The Tempted Series: Collectors Edition

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The Tempted Series: Collectors Edition Page 58

by Janine Infante Bosco

  “They got to Nikki,” Victor began. “Took her in the middle of the night and roughed her up, used her as leverage over me, but before I could get to her Michael did. He saved her, taking the bullet that was meant for her. He’s in the O.R. now …” his voice trailing off before he managed to continue. “It would be good if you and Adrianna made your way down here. Nicole’s going to need support and I’m, well, I’m the last person she wants to lean on.”

  “Is he going to be okay?”

  “I pray to God he is,” he whispered. “It’s all over Anthony, thirty some odd years of bad decisions finally hit me where it hurts. It has to end and if I don’t end it now I’m not so sure I ever will.”

  I didn’t know what he was saying, what the underlying meaning was behind his words but Victor was breaking down. The concrete walls he built as a fortress around him crumbled and left him vulnerable.

  “You’ll be free, all of you,” He vowed.

  “Victor…” I managed, not knowing what to say to him.

  “Make your way down here and give Adrianna my love even if she doesn’t accept it, let her know her daddy loves her,” he whispered, his voice catching before he ended the call.

  Looking back on that morning I received that call from Victor, I wished I had realized that when he hung up the phone that would be the last time I spoke to him. I lived a good portion of my life despising the man but when I really sat down and thought about it he had been the only man in my life for a long time. I wouldn’t say he was a father figure to me, but he had once been my role model, a man I chose to look up to. He stormed into my life bringing a lot of pain and suffering into it, but he also gave me his daughter, making my relationship with him worthwhile.

  You don’t realize all the things you want to tell a person until you can’t say the words anymore, until the chance to speak is ripped from you. I would have thanked him for creating such a perfect woman for me to love. I would’ve told him I had it from here and that I’d take care of her from now on. I would’ve said goodbye.

  It took us two days from the day he called to get to Florida, to the hospital that Mike had been admitted to. He had made it through surgery. The doctors removed the bullet and repaired the damage, assuring us he would make a full recovery.

  When we arrived, Grace had been in the waiting room, crying and looking lost until Adrianna placed her grandson into her arms. The woman Vic had shared his life with looked into the eyes of the little boy and his innocence gave her hope. She guided us to Mike’s room and when we stepped inside Adrianna ran to her sister. They held each other, tears streaming down both their faces as they mourned the tragedy they lived through, the pain they were free from, and the loss of their father.

  Victor hadn’t died, but he lost the only life he had ever known. After word came from the doctor that Michael survived the surgery, Victor checked in on the man that saved his daughter. Like he had with me, he gave Michael his blessing to take care of Nikki.

  Victor Pastore would always be known as the man who controlled the streets of New York. A man feared, respected and despised. He was a man who made headlines and filled the obituaries of a newspaper. He was the man who made the ultimate sacrifice for his daughters. See, only a man who has been inside knows the magnitude of what his actions mean. I’m that man. I spent three years in jail for a crime I didn’t commit, and now Victor would spend the rest of his life doing the same.

  Vic confessed to the police that he killed Rico the night of the shooting, sparing both of his daughters. His confession snowballed into taking responsibility for a laundry list of crimes that weighed heavily on his conscience. The authorities brought him back to New York after charging him and he will stand trial but there is no escaping his fate. Throughout his years of corruption, he has paid top dollar for lawyers, always beating the system and eluding jail. This time Vic has refused the attorneys he keeps on retainer and is using the public defender. He surrendered, giving everything up, walking away from the power and set us all free.

  Heartbroken. I’ve spent half of my life acquainted with the feeling of the chambers of my heart shattering. The shards stabbing at what’s left, and that’s how I felt when I learned what my father had done. It was different from the heartbreak I was used to though there was a different echo of sadness laced with the pain.

