His to Tame

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by Holla Dean

  His to Tame


  Holla Dean

  Copyright 2015 ©

  Warning: This ebook has adult content including consensual spanking and explicit sex. If this subject matter offends you, please return this item.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and dialogue in this novel either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

  Copyright © 2013

  By Holla Dean

  Chapter One

  Julie drove down the desolate road and wondered if she’d missed the turn-off to her grandfather’s ranch. She had called him when she got to Flagstaff to verify the final directions but there had been no answer.

  The email Gramps had sent said to stay on Interstate 40 and then take the Route 66 exit but stay heading north until it turned into Route 53. She did that and even made note of the highway sign verifying that she was on the right road. But Gramps didn’t say it was going to turn into a badly graded dirt road. He didn’t mention that there’d be virtually no landmarks to help guide her on her way. It’d been so long since she’d been here she had forgotten how rough the road was.

  She picked up her cell phone from the passenger seat and saw the No Service at the top where the signal bars would normally be. The cell phone was useless out here. Checking her odometer she told herself to calm down. She hadn’t even driven the thirty-two miles Gramps said she had to go to get to the Fallon Ranch Road.

  But the snow was worrisome. In Flagstaff it had been nothing more than a few pretty flakes falling softly and melting as soon as they touched the ground. On the Interstate it had been a little heavier, but still beautiful. Once she was on the state route road, the snow was coming down even more and she felt like she was in a winter wonderland. In fact, she had started singing ‘Let it Snow’ despite the fact that Christmas had been almost two months ago.

  Now that her visibility had dropped to about fifty feet she began to worry if the snow would cover the road to the point where she couldn’t tell if she was still on it. What if she drove into the ditch that ran alongside the road? Looking out the passenger window she could see that the bottom of the fence line running along the road was just about even with where the window started. If she used that as a reference, and if the distance between the road and the fence was roughly the same along the entire road, she believed she’d be safe from driving into a ditch.

  Glancing at the odometer again she saw there was only about a half mile to go before she reached the ranch road. What would normally take no longer than a minute to cover, now took five minutes with the snow coming down more heavily.

  There it was! She put her blinker on out of habit and slowly made the turn. She silently thanked Gramps for putting up the barb-wire fence along the road. Without it she’d have had no idea where the road was under the snow. The house was three miles down after making the turn. Moving along at five miles an hour, she calculated it would take her a little more than a half hour to get there.

  This road was even worse than the one she’d just turned off of and she wished the snow could have held off for just a little longer. Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she strained to see where she was going. The music on her satellite radio was driving her crazy and she looked away from the road for a split second to turn her sound system off.

  That’s when her front passenger wheel found a protruding rock to run over. The clunk it made was loud and she wondered what it was, but the car kept going so she figured everything was all right. A few minutes later she started having trouble keeping the car on a straight path.

  Something was clearly wrong. With no clue about what she might run into on the side of the road, she looked in her rear-view mirror and seeing no one behind her, she stopped where she was, figuring someone could still get around her. She reached into the back seat for her parka and wiggled into it, put on her mittens, and got out. Walking around the car, she looked at the ground and her tires. Everything seemed fine until she saw the flattened front passenger tire.

  Having never had a flat before, she had no idea what to do. If she were back in the city, she would have called for road service. But out here her cell phone didn’t even work. Not to mention she was in the middle of nowhere and road service probably wouldn’t even come out here.

  The temperature had dropped considerably since she’d left Flagstaff, and she made her way back inside the car where she turned the heater all the way up. Now what? She didn’t think she could walk three miles in this weather.

  Opening the glove compartment, she pulled out her owner’s manual and looked up how to change a flat tire. She read through it three times and was pretty sure she could do it. Climbing over the back seat to the rear compartment of the small SUV, she piled her two suitcases and the box of other paraphernalia into the back seat. Then she opened the cover to the well where the spare tire and tools were located. She found the jack and the tire iron and figured out how they work by trying it while she read the directions. Better to figure it out in the warmth of the car than on the side of the road.

  It was time to go out and loosen the lug bolts with the lug wrench. The manual said to loosen them before jacking up the car. Once that was done, she planned to get back in the car for a quick warm-up before attempting to use the jack.

  Taking the 4-way lug wrench that Gramps had insisted she buy when she told him she had bought a new car, she went out into the snow again. Fitting the end that was painted black (another one of his ideas to keep from having to try all four ends) onto a lug bolt, she gripped the cross bar—now seeing what an ingenious device it was—and tugged. She tugged hard and nothing happened. She tugged again with all her might and nothing happened. Julie placed one foot on the left side of the cross bar, gripped the right side with both hands, and while putting her weight on her foot and tugging with her hands, it finally moved a fraction of an inch. Barely a fraction.

