Loving the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 2)

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Loving the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 2) Page 5

by Stone, Dee J.

  “Why in separate beds?” Sebastian asks.

  I nearly choke on my drink. Sebastian may have been on this world longer than us, but he’s completely clueless when it comes to human behavior. He and I have been sleeping together in my bed all this time—just sleeping, nothing more. He thinks that’s normal, when really many couples don’t do that until they’ve been dating for a while. He doesn’t understand what his question was implying.

  Mom blinks at him. “Excuse me?”

  He must sense his mistake because his alarmed eyes shoot to mine. “That is, uh…” He clears his throat. “Yes, I’ll sleep here.”

  “If the two of you are sleeping together—”

  “Mom!” I wish the couch would swallow me up. This is so mortifying. Talking about this in front of my mom when Sebastian and I have hardly spoken about it. A few days ago, he told me he thought about it, but that was it. I don’t even know how much he knows about sex.

  “I just want to make sure you’re taking the right measures, that’s all.”

  “Oh my god.” I want to bury my face in the couch pillow. I want to be anywhere but here. Mom and I have had “the talk” many times, but not in the presence of my boyfriend.

  “Right measures?” Sebastian’s forehead wrinkles. Then understanding flashes across his eyes. “Oh, I see.” His face reddens.

  “Can we please talk about something else?” I ask. “Or can we finish up this documentary and go to bed?”

  Mom tilts her head forward slightly. “Okay, but you and I are going to have a talk before you leave for New York.”

  I groan again.


  Mom has gone to sleep, and Sebastian and I are still on the couch, cuddled in each other’s arms. I’m worried Mom will walk in, but it feels so good to be this close to my genie that I don’t care.

  He’s munching on popcorn as we watch a romance movie. He grew obsessed with butter-flavored popcorn ever since I ate it a few weeks ago. I remember how much he wanted to taste it. Now he can’t get enough. He’s already on his second bag. I’m still stuffed from dinner—we had Chinese food, something Sebastian loved, too—but I keep stealing some popcorn from Sebastian’s bag.

  “This is so good,” he says, his mouth full. He just keeps adding more and more, even though there’s hardly any more room inside.

  “Careful. You’re going to choke.”

  He swallows and accepts the can of Coke I hand him. “I’ve never eaten such good food as I do now on Earth.”

  “You ate on Ortarus, didn’t you?”

  “A little. They provided the servants with peasant food.”

  “Like bread and water?”

  “Yeah.” He points to the screen. “The best part.”

  The man and woman are just about to kiss for the first time. Sebastian fits his fingers between mine and beams at me. His eyes then return to the screen, his smile widening.

  “Why do you like watching that?” I ask once the kiss scene is over.

  He arches an eyebrow. “Watching what?”

  “Characters kissing for the first time.”

  He plays with his empty Coke can, his face red.

  “I didn’t mean to embarrass you. I’m sorry.”

  “No, it’s okay. You can ask me anything you want.” He pauses. “I don’t know. I like the way it makes me feel here.” He touches his heart. “It reminds me of the first movie we watched together. When I asked you if you believed in love.”

  I nod. “And you told me that as a genie, you don’t fall in love.”

  He tucks me close. “I never imagined that would happen to me. I still don’t understand why it happened, but I’m glad it did.” He places his hand behind my neck and brings his mouth toward mine. When he’s less than an inch away, he stops, turning toward the doorway. “Will your mom catch us?”

  I grab his shirt, hauling him on top of me. “I don’t care.”

  His eyes don’t leave from the doorway. I pull on his shirt again, forcing him to look at me. “We’re together, Sebastian, and I love you. It’s okay for me to show you how much you mean to me.”

  “I love you more, but I don’t want your mother to think ill of me. She already sees me as strange.”

  I sit up, and he rolls off me. “No, she doesn’t.”

  He rubs the back of his head. “I acted weird at the restaurant when I didn’t know which pizza to choose. And she was surprised when I mentioned I never tasted noodles when we ate the Chinese food.” He frowns.