  I was numb, other than the guilt that consumed me, swallowing me whole. I didn’t know how to explain what I felt, it was almost as if my father had died when they told me he’d been arrested. I saw the devastation in my mother’s eyes, the sadness in my sister’s and I felt responsible. The last conversation I had with my father haunted me, Rico’s face as my bullet pierced him flashed in my head, it was all too much. This was all my fault.

  Nikki grabbed my hand, kissed Mikey on the cheek, and told him and Anthony that she was steeling me away for a few minutes.

  Anthony stepped to me, tilting my chin with his finger so that my eyes met his. “You okay?”

  I nodded, but he knew just as well as I did, that, I was anything but okay. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to my forehead.

  “Let it go,” he whispered against my skin.

  “It’s not your fault,” he said so low that only I could hear his words.

  I pulled back and stared at him, wondering if he believed I wasn’t to blame for all this. Nikki tugged on my hand and I broke my stare with Anthony to follow her out of Mike’s room. She led me to the hospital cafeteria, ordering us both coffees, and took a seat. It wasn’t until we were seated that she let tears fall freely down her face.

  I stood up, walked around the table, kneeling in front of my sister, and took her into my arms.

  “I thought I was going to lose him,” She sobbed against my shoulder. “Adrianna, I was so scared that Mikey was going to die, that I said some pretty cruel things to dad.” She choked on her sobs before pulling back and wiping her face with her hands. “It’s all my fault. He confessed to Rico’s murder because of what I said to him and now there’s no turning back.”

  “Look at me,” I said, holding her face in the palms of my hand. I took a deep breath as her eyes found mine and blurted my truth.

  “I killed Rico,” I whispered.

  Her cries paused momentarily allowing her a chance to peer at me through confused eyes.

  “It’s true,” I said calmly. It was amazing how the truth set you free. The words that weighed so heavily on my shoulders broke away from me. “I killed him, not daddy.” I reached for her hand, my eyes never leaving hers as I confessed my sins. “I’m sorry,” I whispered. “I’m so sorry but he was going to shoot Anthony,” I dropped my head. “I reacted the only way I knew how,” I whispered. Looking into Nikki’s eyes, I continued to speak. “I fought for what was mine and didn’t hesitate.”

  “Oh my God,” Nikki said as she leaned back in her seat. I couldn’t tell what she felt, her eyes were blank as they gazed at me.

  “I didn’t know dad was going to confess to the murder,” I added, not sure what else to say.

  I still hadn’t processed that my father had sacrificed his freedom for mine that he had relinquished all his power and left us.

  “Don’t apologize,” she whispered, taking a breath before squeezing my hand. “If I hadn’t brought Rico into our lives, you would have never been in that situation. I would have done the same thing, A. I wouldn’t have thought twice, or looked back once. What you did was no different from what Mikey did for me. Rico deserved everything he got,” she said swallowing hard. “I kind of wish he would’ve suffered a bit. I know it sounds horrible but I’m so angry that he played me the way he did. I guess the apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree.”

  “I guess not,” I agreed.

  “He confessed, to save us, you know, that, right?” She asked softly. “Not from the danger but from himself. I didn’t understand why he did it at first. I thought it was because of the things I said to him but it he gave us something we both wanted.”

  “I don�
��t think either of us wanted him to go to prison,” I countered, not sure where she was going with this.

  “We both wanted to be free of the life we were born into, the life we had no choice but to be a part of. Daddy couldn’t pretend anymore that we weren’t affected by his lifestyle. I finally realize all the resentment you’ve harbored for him, I know why you couldn’t stand to be his daughter. He robbed you of your happiness because of the man he chose to be. He sent Anthony to jail, you lost the man you loved for years, and then you killed to protect him. I was fooled to care for a man so he could get close to dad, was kidnapped, and watched the man I loved get shot. There was no denying the pain that being his daughter caused, he couldn’t turn away from it.” She declared, shaking her head in understanding. “I used to be afraid we’d get a phone call telling us he was shot and killed just like Val. I never wanted to know what it was like not to have my dad. It kind of feels like he’s dead, like I should be mourning him and not just missing him. So no, I didn’t want daddy to go to prison but I don’t want to watch anyone else get hurt either.”

