Bend: A Dark Mafia Romance

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Bend: A Dark Mafia Romance Page 3

by B. B. Hamel

  He smiled. “You’ll know what it means when the time comes.”

  “Is this some sick game to you?”

  “Not at all,” he said. “I don’t want anything to do with you, princess. But unfortunately we’re stuck together.”

  “That means I have to submit to you.”

  “It’ll be easier if you do.”

  “What will?”

  “Everything that follows.”

  I felt dread in my stomach. “What follows, Dante?”

  “I don’t know,” he admitted. “But if you want to survive this, I’m your best bet.”

  I stared at him, surprised. “Why would you help me survive this?”

  “I’m not a fan of killing women.” He paused and stared down at me before speaking again. “You don’t know anything about your father, do you?”

  I bit my lip and looked down at my coffee. I sipped it again, savoring the warmth, although it was starting to get cold.

  “No,” I admitted. “I only figured out that he was a mobster like three years ago after I left for college.”

  “You’re kidding me.”

  “No, I’m not. He kept it separate from the house.”

  “But your brothers all knew.”

  “Yeah, I guess so. I don’t know.” I could feel the sadness welling up in me again. “Why did you have to do this?” I asked him.

  “Your father was a bad man,” he said simply.

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “I’m sure you don’t. But Shamus Walsh was one of the most deadly, violent, notorious mobsters in the whole city, and everyone is better off without him.”

  I stared at Dante, not believing a word of it. My father was a kind and gentle man and I didn’t know any different.

  “What about my brothers? My mother?”

  “Your brothers were worse,” he said. “And your mother, well, that was just unfortunate.”

  “My uncles?”

  “All mobsters. Not as bad as your dad, but still fucked up.”

  “So you’re the good guys then? You come in and murder a bunch of people and kidnap me and you’re the good guys?”

  “I’m a bad guy,” Dante said, stepping toward me and crouching down in front of me. My heart started racing and I felt a slickness pooling between my legs. I leaned back, surprised at how my body reacted with him so close. “I’m a very bad man,” he said again. “But your father and your brothers, they were much, much worse whether you believe it or not.”

  “I don’t believe it,” I said softly, but the way he was looking at me made it clear that he wasn’t lying.

  “Fine,” he said, standing. “You don’t have to. All you have to do is submit to me.”

  “No,” I said, shaking my head.

  He reached down and took the coffee mug from my hand. Without another word, he turned and left, shutting the door behind him.

  I sat there, alone and stunned, Dante’s words spinning through my head. My father, my brothers, my uncles, they were all bad, dangerous men. The city was better off without them.

  That was so at odds with how I saw them that I couldn’t believe a word Dante was saying. I couldn’t believe that my father and my brothers were bad, violent men. We didn’t deserve this. We didn’t at all.

  I clenched my jaw. I would never submit to that lying bastard, no matter how he made my body react.

  Chapter 6


  That frustrating, naïve girl was going to be the death of me.

  The warm shower water dripped down over my naked body as I held my stiff fucking cock in my hand, slowly stroking its length. Not twenty feet away was an absolutely gorgeous fucking girl, but she kept looking at me like I was Satan himself.

  Maybe I was. I didn’t know what the fuck I kept doing with this whole “submit to me” thing, but it felt right at the time. I needed her to be docile and easy, or else she might alert my neighbors or some stupid shit like that. I really did want her to submit, but I knew that it was more than just a kidnapping thing.

  I wanted her to submit to me completely. I wanted her down on her knees, begging for my thick cock to slowly slide up between her legs, making her blush and squirm.

  I knew she wanted it too, even if she didn’t realize it yet. I saw how she looked at me, but I also saw how her body reacted. I was willing to bet that she was dripping wet every time I walked into that room, even if she fucking hated my guts. She wanted to suck my cock with those perfect, thick lips.

  I could just see it. She’d drop to her knees and submit to me, and I’d slowly press my cock down her throat. She’d suck me slow and steady, looking up into my eyes, wondering if she’s doing a good job. I’d take her down to the ground and lick her tight little pussy until she begged for more.

  I kept stroking my own cock in the shower, imagining her body under mine, begging for more. I wanted to see that thick ass backing up against my cock, her tight pussy swallowing my whole shaft, making her moan and scream my name. I’d rock that pussy until she couldn’t take it anymore, and then I’d make her take more.

  I came hard, thinking about Jodie’s tight cunt wrapped around my cock. When I was finished, I showered off, even more conflicted than I had been.

  This would be a lot easier if I weren’t so fucking attracted to her. There was just something about her, even something beyond how sexy as fuck she was. It was maybe how naïve she seemed, but that on top of her ferocious strength. I couldn’t imagine a lot of people would attack their kidnapper that way she did, especially when their kidnapper is twice their size. That didn’t hold her back, though, she came right at me with a fucking fury.

  I smiled to myself, impressed by her intensity and strength as I toweled off and got dressed. As I walked toward her door to check in on her, my door buzzed and someone banged on it.

  “Hold on,” I yelled, frowning. “Who’s there?”

  “It’s me.” Drago’s voice.

