Black Obsidian

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Black Obsidian Page 18

by Victoria Quinn

  I didn’t dodge the question because she asked it so casually. It seemed like we were a married couple in the fifties. “Okay.” I made sure the door was locked twice, my nighttime ritual, before I was able to fall asleep. A baseball bat was tucked under my bed just in case. I didn’t have a gun in the house because those were more work than they were worth. I wasn’t afraid of Rome down the hallway. I wasn’t afraid of anyone specifically. My father had been gone for nearly ten years, and there was no one else on the planet who could cause me any harm. But the fear was ingrained in my skin like a tattoo. “You?”

  “Like a pile of bricks. My god, that bed was so comfy. And those sheets…” She rolled her head back and closed her eyes like she was in the middle an orgasm. “I didn’t want to get up this morning. Plus, it’s so quiet around here. I’m used to rap music and car alarms in the background.”

  When she rolled her head back like that, I immediately thought of one thing.

  “Unfortunately, I’ve got to open the office and start a new day.” She sighed like it was the most disappointing thing in the world.

  If she were mine, she wouldn’t work at all. I pictured her living with me, making me breakfast and dinner every day like clockwork. She’d take care of my laundry and hang up my dry cleaning in the closet. And when I came home, she’d give me a hard kiss on the mouth then fall to her knees to suck me off right in the entryway. After I showered and we had dinner, she’d straddle my hips on the couch and fuck me nice and slow, letting my dick enjoy every inch of that wet pussy. She would tell me she was mine and she’d thought about me all day while I was at work. And then, I would tie her up and spank her ass with my belt.

  The thought came from nowhere.

  She turned away and poured a mug of coffee before she sat at the table and sipped it. The newspaper was sitting there, and she was reading the comics. I assumed she would want to read about politics or national news. Inexplicably, I found her choice to be cute.

  I sat across from her and poured syrup onto my pancakes. There were scrambled eggs and bacon as well. I took a bite and hid my surprise at how good it all tasted. Up until that point, she’d never cooked for me.

  She kept reading.

  I took advantage of her distraction to stare at her across the table, wishing the sweetness in my mouth wasn’t from the syrup but her lips instead. I didn’t want to go to work. I wanted to stay there and handcuff her to my bedpost.

  One day, I would get the chance. But for now, I would just look at her.

  “How’s Vanilla?” Jackson was restocking the bar when I walked inside. The club was closed during the early hours of the afternoon. Everyone had real jobs and real lives they had to get through before they could return to the place that made them feel most alive.

  “Don’t call her that.”

  “Why not? It’s not offensive.” He was dressed down in a V-neck t-shirt and jeans. His smug smile annoyed me because it was so similar to mine.

  “It is when another man uses it.” Vanilla or not, she was mine. If anyone called her anything, it would be me. “You can refer to her as Rome—her name.”

  Jackson grinned hard. “My god, you’re so far gone.”

  “I don’t know what that means, and I don’t care to find out.”

  “You’re so hung up on her, and she hasn’t even put out. Dude, you’re in love.”

  I rested both of my hands on the counter made of glass. Blue lights burned underneath to give it an ethereal glow. “Shut the hell up and don’t say anything like that in front of her—if you see her again.” Which he wouldn’t.

  “Like she’s not in love with you.”

  “She’s not.” Way too soon for anything like that. I didn’t have to stress about her falling that far. She made it clear she was a difficult woman to impress. She took serious wooing. And I told her I wasn’t looking for a happily ever after—which she accepted.

  “I know what I saw, man. She’s not your submissive. Just like you said, she’s your girlfriend. Your choice of words, not mine.”

  “She won’t be my girlfriend forever. Eventually, she’ll be my sub.”

  He snorted with a sarcastic laugh. “I’ve seen this chick. Believe me, she’s not the submissive type. She’s too classy and conservative. Did you see that dress she wore? It stopped above her knee, and her ass wasn’t even hanging out.”

