Loving the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 2)

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Loving the Genie (Genie's Love, Book 2) Page 14

by Stone, Dee J.

  I nod, unable to stand the thought of him blaming himself. “Okay.” I step back and take another deep breath. “Sebastian, I wish to get my job at Inferno back.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  I’m snuggled in Sebastian’s arms as we lie on the couch, watching TV. It’s not romance this time, but a cooking reality show. I don’t think either of us can handle watching the whole happily ever after thing. After my boss called me into his office to tell me he made a mistake and would like me to have my job back, I came home and spent a few hours on the computer, clicking link after link. Again, I couldn’t find anything. As determined as I am to find a way for Sebastian to stay, a large chunk of myself wants to give up.

  Is being a genie for the rest of his life Sebastian’s fate?

  His hand runs up and down my hair as he chuckles softly at the TV. Apparently one of the contestants in the cooking competition won’t stop cursing. I wish I could laugh along with my genie and pretend everything is okay. But after hours of finding nothing online, I can’t even smile. A hole is growing inside me. I know it’s going to grow each day that passes. Until it’s bigger than the sun and explodes—leaving me with no memories of the man I love.

  Sebastian chuckles again. Normally, I love watching these types of competitions, especially cooking ones, but I feel like I can’t enjoy anything anymore. Which is really unfortunate, since I want to cherish my short time with Sebastian.

  I think about Macy and how lucky she is. That sounds very strange, but Andy isn’t going anywhere. Sure the two of them are broken up, but there’s always a chance. There’s hope. With Sebastian there’s…nothing.

  I sit up sharply as an idea spins around in my head.

  “Lily?” Sebastian asks.

  “I think I need to talk to Andy.”

  His eyebrows lift. “About what?”

  “He needs to know how sorry Macy is and how much she loves him. Macy has been such a good friend to me and I want to do something for her. I don’t know if it’s my place to get involved, but I want Andy to see how precious and short life is. That he and Macy have a shot, that he should grab it before it’s too late. Because you never know when it’s going to be over, and you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.”

  Sebastian tugs me closer to him. “You’re referring to us.”

  Tears fill my eyes. “I can research and research and spend hours and hours bent over my laptop, but I don’t think there’s a way. I’m not going to give up, but—”

  “Lily, I think we both know it’s over,” he says softly, his eyes filled with grief. “I feel it in here.” He taps his heart. I’m pretty sure I feel it, too.

  I swallow back some more tears. “I’m going to call Andy and ask to meet with him. I know those two love each other. Maybe someone just needs to open their eyes.”


  An hour later, I’m sitting on the park bench a few blocks away from Andy’s apartment. After moving out of Macy’s house, Andy bunked in with some of his old friends. Not Max, though, which was a huge relief to hear. Andy told me he no longer associates with him.

  Sebastian is on the ground a few feet away from us, lying on the dirt. His chest rises and falls gently, a sign he’s asleep. It’s pretty interesting how he’s not getting dirty. He’s never showered as a genie. I guess his body is made to repel dirt.

  I know he hasn’t been getting a lot of sleep because he’s worried about leaving me. I’m glad he can rest now.

  “You said you had something urgent to tell me?” Andy says.

  I nod. “This might not be any of my business, but Macy is my best friend and it pains me to see her so upset.”

  He’s quiet for a bit before saying, “I know I hurt her and I feel terrible about it. I just can’t…” His foot twitches. “I love her, but ever since she kissed that guy, I feel like this wall has been built around me and I can’t look at her the same.”

  “That kiss was an accident.”

  “She told me that, and I believe her. I trust her…sort of. I just feel so distanced from her. It’s like our relationship has been turned upside down.”

  I place my hand on his shoulder. “I understand what you mean, but you need to let yourself forgive her. You two love each other and I know you want to make it work. I can see it in your eyes.” I take in a breath. “You should get back with her before you lose her completely.”

