Neil, Louisa - She's in Charge (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

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Neil, Louisa - She's in Charge (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) Page 12

by Louisa Neil

  “I’m not sure. I was thinking about a nap.”

  “Come on, it will loosen you up.” Eric seemed impressed with his statement and started laughing. “I guess we started that last night. Seriously, I’m just going for a ride. This isn’t some kind of code for an afternoon escapade.”

  Alan relaxed and laughed. “Sure, what the hell. Give me half an hour to change. I’ll meet you at the stable.”

  “Good, I’ll get the horses ready.” Eric walked away, and Alan forced himself to gather his clubs and head back to the cabin. He changed into jeans and work boots and found himself whistling as he headed to meet Eric.

  True to his word, he had two huge stallions saddled and waiting. Alan held back the groan of pain his legs experienced while mounting the beast. It wasn’t lost on him that the position made him feel vulnerable. But it was a strange kind of vulnerable, one that left his anus tingling and his cock hard.

  “Let’s take the south path,” Eric suggested, heading in that direction. Alan followed at a slower pace. He knew it was the same path Charlie had taken him down weeks earlier to lay out his fishery ideas. The men didn’t talk, rather rode the paths through the trees until they came to the clearing where Rae had brought him. He had an instant visual of them screwing but shook himself from the memory when he realized Eric was talking to him.

  “Is this where Rae brought you to fuck?” Eric’s tone was even.

  Alan didn’t note a hint of jealousy. “Yes, although Rae probably told you that. Or is it she initiates all her men here?” As soon as he said the words, he wished he could pull them back. “I’m sorry, that was rude, especially under the circumstances.”

  “Yes, it was, but it was accurate. This is Rae’s favorite place on the island. It’s the only place she feels free to just be herself and not worry about the business end of things. And believe me, since she’s come back, she’s taken on all the work and worry.”

  “And Charlie?” Alan slid his aching leg over the horse and let himself drop gently to the ground. Tossing the reins over a low tree branch, he stretched to his full height. Eric followed, leaving his horse tethered next to Alan’s.

  “Role reversal would describe it best. Once she came back, it was like he let all responsibility go to her. He used to be very hands-on. Now he just oversees and dreams.”

  “So you know about his idea of turning this spot into a fish hatchery.”

  “He’s been talking about it for years, on and off. Only lately, he’s become more adamant about making it a reality. I suppose he figures it would be his last great addition to the island.”

  “What do you think, Eric?”

  “I think that Rae knows what’s best for her island. And that’s probably what annoys Charlie most. Did you know this was her mother’s family land?”

  “Charlie told me a bit of background when he pitched his business plan.”

  “Regan, Rae’s mom, was a beautiful woman and smart with business. Their relationship worked well for many years. When they started the renovations, they agreed on what changes would be made. But as time went on, Charlie started to expand beyond their original plans. Regan was livid, but Charlie always sweet-talked her or just went behind her back for his projects. Once a project was started, she found it hard not to follow through, even if his vision was grander than hers.”

  “What was Rae’s position on all this?”

  “When it was happening, she was still young, but she understood Charlie’s need for control, especially since Regan made it clear from the start that he’d never own the island in any way. She put it in trust to Rae as soon as she was born, with a slew of lawyers guarding it to make sure it was never used by Charlie as collateral for any of his projects.”

  “Smart woman,” Alan said offhandedly.

  “Very smart. She homeschooled Rae and pushed her to get her pilot’s license. I know she loved Charlie, but she was the realist in the group, understood that lean times would find them and wanted to be ready, whereas Charlie would spend every dime they took in and worry about tomorrow. He’s a poster child for the Peter Pan syndrome.”

  “I know Rae lived and worked in Chicago for many years. Did she come back just to oversee the island?”

  “Mostly at first, guilt with her mother being sick and all that. But after she was here a few months, she began to feel the land in her bones again. Going away to college had distanced her from it. Marrying me and making her practice in Chicago was another step to keep her independence. However, when her mom got sick, she came back, and we were never the same. It truly is inside her to love and protect this place.”

