Wyoming Mail Order Brides Boxed Set 1- 4

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Wyoming Mail Order Brides Boxed Set 1- 4 Page 20

by Trinity Bellingham

  "That should fix Robin and he will be alright Mrs. O'Malley," he said, dropping the last bullet fragment into a small metal dish. "No need to worry, in a few days time he will be as right as rain."

  "Thank you doctor."

  "Most grateful for not swooning at the sight of so much blood and when I was digging the bullets out," he said.

  Rita had had to hold herself from crying out each time the doctor dug a bullet out of Robin's body. Mercifully he was unconscious through the whole procedure and Reginald stitched him up swiftly and skillfully.

  "Mrs. O'Malley, you realize that Robin will need round the clock care for several days. He should not be left alone, not even for one moment."

  "Yes doctor."

  "Perhaps there is someone you need to inform so there is someone with him all the time."

  Rita nodded. "It will all be taken care of, I promise."

  "Good," he washed his hands and wiped them on a clean cloth, grateful that she had washed his tools in hot water. "Now lead the way back downstairs, he is sleeping much easier and I need to explain to you about his medication."


  Chapter Eight

  Richard West and Peter Sanders came up at that moment to look in on Robin. They'd finished tidying up as best they could, assuming that the women would do a better job of it anyway.

  "How is he?" asked Richard who had only seen the large pool of blood Robin had been lying in when he left.

  "He is doing alright. Thankfully the bullets are now removed and he just needs time to recover," Rita told them. "The doctor is about to give me instructions about his medication."

  Rita led Dr. Reginald into the kitchen where she poured him a cup of tea and offered him some food which he declined, so she pushed a piece of fruit pie towards him. She left him for a few minutes and went to check on the store.

  Taking a deep breath and stiffening her resolve, she braced herself for looking in on the scene of destruction and more significantly, the scene of Robin's possible demise. If she hadn't realized before, she knew now that she indeed loved Robin Watson and the mess before her brought back those terrible moments when she thought he was dead.

  Someone, obviously Richard and Peter, had tried to wipe the blood from the floor and clean the glass from the broken door. She was surprised to see that the glass had already been replaced and a new lock fixed on the door. Earlier when she had come in she had heard Joseph telling Peter that the best person to repair the glass and lock was Richard West and to go and fetch him.

  Well, if it was Richard attending to things, it was no surprise the door was already fixed. He was another kind man that God had seen fit to bring into her life, along with his wife Annie. He would be concerned about her security, Robin's too, and true to form, he'd done a good job on the door.

  The two men came back down and joined Rita and the Doctor in the kitchen where she poured out some tea for them, thanking them for all their assistance. After explaining how many times Robin was to be given laudanum and the correct dosage, Dr. Reginald left and Peter followed soon after to return to the Sheriff's Office.

  Peter knew the Sheriff would need help transporting the two miners to Granger where they would be tried and hopefully incarcerated in the prison at Laramie, where he believed the lawless deserved to be sent for good.

  "Mrs. O'Malley, let me go home and send Annie with some spare clothes for you." It was obvious from what the doctor had said that Rita would not be able to come home in the near future and he figured she'd need some things to be going on with.

  "Oh no Richard, don't trouble Mrs. Annie. She was feeling so poorly this morning."

  "Just an attack of indigestion or some such thing, but I'm sure she can manage."

  "Maybe Marie can bring me whatever I need, but then who will look after the other children while I am nursing Robin?"

  "Don't worry yourself about that. Annie and I will look after them and make sure they are fine. In any case, your children are able to look after themselves better than any others I've seen in a long time. They'll be fine. I'll go and find Cora too and let her know what's happened. She'll be worried about you and Robin."

  "Thank you Richard."

  Immediately he left she locked the new door securely and returned to the kitchen where finally, her legs gave way and she stumbled to a chair by the kitchen table.

  She realized that she was trembling from hunger, having not had anything to eat the whole day since she had dashed away from Annie's house before eating breakfast because she was late, and their lunch had been interrupted by the thugs. It was time for her to settle her nerves.

  She poured herself a cup of tea and served herself a small helping of the mashed potatoes and fried chicken, picking at it as she thought about what had happened. The cup of tea soon restored her spirits a little and she felt herself regain the strength she was naturally endowed with.

  It occurred to her that she was able to cope with this particular adversity because she was indeed equipped to cope and endure far more than this, thanks to the twenty three years of the life she had now left behind.

  The doctor's words kept echoing in her brain. Robin would need full nursing care and that entailed some very intimate undertakings. It would be embarrassing for her and for Robin simply because they had never discussed their burgeoning relationship, aside of course from Robin's telling her about the gossip which was currently circulating around town about them.

  Indeed, it seemed as though both of them might have come to the realization that something was happening between them but the activities of the lawless duo had effectively stopped everything, reducing their interaction literally to a life and death situation.

  No, now was not the time for intimacy of any kind. It also crossed her mind that the gossips would actually have some real fodder if they knew she was alone, upstairs in the house with Robin. It wouldn't matter to them if he was unconscious or not, for a woman to be alone with a man in a bedroom without being married simply wasn't done, least of all by her.

