Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9)

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Shattered (Mists of the Fae Book 9) Page 33

by Jaime Marks

  Narysia gasped as Byryn repositioned her carefully so that she was leaning partially on his and Kyle’s chests. Wytheryn moved with her, kissing and biting his way over her body. She was on fire, but he was all she could feel. She knew the Princes were there, knew her body touched theirs in small ways, but she’d gotten over that a couple hours ago. She felt safe and comfortable with them there actually.

  Wytheryn’s fingers slid inside her, cutting off all thought as his thumb circled the sensitized bundle of nerves that her clit had become. Nothing had ever felt as good as his touch. She moaned softly and he captured it with a kiss.

  “Please, please Wytheryn,” she begged not even sure if the words were spoken or thought.

  He sucked her nipple in his mouth, grazing it with his teeth as he continued to tease and torment her. She squirmed but he gripped her wrists and put them over her head where a strong hand engulfed them holding her firmly in place while he pinned her lower half and continued his perusal of her body. All thought shut down and there was nothing but sensation. The way his tongue traced her body, the thrust of his fingers, his erection grazing her thigh.

  His tongue left her skin only to plunge deeply into her mouth and she moaned plaintively as his fingers left her core. A heated wave of essence seemed to engulf them, growing in intensity, but he kept it balanced. It only seemed to add to her desire.

  The intensity increased as the blunt tip of his sex pressed slowly into her tight core and her head swam. Narysia could feel herself spasming against him already as he began to press deeper. She whimpered slightly in pain as he stretched her, but the intensity of the essence overshadowed it beginning to consume her. She felt three distinct essences swim over her, entwining with her very being, and a sudden thrust buried Wytheryn deeply inside her as memories and thoughts swam through her mind so quickly she could barely processes everything that was happening.

  His body moved inside her, sending waves of pleasure coursing through her, and she squirmed to free her hands to touch him but she was still restrained. Slowly she began to meet his thrusts, moaning out his name as her legs wrapped around him, begging him not to stop.

  “Rysa, my beautiful, beautiful pet,” he groaned, “nothing should feel this good.”

  His thumb found her clit again and he massaged it as he thrust deeply into her. A pleasure built inside her she’d never known possible and she cried out her pleas frantically. She had no idea what she needed, all she knew was him. He’d worked her to climax so many times but this was so intense.

  Everything he felt she could feel, every thought he had she knew. She loved him. If she hadn’t known it before, there was no question now. She knew every fragile corner of his mind. What he felt when she was near, how she made him feel like he wanted something more, something safe and real for her. What he saw when he looked at her? She’d never felt more beautiful, more cherished in her life.

  Her heart broke for every second of pain he’d endured, every strained attempt to gain favor for just a few moments of kindness, and the cold indifference that had formed in him over the years as a means of protection. Only those in his inner sphere of influence even registered. He knew so little of the world around him because he’d been taught it wasn’t for him. If it took her the rest of their days she’d show him he deserved so much more, that he was so much more than he believed. That he deserved every bit of the happiness, pleasure, and hope he wanted for her.

  Wytheryn stared down into her eyes, holding them in awe. She was incredible. How she saw him, what she felt…it overwhelmed his heart and he didn’t know how to respond. He let his body show her what he felt, giving her all the pleasure he could manage.

  The way she clenched him, the feel of their essence merging. He had thought he knew what pleasure was but it had a new definition and it was her. Their pleasure peaked and he thrust deeply into her, holding there as she spasmed around him crying out from the intensity of it. Her body trembled from the sheer force of her climax and he collapsed on her as the combination of what they were feeling overwhelmed him.

  He had no idea how long he lay there holding her, murmuring her praise. Never. Never would he release her and no other would ever touch her. She was his.

  “She is yours,” Byryn reassured him kissing his head. “Now you understand?” He nodded unable to form actual words as his sire caressed his cheek. “Good. Enjoy her this eve. I don’t want the two of you involved in this meeting. Relax and take care of one another.”

  “But…” He began to argue but felt a firm smack on his thigh as his…Father? Sire? Kyle? ...reprimanded him.