  I grunted, pulling the door open. He walked inside holding a six-pack of beer and put it down on the kitchen counter.

  “What’s up?” I asked him.

  “Not much.” He pulled a beer, opened it, and took a long pull. “Gennaro sent me.”

  I walked over and took a beer. “Checking on the girl?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I guess. How is the dumb bitch?”

  “Fine,” I grunted, annoyed at the way he was talking about her.

  “Fine? You get a taste of her yet?”

  “No,” I said. “I’m not raping the girl on top of everything else.”

  He laughed, shaking his head. “You’re something else, Dante, man.”

  “What the fuck’s that mean?

  Drago shrugged. “What do you think we’re doing with her?”

  “Not sure,” I admitted. “I assumed we’d press her for information.” And probably kill her when she didn’t have any, I wanted to add, but bit my tongue.

  “Yeah, we’ll ask her what she knows, but after?”

  “She knows too much.”

  Drago nodded. “She sure as hell fucking does. But Gennaro says we might not kill her after all.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “How?”

  “He says we can use her. I mean, you’ve seen her. She’s fucking sexy as hell.”

  It dawned on me then what he was getting at. The Gotti Family was getting into the sex trade recently, and they were slowly building up their stable of girls. Most of them were drug addicts from Eastern Europe, and so far most of them were doing it voluntarily, more or less. But everyone knew what the next step was in the business: sex slavery.

  “We might need to make her compliant,” Drago went on, “you know what I mean?”

  “I think I do,” I said.

  “So go ahead, man. Have a fucking taste. Won’t matter in the grand scheme of things.”

  Dante walked back toward Jodie’s room and I followed him, mind spinning.

  It did fucking matter in the grand scheme of things. Even if the girl was going to be
come a sex slave, that didn’t mean that I had to rape her. Maybe she didn’t have much time left to be treated like a normal human being, but I could at least give her that much dignity in her last few days or however long this was going to be.

  “Is this coming from Gennaro?” I asked Drago.

  He nodded. “Says it’s likely that’s what we’ll do with her. Gennaro wants her nice and compliant, if you know what I mean.”

  “I’m not sure I do,” I said, although I fucking did.

  “He wants you to break her in, man.”

  “Why me?”

  “I don’t know.” Drago shrugged. “It’s a test, I guess.”

  “Test of fucking what?”

  “Your loyalty.” Drago gave me a look. “What’s the matter with you?”


  “You got a problem with all this?”

  “I don’t like having her in my apartment. I fucking live here.”

  “So what? These are the orders. You do what you’re ordered to do.”

  “I’m doing it,” I said. “Doesn’t mean I like it.”

  “Too fucking bad.” Drago shook his head. “I’d be happy to have this bitch in my place. I’d fuck that slut every night, break her in nice and good.” He stopped outside of Jodie’s door and slid back the eyehole. I stood behind him and looked over his shoulder. Jodie was sitting on her mattress, staring back at him, a blank look on her face.

  “Hey there,” Drago said. “You’re one sexy piece of ass, you know that?” Drago laughed.

  “Shut that fucking thing,” I said.

  “Let me get a taste,” Drago said. “Open this door up. I want to start her training.”

  “No,” I said.

  He looked back at me. “Why the fuck not? She’s just going to be some fucking whore soon enough.”

  “She’s mine,” I said, stepping toward him, anger rolling off me. “Nobody touches her while she’s here.”

  Drago stared at me. “Open this door, Dante. I want to fuck this stupid whore.”


  We stared at each other for agonizing seconds. I could feel the tension in the air between us until finally Drago started laughing and looked away.

  “I’m just fucking with you,” he said, but I knew he was lying.

  “That’s enough. If she starts screaming, I’m the one that has to fucking gag her and tie her up.”

  “Fine.” Drago shut the eyehole and walked back into the kitchen.

  I frowned at the door then followed him. That shit was close, very close. Drago could have pushed that, but he probably didn’t feel like getting into shit. Still, it would have been bad if I had to fight him or some shit just to protect this girl. I needed to be more careful, keep him away from the door, do whatever I had to do to avoid her getting fucking raped by scumbags like Drago,

  “How long is she going to be here?” I asked him.

  “Gennaro didn’t say.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Just that you’re supposed to make her compliant. Oh, and keep her alive, obviously.”

  “Great. So I’m just sitting here with my dick in my hand and a fucking kidnapped girl in my extra bedroom.”

  “Right. Except your dick can be inside her.”

  “Get out, you shithead.”

  He laughed. “Don’t get all soft on me, Dante.”

  “I’m not, I promise you that.”

  “I’ll see you around then.” He put his beer down on the counter then turned and left, shutting the door behind him.

  I stood there, clenching my jaw for a second.

  I needed to get my shit together. This girl meant nothing to me, absolutely nothing to me, and this could be something serious for me with the Gottis. This sort of shit was how you moved up in the fucking world, and I was ready to start moving.

  Drago pissed me off, but he was only the messenger. Now I knew what I was supposed to be doing, and I wasn’t happy about it at all.

  I had to break the girl. I had to turn her into a compliant sex slave.

