His to Tame

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His to Tame Page 7

by Holla Dean

  Julie blushed at his mention of her bottom and then blushed even deeper when she thought about what that other way might be. Obviously he was talking about spanking her.

  What was this obsession he had with spanking?

  At first Seth didn't say much, he was too busy munching on his pigs in the blankets. They stuck to mostly flatlands because of the snow and Julie slowly relaxed. She hadn't slept very well the night before. She woke up several times, and once her leg had been draped over the rolled up blanket she had crept out of bed to retrieve and put between them. Her leg had been very close to touching Seth's leg. She had quickly pulled it back to her side of the bed and turned over so she was again facing away from him. It seemed even in her sleep, her body was attracted to Seth and pulled her in closer.

  "You're mighty quiet this morning," his comment startled her out of her thoughts.

  "I guess I'm just tired," she answered.

  "Yeah, I didn't sleep well, either."

  "I didn't say I didn't sleep well. I'm just tired."

  Why do I always contradict everything he says?

  "The only reason you should be tired is if you didn't sleep well. And how the hell could either of us sleep well after you sneakily put that damn blanket between us again? It was in the way."

  "In the way? In the way of what?"

  He glanced at her with a smirk but didn’t say anything more. The rest of the morning was pleasant as they drove around the ranch with Seth pointing out different landmarks and things he would like to accomplish. He wanted to fence off areas of pasture and turn them into feedlots so he could increase the amount of cattle on the ranch.

  “Did you know it takes twenty-five acres of land per head of cattle? With feedlots I won’t need that much land so it’d be easy to increase the size of our herd.”

  “Don’t they need enough room to roam around and get exercise?”

  “Have you ever seen cattle doing jumping jacks or calisthenics? No, they mostly just stand around and munch on the grass. They’re not really into exercise.”

  She laughed at his silly notion of cows doing calisthenics and said, “I know, but still it seems like such a hard life for the cattle. Just all milling about in a big lot where there’s never any fresh grass to chew on because they would have trampled it all so much it would never grow again. I like the idea of cattle spread out over huge pastures of lush green grass where they can walk around and find the best blades of grass to dine on. And aren’t grass fed animals more desirable when they go to market?”

  “We’re trying to run a ranch here, not a resort for cattle. But we would rotate the feedlots so we would have a combination of grain fed and grass fed. Also, I never buy the genetically altered grain.”

  He talked about building another structure to put the pregnant cows in as they came close to their delivery time. It would make it easier on his hands if they had a designated area for the cattle giving birth. He pulled up near a small lake that was frozen over with ice.

  "This is a great lake to take a quick swim during the summer. It's not too deep and it's usually pretty clear. When the weather warms up we can come over here and do a little skinny-dipping."

  "Skinny-dipping? I don’t think I'm going skinny-dipping with you."

  "You know Julie, I think you should stop fighting everything so much. We went ahead and got married. Now don't you think it would be smart to see if we can make something of it? What if we find out that we can both be happy with this arrangement?"

  "It's all good to say that, but I feel like I've been pushed into something that I don't want. It’s not that easy for me to just say maybe we can make it work. I always thought marriage was supposed to be based on love and trust. We don't know each other well enough for that. But yet here we are."

  Seth shook his head and gazed out the windshield, trying to think of what he could say to make her willing to give it a shot.

  "Look, I didn't want this anymore than you did. But I'm willing to give it a try since we went ahead and got married. What’s wrong with seeing if we can get along?"

  "So you want me to just fall into your arms and pretend that everything is hunky-dory?"

  "No one said anything about falling in my arms. I’m just saying let’s try to get to know each other, see if there's something—anything that we can build on. Do you think you can at least do that much?"

  Julie turned away from him to look out the passenger window. It was beautiful with everything covered with snow. The boughs of the trees were bent low, heavy with the amount of snow on them. He was right, she needed to stop fighting this so much. She'd been out with guys in the city that she hadn’t been as attracted to as much as Seth, and she would've already been thinking about hopping into bed with them instead of fighting it every step of the way like she was doing with Seth.

  Turning back to him, she stuck out her right hand and said, "Okay, let's give it an honest-to-goodness try. You want to shake on it?"

  Ignoring her outstretched hand, he curled his arm around her shoulder and quickly pulled her in clothes for a kiss. And what a kiss it was.

  As he plundered her mouth, she tried at first to resist, but then she gave in and melted into him. His tongue skimmed along the seam of her closed mouth and probed to gain access. She opened just a tiny bit, and that was all he needed. His tongue slipped inside her mouth, exploring and searching every little crevice he could find.