  “No buts, Wytheryn. This isn’t your fight and you’ve both been through enough,” he reasoned. “And all of those are fine in private. Whatever you feel is appropriate because you are oryto, ours,” he reminded him, “and I accept the uniqueness of this bond we share. I understand it. Whatever is comfortable for you I’ll accept.”

  Kyle kissed his head then leaned down kissing Narysia on her head. “Rest sunshine. I’ll handle everything for you tonight.”

  Byryn kissed her head. “No more worries. The past is gone...” He met each of them in the eyes. “For both of you. You’re both ours. Neither of you ever have to go back to the pain you’ve endured. I swear to you, we’ll protect you.” He kissed them each again and stood picking up his robes. “I mean it. Enjoy each other and rest. I’ll be back with meals for the two of you shortly.”

  Kyle kissed their heads and stood. “We’re leaving the seals in place to grant you the privacy you need.”

  Then they were gone, leaving them alone. He stared down at her kissing her again. He was literally unable to stop. She smiled shyly up at him as if she didn’t know what to say, but she didn’t need to. He knew everything she thought and felt.

  He smirked as he caught her nervous questions. “Neither of them think any differently of you, pet. If anything they adore you.” He kissed her softly. “Our sires cherish you.”

  She blushed. “I know, it’s just the realization of what we did with them here.”

  He chuckled. “I suggest you get over it or they’ll likely tease you relentlessly until you do.” He forced himself to his feet.

  “Where are you going?” She asked tentatively.

  He smiled warmly leaning down to kiss her. “You’re tired and sore. I’m going to draw you a bath and care for you. By then Byryn should be back with our meal.”

  He walked into the bathroom and began setting things up. He wanted to give her every comfort, every joy that he could offer. Nothing he ever felt compared to how he felt for her. She was his world in so many ways.

  He understood now everything Byryn had tried to explain. If another ever touched her, even his sires, he’d want their blood. There were two that were on borrowed time as it were for the pain they’d caused her. She was his and no other would ever hurt her again.

  Chapter 31

  Devyn felt more than heard the knock and smirked that he even bothered. He had been expecting the boy. “You may enter, Byryn,” he said quietly, knowing he would hear him regardless. Bryce lay sleeping on his chest while Felycia slept in the chair. He did not wish to disturb them.

  He appeared before them sizing up the room with a small smile. “Adorable,” he whispered. “The both of them, really. I never see her that at peace.”

  “She is happy for the most part. Guilt and shame war within her at times, and her insecurities are often something she needs to overcome, but she is settling into this and I will guide her through it,” he afforded.

  “Thank you, Devyn, for caring for my family so well. I know this is an impossible situation, and you should almost hate me for it…” He shook his head. “…but you’ve been nothing short of a miracle for us both. Without you I doubt that she and I would’ve ever bridged the gaps between us enough for her to accept me, let alone trust me with our…Bryce.” He swallowed hard a moment. It was a rare show of vulnerability over having to deny his son.

  “He is our son, Byry
n. Here in this suite, he will always be all of ours. I may have Claimed him, but you are also his Father,” Devyn assured him but he shook his head.

  “It can’t be that way, Devyn, as much as I appreciate you saying it.” He sighed running a hand through his hair. “I don’t want him to be ashamed of who he is, or feel there’s something wrong with him. If he knows that I’m his Father before he’s old enough to understand it, if there’s even a way to understand it, he’ll have to hide it every day for the rest of his life. It’s hard enough on us. I don’t want him to have to struggle with this.”

  Devyn breathed deeply but nodded. Ultimately he was right, but none of them liked it very much. “Sit. You did not come here merely to discuss this. I assume you wish to discuss what is happening between you and Cymeryn?”