  She did it again and it moved more. Her hands felt like blocks of ice and she ran to get in the warm car. Holding her hands to the heat blowing out of the vents, she waited until she wasn’t cold anymore and went out again. This time she loosened the remaining four lug bolts before having to get back in the car for another warm-up.

  Julie read the directions again. She’d have to find the flat spot under the frame of the car to place the jack under, then start cranking it up with the tire iron.

  What if I can’t do it? What if I do it wrong? She was more creative than mechanically inclined, but she could follow directions.

  Stop thinking negative thoughts. You can do this. What do you think women did before road service was such a booming business?

  Getting out once more, she quickly found the flat spot and positioned the jack. Slipping the tire iron into the crank, she began working it up and down and was relieved to see the tire slowly lifting off the ground. See there! You can do this!

  When the tire had cleared the ground by an inch or so, she took the lug bolts completely off and put them in the pocket of her parka. Zipping the pocket for extra safe-keeping, she wiggled the tire off the wheel and ended up falling on her back in the snow with the tire on top of her chest.


  She pushed the tire off
and got up, brushing the snow off the seat of her pants. Unsure if it was safe to get in the car with one corner of it jacked up, she skipped getting warm again and went to get the spare tire from the rear. That’s when she realized she should have gotten the spare out of the vehicle before jacking it up. Oh well, too late now. I’m not gonna lower the jack and start over now that I have the flat tire off.

  Lifting off the cover of the well, she reached in with both hands to grab the tire and lift it out. It didn’t budge. She tried again with the same results. Is this sucker bolted in or something?

  She looked for a lock but found nothing. The tire moved within the well, she just couldn’t lift it. She had no idea tires were so heavy. The tire she took off the car didn’t seem that heavy.

  That’s because you didn’t have to lift it. You just jerked it off the wheel and then it threw you to the ground.

  Getting the tire iron, she wedged it as far under the tire as she could, and using it as a fulcrum, she leaned on it until the side of the tire was lifted enough so she could get a grip underneath it.

  But as soon as she let go of her fulcrum, the tire sank back down into the well. She need something to wedge in there once she got the tire lifted. But what?

  Looking around, she spotted the flashlight that was tucked into the side storage space of the cargo area. Leaning on the tire iron once more, when the tire was up, she forced the flashlight under it. It worked! She could just get her hands under the tire now.

  But the damn thing was even heavier than she thought previously. She managed to finally push it up and out of the well. Then she had to crawl into the vehicle to push it out onto the ground, hoping the jack would hold while she climbed in.

  Exhausted, she scrambled out, stood the tire upright and rolled it to the front. Now she had to get it up and positioned so the bolts on the wheel went through the holes in the middle of the tire.

  She tried to eyeball it and line up everything so when she lifted the damn thing it would all line up with no problem. Squatting down, she wrapped her arms around each side of the tire and then lifted, using her legs so as not to hurt her back. The smooth fabric of her parka caused her arms to slide up and off while the tire remained on the ground.

  She sighed mightily and tucked her freezing hands into her armpits while she looked around for a solution to this new problem. Maybe that fulcrum idea would work again. If she could use the tire iron to get the tire lifted just a bit, then she should be able to get her hands underneath it and lift it the rest of the way up. If she could get her frozen fingers to work.

  Stomping around to warm up the best she could, she retrieved the tire iron from the cargo area and wiggled it underneath the tire. Keeping the tire balanced with her hands, she slowly stepped on the iron and the tire promptly rolled off.

  “Shit! Fuck!”

  She tried again and this time she managed to get her hands beneath the tire. Just as she started to lift by stepping further on the fulcrum, the tire fell into her, knocking her on her ass again.

  “Goddamnit!” She shrieked into the wind.

  Again, only this time the holes didn’t line up and the tire fell to the ground.

  “Arrrrrhhhhhhggggg! Why is this happening to me?!”

  Chapter Two

  Seth saw a car in the middle of the road up ahead and he wondered whose it could be. It wasn’t familiar to him and he knew just about every damn vehicle in this area. The closer he got, he saw someone was trying to change the tire.

  Damn, he’d have to get out in this nasty freezing weather and do the Good Samaritan thing. It was the last thing he wanted to do when he was on his way to check on Jason Fallon. Jase was waiting on his granddaughter to show up in the next day or two and Seth thought he should chop some wood for them in case this storm knocked the power out.

  Trouble was, when he called Jason there was no answer. A half hour later, still no answer. So even though it was nearly a full hour drive, Seth got in his truck and headed over to check on the old guy. It was just what neighbors did out here.