  I kiss his him. “Please don’t worry about that.”

  “Should we tell her the truth?”

  I’ve been pondering this, too. On the one hand, why should we bother telling her about something that is no longer relevant? Sebastian is human now, and should be treated as one. On the other hand, how could I keep something so big from her? Of course she’d think differently of Sebastian at first, but I’m sure she’ll come to accept him. Then again, I know her, and she’ll constantly be worrying about me.

  “You’re human now.” I run my finger along his cheek. “It doesn’t matter what you used to be, because you’re no longer that person. Mom wouldn’t judge you, but—”

  “She’d never see me the same.”

  “As much as she likes you, it’s just human nature to be suspicious and wary. But maybe we can tell her one day. When she’s gotten to know you well. Right now, it’s just too much of a bomb to throw on her.”

  He nods. “I think that would be best.” He gently lowers me to the couch and climbs on top of me, careful not to hurt me. He then slowly lowers his lips to my neck, pressing soft kisses on every inch of my skin, causing sparks to go off all over my body. My back arches and moans escape my lips. I completely forget where we are and that Mom is upstairs. It’s just Sebastian and me in our own world.

  He nuzzles my nose. “I wish I could sleep with you.”

  I sit up sharply, causing my nose to crash into his chest. “Ow.”

  “Are you okay?”

  I nod, massaging my nose. It doesn’t seem broken, doesn’t hurt that much, and it’s not bleeding. I didn’t mean to crash into him, I was just shocked by his words. Did he mean just sleep? Or did he mean sleep?

  As I gaze at him, I realize he meant just sleep. His eyes aren’t heavy with need and he looks…normal. Not like he just asked his girlfriend to take the next step with him.

  Maybe he’s not ready. He’s never done it before, either, and is only getting used to his human body. We can’t jump into something as serious as this.

  I yank him close, resting my cheek on his. It’s as soft as it always was. Like his body, he isn’t growing any facial hair. I can’t say I mind this, either. “When we get back home, we can sleep together as much as we want.”

  He smiles and kisses me so deeply and passionately that I feel myself floating to another world.

  Chapter Eight

  Monday morning, Sebastian is still asleep on the couch. Mom took off from work to spend another day with us. She and I have an appointment with our therapist later, and then Sebastian and I will fly back to New York early tomorrow. I’m letting my boyfriend sleep in because he looks so comfortable, with his hand slung over his face and his chest rising and falling softly. I want to jump into bed with him.


  I snap out of it. Mom and I are seated at the kitchen table. She’s drinking coffee and I’m playing with my cereal. Her eyes are on Sebastian. We have a good view of him from where we’re sitting. Did she see the way I was gazing at him? Did I look like I was drooling?

  “I know you don’t want to talk about this, but we need to,” she says. “You’ve made it clear that you want to live with Sebastian, and I need to accept that.” She tucks some hair behind my ear. “Even though it’s hard for me, I trust you to do what’s right.”


  She eyes me carefully. “I’m not comfortable with the idea of you having sex, but you’re eighteen—”

  “Mom!” I cover my face. I f
eel like I’m fifteen. “Can we not talk about this?”

  “I feel like we need to. You’re eighteen and are old enough to make your own decisions, but we need to talk about protecting your—”

  “We’re not. Sebastian and I aren’t…we’re not.” I feel my face heat up. “So you don’t have to worry.”

  “He’s sleeping in your bed.”

  “Just sleeping, Mom. I don’t think he’s ready to take that next step.”

  “Boys are always ready.”

  I want to tell her that he’s different. That he doesn’t experience things the way most guys his age do, but I can’t.

  “You just make sure you protect yourself all the time.”


  She looks into my eyes. “All the time.”

  “Okay,” I mutter. “Got it. Now can we please forget about this? We have another day to spend together. Do you want it to be filled with awkwardness?”

  She laughs lightly. “No.”