  Tears escaped my eyes as Nikki’s words evoked the idea that my father would likely die alone, in his jail cell. It’s horrible to think he has only seen both his daughters struggle and never really had a chance to see them happy. He’ll never take part in the joys of life to come he’ll never see us benefit from his sacrifice.

  “There you guys are,” Anthony’s voice said from behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and smiled at Nikki. “Your patient is asking for you, Nurse Nikki.”

  Nikki’s eyes widened and her cheeks reddened.

  “He told you about that?”

  “A little,” Anthony winked at her.

  Nikki laughed, standing up and taking her cup of coffee with her. She walked around me and bent down to kiss my cheek.

  “I love you.” She whispered.

  “I love you too.”

  I watched as she straightened up and kissed Anthony’s cheek. “You better take care of my sister.”

  “That’s the plan,” he called over his shoulder, tugging her ponytail as she walked past him. She huffed a breath dramatically but continued to walk away, leaving us by ourselves. Anthony replaced Nikki in the seat in front of me.

  “You okay, Reese’s?” he asked, leaning over the table to touch my cheek.

  “I’m okay,” I said, realizing I was actually okay for the first time in a long time. I may have lost a piece of my heart the moment the cuffs were put on my father but I also reclaimed all the pieces I’d lost. I looked at the man in front of me, my first boyfriend, and my last love.

  “I love you to pieces, Bianci.”

  I smiled as he lifted my hand to his lips and whispered across my knuckles.

  “I love you too, Reese’s.”

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  3 Months Later

  “Boss, you have a visitor.”

  I lifted my head from my hands, peering through the bars and glanced at the correction officer that called me boss. It was a name I had been called nearly all my life, but somehow, someway it had lost its luster. I wasn’t a boss. Not in here, not in this cage that was my home now. The men that called me boss back home used it because I was the ruler of the streets. I was the man they feared, but these guards they called me boss out of respect. It was strange because I had done nothing in this life to earn their respect.

  “Thank you,” I said, lifting myself off the cot and walking towards the guard as he opened my cell. I stepped outside the confined area and started the walk, passing the inmates that lined their cells and banged on the iron bars. I kept my eyes trained on the white canvas shoes I wore, long gone were the expensive loafers, and counted the steps. I tuned out the inmates that were now my peers, ignoring them when they called my name and told me I was the man. I don’t know why these men are fascinated with me.

  I was nobody.

  Upon my arrival to federal prison, I braced myself for what I believed would be my new life. I had many associates who had been locked up, some still are, but they’re all tied to a crew here in jail for protection purposes. I don’t need to make peace with the gangs here, I’m not looking for someone to save my ass. If someone wants me dead, then so be it, I’m here because I failed my family. I’m here seeking penance for the sins I committed.

  People have this perception that the mafia is a glamorous life, they’re blinded by the money and the flashy things we flaunt in their faces. They don’t realize what goes on behind the scenes. They don’t care that the first bracelet I gave my wife was stolen from a woman whose house I invaded in the middle of the night. They don’t care I missed the birth of my first daughter because I was bashing someone’s skull in because they didn’t pay. Yes, I provided for my family, my girls never longed for anything but I learned the hard way, that all those things I showered them with meant nothing. In the end, all they needed was their father, and that was the one thing I couldn’t buy.

  I stepped into the visitor’s room, crossing it to find the man I had requested come see me at a table in the corner. His eyes lifted and locked with mine as I pulled out the chair across from him and took a seat. Beside him sat the man I employed as my lawyer for two decades, the man who was still bitter I hadn’t used his services for this final case. However, he was still under my retainer and I used him to tie up any lose ends I had needed to be taken care of.

