Wyoming Mail Order Brides Boxed Set 1- 4

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Wyoming Mail Order Brides Boxed Set 1- 4 Page 13

by Trinity Bellingham

  Luger frowned, at first irritated by what the man had to say about his mother but then he decided to pay closer attention when Alfie mentioned Mrs. Myra Paine. The whole town was abuzz with the news about the kidnapping, and how brave Cora O'Malley had been to escape the bandits. They were also aware that Myra Paine was still missing, yet here was a man who was speaking as though he knew where the missing woman was.

  Tending bar was one occupation that Luger had stumbled into by accident after failing as a miner. He was a well built man with Scandinavian features, sandy hair and whose age no one could tell. He took his work seriously too and enjoyed the tips he got, but he was also cautious. From time to time men came in here looking for trouble and a shot of the finest whiskey, as Moira his boss called her moonshine brew, soon had their tongues loose enough to spill the beans. Many a man had been stopped from taking his own life or hurting others when Luger notified the Sheriff. It looked like this was going to be no exception.

  He was glad to see David Bedford one of the posse members who often rode out with the sheriff, and he beckoned him over.

  "Luger, what is?" David hoisted himself onto a stool. "Get me my usual but tonight I can't drink too much," his voice was filled with regret. "Have an early morning start with the Sheriff so we can find Mrs. Paine."

  Luger nodded, pouring out a frothing mug of beer. "That's why I called you over." He pointed at Alfie with his chin. "He's going on and on about Mrs. Paine being mean and nasty and all that. Perhaps he knows something because what could that genteel woman have in common with this riffraff?"

  David listened keenly, pretending an interest in his drink and when he'd heard enough he nodded at Luger. "See that he doesn't leave. I'll get the Sheriff."

  "You need to hurry then, since I can see he's already had too much to drink and might want to be on his way."

  Alfie was arrested as he walked out of the saloon. He could barely stand, and he still had one, almost full bottle of whiskey in his hand. "Sheriff," he grinned drunkenly. "Is your mama as mean as that woman?" He staggered as he was led to the jail house and locked in one of the cells.

  "Perhaps that will sober you up," Edward stared at him in disgust, but Alfie was too drunk to care.

  "Logan and Basil think they can put up with that mean broad. I prefer the younger feisty one, kicked me in the groin and got away," Alfie went on. "Where's my whiskey?" He could see his bottle on the sheriff's desk. He dragged himself to the bars, pointing at the drink. "Sheriff, get me my whiskey."

  "Shut up and go to sleep," Peter Sanders hissed at the man. "You'll sober up in the morning and tell us where your friends are holding Mrs. Paine."

  "Those two fools," Alfie leaned against the bars and broke out into a tuneless song, making the Sheriff and his deputies wince. When Joseph made as if to stop him Edward shook his head.

  "Let him rant on, he might reveal the exact location where his two friends are," he said in a low voice.

  "They think they can get the better of me," Alfie stood back, unsteady on his feet and thumped his chest. "I'll show them," he licked his lips. "Just a tiny sip sheriff." Edward nodded and Peter held the bottle as Alfie took a sip then wiped his mouth. "Blaming me for that chit's escape." He thrust his face forward. "Comely wench, good looking too. Fibbed me and felled me, then released the horses and ran off with one." He walked to the small cot and sat down. "Those two idiots have no idea who they are dealing with."

  Edward approached the cell. "Where is Mrs. Paine, where are your friends holding her?"

  "That woman is nasty I tell you, meaner than a riled rattle snake." He coughed. "At the bank the little woman begged us to take her and leave that old hag." He pursed his lips. "Was looking out for that nasty woman all the time, but you know what that mean old hag called her? A whore; said the young wench was the town's biggest whore." He wagged his finger. "Have you ever seen a woman who is so mean? I ain't never set my eyes on a nastier woman than that."

  Edward and his assistants looked at each other. So Cora O'Malley had been telling the truth after all. They needed to find Jeremy and let him know."

