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Fling Page 10

by Sara Fawkes

  “You do now.” Luca raised a brow and gave her a look that made her insides quiver before adding, “We’re not finished, Josie. Not by a long shot.”

  “We’re not?”

  She swallowed uneasily, wondering if he was still talking about business or something else entirely. Luca moved across the room, and warmth settled deep between her legs as she considered the alternative, but then she gave herself a good hard mental shake to get her head back on straight. Of course he had to be talking about closing the deal they had on the table. The man had a bevy of models to choose from. With a curvy body and hair with a mind of its own in this humid weather, she was the antithesis of the women he gravitated toward. Even Genevieve seemed to know that. She must have mistaken the suggestive edge in his voice, had to have misinterpreted the looks he was aiming her way.

  He stepped closer, his body crowding hers. “You see, Josie, before I can approve the line, I have to determine whether the clothes are appropriate for my store.”


  He pitched his voice low and dipped his head. “I have a discerning clientele, and if I’m going to carry this line, we have to be sure it hits the right mark.”


  She worked to put on her best air of professionalism, but with the way her body was quivering, the greedy little spot between her legs warming from his closeness, she knew she was failing spectacularly. “What mark is that?”

  “It has to trigger the right reactions, from both a woman’s and a man’s perspective.”

  Ribbons of heat moved through her, and she wondered how he planned to determine such an intimate thing. “And how will we do that?”

  A slow, lazy smile turned up the corners of his mouth. “Don’t worry, Josie. You won’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” he answered. “But right now isn’t about negotiations and closing deals.” He waved his hand toward his door. “Right now is about relaxing and enjoying this night.”

  “But I—”

  “We have a party to attend.”

  “A party?”

  “Since you scared Genevieve off, you’ll be my date tonight. Tomorrow, we’ll get down to business.”

  His date?

  With her mind spinning, Josie took a moment to consider this unexpected turn of events. She’d come there with one mission in mind—to get him to sign off on the deal. Partying with a man who intimidated the hell out of her, no matter how hot he made her feel or how many women would kill to be in her current predicament, wasn’t part of her plan. Besides, she didn’t want to risk saying or doing anything that could end up blowing this for Renee.

  “I don’t think—”

  “You’ll be my date,” he said again, voice low, controlled, and this time she realized he wasn’t asking.

  She stood and smoothed her hands over her dress. “But I’m not . . .”

  His gaze panned her contours, and when she caught what appeared to be a dark, predatory look in his eyes, her words died an abrupt death.

  His brow furrowed, and his expression looked perplexed when he touched the short sleeve on her dress, his knuckles brushing her flesh and causing a riot inside her body as he ran the material between his fingers. “Who are you wearing?”

  Josie felt her stomach drop. Her choice in dresses had been a mistake. At the last second, she’d changed her mind and instead of grabbing the Dior, Renfrew, or even the Versace that Renee had lent her—designs carried in Luca’s upscale department stores—she chose to go with one of her own.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  “I . . . uh . . . it’s mine.”

  A long pause, then, “Are you telling me you designed this dress?”


  He scrubbed his chin like he was considering that for a moment. “Interesting,” was all he said. Then, like a man who was used to getting his way, he placed his large hand on the small of her back, splaying his fingers wide to set her in motion.

  Understanding there was nothing she could do or say to deter him and that if she wanted to close the deal, she had to go along for the time being, she let him lead her out the door and down the long, narrow hallway.

  He pressed a champagne flute into her hand when they reached the upper deck, and Josie knew better than to decline. She stole a sideways glance at him and realized that everything she’d ever heard about him was true. Not only was he forceful, controlled, and domineering, he was a man who took without asking, a man who’d go to great lengths to get what he wanted.

  Which begged the question: how far would she go to get what she wanted?