  Robin's bandages would need changing, that was something she could do, but his private needs would also need attending to. This was something she was uncomfortable with, partly because of the embarrassment but also because she was afraid of the effect that such intimacy would have on their relationship, unspoken and unconfirmed as it was.

  The truth was she did not look forward to that aspect of providing care for her friend; familiarity that she was not prepared for and was afraid of.


  Later in the afternoon as Rita was checking on Robin for what she felt was the hundredth time, she heard knocking on the store door and she hurried out of his room to go downstairs and see who was here. Being alone with Robin in his bedroom, even though he was still unconscious, was very intimate to her way of thinking and she blushed furiously. She simply could not help feeling embarrassed because she was made that way and that's all there was to it.

  When she arrived downstairs, fully composed, it was to find Cora and Myra Paine had arrived. Rita had met Jeremy Paine's mother on a number of occasions when they visited the large ranch house, which to her felt almost like a mansion. She had felt intimidated by the sophisticated woman. Yet here she was, bringing Cora to the shop. She couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

  "Mama, are you alright?" Cora hugged her mother, holding her tightly, fearing for her wellbeing.

  "Yes child, it is Mr. Robin who was hurt. I'm a bit shaken with all that's happened, but I'm fine." She turned to Myra and smiled shyly at her. "Mrs. Paine it is good to see you."

  "Nothing could keep me away from all the excitement," Myra broke out. "I was so outraged when Richard came and told us that Robin had been shot by a couple of intoxicated miners." She made a sound of disgust, her green eyes flashing. "It's a shame that one of Tipton's most respected citizens should be subjected to such cavalier behavior as though the West is a playground for the lawless. It's a good thing that Sheriff Edward is a no
nonsense man and those two men will get what they deserve."

  "Thank you for coming with Cora," Rita said. "I really appreciate it and if you like, you can look in on Robin. He's fast asleep now though and nothing will disturb him. I helped the doctor force some laudanum down his throat, so he should sleep for quite a while, and bless him, he needs the rest after what he went through with the doctor removing the bullets."

  "Lead the way," Myra gestured, placing a small basket on top of the counter and following Rita out of the shop and up the stairs. Cora brought up the rear and they stood together looking down at Robin. "Poor man," she said. "At least his face has some color. I thought he would be at death's door, from the way Richard explained things."

  "Dr. Reginald was able to get all the bullet fragments out. Thankfully he did not regain consciousness or it would have been beyond imagining, since the bullets had lodged deep into his flesh." Rita didn't feel able to elaborate further because what she had witnessed was gruesome to say the least, surgery at the time being a basic science at best.

  In reality it was raw and brutal and seeing someone she loved under the knife in that way was more than she could take. It was still too close but in time, she hoped the memories would fade, like had happened with the many occasions she'd experienced childbirth.


  Chapter Nine

  The three women went back downstairs and Rita offered the visitors some tea and pie which they accepted. They settled at the table to talk, as women were wont to do, relishing the chance to exchange news. Today though, the events which occurred earlier provided even greater incentive.

  "We had barely started our lunch before those men broke in," Rita explained away the dishes still on the table. "To be honest, I am feeling a little overwhelmed with everything," she said and Myra saw her swaying, knowing the woman needed to join them sitting down sooner rather than later. Myra got to her feet swiftly and helped Rita to her chair.

  "I'll just have some tea and then clean this mess away. I'm embarrassed to have you here in this kitchen with all this mess still here. It's just that with everything that's happened, I haven't had time yet to clear it away." Rita tried to explain, not wanting Myra to think she was slovenly and couldn't keep a kitchen clean and tidy.

  "Here, you have been through a tough time, let me help where I can. I expect this is what you made for lunch and it won't go to waste." Myra set the still full serving dishes on the kitchen bench, then piled the empty cups that had been used by the men into the sink. She washed the dirty dishes and Cora was amused at how much at home her mother in law looked in the kitchen.

  It was a far cry from the woman she had first met when Jeremy began showing an interest in her, the woman who had looked down on others was now standing in someone else's kitchen washing dirty dishes. It was true that love and acceptance could change people.

  Now Cora and Myra were the best of friends and the younger woman could not imagine a life without Myra present in it. After reflecting on the changes in Myra, Cora turned to her mother. "What did the doctor say about ongoing care for Robin? Will he send someone to help?"

  Rita shook her head. "He said Robin will need round the clock care and should not be left alone even for a moment." Rita blushed and Myra was just in time to see the woman's face redden with embarrassment. She understood what round the clock care entailed and this was her chance to help the poor woman out.

  Rita was her daughter in law's mother and she would never stop feeling obliged to Cora for having saved her from the bandits who had kidnapped them both months ago.

  At the time, she had been very nasty to Cora and almost got her into serious trouble, but the girl had managed to escape. Where the Sheriff and her own son failed to track her down and rescue her, Cora had done it alone. Now they were the best of friends and Myra intend for it to stay that way.

