Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9) Page 27

by Jaime Marks

  He knelt lifting Wytheryn’s head to meet his gaze. “Oryto,” he whispered in promise, knowing he needed to feel this with them right now. He pat his cheek and guided him to his feet supporting his weight. “How do you feel?”

  “Well, but…” He shook his head in confusion. “There is an odd sensation. Waves and pulses.”

  Byryn held him close as he explained. “You’re awakening. We were hoping it wouldn’t be triggered, but burning Alayne’s essence out like Kyle did created an imbalance and caused your essence to surge.”

  Kyle gently rubbed his back. “Relax oryto, I promise you’ll be fine.” He met Byryn’s eyes. “It’s solid. It can’t be broken except by us both and it would be risky to even attempt it.”

  He nodded and turned to see Narysia standing beside Astryn. The poor girl was scared to death. “Come here, sunshine. He needs you,” he commanded and she moved immediately to their side.

  Wytheryn pulled back a moment to embrace her, but Byryn hooked him under his shoulder to prevent him from collapsing on her. “It’s ok, beautiful. I’m fine, Rysa.”

  Kyle nodded pulling his essence back, seeming satisfied with his work. “Take her with you. It’ll ease them both.”

  “Where are you going?” Cymeryn prompted and Byryn could feel his irritation but he didn’t have time for it.

  He gave Kyle an apologetic shrug before turning to deal with his mates’ Father. “He’s awakening. I need to tend to him,” he said, not bothering to hide the absurdity in his tone seeing as how he’d just heard him explain that he was awakening and why. “Or would you like to sense him yourself first, Grandsire?”

  His tone gave Cymeryn pause on multiple levels. First it was a direct challenge and he’d never once met him with anything but respect. Second, it let him know how Byryn took his interference. He hadn’t expected it would offend him. Least of all, it pointed out everything Byryn had said. Cymeryn didn’t trust him. Either of them really, but especially him.

  Marcus stepped up to them, resting his hands on his brother’s shoulders to calm his anger. “Go, Byryn. Tend to your brother and we’ll see you for meal this eve. I know we generally eat with everyfae together, but I think we need some time with just us. We’ll meet in our quarters.”

  Devyn interceded as he walked over to them, “I think not. Byryn, you will go tend to Wytheryn’s awakening and notify either myself or Mythos when this is complete. You will all report here for meal this eve when we order it. Byryn’s and Kyle’s brothers will not be joining us but may use your suite if you allow it so that they may dine together. Wytheryn and Narysia are excused or may join either group. I have had enough. Since it is clear you cannot sort this amongst yourselves, as Patryarch, I am pulling rank. We will deal with this as we did when all of you were young squabbling needlessly over shared toys since some of us have forgotten ourselves.”

  Byryn rose a brow in amusement but nodded before turning to Staryana. “Come here, baby girl.” She walked over watching her Dads cautiously as he embraced her. “Water, eat, rest. That’s it today, got it?”

  She scowled at him. “I have duties I need to attend to.”

  “Not today you don’t. If you hadn’t taxed your body by blocking us so hard earlier and then chose to participate in two rituals, I’d let it go. It’s been a stressful day and you’re carrying my young. Be grateful I don’t tie your gorgeous ass to bed to keep you there,” he teased in her ear so the others wouldn’t hear him. He knew it taunted her. “Do as I say and listen to your fratyn while I’m busy.”

  She kissed him as she whispered through his mind with a sigh. “Yes, Daddy.”

  “I’ll see you soon,” he promised before pegging Astryn with a stern gaze from across the room. “That goes for you to, eria.”

  She smiled and nodded. He knew she enjoyed that he never forgot her. He looked to Kyle a minute, hating that he was leaving him to deal with the fallout on his own.

  “Go, he’s still your brother. We agreed you’d awaken him and one of us should see to the girls. It’s fine, really,” he promised. “I can handle my Dad if need be. I knew it would probably turn out this way anyway.”

  “Alright, I love you, gemyn.” Byryn misted them without another word setting them down directly on their bed.