  He turns to me with wide eyes. “She’s with him…?”

  “No. No! What I mean is you and Macy have something special and you should grab it, hold onto it, because you never know if you might lose it.”

  His eyebrows furrow.

  “Sebastian is a genie again,” I say. “There’s a high chance he’s going to leave me. But Macy isn’t going anywhere and neither are you. You two can be together. Do you know what I’d give to be able to be with Sebastian? To not have to wonder which day will be his last. Macy is here—well, not here, but you know what I mean. She wants to get back together, more than anything. Is there any chance you feel the same?”

  He puffs his cheeks as he stares at the ground. Then he looks at me. “Sebastian is really going to leave? I’m so sorry.”

  “Thanks. I wouldn’t wish this feeling on anyone. It hurts so much. I don’t want Macy or you to go through that. I don’t want either of you to one day regret not working on your relationship. Do you want to one day ask yourself, what if?”

  He shakes his head. “I want to be with her.”

  “And she wants to be with you. I know you said you have a wall around you, but do you think you can slowly demolish it? I’m not saying you and Macy are going to go back to how you were, but maybe with time. She’s willing to work for it. Are you?”

  “I don’t want to lose her.”

  “You don’t have to. You have a choice. You can fight for the girl you love.”

  He nods, like my words are making sense in his head.

  “Don’t let the little fights tear you apart,” I continue. “You guys should cherish each other, because what you have is really special.” My throat gets scratchy, and no matter how many times I swallow, it doesn’t help.

  Andy hugs me. “Thanks for talking to me, Lily. I guess I was too stubborn and prideful to admit I was wrong. But you’re right. I love Macy and I want to have a future with her. I shouldn’t let little things get in the way of our happiness.” He frowns. “I’m really sorry about Sebastian. Is there anything I could do?”

  “Not unless you know how to turn genies into humans.”

  He laughs lightly. “They didn’t teach us that in school.”

  I join in his laughter, but it’s empty. I don’t know if I’ll ever laugh again. No, that’s not true. I’m pretty sure I’ll laugh when I forget Sebastian.

  “I’m going to get Macy back. That is, if she still wants me.”

  “She does.”

  He smiles. “Thanks again, Lily.”

  I return the smile, although it’s a little forced. I might not be able to fight for a future with Sebastian, but I’m happy to fight for my best friend’s future with the man she loves.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Apparently, I have some room in my heart for happiness. At work today, Macy flings her arms around me, thanking me over and over and over again for getting involved in her love life. I’ve never done that before. She was the one always getting involved in my love life. I’m more than glad to return the favor. She tells me she and Andy spent practically the whole night talking, and he listened to every word that left her mouth. She also says they have a long way to go, but at least this is a start.

  To celebrate their renewed love, Macy demands Sebastian and I meet her and Andy at the club tonight. We’re at our lunch break now and, keeping my eyes on my food, I say, “You mean just me.”

  “What? No way. Sebastian’s invited.”

  “You want to hang out with me and my invisible boyfriend?”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you can’t see him?”

  She waves her hand. “Doesn’t matter. He’s your boyfriend and I want the four of us to hang out. Like we did before. Nothing has to change.”

  Of course things are changed. How am I going to dance with Sebastian at the club? How am I going to be able to watch the other couples talking and kissing and having a good time when I can’t?

  “I don’t know if I’m in the mood,” I tell her.

  “Lily, please.” She grabs my hand. “Please, please. Please.”

  I sigh. “I can’t be seen with him in public. If we’re to dance, we can only do it in my apartment and—”

  “Says who?”

  I stare at her.

  “Who says you can’t hang out publicly? People are going to stare, but who cares? You’re there to have a good time with your amazingly, sweet, sexy boyfriend. Everyone else is just the walls. Well, except for me and Andy.”

  I pick at my food as I think about her words. She has a point. Why should I care what other people think? Sebastian might leave soon. I want to squeeze in as much time with him as possible. That doesn’t include being cooped up in the house all day.