  Byryn shook his head and ran a hand through his hair as he paced a moment, actually looking a lot like Cymeryn looked lately. “I don’t know what to do. I’ve tried to do things his way, but he’s damned restrictive when it comes to us. Quite frankly I’m sick of it. According to tradition once you awaken you’re considered an adult. I get none of us aside from Astryn grew up here, but we seriously assist in running the Kingdoms. Kyle and I oversee the Personal Guard, assist with training at the Academy of the Securine, assist in planning missions, give advice on advances at the fronts and security in the realms, sit on the Council, help write and rewrite laws, develop our own policies for the Liaisons’ office and oversee every unawakened in this realm. Not to mention we’re both bonded, I have a son I’ve claimed, Bryce goes without saying, and now we both have young on the way. He can’t have it both ways, Devyn. I understand his concerns, but he can’t place me in a command position and then constantly undermine my authority.”

  Devyn nodded. “Then you understand that Cymeryn does trust you?”

  He hesitated but shook his head seeming in disagreement. “On a fundamental level? Yes. He knows I love and protect Staryana. He knows I would do anything to protect this family and my own line. I’m pretty sure he even trusts me with decisions regarding the safety of the Kingdoms. At the same time…” He scrubbed his face. “Damn this is so hard to explain. Let’s use the ritual as an example. You were at both Staryana’s and Kyle’s Claimings. The twins use their powers and their innate knowledge to do what’s needed when they feel it’s necessary, but after the ritual today, Cymeryn cornered Kyle and laid into him about altering the Claiming and Binding without informing him. So he called him out. Kyle admitted he probably should have let him know but asked what he would’ve done if he had told him beforehand. Of course the answer was to have Marcus assist him or come up with another way. He accused him of putting Wytheryn’s life in danger to make a point. Then when we informed him of Narysia’s awakening he all but accused us of provoking it because of the rituals. Her awakening was either in direct response to Wytheryn’s Dark essence interacting with her Light or the insane amount of stress she’s been through today. It had nothing to do with the damned rituals and seriously? Does he really believe either of us would have risked Wyth or Narysia over his crap?”

  Shaking his head, he stood and motioned for him to follow. He pondered the situation as he entered their chambers and laid Bryce down carefully. “Perhaps he just wants to train you or teach you in some fashion?”

  “Devyn, they’ve only had their abilities a couple weeks longer than we have and some of our abilities are different. The Divine Being granted us all unique gifts, including the twins. He also gave us the knowledge to use them. Yes, what we did was a risk, but only to the point that we knew we might need to heal him and he might go into the awakening. Both of those risks are perfectly acceptable if it keeps him safe from Alayne’s wrath. If we’d simply Claimed and rebound him, we would have had to keep redoing this over and over. There was too much of a chance that Alayne would eventually come up with some way to either break the bonds, or worse, block us entirely. Now the bond is in place, permanently, and the way he altered the Claiming allows Wytheryn to be able to connect with Kyle more comfortably as a member of his line, not necessarily as Father and son; although apparently Wytheryn feels that connection regardless.” Byryn shrugged.

  Devyn glanced at him. “He should not refer to him as such in public.”

  “He won’t. We’ve already had that discussion.”

  He walked back into the sitting room and scooped Felycia in his arms. She curled into his chest and he gently kissed her head, careful not to wake her. Byryn watched silently as he carried her back into the room and set her on the bed. He turned to him hesitating a moment. It was an uncomfortable request but he needed to consider Felycia’s feeling.

  “Would you wait for me in the sitting room?”

  Her brother arched a brow but realization settled quickly and he nodded. “Of course.”

  Devyn waited as he closed the door behind him and carefully stripped her of her gown before pulling the covers over her. She roused slightly looking up at him sleepily.

  “Bryce?” She asked with a yawn.

  “In his crib at your feet, my dear.” He kissed her softly. “I need to handle a few things but you should rest and one of us need to remain with Bryce until we ensure the risk has passed.”

  She nodded and reached up gripping his robe to pull him down into a deeper kiss. He groaned, threading his hand into her hair as he returned her passion. When she pulled back he smiled and kissed her head. “You, dear girl, make it difficult to leave this bed let alone this room. I love you, Felycia.”

  She sighed contently looking into his eyes. “I love you, too.”