  LUCA SLIPPED HIS hand around the waist of the gorgeous woman at his side and guided her to the port side of the boat, where they could find a modicum of privacy. When she lifted her gaze to his, a nervous, hot pink flush staining her cheeks, the Dom in him bristled. The second he’d set eyes on her, he’d known she was out of her element, in more ways than one. And while he had no idea why Ms. Kenyon would send someone with little to no experience, he was only glad she had.

  She smoothed her dress down, and the look on her face told him she wanted to talk business. “When we return tomorrow—”

  “We won’t be returning tomorrow.”

  Her eyes widened, and her head came back with a start. “What do you mean?”

  He pointed a finger, and she followed his gaze. “We’re heading to that small island over there, my private resort,” he said, neglecting to tell her it was Fetish Week at said resort. Soon enough, she’d find herself surrounded by something that would undoubtedly shock and positively excite her.

  “I have to get back.”

  “For what?”

  “I have to work.”

  He angled his head. “Am I to believe that you only planned one night in Italy? That you came all this way and hadn’t cleared your schedule to take in some of the sights after we concluded our business deal?”

  She toyed with the top button on her black dress, one that hugged her curves to perfection. His glance raced over the fine detailing, and he knew it was that attention to the little things that would make her an apt pupil in the bedroom.

  “Well . . .” she began, her words falling off.


  “Well, of course I did, but my plans didn’t involve going to your private resort.”

  He took a step closer, crowding her, and didn’t miss the shiver that moved through her body, a shiver that told him so much about her and about what she needed from him. There was no mistaking that sweet little Josie Pelletier was a submissive at heart, and while she might not know it yet, Luca knew how much she craved to hand her pleasures over to a man. Oddly enough, he felt a strange, possessive tug on his emotions because there was no denying that he wanted to be the Dom to guide her, the man to train her in the ways of pleasure and make sure she was properly introduced to the darker side of love and appropriately cared for in the process.

  “But we have unfinished business, Josie.”

  “Then perhaps we should just finish it now,” she said.

  “It’s not that simple.” He filled his lungs with her scent, and continued, “Sometimes negotiations can go on for . . . days.”

  She drew her bottom lip between her teeth. “Days?”

  “Yes, sometimes it can take many, many long hours before both sides are completely satisfied. But don’t worry, after we finish hammering out a deal, you’ll be free to enjoy the sights.”

  Luca thought more about their negotiations and wondered exactly how far she’d go, how far he could take her. She might be young and naive, but she was all woman. Sensual, curvy, with a body made for sin—a body he intended to train—in all the scintillating ways she needed him to train her.

  Josie swallowed a huge gulp of her champagne, and he took the empty flute from her hand. “Would you like another?”

  “No,” she rushed out. “I think I’ve had enough.” Her glance left his. “When will we be docking?”

  “Not until tomorrow.”

She looked around. “Where will I sleep tonight?” she asked, panic widening her big blue eyes.

  While he’d like her to stay with him, he knew it was too soon to take her to his bed. Too soon indeed. Not that he was in a hurry; after all, anticipation was half the fun. No, sweet little Josie Pelletier was an innocent, one who needed to be trained in the ways of pleasure as much as business.

  “I have a room prepared for you.”

  She faked a yawn, but he didn’t call her on it. The first night he’d let her get to bed early because come the morrow, he’d want her wide-awake and ready to negotiate.

  With a snap of his fingers, Charles was at his side. “Please escort Ms. Pelletier to her room.”

  She turned to go, but Luca put his hands on her shoulder to stop her. She spun to face him, and he purposely put his mouth close to her ear. “Just so you know, Josie, my approval doesn’t come easy.” Her face warmed, and when he felt a fine shiver move through her, he added, “Your designs will be tested.”

  Chapter Two

  AFTER A VERY restless night, Josie climbed from her surprisingly comfortable bed and stretched out her stiff, jet-lagged limbs. The huge vessel took that moment to sway beneath her feet, forcing her to summon her sea legs in a hurry. She braced one hand on the exterior wall and stole a glance out the small, round window, surprised to see the sun so high in the clear blue sky. She was also surprised to see that the yacht had docked while she slumbered, and the commotion hadn’t even pulled her awake. The travelling must have worn her out more than she realized.