  My stomach felt like it was about to turn. I shook my head and took a deep breath then walked over to Jodie’s room and opened the door.

  Jodie stared up at me from the mattress, gorgeous round eyes fierce.

  “How much did you hear?” I asked her.

  “Is that why you keep asking me to submit?”

  I shook my head slowly. “No. That’s just for me.”

  “They want to make me a sex slave.”

  “So it would seem.”

  “I’ll never do it.” She spat on the floor. “Never. You sick fucks. Just kill me, okay? Just kill me.”

  “No,” I said. “I told you I’d help you survive.”

  “If this is what you meant by surviving, I don’t want anything to do with it.”

  “I don’t care what you think.” I stepped closer until I was towering over her. “You will do as I say. You will submit to me. I’m not asking.”


  And then she started to scream.

  I stared at her for a second then left the room. She didn’t stop screaming. I went into my bedroom, found a bandana and some rope, and then went back into the room.

  “You asked for this,” I said. She just kept screaming.

  I pinned her down to the mattress, tied her hands, and then tied the gag in between her mouth. She didn’t struggle at all, just let me tie her up.

  When I was done, I stepped back. She stared at me angrily and intense.

  “I’ll be back,” I said. “You’ll change your mind.”

  I shut the door behind me.

  Anger rolled through me in waves, anger at Jodie, anger at Gennaro, anger at Drago, and anger at myself. Why couldn’t I just break the girl? Why the fuck did she seem to matter to me at all?

  The situation was fucked already, but it was getting worse. I had a gorgeous girl tied up and gagged in my spare bedroom. I was suppose to break her, turn into a sex slave, but I wanted to save her somehow. I wanted to save her while still sliding my cock in her mouth as her hands remain tied behind her back.

  I turned away from the door, my cock fucking hard as hell.

  Chapter 7


  As I sat there on the mattress with my hands tied behind my back and a bandanna shoved into my mouth, I really regretted screaming like that.

  I wasn’t going to become a sex slave. I wasn’t going to let Dante break me, and I certainly wasn’t going to submit to him. I didn’t care what he did to me, I wasn’t going to give in and do what they wanted. I would sooner die than become a sex slave for the people that murdered my family and stole my life away.

  Fear was rolling through me in waves. I could imagine very few fates worse than death, but being a sex slave was one of them. I couldn’t imagine being locked away in a room only to have strange man after strange man rape me until one day I was all used up and they tossed me away. I’d find a way to kill myself before that happened, or I’d escape, or I’d do something. But I wouldn’t be a good little compliant girl.

  There was something strange about Dante, though. Despite how he wanted me to submit to him, he did just defend me from his friend. I could tell that the two men nearly got into a fight over it, and Dante seemed very ready to step in and fight to keep that guy from raping me. I had no clue why, since he didn’t owe me anything, but he did it anyway.

  And then there was the way he reacted to his friend telling him about the sex slavery. He didn’t seem interested or excited about it. Dante could easily come into this room at any time and use me, hurt me, abuse me, but he didn’t. In fact, he treated me fairly well, despite keeping me locked up in a room with only a mattress, a blanket, a water bottle, and a bucket. He fed me and gave me water and generally left me alone, which was better than I could have hoped for.

  If that other guy had me, he would have raped me over and over again.

  I couldn’t start making excuses for Dante. He still was holding me captive, even
if he clearly didn’t want to be doing it. He could let me go at any time, let me run away and never look back, but he didn’t. He was keeping me and that was all that mattered. He helped kill my family, even if he did say that my father and my brothers were bad men.

  I didn’t know what to think. Dante was saying that he was going to help me survive this, but I didn’t know what that meant. Surviving only to become a sex slave was not an option for me, even if he thought that was better than death. It just wasn’t going to happen, no matter how many times he looks at me with those gorgeous eyes and tells me to submit. It wasn’t going to happen no matter how badly I wanted to give in to him, to let him take me however he wanted.

  After a few hours, Dante came back into the room. He didn’t say a word, he simply removed my gag, untied my hands, and then left again. A few minutes later, he returned with lunch and refilled my water bottle. He left again, not saying anything and barely looking at me.

  The day passed that way. Around sunset, he came back in with dinner and then left again. I sat on my mattress imagining all the ways I could escape, until finally I fell asleep.

  I woke up again to the sound of him bringing me coffee and breakfast. He stayed in the room again and watched me eat and drink my coffee, though this time he didn’t speak.

  I shoveled down my food then sipped my coffee. “Are you going to just stare at me?” I asked him.

  He shook his head. “I’m letting you use a fork. I have to keep an eye on you.”

  I nodded. “I see. You think I’ll do something with it.”

  “Of course you will. You’d be stupid not to.”

  “I guess so.” I sipped the coffee, beyond grateful for it. I had dreams the night before where Dante was pinning me to the mattress, his strong arms holding me there while he whispered into my ears.

  I kept looking away from him, embarrassed and afraid that he’d somehow know that I had a sex dream about him. Well, it wasn’t exactly a sex dream, but it was definitely intense and maybe sexual.

  “I have to go somewhere this morning,” he said.

  “Okay. I’ll be here. Unless you want to bring me with you.”


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