  “How would you know?” My hands balled into fists, and my eyes darkened to shades of black. The only man who was allowed to look at her ass was me. That’s it. Period.

  “Loosen up, man. I’m trying to save you some time.”

  “You don’t know her.” She was a good girl on the outside, but I knew she had dark substance like I did. She’d lived a life of abuse, and I remembered that look in her eye when she slapped me. She liked it—both times.

  “I don’t need to know her. It’s never gonna happen, Cal.”

  “I’m done talking about this.” I pulled my hands away and stepped from the bar. If I lingered, I’d grab a bottle of Skyy Vodka and break it over his skull.

  “Whoa, whoa. Hold on.” He stopped stocking the new bottles of liquor and faced me over the counter. “I get your fascination with her. She’s totally fuck—”

  I threatened him with just my eyes.

  “She’s very pretty.” He cleared his throat like it took all his energy to say that last sentence. “I understand why you want this to work with her. Really, I get it. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up. I know I give you shit most of the time, but I really am trying to help you.”

  “I don’t need your help.” I’d never wanted a woman the way I wanted Rome, and something in my gut told me to pursue her until I broke her. If I went to someone else, I would never be content. I would think about the woman I couldn’t have—the one who really made me come.

  “Fine.” He raised both hands in surrender. “Do what you want.”

  “I will.”

  “So, why weren’t you here last night?” His attempt to change the subject didn’t really do much.

  “She stayed over.” I wasn’t giving him more than that. If I told him she was staying with me for a while, he’d give me more shit about it.

  “She slept over?” One of his eyebrows arched to the ceiling. “I thought you didn’t do that?”

  Isabella and I would usually hook up at Ruin. There were bedrooms all over the place, and there was a secret playroom just for me to use. She slept in there while I stayed in the other room, keeping space between us but close enough that I would be there if she needed anything.

  “Her apartment got broken in to last night, so she needed somewhere to stay.”

  “Say what?” He actually showed concern, an expression I thought he’d forgotten about. “Is she alright?”

  “She’s fine. Has a black eye and a swollen lip, but those will heal.”

  “He tried to hurt her? What a fucking asshole.”

  “Rome kicked his ass and pinned him to the ground until the police arrived.” I was still pissed at her for doing something so stupid, but deep down inside, I was proud of her fearlessness. She wasn’t afraid of anyone or anything, and she had the resilience of flowers in winter. She had the kind of spunk and drive that I admired, the same kind I possessed myself.

  “Damn…that’s hot.”

  I glared at him again.

  “Sorry, but I’m not sorry about that one. That’s one badass woman.”

  “I know.”

  “So you’re letting her go back to her apartment? Sounds like she lives in a shitty area.”

  “No.” No way in hell was I letting her live in a neighborhood like that again. It didn’t matter if she could take care of herself. I wanted to take care of her. “She’s staying with me until she finds a new place.”

  That sick and twisted grin came back into his face. “Is she now?”

  “It’s temporary.”


  “It is. She needs to pick a nicer place, and real estate goes quickly
in the city.”

  “But we both know you could buy her any damn thing she wants.” His arrogance was only growing.

  “She won’t accept money from me. She’s stubborn.”

  “Whatever you say.” All his teeth were showing.

  “Say what you want. It doesn’t make a difference to me.” Her residence in my home wouldn’t last forever. When we found her a suitable place, she would leave. I wouldn’t ask her to stay. And she wouldn’t expect me to either.

  Jackson was enjoying every second of this, for unknown reasons. “Maybe I’ll get a sister soon. Sister Vanilla.”

  I grabbed the towel sitting on the counter and threw it right in his face. “Go fuck yourself.”

  He pulled it off his face with a laugh. “I’m getting to you. And that’s how I know I’m right.”

  When I got home, she already had dinner on the table. “You’ve made yourself at home pretty quickly.” Without thinking about it, I hugged her waist and kissed her the second I walked through the door. The action was too normal, too domesticated for my tastes, but I did it anyway—and I liked it.