  “I give you a lot of credit for not being jealous.” They had both wandered to the water’s edge, Alan reaching down to choose a stone to pitch. While it wasn’t calm like a lake would be, he still attempted to skip the stone on the ocean’s surface.

  “I was jealous in the beginning, and Rae felt awful, pulled in two directions. To be honest, after a while I started seeing another woman. I’m not sure if that was strictly for me, or if it was partly for me and partly to let Rae go without more guilt.”

  “But apparently you both worked through it.” Alan leaned back against the huge rock, soaking up the head it radiated.

  “I knew the woman was temporary. That was just around the time I was realizing I was bi. When Rae and I were young, having another man with us was just another adventure. Once Rae made her decision to move back here permanently, I was free to explore other relationships.”

  “As long as you were discreet.”

  “Yes, in my business, discreet is key. I have to keep everyone happy and comfortable in our business relationships. So what I do and who I do it with on my downtime is my own business.”

  “Do you really think you’d lose business if you came out?”

  “I’m not sure, probably a few older straitlaced Republicans, but it’s more that. I just don’t want to have to justify myself to anyone in this area. Business is hard enough with the economy these days. It’s simpler to just keep business separate.”

  “I get that,” Alan answered. “Let me ask you a question. Just between you and I. I’ve been thinking about a compromise for Rae and Charlie. But I’m not sure if I should bring it up or just let them battle this out on their own.”

  “What are your ideas?” Eric walked back to his horse and pulled out two bottles of water from his saddle, offering one to Alan.

  “Charlie has dreams of grandeur with no cash. I’m wondering if maybe they could start the business on much smaller scale. Maybe just a few small tanks set up here. If they used all the fish harvested here for meals at the lodge, it would be an advertising point without all the transportation issues.”

  “It’s an idea. I know Rae has arrangements with fisherman who come directly to her docks with their daily catch. That was another reason she is so against the business. She’s already got delivery to her door.”

  “Maybe just one tank, one kind of fish, maybe catfish that would become Breakwater’s standout dish.”

  “That’s the most diplomatic solution I’ve heard since this all started years ago. But you’d have to talk to Rae about it. The initial outlay would still be costly, and I’m not sure she’s willing to make the investment right now.”

  “It was just a passing thought.” Alan finished the water in his bottle. “One I should probably keep my hands out of.” He sighed. “I suppose I need to get a hobby of my own and keep my nose out of Rae’s business, especially since she’s gone out of her way to let me know I’m just a passing phase.”

  “Think carefully, my new friend. If you want a permanent relationship with Rae, you’d better talk to her about that. If she’s just a passing phase to eat up time, you’ll both know it quickly, and that would end any future trips here.” Eric laughed at his words. “Yes, I’m looking out for myself and my vacation time. I was hoping to make this a vacation a few times a year. The three of us together are good, great in fact. Nevertheless, on a daily basis, I couldn
’t live here. You have to decide if you can or if you are just looking for something to do since you sold your business.”

  “You’re right. I need to find a life for myself, instead of insinuating myself into Rae’s.” Alan let out a sigh of angst.

  “We can always make this a quarterly vacation.” Eric gave Alan a smile and a wink.

  “Something to think about,” Alan agreed. “I’m exhausted and need a nap. I think I’m gonna head back to the cabin.”

  “I’m with you. Let’s get some sleep and meet at the lodge for supper. Maybe Rae can think of something for us all to do tonight.”

  They took a sedate ride back to the stable, and Alan headed back to his cabin for a nap and a long talk with himself about his future. Just because he had a good time with Rae, he knew he had to find a life that didn’t include her as a primary mate. She just didn’t have the want or time to make room for him on a permanent basis.

  Eric found it easy to relax and enjoy Alan’s company during the evening meal. It was the outside barbeque, and he always enjoyed the cookouts when he visited. Having Alan beside him in a companionable conversation was pleasant, instead of groping for conversation topics with complete strangers. While he hadn’t truly known Alan long, having shared the experiences of Rae with him bonded them in a way most men wouldn’t understand. While it was still a new relationship and anything might happen, he was comfortable with their actions.