  "Perhaps I could stay with Rita and help with Robin," she suggested and at Cora's protest she raised her hand. "Cora, you know that I am immune to anything that can threaten my sensibilities. You mother is overwhelmed and she will need my help."

  It was as simple as that and Rita understood immediately what Myra was offering and it occurred to her that the sophisticated woman had more going for her than her exterior appearance belied.

  Cora was reluctant though, wondering what Myra was up to. The woman went out of her way to do so many things for her family. She was the one who had bought new bedding when Cora mentioned her family had arrived. Myra never ceased to amaze her. Beneath all the sophistication lurked a very kind hearted woman. "If you are sure..."

  "Say no more my dear, of course, I am sure. Besides, it will give us time to get to know each other better which we've not really had the opportunity to do so far, have we Rita," she turned to the other woman," Will you please allow me to call you Rita?" She nodded. "Thank you, as I was saying, Rita and I have not shared any time together yet and seeing as our children are married to each other, don't you think it is time we got to know each other better?"

  "Thank you for your assistance Mrs. Paine. It's very kind of you to offer."

  "If I am to call you Rita then obviously you have to call me Myra, no more formalities because we are one big family after all."

  "Alright, Myra, if you are sure." Rita was still trying to come to terms with the sophisticated woman behaving as though she wasn't really gentry, but perhaps it was one of the differences she still needed to adjust to in the West. The formalities weren't so marked as they were back in Boston.

  In any case, Rita's experience with the gentry to date had only been in Boston, where society ladies extended charity in ways that didn't involve getting their hands or anything else dirty. Seeing Myra up to her elbows in dirty dishwater definitely showed Rita that the woman actually meant what she said. She really would help.


  In the time that Myra had known Robin, she knew he was a sensitive person, one of life's natural gentlemen and it would embarrass him to know that Rita had taken care of his most intimate needs. She was close to him and he would be mortified if knew Rita had done such things.

  On the other hand, Myra was more like a stranger which would go a long way towards sparing his feelings, as well as Rita's. To Myra's way of thinking, the woman looked as if she was just as sensitive as Robin and not likely to be of much use with regard to the more embarrassing aspects of round the clock nursing.

  She had heard Cora talking to Jeremy about the budding relationship between her mother and Robin and she agreed that the two gentle souls were made for each other. Theirs was a match made in heaven. So, if she could spare the pair of them from being embarrassed, she would. Besides, she found herself liking Rita for herself because she reminded her of Sarah, Robin's former wife.

  After Rita had rested a little in the kitchen, the three women cleaned up the store and put it to rights again, sweeping away the last of the broken glass and scrubbing the floor with lye and hot water to get rid of the blood stains. Rita explained to the other two that Richard and Peter had tried to clean up as much as possible and the three women had a good laugh at their feeble attempts.

  "Trust a man to have good intentions but only make matters worse," Myra said. "At least they tried and we must give credit where it is due. Besides, I'm sure they knew we would come around after them and really clean it properly."

  When the store was once again sparkling and the smell of lemons filled the air from the few drops that Rita had squeezed into the hot water used for cleaning, Cora stood up. "Mama, will you be alright? I need to go and check on the children and also to bring some clothes for Myra."

  "I'm in good hands," she looked at Myra who nodded. It was then they heard a soft groan coming from upstairs. "Robin must be waking up." Rita was in two minds at what to do. She wanted to run up there right away, but on the other hand, her natural sense of modesty held her back.

  "Go to him," Myra urged. "I'll lock up down here as soon as Cora has left and then see what else nee
ds to be done."

  "Thank you Myra. I really appreciate your help."

  Robin was indeed awake and when he saw Rita, he smiled through his pain. His whole body felt like a thousand needles had been stuck into it but his color was much better.

  "Water," he licked his dry lips and immediately she raised him up gently and gave him a few spoonfuls of water. He nodded to let her know it was enough and she put the cup away. She took a wet cloth and bathed his forehead, touching his face gently and through pain filled eyes he saw the gentleness and care in her eyes and felt the love in her touch.

  She offered him more water and he sipped it gratefully, thankful she knew exactly what he needed. He could have lain there with her tending him forever, but it was not to be. The laudanum was doing its work and he knew he would drift off into sleep in a moment. With a smile of contentment he allowed the healing sleep to claim him again, his last thought being that he felt safe in her care and wanted her with him forever.

  Rita stood looking down at the sleeping man and sighed. It felt good caring for the man she loved. The vulnerability and trust she had seen in his eyes touched her deeply. It must be hard for him to surrender himself to her care and the fact that he'd done it, made her feel needed and she had not felt that in a long time, if ever.

  It felt good to be needed, especially by someone she cared deeply about. She was sure now that she loved him and vowed to do everything she could to help him heal, and that included looking after the store so he wouldn't need to worry about it.

  As she turned to leave the room she figured that the next time he woke up he would probably need the chamber pot, considering the water he'd just taken, and it would be prudent to send Myra with it. The woman looked like she could handle anything without becoming discomfited. Rita smiled to herself and thanked the Lord for Myra who obviously understood the type of people she and Robin obviously were.


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