  "Serves the old bag right," Alfie stretched out fully clothed on the cot and began singing tunelessly. From time to time he would sit up and talk about Myra Paine, calling her a witch, an old bitter scarecrow and various other names that made the Sheriff and his men wince. "Little wench in the bank said we should leave that bitter old bag behind because she was not well, but the wicked woman called her a whore."


  Cora couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned, and finally decided to get out of bed. Annie's words haunted her.

  "Bitter people often have pain in their hearts but because they are too proud to be seen as vulnerable, they develop viciousness when they are actually just lashing out at others in order to appease their bitterness. Mrs. Paine is one such person," Annie had said when Richard returned and informed them that their search was unsuccessful. They'd lost the outlaws' tracks and because night was falling, the Sheriff had called off the search. They would resume early the next morning.

  Cora tightened her lips. Myra was a spiteful old woman but she didn't deserve to be out in the cold. She was also worried that the bandits might harm her and Jeremy would then blame her for the rest of her life. Jeremy, she sighed. He'd betrayed her but she was going to show him she wasn't just another helpless, weak woman. He would see that she was strong, independent and tough, and after she brought his mother back, she'd make sure she never spoke to him again. Thinking about his harsh words towards her and the look in his eyes when he said she was lying, she'd felt crushed and the pain went deep.

  She shook her head. "You can't go down that road again," she silently berated herself. "Think about the future and what you have achieved. Build up the business. No more sadness, no more depending on others for anything, not even love." She had the Wests and they were the only ones who really mattered. Nodding, she put on her riding clothes and waited for the house to settle for the night. When she was sure Richard and Annie were soundly sleeping she crept out of her room, carrying her boots in one hand and a thick rug in the other. Myra would be cold and needed the rug. As a last thought she grabbed a bottle and filled it with milk.

  Cora was glad of the moonlight and that Thunder was used to riding in the dark. It was important that he didn't spook easily. "Thunder, we have a mean old woman to rescue, and I'm sorry that you'll have to bear both our weights but it's only for today," she patted him and he made a soft sound as if giving his permission. "You're a good boy Thunder, you and me, let's ride."

  As Cora made her way to the caves where she and Myra had been held captive she wondered that a whole posse couldn't find a trace of this place, yet she had given them clear directions. She shrugged. Men thought they knew so much, but they were still human and their male pride wouldn't allow them to admit to making mistakes.


  Myra Paine could not sleep either. The hard ground, visions of being attacked by the two men while she slept and something else caused sleep to elude her. Guilt. For the first time in almost seven years she took a good look at her life and what she saw made her wince. Her son Paul had faced off with her before he left for Washington DC just after Christmas.

  "Mama, you are a bitter woman and one day that vicious tongue of yours will get you into a lot of trouble."

  "Shut up you insolent boy," she had screamed at him.

  "Mama, I love you but I will not let you live my life for me. Poor Jeremy, he's stuck with you because he loves you too much and feels guilty for papa's death. You'll end up driving him away with your bitterness and on that day, you'll know what it is to be alone."

  "Oh Lord," tears co

  Chapter Ten

  Jeremy could not sleep. It wasn't so much worrying about his mother, as worrying about what Cora thought of him. As he had been having dinner, Peter Sanders rode up to the house and joined him. Inviting him in, the two men sat down to partake of the meal.
  "Miss Cora O'Malley was right," Peter told him after a short while. "We caught one of the bandits, his name is Alfie. A worthless fool of a boy who's caused his mother a lot of sorrow and she's a good woman who doesn't deserve it. He's in a drunken stupor in the jail house, blabbing his mouth off."

  "Is my mother safe?"

  "We at least know where to begin the search tomorrow morning. But there's something else you should know. Alfie told us that at the bank, when they grabbed Miss Cora and Mrs. Paine, Cora begged the bandits to release your mother and take her instead."

  "What?" Jeremy pushed his half eaten plate away.

  "She told them Mrs. Paine is feeble and wouldn't manage the rough riding but she was willing to take her place." Jeremy could not believe his ears. "While they were in the camp Cora was concerned about your mother but Mrs. Paine," Peter cleared his throat.