  She takes my hand. “So you haven’t…”

  I shake my head.

  “With anyone?”

  I shake my head again.

  She squeezes my hand. “Make sure you do it with someone you truly love.”

  I nod. I truly love Sebastian and I’d like to be even closer to him. Maybe not yet, though. I know he and I will never leave each other. We have time. Lots and lots of it.

  “And make sure he doesn’t pressure you.”


  “Or hurt you.”


  “If you’re ever uncomfortable, you shouldn’t ignore—”

  I put my hand on hers. “Thanks for all of this, but I’m going to be okay. And if or when it happens, I’ll make sure to take all precautions you taught me.”

  She smiles sadly. “It’s hard for me to see you grow up, but I know I have to get used to it. Before I know it, you’ll be getting married and having kids.”

  “Hold on, you’re thinking a bit too far into the future.”

  She laughs. “Yes. You need to finish culinary school first.”


  I haven’t thought about the whole marriage and kids thing. I feel like I’m not ready, not like Macy and Andy who are getting married in a few months. They’re prepared to take that step, and I’m very happy for them. But I need time. Of course I want to have a lifelong commitment to Sebastian, but it’s weird to think of myself as someone’s wife.

  I internally shake my head. Why am I even thinking about this? It’s not like Sebastian and I ever spoke about this. Like I said, we’re going to have many, many, many years together.

  I turn to Mom. “What about you?”


  “Any important men in your life?”

  She waves her hand. “Oh, no. Never.”

  “But why don’t you want to meet someone? Don’t you want to be happy? Maybe with George? I know he was more than a classmate, Mom.”

  She sighs. “You’re right. He and I dated my sophomore and junior years.” I do the math in my head. If Mom dated this guy when she was around sixteen, then it doesn’t seem like he’s my dad. Mom was in her twenties when she had Daisy and me.

  I decide to ask anyway. “Is he my dad?”

  Her eyes meet mine. “No.”

  I wait for her to elaborate, to perhaps tell me who my dad is. But she just sits there, staring at her hands that are wrapped around her coffee mug.

  “You never speak about him,” I say, my voice low. I know the subject makes her uncomfortable. Daisy and I used to raise it many times when we were kids and she always got a look in her eyes, and we knew to stop. All she told us was that he walked out on us.

  As hard as this is for her, I need to know who my dad is. “Is he alive?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Can I have a name?”

  She doesn’t respond, her eyes glued to the mug.

  I place my hand on hers. “Please, Mom.”

  She finally turns to me. “I don’t think contacting your dad is a good idea. He left me alone with two little girls. He hasn’t made an effort to be part of your life.” She plays with my curls. “I just don’t want you to get hurt by his rejection.”

  I understand her concern. If I would discover that my father left us and started a new family, it would sting. But not as much, I don’t think. Because I never met the guy. Sure I’d love to have a relationship with him, but if he chooses not to, I’ll be fine with it. I went eighteen years without a dad and I think I turned out okay. “I’m just curious what he looks like. You never showed me pictures.”

  “Because I threw them out. I didn’t want you girls to see what a jerk your dad was.”

  “Was he really that bad?”

  She sighs, shaking her head. “He wasn’t like that when we first met. I had just finished college and was working in an office. We had a party and he delivered the food. We caught each other’s eyes. He had such a nice smile.” She smiles sadly. “I was hoping he’d talk to me, maybe ask for my number, but he left and I never saw him again. Until we had another party and he once again delivered the food. This time, before he left, he asked me for my number. A year and a half later, we got married, and a year after that, Daisy was born.”

  I wait for her to go on, but she doesn’t.

  “Then what? Did something go wrong?”

  “No. Things were great. He was a good husband and a good father. But after you were born, he left. I haven’t seen or heard from him since.”

  From the look in her eyes, I can tell she loved my dad very much. Maybe she never got over him.

  “You never looked him up online?” I ask.