  Narysia looked around in confusion but seemed to relax almost immediately. He knew it was hard on her to be around the others right now. She’d get used to it, but she was still working through everything she’d been through on top of it. Their sunshine needed time to heal before she had to worry about learning how to be part of this family.

  “Wytheryn, you need to disrobe down to your shorts,” he commanded as he stood and began to remove his own robes. He froze when he realized Narysia was looking between them with wide eyes. She was shaking like a leaf.

  Byryn assessed her a minute before kneeling in front of her. “Narysia, sweetie, look at me,” he requested keeping his voice low with command but softer than normal, The last thing he wanted was to trigger her further. She met his eyes and he recognized the panic in them. He’d seen it last night. “Listen to me, sunshine. I will never touch you like that. Do you hear me?”

  She nodded breathing slowly. “I know…I’m sorry…it wasn’t…”

  “Shhh,” he comforted, very slowly pulling her close. When he didn’t sense any further distress he hugged her. “If you want you can sit in the chair. You don’t have to be on the bed with us.”

  She hesitated looking to Wytheryn who was gritting through a wave of essence. Byryn reached over and grabbed his leg to balance him more easily so he could address her. He didn’t know how far his awakening had progressed but he guessed by the strength of it that t wouldn’t take long. It had been processing for a few days without him even noticing before the rituals jumpstarted it.

  “Rysa, come here, beautiful,” Wytheryn breathed. She crawled up to him and he pulled her down for a chaste kiss. “You don’t have to be here.”

  “I, I want to. I don’t want to leave you.”

  He nodded kissing her head. “Go sit in the chair until you calm down. Then you can join us if you like.”

  Byryn turned away from her and removed his robes and silks, leaving only his shorts. He went to Wytheryn, helping him to finish undressing. He was exhausted from the combination of Alayne’s attack and the rituals. The awakening was going to be hard for him to manage.

  “How are you doing, oryto?”

  “Is it supposed to be this intense?” he questioned and the look in his eyes made him wonder if his brother thought he was still being punished.

  “Yes and no. The rituals were an added strain on your body, but you’re Sacred Borne. Our awakenings are generally a little intense.” Shuffling the blankets out of their way he sat back against the headboard trying to get comfortable. “Come here, oryto. The awakening requires skin to skin contact,” he commanded positioning Wytheryn in front of him. “I know you’re tired, but I need you to feel the flow of essence through you and help me find the point of balance. When the flow feels too intense push your essence into me. If it ebbs off, I need you to pull my essence into you. It’ll keep it more manageable.”

  Byryn monitored him closely. It wasn’t the awakening itself that was difficult. It wasn’t really any worse than Staryana’s had been. Wytheryn was just severely drained. His body had been through enough of a shock today that if the pulses grew any stronger it could be dangerous. He’d have to make a decision soon, but he was leaning more and more towards involving Kyle. It would only strengthen their bond and there was no reason to risk going it alone.

  Chapter 25

  Kyle escorted the girls into the suite, stopping dead as his Father misted in front of him. They’d known there was likely to be fall out from what they did, but he was hoping with Devyn stepping in the way he had he’d be able to avoid it for now.

  He kissed each of the girls on the head allowing his essence to flow over them and mentally commanded them to his room. Cymeryn watched them both leave
, thankfully not giving them a hard time about it. They really did need some rest after straining themselves the way they had. Kyle reached out and Nixie appeared in front of him.

  “I need you and Ellie to see to the girls. They need water and snacks.” She nodded sensing the tension in the air and flitted off. “Thank you, Nixie,” he offered knowing she’d hear him.

  His Father levelled the full brunt of his gaze on him. “What was that?”

  He shrugged, playing dumb since that’s how he felt he was being treated. “I needed to see to the girls.”

  “That is not what I meant and you know it,” his Dad all but snarled. “You altered the Claiming ritual without informing me, and if I am not mistaken, you also altered the Binding.”

  Kyle crossed his arms. “So what’s the problem?”

  “Why did you not discuss it with me?” He demanded.

