Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9) Page 24

by Jaime Marks

  Kyle allowed his essence to flow through him as he assessed the state of his bonds. “The sooner the better. Alayne is trying to counter the binding in some way. I need to redo it.” He looked up at him. “You have to remember that he’s submitted to the binding numerous times over the years with Alayne and you’ve only bound him once.”

  Byryn breathed deeply and faced the others. “I won’t put him through the pain of trying to answer your questions. He can’t tell us anymore until we secure his bond. Alayne could kill him otherwise and I won’t risk it.”

  Cymeryn sighed. “What do you need to prepare?”

  “A transfusion and a ritual. I can work it on my own. It’s basically just chanting and I’ve already consecrated my dagger for ritual work.” Kyle shrugged as if he were talking about something simple, and for him really he was.

  He’d assisted in a lot of Alayne’s Dark Arts over the years and witnessed many more. When he had nothing else to do he’d study the scrolls and texts in Alayne’s libraries. That Priest and Syneous were fools. They thought Kyle was the weak link so they let him skate by them on so many things. It gave him the power and knowledge to counter tactics there’d never been knowledge of within the Fae before.

  “You’re referring to the Hidden Masking?” Staryana asked pondering their options.

  Kyle smiled teasingly at her, “Exactly. Soryia, have you been studying scrolls through my mind again?”

  She blushed looking slightly embarrassed and Byryn smirked. They all knew she took advantage of their link to study anything and everything they knew. His baby girl was a sponge. “I can’t get access to them anywhere else. I tried.”

  He chuckled, “You’re fine. I’m just teasing you. You know I’m an open book to you, so to speak.”

  She rolled her eyes but as a thought crossed her mind she just about bounced. “Can I help?” She asked eagerly.

  He considered it a moment. “It’s up to Byryn, but I don’t see why not. It shouldn’t strain you.”

  She looked to him with an excited glint in her eyes. She loved studying the Sacred Languages and rituals of both Dark and Light. She wouldn’t get a chance for something like this again. “I trust you, gemyn. I know you won’t put her in danger.”

  “How can we help?” Marcus requested. “What do you need to perform it?”

  Kyle looked to Byryn. “How do you want to do this?”

  “How direct does the transfusion need to be? Can you drink of me or does it need to be vein to vein?”

  “He can drink but that will take longer,” Staryana offered as Kyle allowed her to manage the information aspect with a proud smile. He’d been training her how to cast with her essence and harness her strength and ability. Really it was only through Staryana that he’d started to truly accept this part of himself. “Vein to vein would save time.”

  “Then we need tubing and the iv needles,” Byryn commented. “I guess we should go back to our suite and sort this out.”

  “No, it would be better if you remain here. This way if something goes wrong Marcus and I can heal you. We have the ability so we should utilize it. It will allow us to transition right into the other rituals that are needed.” Cymeryn took over as he was prone to do. “Marcus, take Staryana and get what you need. I will perform the Claiming immediately after, provided none take offense?” He looked up scanning the room.

  “No, do what needs to be done,” Grifyn assured them. “Wytheryn needs the unique support Byryn and Kyle’s experiences combined can offer him. I will always support him and I am ever here for him, but I recognize that I’m not versed enough to know how to best guide him.”

  Cymeryn nodded and turned to Demytria and Kato. “I know how you felt this morn. Where do you stand now?”

  Demytria studied them as she nodded her agreement. “Do what needs to be done to protect him.”

  Byryn removed his robe and set it aside. “If you want to do this here, how do you want to set it up?”

  His Dad came over and clasped his shoulder. “We should move two couches side by side so you can both be comfortable. Take the end of this one and we’ll swing it around,” he offered motioning to the two empty couches where their brothers generally joined them during meals. “I’ll assist you with the iv.”