  "It's alright, go on."

  "Mrs. Paine told the men that you would pay a tidy sum for her ransom but that Cora O'Malley is of no importance to anyone. She also said Cora is a whore, actually called her the biggest whore in Tipton."

  "Oh Lord," Jeremy wiped his face. "What a mess I made of things. Now Cora probably hates me and will never want to have anything to do with me again." His lips tightened and he ran a hand through his hair. "My mother has a lot to answer for. Please help me to find her and then help me make amends with Cora."

  He couldn't lay the blame solely at his mother's feet. Like Richard said, Cora was an honest woman and she would never tell lies just to get away with something. He owed her an apology, assuming she'd even listen to him. Before leaving to go and search for his mother, he'd ride over to the Wests' ranch, crawl if need be, plead for her forgiveness and to be given a second chance. He was ready to move out of this house and leave it for his mother, and build another one where he would live with Cora and start their own family. Of course, he would always look after his mother but the days of her running interference with his life were definitely over.

  He heard a footfall on the porch and then his mother's voice. "Open this door at once," she demanded and he practically flew to the door. A further shock awaited him. Cora was standing beside his mother and the two women wore similar expressions on their face; disgust and anger.

  "Took your time opening the door, good for nothing is what all you men are," she hissed and he stepped aside to let her pass. "I am hungry and though I know it is late, could you please ask Samantha to get me a hot drink? I am chilled to the bone."

  "Mama, I am so happy to see you," Jeremy said and ignored her remarks, hugging her and holding her close. Myra closed her eyes briefly and then cleared her throat. "You are smothering me," she protested.

  Samantha and Janet had heard the noise and when they saw their mistress, came forward. "Welcome home Mrs. Paine," Janet spoke for the both of them and to the two women's surprise, Myra hugged them.

  "It's good to be home Janet. If it isn't too much to ask, would you please get Cora and I some hot coffee and something to eat? I apologize for inconveniencing you at this late hour, but once you are done you can return to your warm beds." She smiled at her servants who looked as though they had walked into a different place, one where Myra was a reasonable woman. They hadn't heard the woman speaking so kindly in a long time and they just stared at her.

  Myra laughed briefly. "We'll speak more in the morning ladies, but just go to bed knowing that I am so sorry about everything in the past. Please forgive me." They nodded wordlessly, leaving the room and throwing frequent glances backwards, disbelief clearly etched on their faces.

  Jeremy was having a hard time trying to catch Cora's eye. She wouldn't even look at him.

  "Cora, please," he pleaded softly but his mother heard him.

  "Leave the poor girl alone, you don't deserve any show of mercy from her," Myra sank gratefully on one of the thick plush couches. "Cora, come and sit here beside me." Cora did as bid and together they turned their gazes to the man who stood looking at them in astonishment.

  "You are a disappointment to me Jeremy, sitting here twiddling your thumbs while I lay out in the cold at the mercy of those riffraffs."

  "Mama ..."

  "Did I give you permission to speak?" She leaned forward. "What kind of a man are you Jeremy, Cora here flees the captives and you blame her for leaving me behind? What did you want the poor girl to do? Take on three men twice her size?"

  "Mama ..."

  Myra held up her hand. "When I'm done then you speak. Frankly Cora, if you refuse to have anything more to do with this son of mine I won't blame you," she winked at Cora on the sly. "He doesn't deserve a good woman like you."

  "You should have at least asked if I was OK when I rode back, instead you called me a liar and were really nasty to me," Cora took her cue from her future mother in law.

  "It's true, that in my foolishness I called Cora a whore and I am truly sorry about that. However, that did not give you an excuse to berate this girl and accuse her in front of people. You've humiliated her and I bear the shame of being your mother."

  Samantha walked in with the coffee and some hastily made ham sandwiches. "Thank you Samantha," Myra smiled at her. "We'll be fine now. You go on up to bed and tell Janet she can retire too. We shall talk in the morning."