  “Because I did what had to be done in the moment to protect my progeny just as you would do with me,” he replied levelly and waited for the response.

  “You were not conducting the ritual. Both Reyana and Marcus were completely aware of my intentions, and for Staryana’s Claiming we even made sure Grifyn was aware so he could run interference with Byryn since we could not risk him knowing. Everyfae involved aside from you and your sister knew,” he argued. “I was conducting the ceremony. You should have informed me. I realize your sister was aware but she was only assisting and obviously Byryn knew. Any of you could have informed me telepathically through our bonds.”

  He nodded. “Ok, maybe you’re right. We should have told you; but let’s say we did. What would you have done?”

  His Dad ran a hand through his hair. “You triggered his awakening, Kyle, and I saw him. He was just about in shock from the trauma of what you performed at one point. You could have killed him. What you did was a very risky technique and you have yet to ascertain the full extent of your abilities. There is a reason certain methods are considered Dark Arts. They are dangerous. If you had informed me, at the least Marcus and I would have been able to assist you.”


  His eyes narrowed. “So you would rather risk the life of your newly Claimed son than allow us to assist you? Do you not hear yourself? Do you not realize how ridiculous that sounds?”

  Kyle blew out an exasperated breath. “Dad, I love you, and I respect the hell out of you, but Byryn and I know you don’t trust us.” He raised a hand stopping his rebuttal. “And I don’t just mean on a fundamental level of right or wrong. What I mean is you’re overprotective and controlling on a good day. You and Uncle Marcus have only had your abilities a few short weeks longer than we have. When you and Marcus pulled that stunt at our Claimings, or even burned the essence out of Byryn and Staryana to protect them from Lazurys, you didn’t know the full extent of your abilities; but you had an innate knowledge and you trusted yourselves and each other enough to do what needed to be done. Yet when either I or Byryn suggest anything you either need to involve yourselves and take over, or shoot the idea down entirely.”

  “I see. So because the two of you felt the need to prove yourselves to me and make a point, you decided to risk Wytheryn’s life? That sounds so much better,” he retorted.

  Kyle drew a breath to calm himself. “Dad, Wytheryn wouldn’t have allowed Marcus to do it. I’m not sure he would’ve let you perform it after the way you and Byryn had just gone at it. As it was he was leery of having you perform the ceremony. There’s a reason he insisted on only myself or Byryn, and if I had more time to convince him I would’ve waited, but Alayne was breaking through Byryn’s hold. He will kill Wytheryn if he can. That’s not even a question in my mind. So yes, I performed the technique, myself, using the knowledge and power that I damned well know I have. I’m Alayne’s grandson. I’ve had access to his private libraries. There are techniques and rituals I’m witnessed, experienced, and studied that you can’t even dream of. Like it or not I was born a Priest and that grants me the knowledge and ability to manage this shit.”

  “And what reason is it that he insisted solely on you or Byryn?” His Father demanded ignoring everything else he’d said. Kyle fought not to roll his eyes at the predictability of it. Of course that was the only thing he’d hear out of all of it.

  “Because he’s convinced that one way or another there will come a point when Byryn and I will end up on opposite sides of this war from you and Uncle Marcus. With the binding in place his loyalty will always remain with Byryn. He didn’t want to risk choosing someone else and being torn between his Master and his Father if they ended up on opposite sides. It doesn’t even have to be a matter of Shade and Fae. Hell, it’s happening now and it’s ridiculous because it doesn’t have to. Star and I have been in the middle of this for days, Astryn skirts the sidelines, and you and Byryn keep going head to head. Half of what you chastise him for aren’t even his decisions, they’re mine, but you won’t even listen to me when I try to take responsibility for my own actions.”

  “It is clear Byryn has taken a sort of lead position among the four of you and he is your mentor. He has been here longer and knows how our world works. Aside from this he knows what I expect. If he is going to claim such then it is his responsibility to see the rest of you follow our rules as well.”