  “Actually, I’ve kinda fallen in love with your kitchen.”

  “Really?” I was into some weird stuff, but I’d never had a thing for stoves and microwaves.

  “It’s so beautiful. Look how big it is.” She walked from the refrigerator to the opposite cabinet, taking fifteen steps from one place to another. “And these granite countertops…” She ran her fingers along the surface. “I’m excited to cook in here during my stay. It actually makes me a little happy that I got robbed.”

  “And it has nothing to do with the sexy stud sharing the space?” I loosened my tie and wrapped it around her neck so I could pull her toward me. My hand immediately tightened on the fabric because the action was such a turn-on. If only I could throw her back on the counter and fuck her while choking her at the same time. God, that would be heaven.

  “No.” She tried to hide her smile as she teased me, but the corners of her lips pulled up on their own.

  I tightened the tie around her neck but didn’t restrict her airway—even though I wanted to. “Oh, really?” I slowly pressed her into the cabinet, my hard cock defined in my slacks. I pressed it against her stomach so she would know just how much I wanted to fuck her.

  The muscles of her stomach tightened when she felt my thick cock. “Maybe a little…”

  Whatever she was making on the stove smelled incredible, but my stomach took a back seat to my other organ. “I want dessert before dinner tonight.”

  “Bad boy.”

  The cords in my neck tensed at her wordplay. She was so good at dirty talk, and she didn’t even know it. “You should punish me.”

  “And how should I punish you?” She ran her hands up my chest until they circled my neck. The tie was still hooked around her throat, blue contrasting against her white complexion.

  I knew exactly how I wanted to be punished. “Slap me.”

  The fire of desire lit up in her eyes, but immediately, it was snuffed out. “No. Get on your knees and press your face between my legs.”

  “Not a punishment.” I grabbed her wrist and squeezed it. “Slap me, sweetheart.”

  Her eyes darted back and forth as she looked into my eyes, trying to determine if I was serious.

  “Do it.” My breathing came out uneven at the prospect of her small palm colliding against my skin. I wanted to feel that smack, that burn at impact. I wanted to feel her ferocity like last time. “Punish me.”

  Her hand shook as it remained on my neck. Then she pulled it away and slapped me, but lightly. It was nothing like before. This lacked fire. This lacked intent.

  “Slap me like you mean it.” I gripped her thighs and squeezed harshly, forcing her to cooperate with my demands. “Now.”

  Her lips parted slightly as her breathing increased. That familiar flush took over her face, tinting her cheeks until they were rosy. Her green eyes danced in jade fire, the bruising of her skin almost unnoticeable. She pulled her hand back and slapped me—hard.

  Fuck, that was good.

  My mouth crushed against hers, and I lifted her from the counter at the same time. I carried her into the living room and threw her on the couch. My hands gripped her skirt and pulled it to her waist before I yanked her panties off, practically ripping them.

  My mouth was eager for that sweetness, for that taste of vanilla between her legs. Now that was all I could think about when I looked at her, how soft and sweet she was. The nickname was once used as an insult, but now, it was the sexiest thing in the world.

  I pressed my mouth to her entrance and sucked, wanting all of her in my mouth at the same time. I spread her knees wide apart and dominated her, taking exactly what was mine to enjoy.

  Rome dug both of her hands into my hair, fisting the strands and pressing my face farther into her pussy. She rocked her hips against me, wanting my tongue deep inside her. When I circled her clit aggressively, she moaned so loud I thought my neighbors across the street might hear.

  I grabbed her hips and pulled her ass over the edge of the couch and maneuvered to my knees. After she slapped me, I was eager to come, but I was more eager to make her come. I buried my face between her legs, absorbing her taste and smell, and nearly got off from just visiting her sweetness.

  “Calloway…” She leaned against the back of the couch and watched me, thrusting herself into my face. In the beginning, her desires and movements were subtle. But now, she took what she wanted from me, showing her carefree side. She lived in the moment, and if she wanted more, she just took it.