  Grifyn had trained as both a Healer and a Guardian. His Father had insisted on it. Actually every Guardian had been field trained to tend to injuries in the absence of a Healer, similarly to how they trained medics in the army. Grifyion had founded the Hall of Healers and ensured that every Fae that went into battle had some degree of training in the ability, but all of his young had completed full tours in both disciplines.

  Kyle came over removing his shirt. “Are you sure you’re okay doing this again? You almost died last time…and you know the results now. I’m not sure how this will affect the bond.”

  Byryn shrugged with a smirk as he sat. “Do you really think you can be bound to me more closely?” He smiled secretly and Byryn chuckled catching some of the erotic images that flowed through his mind. That was the one bond between the two of them that he couldn’t wait to complete. “Remind me I want to revisit that thought later. Now sit your ass down and stop tormenting me,” he commanded but it held a teasing edge to it.

  He laid back and watched as Astryn came to lean against the arm of the couch where Kyle sat, watching them both. He looked up at her quizzically but she just shook her head and smiled. “I just want to be close.”

  He nodded considering everything that had happened. She’d been really quiet through it all. “Are you alright, eria? I know some of this was difficult for you. I’m sorry we couldn’t avoid it.”

  She shrugged. “You always do what you need to do to take care of us, Byryn, you both do. I understand. I’m just worried about the backlash if my Father ever finds out.”

  “Don’t worry about that, mea. I’ll handle it if it becomes an issue,” Kyle reassured her taking her hand.

  Cymeryn cleared his throat. “Your Father will never know what’s said in closed doors, Astryn. None of us would do that to you.”

  She smiled softly, but Byryn felt her reluctance to believe it and he couldn’t fault her. Astryn knew all too well how easily rumors started and how much impact they could have on her life. Cymeryn seemed to pick up on her distrust, but he kept his opinions to himself and excused himself to prepare for the Claiming.

  Wytheryn came over and sat beside him and Byryn took his hand, sensing his tension. “Relax. We’ll fix this. I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t comfortable with it, oryto. I might not have understood it when we discussed it last night, and we’re both still adjusting, but I want you with us.” He didn’t say anything, just folded over laying on Byryn’s chest holding him. Byryn stroked his hair and back a few moments before releasing him. “You ok?”

  “I think so. My mind feels confused and foggy from bearing Alayne’s penance and I ache from whatever he I is attempting…” he spoke quietly holding him tighter. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate all you’ve both done for me. Whatever happens…”

  “Don’t,” Byryn demanded, cutting him off. “Nothing’s going to happen. We’re going to fix this.”

  He nodded as Kyle reached over grabbing his hand. He pulled him close and wrapped his arms around him. “We’ve got you, oryto. We’ll make this right for you. I know you don’t understand this, but you’re important to us. We value you, oryto.” He rubbed his back calming him. “This wasn’t a decision I made lightly. I couldn’t bind you. It would’ve been too much for me and it would need to be done continually on and off to reaffirm it. With my blood that’s not really feasible, but I can give you this.”

  Byryn smiled as he watched them. As odd as it was, Wytheryn was like a son to them in many ways now. He was so child-like in some of his interactions and there was a naivety to him that he hated to admit he enjoyed. It allowed them to connect on a level that he didn’t think would be possible otherwise. It felt good to give him what he needed and provide for him

  He couldn’t deny it was part of his nature. Byryn took care of everyone important to him and saw to their needs. This wasn’t really any different, but with Wytheryn, more so than any of his brothers, he felt an air of protectiveness and responsibility. It sort of mirrored what he felt for Kylion and Bryce, though in a different level. Maybe it was because he had intimate knowledge of his past, or because of the bonds between them, but he’d learned not to ignore his instincts. He knew this was what Wytheryn needed to find his place among them and he’d never deny him.

  Chapter 23

  Mythos knelt down in front of her, and she tried, but she couldn’t avoid his eyes. It was difficult to deny him anything. Having him so close but not being able to go to him was torture. He reached into his robes pulling out the familiar black case that held what was supposed to be her necklace. She’d taken it off and given it to him before he left her just this morning. He’d needed it so it could be placed on her neck in front of the entire Kingdom.