  Pulling up behind the little SUV, he watched the comical act going on. He was pretty sure it was a woman trying to change the tire. Though he couldn’t see her face under the scarf wrapped around her parka hood, she moved like a woman. She wasn’t strong enough to lift the tire up onto the wheel and kept falling down. Or rather, the tire kept tilting towards her and knocking her down.

  It’d be funny if he didn’t know how damn cold it was out there. He got out of his truck, leaving it running to keep the heat on, and sauntered over just as she was giving it one more try.

  “Why don’t you let me do that for you, ma’am?” Seth drawled.

  Julie spun around and gawked at him.

  “You just scared the shit out of me!” she shrieked at him. “Where the hell did you come from?”

  He pointed to his truck, “From there. Didn’t mean to scare you. Why don’t you move over and I’ll take care of this for you.”

  “The hell you will! I got this far without help and I’ll damn well finish it without help.” She turned her back on him and rolled the tire into place so she could attempt another lift.

  Seth wasn’t accustomed to women refusing his help. Especially with a pain in the ass job like changing a tire. He tried again.

  “Ain’t no reason for you to be messing with that. I can do it in a flash and have you on your way in no time.”

  She didn’t answer him, but she did wind up sitting on her ass again in the snow. It was all he could do to keep from laughing. He supposed some bug had crawled up her ass making her think she had to do this all alone. Maybe she was one of those women libbers who didn’t think they needed a man.

  He watched as she stood there breathing heavily, and then she tried again. Lo and behold, this time she managed to hook one of the holes onto a bolt. It looked like it was about to slip off again, but she tightened her grip, tilted the wheel back a little bit, and the tire settled into place.

  She turned around to face him, puffed out her chest, and said, “See, I told you I could do it! What are you still doing here anyway?”

  She was sure feisty, he had to give her that.

  “Good for you. How about I tighten those lug nuts for you? You’re looking chilled to the bone—why don’t you go warm up in my truck?”

  “Nope, I’ll finish this job.”

  Seth shrugged and said, “Suit yourself.”

  He crossed his arms and watched as she began to tighten the lug nuts. She did the first one, then when she went to the next one, he interrupted her progress.

  “It’d be best if the next one you tighten is across from the last one you tightened. It helps to make sure the tire gets tightened evenly.”

  She turned on him with a look in her eye that might have felled a lesser man.

  “I read the directions and I know what I’m doing. You can leave now, you don’t have to stand there watching me.”

  He noticed though that she switched to the lug nut he suggested to tighten next. She finished the job and then looked confused for a second as though she wasn’t sure what to do next.

  “You could lower the jack now.” Seth said helpfully.

  Ignoring him, she went to the driver’s side and he could see through the window she was quickly checking the instructions in the manual. Then she came back around, inserted the tire iron into the crank and started pumping up and down. The tire lifted higher.

  “You have to flip the little switch to make it go the other way.”

  With another look that could kill, she said, “I know that, I’m not stupid!”

  Putting his hands up, he said, “Whoa, lady. I’m just trying to help. You don’t have to bite my head off.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t need your help!”

  “Maybe not, but you sure do need someone to teach you some manners.”

  Julie pulled the jack out from under the car and put it away. She was shivering badly and he watched her flex her fingers.
It was plain she could barely bend her fingers. She put her mittens back on but he could tell it didn’t help much. Next she took the flat tire and rolled it to the back of the car where she tried to lift it, but again, it was too heavy.

  He was done watching this spectacle and he stepped over to her, picked up the tire and tossed it in the cargo area.

  “I could have done that myself,” she told him. “I don’t need any help. I’m leaving now so you can go on your way and quit watching every move I make.”

  “Like I said before; someone needs to teach you some manners.”

  He bent her over so her upper body was inside the cargo area and gave her parka-covered ass three or four hard swats. He knew they wouldn’t hurt with all that padding, but he had enough of her rudeness. He didn’t mind a little sass from a woman, but once it crossed over into rudeness, he felt it was time to address the situation.

  She threw an arm back to hit him but missed. As soon his arm came away from her back, Julie straightened up and turned to him with fire in her eyes.

  “Touch me one more time, mother fucker, and I’ll see your ass in jail.”

  “Young lady, that wasn’t a tenth of the spanking I’m gonna give you if you don’t start watching what comes out of your mouth. Now I suggest you get in your car before you get frost-bite and go on your merry way.”

  Her mouth opened and closed like a fish looking for food. Apparently she couldn’t think of a retort or sensed from his tone that he meant what he said.

  “I don’t know where you’re headed, but if you wait until I pull in front of your vehicle, it’ll be easier for you to drive in my tracks.”

  Finding her voice again, she said, “Thank you, but don’t bother. I don’t need any help.”

  “Of course you don’t,” he said sarcastically. “For some strange reason you’d rather freeze to death out here than take any help.”


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