  “Pretty impressive Vic, still got juice even while you’re in the can,” Jack Parrish said, leaning forward, the leather of his jacket stretching across his biceps as he crossed his arms.

  I’ve managed to keep my organization a float for the last three months, during my trial, with the help of my lawyer. It gave me chance to get my affairs in order and set my wife up financially. Tomorrow is my sentencing, I was found guilty on all counts, so tomorrow is the day I turn the thrown over to Jimmy.

  I glanced at my lawyer. “Do you have everything I asked for?”

  He lifted a manila envelope in the air, waving it slightly before placing it back on the table and slid it across to me. I opened the flap and peered inside the envelope.

  “I’m a man who prides himself on paying his debts,” I said, satisfied with the contents of the envelope, I placed it neatly on the table and lifted my eyes to Jack.

  “Gonna be hard to do that from here…right?” he asked.

  I flashed a smile. “Not as hard as you think.” I folded my hands over the envelope, drawing Jack’s attention towards it. He looked between my attorney and me before fixing his gaze on me.

  “Why am I here?” he asked.

  “I need one last favor from you and your club.”

  Jack shrugged his shoulders, leaned back in his seat, and crossed his arms against his chest.

  “What’s it going to be this time?”

  “I’d like for you to provide protection for Anthony,” I paused for a moment. “For him and his family.”

  “Your daughter.”

  “Yes. After tomorrow, Anthony will not be a part of the Pastore Crime family and he will not join the reigns of Jimmy’s regime. You know as well as I do, nobody walks away from this business. There are only two ways out.”

  “A box or a cell,” he finished for me. “So how you planning on getting him out?”

  “Jimmy’s going to let him go, no questions asked,” I said evenly, watching as his body flinched at the sound of my underboss’ name.


  His lips thinned into a straight line and he shook his head slightly. “So you want me and my club to protect him from Jimmy?”

  “Something tells me Jimmy’s not going to get a chance to sink his claws into Anthony after he gets what’s due to him.”

  Something flashed in Jack’s eyes, confirming what I already knew to be true. Jimmy’ days were numbered.

  “I want to know that you have Anthony’s back, should someone try anything. He knows a lot, been around for a lot of years and everyone knows he’s my gatekeeper.”
br />   I pushed the envelope with my index finger across the table and watched his eyes drop to it for a split second before they lifted to mine again. My lawyer cleared his throat, demanding Jack’s attention with the small gesture.

  “Mr. Gold seems to have something in his possession that belonged to you.”

  Jack squinted, peering at my lawyer with suspicion evident in his eyes before he turned back to me.

  “What the hell is he talking about?” He slapped the palms of his hands on the table. “Look Vic, you want me watch out for Bianci, fine but it’ going to cost you. I had a deal with Anthony, a deal he seemed to forget about the minute he got your fucking approval.”

  “Anthony didn’t forget about you or the deal the two of you had,” I said calmly. “After I was arrested, Anthony paid me a visit. He told me all about your brother,” I paused, diverting my eyes to Jack’s hands as he clenched the edge of the table. “You should’ve told me it was your brother when I asked for your help, Jack. You let me believe you would have taken care of the situation and you were well compensated for your efforts.”

  “I gave you my word I would’ve taken care of it and I fucking would’ve if I had the chance,” He spoke through clenched teeth, leaning over the table, and his face mere inches from my own. “You fucking killed my brother.”

  “No, I didn’t,” I said sincerely. “I didn’t order anyone to kill him either.”

  “Don’t insult me,” he said, pointing his finger in my face.

  “Mr. Parrish,” my lawyer tried pulling him back only for Jack to glare at him.

  “You shut the fuck up,” he diverted his eyes back to mine. “You going to tell me that fire was just a coincidence?”

  “No Jack, I’m not.”

  My lawyer leaned forward, placed a hand on Jack’s shoulder, and whispered something in his ear. He hissed and sat back down in his chair giving me his undivided attention.


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