  He forced himself to leave her and return to the sitting room. It was getting near excruciating to hold off on completing the bond. How she held out he had not a clue, but he wished he had her resistance because his was slowly cracking. He did not wish to pressure her but it was getting harder and harder to resist.

  Byryn looked up at him with a knowing smirk as he sat beside him. “How long are you two going to continue to torture yourselves? It has to be getting painful. The ritual is supposed to precede a mating by no more than a day. It fills you with energy that is expelled, solidifying your bonds, during mating. It’s not meant to be put off for too long.”

  Devyn nodded. “I can handle it until she is ready. I would like to get her out of here for a while, in all honesty, away from the stress and pressures of her routine. I wish to make this special for her.”

  “Then set up a candle light dinner, let us take care of Bryce, and shut everyone else out. You can’t hold out for the perfect moment, Devyn, you need to create it. If you wait too long, it’s going to make you both sick, if you don’t insane first.”

  “Perhaps you are right, but I am also granting her time to adjust. We will work it out,” he dismissed as he considered their options. “Would it be better, perhaps, if I were to talk to Cymeryn and then meet with the both of you together to mediate this? I realize there are issues with the rest of you as well, but I believe they all stem from the issues among you both. From what I saw this noon, you and Marcus should be able to patch things between you easily and Kyle and Staryana feel predominantly stuck in the middle.”

  “That might be best,” he admitted, “but only because I’m not even sure Cymeryn realizes what he’s doing entirely. It almost like he’s strung out or something. For one thing, Cymeryn never paces. He’s generally calm and stoic, but lately he’s been anything but. I don’t know what’s going on, but it’s affecting his judgment.”

  “Marcus suggested similar earlier. I may have helped ease both of them to some extent. They were struggling to come to terms with some of their Father’s actions.” He paused considering it. “Do you feel I need to have a conversation with Kyle about his Grandparents? Does he wish to know more about them?”

  Byryn shrugged but seemed to consider it a moment. “He generally feels that it doesn’t affect who he is and how he feels about the people in his life now, but I’ll discuss it with him. I’m not sure because we’ve never r
eally addressed it aside from him coming to terms with Mythos being his Uncle.”

  “Aye, that is still a difficult adjustment for them both at times, though that at least both accept it now,” he replied. “Let Kyle know my door is open to him should he ever wish. They did love each other, Cymarcion and Terysia. It was a complicated situation but I will gladly discuss it with him if he ever desired to know more.”

  Byryn nodded redirecting the conversation back. “I do think a lot of Kyle’s issues with his Dad right now are because of the tension with me, but there’s also more to it. Some of the things Cymeryn’s been riding me about were actually Kyle’s decisions or ideas and he won’t allow him to take responsibility for them. I get it. I’ve been head of our department longer, I’ve been here longer, and I tend to take lead between the four of us in most things so that the others don’t have to deal with it. That means in Cymeryn’s eyes I am responsible because I’m in command, but it doesn’t work like that between us. Kyle and I are on equal footing and he’s not used to that type of structure. In his mind if he makes a mistake or someone disagrees with his decisions, he should be held accountable for them. The fact that his Father so easily discounts that is causing a rift between them.”

  Devyn paused as he pondered that. “It is likely that he feels Cymeryn thinks he is incapable of making his own decisions, or that his Dad views him as inferior in some way. It is not the case. I understand why Cymeryn is directing his anger towards you. You were the Commander of the Brood under him, his protégé in some ways for years. He is used to you bending to his authority and some of the issue comes with the fact that you are no longer willing to do so. The Kings hold a higher ranking, but in terms of running the Kingdoms you are virtually on the same level and you demand that level of respect, Byryn. I have seen that strength in you. We all have. Even today, you walked in and simply began taking charge of the meeting. None of us take issue, but as your ideals and Cymeryn’s clash at times it is difficult for him to accept, I believe. It was to be expected, I suppose. You are both strong willed, intense personalities, and in a respect it is as if the progeny is beginning, in some ways, to challenge the sire. I realize that is not your relationship in reality, but it is how he treats you, as if you were his own; and you have seemed, until these last few days, to accept that fully with him. Now it is almost as if you are rebelling.”


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