  He wondered if Alan would give up on Rae and move back to Chicago full-time and find a new career. If that happened, Eric knew he’d have to be careful not to push the sex side, rather, improve on their building friendship. If sex worked its way in, he would appreciate that. Mostly, he wanted a friend he didn’t have to hide his true personality with.

  He gave Alan a sidelong glance and held back a smile. He knew Alan was over six foot two, because standing side by side, he was just a bit shorter. He liked the darkness in Alan’s brown eyes and wondered if he always left his brown hair collar length or if it was a new style after leaving the staid workforce. He and Rae used to take side bets on new arrivals. Would they grow a beard or mustache. Would the women continue to use makeup and lots of hair spray to keep their styles. There was no side bet on Alan. From personal experience, Eric knew he had a hard body, toned with defined broad shoulders and a flat belly. He had long legs, his thighs hard and muscled. All in all, he was quite an example of the whole package. His cock stirred in his pants, and he refrained from shifting for comfort.

  Eric hadn’t run into Rae all day and wondered if they would get together tonight. Some trips she was insatiable, and others, business just took precedence. He hoped they’d have one more encounter before he left. He wanted to fuck Rae, but he also wanted to watch Alan fuck Rae and hopefully him one last time.

  “What will be…” he said under his breath.

  “Sorry, I didn’t catch that,” Alan said, turning to look at him.

  “Just musing that my time here is almost up.”

  “Mine should be, too. Thankfully I have the ability to actually relax my schedule now, although I’m finding it hard to let it happen. I still wake every morning at sunup and panic that I’m late. Then I remember I don’t have anything to be late to anymore. Some days I can go back to sleep. Other days I’m just up and the wondering what to do until the rest of my life filters back.”

  “Do you have any idea what direction you want to head in? No childhood wants you didn’t fulfill?”

  “I don’t picture myself as a politician, and I already was a fireman and business owner. I’d like to do something creative again. I just don’t what it will be.”

  “Well, if you’re bored when you get back to Chicago, let me know.” Eric held up his hand so Alan wouldn’t interrupt. “As male friends, a guy to watch the game with or grab a beer once in a while. Nothing more.”

  Alan nodded his acceptance. “I’m realizing my friends were all company related. I never took the time to cultivate relationships outside that circle. I never had time. Hell, I had trouble being social with them, and I saw them every day.”

  “Time is a bitch,” Eric mused.

  “That it is, especially for the man who has too much of it. I’m thinking about looking for a house somewhere, get a place I can pace at night. It’s strange, I lived in a house growing up and never truly appreciated it until these last months. Living in the city was convenient. I didn’t need any more, but there’s not a lot of space to pace, even in a nice apartment with a killer view of the lake.”

  “Do you have any interest in gardening or painting or writing?”

  “I haven’t a clue.” Alan laughed at himself. “I was always so busy, I was lucky if I had time to read the Sunday paper. And then I’d feel guilty for wasting the day doing it. I bought an e-reader, loaded it with all the books I always said I wanted to read one day and a bunch I never heard of, but I still can’t settle down and just read a book.”

  “You’ll relax with time. Some rainy or snowy afternoon you’ll pick it up and just open one. Then you’ll wonder how you didn’t do this in the past.” Eric sipped from his beer bottle. “Been there, as they say. I’ve learned to take Sunday as my down day without guilt. Whatever happens on it, it’s by choice, not by business.”

  “My truth is”—Alan leaned closer to Eric—“is that I’m not sure I want to even stay around Chicago. Maybe California and only deal with snow when I want to ski. Or out west on the planes. Since I’ve been here, I’m learning I like the horses, but I’m not sure I want to make caring for them a daily chore. I think I’m more of the rent-a-horse kind of guy.”

  “It will work out when it’s right. I’m a firm believer in letting things happen naturally.”