  She grabbed her watch off the nightstand and couldn’t believe it was nearing noon. Then again, she’d tossed and turned so much last night—replaying Luca’s parting words in her head—that she hadn’t really fallen into a deep sleep until the wee hours of the morning.

  As she once again thought about what she’d have to do to gain his approval, she made her way into her private bathroom and jumped in the shower. After a quick rinse, she piled her hair into a tight bun and threw on a soft, coral-colored dress that buttoned down the front. It was perfect for this humid weather but still professional enough to wear to a business meeting.

  Even though she was anxious to finish negotiations, she couldn’t deny that it wasn’t a hardship spending time with such a stimulating man. He made her feel things she’d never felt before, things like hunger, desire, and intrigue. Nor could she deny that some small part of her looked forward to discovering what he’d demand from her. A small shiver moved through her at that last thought, and she drew a quick, unsteady breath.

  Anxious to find him, she grabbed her catalogue and retraced her steps to the upper deck, only to find it empty. In fact, everyone but her seemed to have gotten up early and disembarked. Shading the blazing sun from her eyes as the moist heat beat down on her unprotected skin, she looked out over the crystal white sand and took in the sights before her. When Luca said they were going to his private resort, she had no idea she’d find herself on a sprawling island with rich, lush foliage and a gorgeous stretch of white sand.

  She glanced around the grounds, taking in the chaise lounges lining the beach, some shaded by attractive grass huts. She noted the people milling about, and on the sand she spotted sunbathers, their naked bodies soaking in the rays. A man-made lagoon was nestled at the side of the property, and under the waterfall, she spotted a man and woman. With her arms above her head, the man had the woman pinned to a rock wall, and if Josie wasn’t mistaken, she was pretty sure they were having sex while others frolicked in the water and watched. Josie gulped at the unexpected curl of desire deep inside her womb.

  What kind of a resort is this?

  “Good morning, Ms. Pelletier.”

  Her hand went to her chest, and the deep, male voice behind her pulled her focus. Embarrassed and feeling like she’d been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, she spun and came face-to-face with Charles. She gave a quick nod and looked past the guard’s shoulders for Luca.

  “Good morning to you, too,” she returned. “Can you please take me to see Mr. Mancusi?”

  Charles returned her nod, his gaze briefly straying to the couple in the waterfall. Mortified that she’d been so caught up in watching the salacious couple that she hadn’t even heard his approach, heat crawled up her neck, but Charles kept his face blank, his expression unreadable, and for that she was grateful.

  “Right this way,” he said, then went on to explain. “Mr. Mancusi cleared the yacht early this morning so you could catch up on your rest and asked me to bring you to him when you surfaced.”

  “That was very thoughtful of him,” she said. There was so much more to this man than met the eye.

  Charles smiled, and when it reached his eyes, she could tell how much admiration and respect this man had for his boss. “Follow me,” he said, and turned. Keeping pace, Josie followed him down the aluminum gangway, which was much easier to negotiate in her flats. The scent of sea filled her senses as they walked along the marina, and she noticed all the other yachts bobbing in the gorgeous, cerulean waters. Keeping her eyes focused on Charles’s back and off all the naked bodies parading up and down the beach, she let him guide her to a wooden deck that eventually led to the front entrance of the majestic resort.

  When he opened the door and waved his hand for her to enter, the opulence of the place took her breath away. With its marble floors, chandeliers, and curved staircase, Josie knew she was a far cry from her tiny, run-down apartment in Montreal.

  She stepped farther inside to soak in the light and airy décor, and the cold air-conditioning instantly chilled her body. She hugged herself to stave off a shiver.

  Charles gestured toward a sofa. “Mr. Mancusi will be here in a moment, and I will have your things brought to you.”

  She turned back to him and gave a quick shake of her head. “I don’t believe I’ll be needing—”

  “Thank you, Charles. That will be all,” Luca said, stepping up behind her.