  I sucked her clit into my mouth and pulled hard, giving her the kind of friction that would send her over the edge.

  And she did. Like she was dying, she screamed at the top of her lungs and came all around me, her pussy clenching against my mouth as the aftershocks took over. She panted and released my hair, giving my scalp a gentle massage in remorse.

  I refused to give her any kind of break because my cock was throbbing in pain. I got my slacks and boxers off then yanked her to the floor. I positioned her on her hands and knees before I got the perfect grip on the back of her hair. I shoved my dick in her mouth and pushed as far as I could go, deep throating her until she nearly gagged. Saliva immediately dripped from her mouth and fell down her chin to the floor.

  “Look at me.” I thrust my hips and buried my cock deep inside her, letting my dark side run wild. It was the closest I’d ever gotten to pure dominance. When she slapped me, she unleashed a force deep within my chest. Now I couldn’t slow down or calm myself. I wanted to fuck her mouth until I filled it with all my cum.

  She looked up at me, her ass in the air and her skirt bunched around her waist. Her mouth was wide-open like a snake as she took in my length over and over. Even when she struggled, she kept going—because she was a pro.

  I looked into her eyes as I kept thrusting, loving the tears building there because my cock was too big for her mouth. I clenched her hair tighter as I shoved myself deep within, stretching her throat and moving across the grooves of her tongue.

  Seeing this beautiful woman on her knees, her mouth gaping open for my cock, was a turn-on in itself. My balls tightened hard against my body, preparing for the all-consuming crescendo of pleasure. “It’s coming, sweetheart.” I shoved my entire length into her throat and held it there.

  She held her breath as she waited for it since she couldn’t breathe anyway. Saliva still dripped from her mouth onto the floor.

  The blinding sensation traveled down my stomach and through my balls, exploding out of my shaft before it hit the back of her throat. I squirted against her tongue and gave her everything I had.

  Like the good submissive she was, she didn’t choke. She continued to hold her breath until I finished coming deep inside her. Tears fell from her eyes, and her arms shook from holding her weight up.

  I wanted to keep my dick in her mouth, even as it softened. The image before me was purely erotic, ge
tting me hard in my dreams. I didn’t want to leave the safety of her mouth because it was such a beautiful place. She sucked my cock like she wanted it more than I did. She wanted every drop of my cum—as much as I wanted to give it.

  I pulled my cock out of her mouth then wiped her lips with the back of my sleeve. “You’re an amazing cock sucker, you know that?” I hated to imagine her having a lot of practice. It made me jealous over men who weren’t even in her life anymore. But she learned the talent somewhere—and at least I got to enjoy it.

  “Thank you. Exactly what every woman wants to hear.” She sat up, a playful smile on her lips.

  “But I really mean it—and in a good way.” Still on my knees, I pulled her to my chest, my cock against her pulled-up skirt. My hands went to her ass and squeezed her cheeks, loving how firm yet soft they were.

  “Well, you’re a great pussy eater.”

  “Why, thank you. I’ll take that as a compliment should be taken—with pride.” I pressed my face to hers and watched the glow in her eyes.

  “I’m really not a great cock sucker. I just love sucking yours.”

  Heat flushed my body all over again. She said some pretty sexy things, but that had to be one of the greatest. She basically said she only loved having my cock in her mouth—no one else’s. And the more I could possess her, the better. “Yeah?”

  She nodded.

  “I’m glad you feel that way. Because there’s a lot more coming.”

  She and I had set up a routine every night. After dinner, we cleaned up together then moved in front of the TV. If there was a game on, we usually watched that. She wasn’t a devoted sports fanatic, but she appreciated it. She always knew what was going on and didn’t have a problem telling off the players when they screwed up—and the refs when they made a stupid call.

  I loved it.

  “Do you get paid twelve million dollars a year to miss a shot?” She shook her head, disgust on her face. “I hate it when people feel bad for the players. It’s their job. They aren’t supposed to suck.”

  “Just you.”


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