  “I tried, but nothing came up. It’s like he doesn’t exist.” She shrugs. “It doesn’t matter anymore. I spent many nights crying over him until one day I decided that was it. I had two little girls who needed me to be strong for them. I didn’t need a man in my life. I was fine on my own.”

  I rub her arm. “But maybe you can use a man in your life now. I don’t know anything about this George guy, but if he’s interested in you, don’t you want to see if it can turn into something?” Maybe she can find happiness, too.

  “I don’t know, Lily.”

  “Just think about it, okay?”

  She nods and is about to say something when footsteps sound from the doorway. Our heads snap up. Sebastian is there, his hair disheveled and eyes sleepy. He looks really hot, and all I want to do is jump into his arms and run my hands through his messy hair.

  “Good morning,” he greets.

  “Good morning,” Mom says. “Did you sleep well?”

  He rubs his eyes. “Sleeping on the couch is very different from sleeping on a bed, but yes, I slept well. Thank you.” He looks at us, then at the time. “Did I oversleep?”

  “No, that’s okay,” Mom says. “Lily and I were just having a heart to heart.” She pulls out a chair. “Please sit down and eat something.”

  He lowers himself in the chair next to me and gives me a warm smile. I’ve missed him, even though we’ve only been apart for a few hours. Last night in my childhood bedroom, I felt odd. Being back home and remembering everything that happened here. I don’t know how Mom manages it. Daisy’s room is across the hall from mine, the door always shut. I used to peek in after her death to see if anything had changed, but everything was the same. Mom has kept it as it was, as though Daisy would come home any minute.

  After we’ve eaten, we spend the rest of the day together, squeezing in as much time as possible. Sebastian and Mom are getting to know each other well, and I can tell she’s pleased with the guy I’ve chosen as my boyfriend. Not that I really chose him. Fate brought us together. Anyone could have fished his lamp out of the dumpster that day, but it was me. And after he was sent back home, I thought I’d never see him again. I never dreamed there was a way for him to return. And now he’s human and we can have a future. It’s like the world wants us to be together.r />

  Chapter Nine

  My therapy session with Mom yesterday went well. Now Sebastian and I are back at my apartment, lying on the couch. He’s on top of me, propped on his elbows so he won’t crush me to death. “Finally.” He presses kisses on my neck. “Alone.”

  My eyes flutter as I moan softly. His lips move down my neck, then back up to my ear where he whispers, “You’re my world, Lily. My life is incomplete without you.”

  My fingers dig into his hair, forcing his mouth back to mine. Our kiss is hard, yet soft at the same time. I feel like I’m being shot into space with fireworks exploding all around me. I push myself closer, practically fusing our bodies into one.

  Sebastian’s hands rest at the back of my head. Though he’s kissing me intensely, with everything he has, his touch is light, almost featherlike.

  “I can kiss your forever,” I say when we take a break to catch our breaths. “And I’ll never get bored of it.”

  He beams. “I’ve seen it done countless times over the years and I wondered what the big deal is. It seemed a bit disgusting, to be honest.”

  I laugh.

  He fingers my bottom lip. “But now I see how wrong I was. It’s anything but gross.” He bends forward and closes his mouth over mine. “And I can do it for hours, too.”

  I frown. “Except we really can’t. I have work tomorrow.” And if I don’t get at least eight hours of sleep, I’ll fall over and all the food I’m carrying will crash to the floor. I slept a little on the plane ride home, but I was too engrossed in the movie I was watching. It was a romance, one I hadn’t seen. Sebastian was even more into it than I was.

  He frowns, too. “I wish I could work and help support us. Do they need someone to wash the dishes there?”

  I shake my head. “Either way, my boss doesn’t allow girlfriends and boyfriends to work together.”


  “Apparently they’d be too busy making out or sending kissy faces to each other and won’t focus on the customers.” I roll my eyes.

  He laughs and pecks my lips. “Maybe he’s right. I’d definitely want to grab you and kiss you. Every second we’re apart is torture.”


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