  “You mean as well as you and Marcus do?” He challenged. “Let me see, what kind of examples can I pull from my gemyn’s mind? How about how Marcus hid your Redemption and Reyana’s pregnancy from the others to the point where they were all at each other’s throats about it for weeks because he knew they weren’t ready to hear it and he needed to have everything in place first? Or maybe we should go with the way you manipulated the situation when you promoted Demytria, keeping it from Uncle Mythos and Grifyn until you knew they wouldn’t be able to argue the point? Or should we go with how you mist from the room to avoid any topic you don’t want to discuss? Byryn’s right on this Dad. The two of you do whatever you feel is needed all the time, but when the situation’s reversed and we’re in the lead roles it’s suddenly a problem. You don’t trust us and it’s causing issues.”

  His Dad scrubbed his face and groaned, “You two are impossible. Do you not understand that we are trying to protect you? That you are our young and we have already lost you once? There is a threat that we cannot fully ascertain the measure of against the four of you. We are trying to help you.”

  “How exactly are you helping us, Dad? By restricting us openly? By challenging and questioning everything we do?”

  Kyle cursed under his breath feeling the girls’ alarm at how he was raising his voice. Drawing a deep calming breath, he steadied himself. Byryn was probably going to need him soon. This needed to end so he could see to the girls before he could assist with Wytheryn’s awakening.

  “Look, I have to see to the girls and we aren’t getting anywhere. They really need to get some rest and I don’t want them upset. It’s already been a really long day and it’s not over. We still need to meet for dinner to hash all this out anyway,” he attempted logically, hoping that his Dad was as fed up with the conversation as he was.

  “Perhaps we could both use some time to allow cooler heads to prevail,” his Father conceded with a nod. “I know you do not believe it right now, but I do trust you, and I have faith in you and Byryn both. I am hard on you because I am trying to teach you and protect you. I love you, Kyle. You are my son. Byryn is my Fae in-law, apparently twice over, as well as my grand progeny. I love him as well. Staryana is my bonded-daughter and not only is Astryn my Fae in-law but I adore the girl. Before you judge me so harshly, perhaps you should consider what choices you would make in mine and your Uncle’s place were you to be dealing with your own young. You will find it is not as easy as you think,” he replied misting from the suite. It wasn’t really a surprise. His Dad and Uncle Marcus seemed to enjoy getting the last word like that.

  He entered the room to find the girls kissing passionately on the bed, half naked. He leaned back against the wall watching them
a moment, debating how strict Byryn’s rules were for the day. It was a tantalizing temptation to work his frustrations out on both of their asses after their little stunts. They definitely both deserved it, but luckily for them he didn’t have time and he didn’t want to risk taking all this out on them.

  They’d never strike either of them in anger. It probably seemed like it to them, but their scenes were about control, not lashing out. Everything they did was planned out to some degree, formulated to set a mood or put them in a specific mindset. Whether they were geared towards pleasure or punishment, he and Byryn were always in control…and right now they both definitely deserved a punishment.

  He knew from practicing his mental control and manipulation himself how painful it was to block Astryn and especially Byryn. It was easier to block his sister, but not by much. He and Byryn were skilled at it. Star was pretty decent herself. She could hide little things and tidbits of information, but she couldn’t manage to completely block all of them without some backlash. Astryn was learning, but he could only imagine how difficult holding the blocks in place for that long had been.

  “I know you two both heard what Byryn asked of you,” he levelled, allowing that stern command to resonate through him.

  They broke the kiss but didn’t pull apart. Star measured him with a sigh. “Really?” Of the two of them she would be the one to push her luck. Always. Astryn might act like a spitfire on occasion, but she generally gave control over freely. She said she enjoyed the way they took care of her. Star enjoyed it too, but she also enjoyed pushing her limits to see what they would do.

  “Really. I suggest you both remember who your pleasure belongs to and consider the fact that you have a punishment coming.” He met each of their gazes to ensure he had their attention before he continued, “You will eat. Then you will rest. Until we tell you otherwise you won’t pleasure yourselves or each other, and if I have to put a chastity belt on either of you, I promise you’ll regret it.”


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