  “This is yours, Stephynia. If we are not performing the ritual today, you should have it back,” he explained as he handed it to her.

  She hesitated. So many times before they’d even met she’d dreamt of this necklace, seen in on her own neck. Now she didn’t even think it would clasp. Only the true Queen could wear it when she’d accepted that role, and she wasn’t worthy of her crown. Really she was surprised it hadn’t fallen off of her by now.

  “You should keep it, Mythos. It was your Mother’s and…I don’t think I can wear it anymore,” she admitted.

  He breathed deeply and she could see his barely restrained tears. “At least take it to hold until we sort this out. I know you think we are finished, Stephynia, but I know that is not possible, even if you do not yet understand it. Keep it until such time as you either feel comfortable enough to wear it again…or we both agree to part ways,” he conceded.

  Her hand shook as she took the rectangular case with its beautiful engraving. Her heart was literally breaking. When their fingers brushed, their essence to instantly wrapped around each other’s and pulling away from him was the hardest thing she ever had to do.

  He sighed, running a hand through his long, thick hair. Her fingers ached, wanting to touch it, but she wouldn’t cross that line. “Will you dine with me this eve?”

  She shook her head. “I…I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Mythos frowned as he looked away. “I will give you space this day, but I will see you the morrow. I need to return to the Palace this eve to manage the fallout from cancelling the Bonding. As I said, we will dine together regularly until we sort this out. I should tell you, however, I will be here more than anticipated. I know I promised you more time, but…” He glanced over his shoulder at the others. “I need to be here until I am certain things have been repaired in our family. Now is not the time for this dissension. We need to be unified.”

  She’d expected that after everything that had happened today. He was right. This couldn’t continue.

  “I figured you would feel that way. I can go back to my old quarters. You should have your suite,” she suggested. “There’s no reason for you to be uncomfortable.”

  “No,” he stated flatly. “You were attacked in that room and I will not have you staying in quarters where I already know you do not feel safe. You may be determined to deny me, caria, but I still love you. I will see you are cared for and provided for.”

  She nodded unable to look at him. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and she didn’t want him to see her like this. He’d always been so good to her, even when she betrayed him with Rav again and again he cared for her. What was she going to do? It was like she was torn in two. She couldn’t deny she loved Mythos, and she knew this was where she belonged, but part of her needed Rav. It wasn’t just about her Father anymore. She couldn’t explain or define it, but it was true.

  “How are you handling everything that was discussed earlier, caria?” He requested. “I know you and Staryana were once much…closer.”

  She shrugged. “If she’s happy, I’m happy for her. It’s fine really. I was a bit caught off guard by the whole her and Astryn thing originally, but I’m not entirely surprised. I’ve kind of known since the day Kyle and Astryn were bound. I caught her interactions with Star and figured it out.”

  He nodded again, but she could tell he’d realized she’d hidden Star and Astryn’s relationship from him. It wasn’t that she was trying to keep it from Mythos. She was just protecting Star and if that meant she had to keep some secrets about his niece, so be it. It wasn’t her truth to tell.

  A few minutes passed in silence between them before he met her eyes again. “I miss you, caria. I know it has not been long, but it feels like an eternity since I have had you in my arms. It is clear there are things we must deal with between us, but they are not so bad that we cannot fix this. Please think about all I have said. If you let me in, we can sort this out together. You need not do this alone, ever.”

  “I know, Mythos.” She rubbed her eyes with a groan, hating this. “Just…let me figure out where my head and heart are at and then we’ll at least talk, alright?”

  He seemed to relax somewhat, but what he didn’t realize was she doubted he’d appreciate what she would likely have to tell him. “Alright, then I will leave you for now.”

  She surveyed the room. “I’m going back to our…” She paused as the pain of realization rolled through her. It wasn’t their room anymore. “…my room. I need to rest a bit.”