  "Thank you, ma'am."

  Jeremy couldn't believe what he was seeing. His mother and Cora had formed a united front and he seemed to be the outsider now. A miracle must have happened on their way back here. And his mother being nice to the servants, he'd never thought he would ever see this day.

  "You call yourselves men and yet at the first sign of nightfall you ran for the warmth and comfort of your homes, while this girl risked her life and virtue to come out in the darkness alone and save my life. What kind of men are we breeding in these days?" Myra lamented. "Gone are the days when men were men and wouldn't rest until they'd captured their prey. Those two outlaws will get away because you were too precious to continue searching. What would have happened to me if Cora hadn't come to my rescue?"

  "Mama I am sorry."

  "And so you should be. Together with Sheriff Edward and his so called posse, they will get a piece of my mind. If you men are too scared of the dark perhaps you should all step aside and let women take your places."

  Cora was gloating, especially when she saw Jeremy's sheepish look.

  "Let me tell you something Jeremy Josiah Paine," Myra pointed a finger at him. "If you are stupid enough to let this woman go, then you are the biggest fool that ever walked this earth." At his stunned look she nodded. "Who wouldn't want a brave and courageous daughter in law like Cora O'Malley? She's just the kind of woman you need to keep you in line. And let me also tell you that I will completely understand if she will have nothing to do with you. But you can rest assured that you will not bring another woman to this home and expect me to accept her. You will only do so over my dead body."


  "Don't mama me boy. You have made your prickly bed, now lie on it and get down and beg for this girl's mercy and forgiveness before she takes it upon herself to go home. You won't find a finer woman in the whole of Wyoming. She is the best wife you can hope to have. There are many men who are more worthy of her than you, and if your pride won't allow you to make this woman your wife, I will advocate strongly for one of the good men of this town to succeed where you have failed." She stood up and swayed slightly on her feet. "I have said my piece, now I need to get some rest after all the excitement."

  The two watched her as she walked tiredly towards the door. She turned back. "I see nothing wrong with wearing special pants like the ones Cora has on, and riding astride a horse." She smiled at Cora, ignoring her son. "You are a very modest and decent woman Cora O'Malley and I hope you will have pity on this poor mother and accept her useless son as your husband." She looked at her son. "Did you know that Cora has her own business catching and selling horses? She is a true pioneer woman, not one of the helpless women w
ho can't hold their own in this wild country." She nodded. "I will speak to Annie West and ask her to make me a few special skirts like that one you are wearing Cora. It's not a bad idea to have them and ride astride a horse, since they preserve a woman's modesty." She yawned. "Now I am going to bed." She walked out and closed the door softly but firmly behind her.


  "Can you ever forgive me Cora?"

  "Stop whining Jeremy," Cora said harshly. "It's quite unbecoming in a man."

  Jeremy smiled sheepishly at her. "I'm not whining, merely begging for your forgiveness. I know I don't deserve a second chance with you but please hear me out."

  "Listen, we can speak tomorrow. It's quite late and I'm sure the cocks are about to crow. I need to go home and get some rest."

  "I won't let you go until you've heard me out."

  "Really Jeremy, do you think you can keep me here against my will?"

  "That's not what I'm saying," he rubbed his chin in frustration. "You heard my mother, have pity on her and agree to marry me."

  "Oh, so I am marrying you for your mother."

  "Cora, will you stop twisting everything I'm saying around?" Cora hid a grin at Jeremy's frustrated look. Let him stew a little longer. "Just hear me out."

  "Why should I, when you weren't willing to hear me out. You heard your mother confess to what she said, but when I said it, you called me a liar and distanced yourself from me. How do you think I felt Jeremy?"

  "My love, I am deeply sorry."

  "What for, and yet you men are clearly never wrong."

  "My darling," Jeremy came and knelt in front of her, hemming her in and cutting off any route of escape. "I am but a mortal man and I admit my mistake. You've tied me up in knots and I'm not even sure of what I'm saying, but what I know, is that I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you."


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