  “I’ll ask him when I come home.”

  She looks around. “He’s not here?”

  “He only came yesterday when he sensed something was wrong. I guess he doesn’t sense anything now. Also, he doesn’t want to disturb me at work. I think he’s a little freaked out about my losing my job, so he wants to stay as far away as possible.”

  She’s quiet before, “I’m really sorry you used up your second wish.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Any luck with the research?”

  I shake my head. She wraps her arms around me. “It sucks that you can’t be with him.” She draws back. “You’ve helped me and Andy and I wish I could help you, too.”

  “Thanks, but I don’t think there’s anything we can do. I mean, we’re talking about magic here. We’re no match for magic.”

  “I thought love conquers all.”

  I want to shrug, but my shoulders are stiff. “I guess not.”

  When our lunch break is over, we get back to work. As much as I need the money, I don’t want to be here. I want to be with Sebastian, soaking in as much “us” time as possible.

  I’m not concentrating on anything, getting the orders mixed up and tripping over my feet. Luckily I catch myself in time before all the food splatters on me and the costumers I’m serving. Good thing my boss didn’t see that. I don’t want him to think I’m not taking the job seriously. I definitely don’t want to have to use up my last wish on getting my job back—again.

  As I head home, my thoughts continue attacking my mind. They’re like a recording, playing over and over again, not stopping until someone—or something, like the genie rules—presses a button, and poof, he’s gone. My stomach churns.

  I feel a presence behind me and turn around. Nothing and no one is there. I look around some more, take a few steps forward and back, and peer at the windows of the houses around me. Nothing is there.

  I’m being paranoid, seeing things that aren’t there. My brain must be so messed up with Sebastian possibly—more like definitely—leaving me that it’s conjuring all these thoughts and images. I shake my head, pushing them away.

  “Hey,” I say once I enter the apartment. Sebastian is sitting on the couch. He spreads out his arms, and I sink down on his lap. His arms come around me as he nuzzles his face into the side of my neck.

  “I missed you,” he says, his voice husky. He presses his lips to my temple. I turn around and our mouths meet. I push myself closer to him, kissing him like this is our last one. I’ve missed him like crazy, too. After a long day, it’s great to be enclosed in his arms. I feel safe, protected, but most of all, loved. I don’t want to move from this position.

  My phone beeps. Grudgingly, I reach for it. A text from Macy asking me if I spoke to Sebastian about going to the club tonight. I’d rather remain here with him and make out until the sun comes up, but I know it’s not healthy for us to be alone all the time. Also, I know Macy and Andy would like to spend some time with my genie before he leaves. Even though they can’t see him, they’ll know he’s there.

  Macy also mentions that we’re going to a different club, in case Max is around the last one we went to. I don’t think he’d give us any trouble after what happened between him and Sebastian, but it’s good to be safe.

  Once I tell Sebastian about Macy’s request, his eyes light up. “I love going to clubs. The dancing, the music. It’s a lot of fun.”

  I’m not sure if it hits him that no one will be able to see him, and I don’t have the heart to remind him. I’ll have to, though, since I don’t want him to be crushed when we enter the club.

  He goes on and on about how excited he is and how bored he was at home. I place my hand on his chest. “Sebastian.”

  He’s too animated and excited to listen to me. “What should I wear?” As soon as the words leave his mouth, his eyes widen as they peer at his golden chest. As a genie, he can’t wear clothes, only his black pants. Regular clothes melt off him.

  “Oh,” he says. “Right. How could I forget?” He slaps his forehead like he’s berating himself for getting excited over something he can’t have.

  I stroke his cheek. “It doesn’t matter that you’re invisible to other people or that you can’t wear clothes or drink. What’s important is the two of us having a good time. Letting loose and forgetting all our worries.” I kiss him. “Tonight, it’s just you and me. Nothing else.”