  Josie turned to him, but her words of protest sailed out to sea the second she set eyes on him. Looking like sex incarnate in a polo shirt that showcased his broad shoulders and brown khakis that cradled him in all the right places, Luca came closer. His heat reached out to her, chasing the chill from her body. She caught a whiff of his freshly showered skin, and desire stirred within her.

  In a deeply intimate manner, he put his hand on the small of her back, and every nerve in her body came alive at his touch.

  “This way please,” he said, and took complete possession of her, guiding her through the impressive lobby. There was nothing she could do to ignore the rush of sexual energy when he pressed his fingers into her back. And when she stepped into his office and heard the lock click into place behind her, her mind took that moment to think about all the things they could do behind closed doors.

  Looking for a distraction, anything to help get her thoughts off her libido and onto business, she took in the masculine room, with its oversized desk at the back wall, the two wingback chairs facing the desk, and the plush, leather sofa against the wall to her right. Josie spotted a man seated in one of the wingback chairs facing away from her and wondered if he was here for the business meeting. He stood when they entered and closed the button on his steel grey suit jacket as he turned to them. Piercing blue eyes that held a hint of amusement locked on hers and elicited a curious shiver from deep within.

  “Josie, this is Antonio Larosa,” Luca supplied, his deep tone all business. “He’s my business partner, and here to help me decide whether or not to carry the line.” He flicked Mr. Larosa a glance before turning back to her. Something she couldn’t quiet identify passed over his eyes, and his voice took on a deeper cadence when he said, “You’ll have to convince him as much as me, and I trust his judgment implicitly.”

  “I see,” Josie said, understanding that trust was a huge concern for Luca, and if she wanted him to get into bed with Renee’s company, as he so poetically phrased it, then she’d have to gain his confidence an
d put her faith in him in return. She held her hand out to the intimidating yet handsome man with the hard, chiseled body that spoke of hours in a gym. His hand closed over hers in a domineering manner, and her nerves flared hot from his touch. Dear God, she really was out of her element here. Despite that, she swallowed her anxiety, and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Larosa. I’m sure you’ll find the House of Renee’s designs most pleasing.”

  “It’s Antonio.”

  After their exchange, Luca guided her to the chair, then took a seat behind the desk. “Shall we get started then?”

  With all eyes on her, she placed her catalogue on the desk and opened her mouth to start her pitch.

  “That won’t be necessary,” Luca said, cutting her off before she could even begin.

  “But I thought . . .” Her glance went from Luca to Antonio, and when the grin on Antonio’s face widened, a nervous, excited feeling grew inside her. What is going on?

  She was about to ask, but Luca continued, “A few of the samples have been distributed to the models.”

  “Oh,” she answered, remembering she’d left them in Luca’s office on the yacht. “I didn’t realize you wanted a fashion show.”

  He arched a disapproving brow, one that let her know he was far from pleased with her oversight. “The only way for me to test the designs and see if they hit the mark is to see them showcased on a woman’s body.”

  He pressed a button under his desk, and said, “Sophia, please begin.” A moment later, a panel beside the long stretch of sofa to her right opened. Josie turned, surprised that his office had a secret passage that led to a back room. For a brief moment, she wondered what went on back there but then quickly dismissed the thought. There seemed to be a lot of odd things happening at this resort, things she was pretty sure she was better off not knowing about. Although she couldn’t deny there was a small part of her that was rather curious.

  Dressed in a flirty, knee-length skirt and white, short-sleeved blouse, Sophia, who looked no older than Josie, walked into the office carrying a clipboard. Behind her, three models followed, and Josie cringed when she saw them wearing her samples. The fit was all wrong for the lean, leggy girls, and Josie silently cursed herself for not having the forethought to send samples in various sizes and cuts to highlight all body types. In her haste, she’d grabbed samples that were her personal favorites, ones that fit her body shape, and she feared her blunder was going to cause her to lose the account.


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