one has ever fought so hard for me. I didn't think it was possible."

  She roughly pulled a fistful of his hair, forcing his head back, while pressing her chest closer so her hard nipples rubbed against the front of his jacket.

  "It wasn't all for you. I was fighting for my freedom." She pressed her lips against his, moaning when his mouth opened for her and her tongue battled against his for dominance. "And for this." She reached down to stroke his erect cock pressing against her stomach.

  He looked around. They were still in the middle of the driveway. The others would be returning at any time with their reinforcements.

  "Race you to the bedroom," she said, dropping to her feet and running with her enhanced vampire speed back into the house.

  "No fair! You got a head start!"

  She was already so far in front of him, she could barely hear his words. Alice raced up the stairs and down the hallway at a speed that reduced the house’s carefully-curated decorations into a tasteful blur. She kicked open the bedroom door and spun in time to grab hold of Christopher and use his momentum to toss him onto the bed. He sprawled against the headboard and she jumped onto him, tearing off her shirt and bra in a single rip and pressing her nipple against his mouth. He sucked and licked at her command, the shuddering pleasure running through her not stopping as he managed to pull apart his shirt without breaking contact. He switched his attention from one breast to another, licking and sucking her nipples to tight points.

  She could feel every indent on his tongue, every hair on his arms where they wrapped around her back. His aroused scent made wetness pool between her legs, demanding she become closer to him. Enhanced strength made ripping off his pants, the fabric tearing like paper, all the easier. Her own pants came next until they were both bare.

  "Alice, you're---"

  "Shut up." She pressed him down against the bed, positioning her pussy above his mouth. "I'm still pissed at you for commanding me to leave."

  "I'm at your command now. Whatever you want, I'm yours. Forever." He grabbed her hips, pulling her wet mound towards him so he could lick her clit, his tongue making wide sweeps along her slit, exploring all her folds. Spikes of pleasure rushed through her every time his tongue flicked her bud.

  "Yes, that," she panted.

  He flicked her clit again, and Alice couldn’t help but thrust until she was riding his face in wild gyrations, her clit rubbing against his nose, his mouth, his lips. The intensity of the sensations was more than she'd ever felt before; every place they touched thrilled her, drove her on.

  "Oh gods, I'm coming!" she screamed, just as he thrust his tongue deep into her, fucking her deep, as his fingers danced against her clit. She came in waves, lights flashing behind her eyes as she spasmed on top of his face. When the waves slowed, she sat back. His face glistened with her cum and he licked his lips. She leaned forward and tasted herself on his mouth. Behind her, his enormous cock strained upwards, brushing against her ass.

  It felt too gorgeous to resist. She turned to lean down and lick along his shaft, wrapping her lips around his tip. Christopher gripped the sheets so tight, the fabric threatened to tear.

  "Careful, I'm so close," he said.

  She grabbed his cock with her hand, using his pre-cum to lubricate her palm as she stroked him up and down with fast, measured strokes. His cock jumped and she licked along the tip, putting gentle pressure on the underside and licking upward. His chest vibrated with tension between her thighs. She lifted her head, letting go of his shaft just before he came. She jumped off to kneel beside him. He looked so gorgeous laying there. He was the most exquisite being she'd ever seen. And he's mine.

  He reached for her. "Tell me, what do you need?" he asked.

  She crawled closer, straddling his cock. She locked eyes with him as she lowered herself down onto his shaft. He was so big, his cock stretched at her walls.

  "You. I need all of you."

  He moaned, his hands massaging her breasts as he thrust up into her wet heat.

  She leaned down and bit his lip, rolling her hips so his stomach brushed against her clit with each movement. His cock felt amazing buried deep inside her, every part of them connected. She remembered her last night as a human, the perfection of him inside her. And this time, it wasn't their final chance, it was just the beginning.

  She came screaming Christopher's name, bliss infusing every limb as she let the pleasure wash over her. Christopher's thrusts under her became more urgent until he was groaning loudly and she felt him spill
inside of her.

  "Yesssss." She curled up on top of him, feeling him slowly go soft while still inside her. She touched his face. "This is worth everything."

  He kissed her gently. "I wish I could keep you safe."

  Alice smiled, kissing his nose. "I appreciate that, but if protecting me means taking away my choices, then we're going to have problems."

  He grinned. "Well, even if the hortari isn't working, I could still tie you up to keep you from joining the battle."

  "Haha, by that logic, I should tie you up so you don't get hurt either." She wiggled her hips a little.

  "That image I don't mind at all." His hands started to roam her back. "Taking turns with the cuffs…" His hands found her wrists, pulled them together and back behind her so her chest arched back and he could lean up to kiss her breasts.

  She laughed. "Keep that up, and neither of us will ever leave."

  He licked her nipple. "Perhaps that's the best option." Christopher’s smile dimmed and he leaned back against the pillows, releasing her wrists. "Unfortunately, Rhys is a problem that I have to fix."

  "Why does it have to be you?" She dismounted his cock and curled up next to him, spooning against him. She pulled up the sheet so its smooth fabric cocooned them both.

  "Rhys and I are more than just sired by the same vampire, we were born brothers. He’s always been selfish and power-mad, and I’ve always tried to protect others from him. We weren't born rich, our family herded sheep, and Rhys always seemed to resent it. One of the few memories I still have from when I was human is from when I was sixteen or seventeen and Rhys was fifteen or so. There was this girl in our town born with a cleft lip that partially deformed her face. Really nice girl, amazing weaver." Christopher took a deep breath. "Rhys convinced the other boys in the village that she was evil, that they could prove their strength as men if they hurt her. I did everything I could to protect her, but once the idea circulated far enough through town, there was no stopping the attacks. I managed to safely smuggle her out of town and place her with some distant aunts. But it always haunted me, how Rhys’s cruelty managed to alter somebody’s life so drastically. It was the first time I saw something like that, but definitely not the last." Christopher leaned back against the bed's headrest, closing his eyes. "With our sire’s death, Rhys and I are the oldest vampires still alive. I can't let him have influence over the direction of our people and I'm the only one with a strength that equals his own." His breath stirred Alice's hair and she cuddled closer to him. She ached at the pain in his voice.


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