  He pulls his head back. “I wouldn’t be able to bear you watching the other couples dancing. It’s better that I don’t go.”

  “We can dance.”

  His confused eyes meet mine. I shrug. “I’ll be dancing with someone who doesn’t exist, but I don’t care. We can save the slow dances for when we’re alone together, but for the fast dances, we’ll just be side by side, having an awesome time.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I’m not going to let the stupid genie rules hold me back.”

  He nods slowly. “I was on the computer most of the day.”

  My heart fills with hope that he found something useful, but then it deflates when I see the defeated expression on his face. “You couldn’t find anything?”

  He shakes his head, his lips in a tight line.

  “That’s okay.”

  “It’s not.” He puffs out his cheeks. “But I don’t think there’s anything we can do about it.”

  I slide my hand into his. “Yes there is—we make the most of whatever time we have.” I’m trying to be strong for him, but my insides are being torn apart. He can’t leave me. He can’t.

  Sebastian puts a wide smile on his face. “Okay, let’s go to the club and have some fun.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Macy, Andy, Sebastian, and I enter the club. This one isn’t as packed as the one we used to go to, but there are many people our age here. I take Sebastian’s hand and give it a squeeze. He returns it, smiling warmly.

  Andy and Macy are holding hands, too. They have smiles on their faces, but things seem a little stiff between them. I hope their love for one another surpasses all and that they’ll be happy again, like they used to be.

  Many people bang into us as we pass them. They go through Sebastian, since he’s kind of like a ghost to them. From the way he shivers in disgust, I can tell he’s not comfortable with the idea of people walking through him. Finally we reach an empty area and have room to breathe. “Would anyone like a drink?” Andy asks.

  Macy and I say yes. Once he leaves, Sebastian says, “This is item number one I can’t do for you.”

  I rest my hand on his arm, fully aware that I look like I’m touching air. “It’s okay. Don’t let these little things bother you. We’re here to have fun, remember?”

  He nods reluctantly. I turn to Macy. “Are you guys cool? I sensed a little bit of tension when we met outside and as we walked in.”

  “We’re okay. N
ot in lovey-dovey land yet. I’m just glad we’re talking. I know he wants to trust me, but he doesn’t feel like he can. I’m going to try to change his mind.”

  I hug her. “That’s great. And I know you’ll be back in lovey-dovey land soon.”

  She laughs lightly. “I’m sorry you can’t…I mean you and Sebastian.” She looks around like she’s trying to find him. He’s standing right in front of her.

  “We’re not thinking about that,” I tell her. “We’re forgetting all of our problems for a few hours.”

  “Too bad we can’t get drunk.”

  I playfully slap her arm. “The last thing I need is getting arrested when I only have a few days, weeks, whatever left with Sebastian.”

  “Hmm. Good point.”

  Andy returns with our Cokes, and then we join the others on the dance floor. Sebastian is very close to me and I wish I could wrap my arms around his neck and gaze into his eyes as we sway to the beat of the music. Instead, we dance side by side, doing these crazy moves that I’ve never done before. Dancing has never really been my thing, but with Sebastian, I feel like I can do anything. That I can try many different things without worrying how silly I look or failing. I’ve become a different, better person due to him. I wonder how I’ll be once he leaves. No. I’m not thinking about that. As far as tonight goes, there is no tomorrow. Just Sebastian and me having fun with our friends.

  Sebastian takes my hand and twirls me around. We go on dancing and laughing. Everything around me fades away and it’s just Sebastian and me, in our own little bubble. He stares into my eyes and I stare into his. We’re like in a trance, just gazing at each other like we’re in different worlds but are looking through a mirror that connects the two dimensions. Like he’s on Ortarus and I’m on Earth and our souls are fighting to be together.

  Someone crashes into me and the spell is broken. I’m being pushed to the left, then to the right as more people bang into me. The place has gotten very full and there’s hardly any room, let alone air.


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