  He rose, stepping back to allow her to leave. Meryn fell in step just behind her in the hall as she went through the Palace. It annoyed her that she was technically locked in here, but the truth was none of their efforts mattered. They could lock her down physically but they couldn’t stop her from using her mental abilities.

  She knew what she needed to do even if she couldn’t believe she was really going to do it. Part of her felt sick to her stomach just considering it, but she needed to understand. She needed to know why she couldn’t stop giving herself to Ravyshyn. What was it that made it so easy for him to control her? And why did it make her feel safe when she damned well knew it wasn’t? She’d faced everything in her life head on. If she was going to understand this, figure out what the hell to do about it, she needed to be the one taking action. It was time to confront Rav.

  Ravyshyn lay on the cot in Vilyn’s quarters, recovering. Pravyous had punished the three of them for failing to obtain Byryn’s brat and losing more members of the Brood. Really it hadn’t been much of a punishment to him. He found he rather enjoyed the pain and depravity his sire and his Commander enjoyed. Alayne was a hell of a lot worse and it gave him an outlet for his frustration.

  Once again Steph was out of his reach. He needed a means to reach her aside from just mentally. He felt like she was at some pivotal point in her mind that he needed the chance to exploit and he couldn’t be there to gage it or control it. If he could just get the upper hand somehow…

  A subtle burn rolled through him and he reveled in it. She was calling him, requesting entry or inviting him in. As if he wouldn’t choose the possibility to have full run of her mind. This was a beast of an entirely different breed and they both knew it. Invading her mind while she was fighting him was one thing, but having full reign to do what he wished? It was exactly what he needed.

  He could sense her confusion and pain even through the veil between realms. She wasn’t doing this for him. She needed answers for herself. Apparently his sweets enjoyed his present far more than she would ever admit, enough that she needed to know why. He chuckled to himself allowing his mind and essence to flow freely over their connection.

  When he reached her, she stood in a meadow at twilight, staring up at a moon. He walked over and waited, allowing her to gather her thoughts before she faced him. He could just take over, command her will, but he could tell that was what she wanted most right now. She was feeling lost and out of control, unsure of her every action and how
delicious that was? It was the perfect time to exert his dominance over her and gain the upper hand. If he could just reach her he would own her completely.

  He needed to keep her off balance until that was possible. If necessary, he’d leverage the full force of the power he held over her. He’d already managed to prevent the Bonding this eve. Now he just needed her to accept where she truly belonged. With him.

  “You called me, sweets?” He taunted, knowing how difficult this was on her.

  She still loved the Fae, sickeningly so. It was the one thing he couldn’t change, but he’d exploit her pain and guilt. Steph had always been a bit self-defeating and masochistic when it came to managing her own faults. In a way that’s why he was here. She was punishing herself, even if she didn’t realize it.

  She glanced at him and nodded but turned back to look up at the moon. “Why won’t you let me go, Rav? Why do you insist on holding onto me?”

  He walked up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. There was nothing that said he couldn’t enjoy this time with her. If she was going to let him in, he’d let her remember what it felt like to be his. He missed the closeness between them.

  “You’re mine, Steph. Why would I let you go? We both know it’s true; don’t we? I’m the only one who can give you what you need.” He gripped her throat, holding her in place with just enough pressure to give her what she craved. “Tell me you didn’t enjoy what I did to you earlier. Tell me you don’t like when I control you like this, Steph.”

  “I…” She hesitated.

  “You’ll answer me and you won’t lie to me,” he Commanded, using the strength he knew he held over her as he tossed her to the ground. She wasn’t human but she’d let him in freely. With the will she’d relinquished and the bind he held it should allow him to gain control, especially if she gave in. “Face me and kneel.”

  She fought it as the power of his Command ripped through her mind. She fought hard. The burn of her essence as it flared would have been too much if he were a lesser Shade, but he reveled in it as he stared down at her. He’d always been strong in mental manipulation. It was something that just came naturally to him.


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