  Alan tipped his beer bottle toward Eric, accepting his statement.

  Eric hesitated when he caught sight of Rae joining the party. He admired her ability to remember names and always have a tidbit of conversation ready. Of course, she had to. Keeping the guests happy was her job. The better they enjoyed their stay, the more word-of-mouth advertising she got for free. And he knew a lot of their guests were repeat customers.

  She made her way through the group, ending up beside them, a soda can in hand. “Hi, guys, how was the cookout?” She didn’t give them a chance to answer. “It’s been crazy today, but I’m finally settling down. Are you guys interested in a moonlight cruise?”

  “Sure,” Alan said.

  “Of course, when and where?”

  “This is about ready to break up. How about I meet you down at the pier in an hour?”

  “That should work.” Alan hesitated. “What do you want us to bring?”

  “Just yourselves, and probably a sweatshirt or jacket for the wind. It’s cool tonight, and it will be colder out on the water.”

  “How about drinks?” Eric asked.

  “I’ll tuck a cooler on board, along with a few other necessities.” She winked, glanced at her watch, and stood straight. “See you in an hour.” Then she was gone, off in a flurry of smiles and good wishes to the rest of the guests.

  “I’m going to head back to my cabin for a jacket.” Alan stood and pitched his empty beer bottle in a nearby garbage pail.

  “Me, too. I’ll see you at the boat in an hour.”

  They both wandered off in different directions. Eric all but ran to his cottage and stripped off his clothing on the way to the bathroom. He lathered up some soap and gave himself a quick crotch shave. When he arrived, he’d been neatly man-scaped. For his one last chance at sex before he left, he wanted to catch Rae and Alan off guard. With a deft hand, he was shaven in minutes, and, after rinsing, jerked his cock, which was hard from the attention he gave it during the shave. With a few tugs, he came. With a smile, he cleaned up and redressed. He liked to jerk off his first load of the day. Then he could hold out much longer when he was with Rae. He pulled on jeans with no underwear and just his sneakers. He tugged a plain white T-shirt over his head and finally found the armholes. He hesitated and then tucked
several condoms in his back pocket. Then he grabbed a zipper-front sweatshirt and headed down to the dock.

  Chapter Twelve

  Alan noted he walked with a bit of a bounce in his step. He admitted to himself he was looking forward to the boat ride, to spending time with Rae. He also admitted he was curious about where the ride would take them sexually. Another round with Rae would always be interesting and appreciated. Having Eric there was different. While he wouldn’t say he was completely bisexual just yet, it didn’t bother him that the other man was there, especially since he had sucked his cock so well. This morning he’d wanted to be mad at Eric for starting things while he was asleep, but he had to admit he did enjoy the attention, and Eric never pushed for anything he wasn’t willing to offer. So whatever happened tonight, he’d roll with it.

  He toed off his boots and put on old sneakers. After grabbing a few condoms and tucking them in his front pocket, he took a windbreaker jacket and headed out. As he walked back, he remembered that morning. Waking to find a hot mouth wrapped around his dick was a good thing, until he opened his eyes. Instead of Rae’s blonde hair, it was Eric. Once he’d made the realization, he had to make a decision, and his was to let the man continue. He feigned sleep until his body betrayed him. His cock stirred under his jeans and Alan had to make a conscious attempt not to tug on it.

  He would never tell him that he’d closed his eyes and visualized it was Rae attending to his needs. Even when Eric had mounted him, he just kept his eyes closed and let him control the fuck. Only near the end when Eric drew his hand to his nipple and asked Alan to pinch him did he accept the situation.

  That he had no breasts to really pinch and the thin layer of hair that covered his chest was undeniable. He’d finally become a participant in the act, actually pinching at his skin as requested. It was an odd sensation to use that much pressure on another person and not be hurting them. Then he watched the other man intently as he worked his body up and back over his erection. The look of expectation on his features turned to joy when he came. Just that look had pushed Alan into his own orgasm.


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