  His arms tightened around her shoulders and pulled her even closer. She offered no resistance. Her hands crept up his chest and rested on his shoulders, gripping the sheepskin jacket he wore.

  She gave herself over to the delicious sensations. Sensations that were winding their way down between her breasts, past her belly, and to her very core. There was a little flutter low in her belly that seem to send tiny electric charges to her pussy. With no further urging, she scooted closer to him across the bench seat. She heard the zipper of her parka being pulled down and then she felt his hand inside her jacket. She was wearing a pullover sweater and his hand slipped down to the bottom and under it, where he found a quilted flannel shirt. He began working the buttons on the shirt, getting them undone and this time when his hand slipped underneath he found the thin silk material that he knew was the top of her long underwear. Again he had to skim down to the bottom of the shirt to reach underneath this layer. Finally, he touched her warm bare skin. He slowly worked his way up only to be stopped again by her bra. Not one to take defeat easily, he reached around her back and deftly, with just one hand, unhooked the bra, at last getting through the final piece of clothing. When his hand found its way back to her front side, he shoved the loosened bra cups up and out of the way to gently squeeze her exposed breasts.

  She let a gasp into his mouth and heard the deep rumbling in his throat. She wanted more, and she wanted it now. Pushing away from his kiss, she began struggling out of her jacket. When he realized what she was doing, he took his hand out from under the layers of clothing and helped divest her of not just her jacket, but the sweater, flannel shirt, the silky underwear, and pulled the bra off her arms. Then he bent down and took a nipple into his mouth. It had already become hard and erect from the cold air. He sucked on one nipple while massaging the other with his hand. Julie's hands were in his hair, her fingers grabbing clumps of it as she held his head to her chest, not wanting him to ever stop.

  When he finally did come up for air, he looked at her and said, "There's a lineman's shack just down the road. It will be cold until we get a fire going really good, but there is a cot and there should be some coffee we can make. Honey, I hope you feel like I feel. Right now, there's nothing I want more than to make love to you."

  He looked at her, waiting for her response. She didn't say anything, but she did give a nod of her head.

  Shoving her shirt back at her, he said, "Keep warm, we’ll be there in just a couple of minutes."

  He put the truck into gear and true to his word they were at the shack in just a few minutes. He ran inside
to start the fire and Julie remained in the truck which was still running and heated.

  Was this what she really wanted? She didn't know. All she knew was that he stirred feelings within her that she wasn't sure she had ever felt before.

  He was back at the truck before she could do any more serious thinking. Pulling open her door, he reached in to turn the engine off. He covered her still bare torso with her shirt and jacket, then picked her up and carried her inside.

  The shack was still cold but Julie could feel the fire heating up the place. The wood burning stove was directly across from the cot and would keep them warm enough. He set her on her feet and pulled away her shirt and parka. She stood there topless and thought she must be a sight with just her lower body all bundled up for the cold weather.

  Lifting her hands, she began to undress Seth. His jacket was already unzipped so she just slid her hands inside and up to his shoulders to push it off. Like her, he wore a quilted flannel shirt. She unbuttoned the shirt and skimmed it down his arms, letting it fall to the ground. Next came his crew neck T-shirt which she grabbed at the bottom hem and pulled over his head. She tried to hide the giggle that was trying to come out but in the end she couldn’t.

  “What’s so funny?” His hand brushed the hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear.

  “I was just thinking how we’re both naked from the waist up.”

  “Well maybe we should do something about that," he said.

  "And just what do you think we should do about it?" Julie asked in a whisper

  "Well the obvious thing would be to shuck the rest of our clothes off." He reached for the button of her jeans at the same time that she reached for his.

  In just a moment, they were both down to their long underwear. Hers was silky like the top he had removed earlier, but his was thermal and she briefly wondered which was warmer; the thermal or the silk?

  She had other things to think about and didn't dwell on the question for long. Their clothes were bunched around their ankles, unable to come completely off because their boots were still on.

  He led her to the narrow cot and they sat down on the edge and finished undressing. He was done sooner than she was and with her lacy white panties still on, he gently pushed her backwards on the cot. Then he covered her body and put one hand behind her head to grab a hank of her thick hair. He kissed her again, deeply and passionately. He came down her jawline, leaving feather-light kisses as he skimmed the length of her neck, along her collarbone, to her breast with its hard nipple just begging to be suckled. He took it in his mouth and laved it with his tongue for just a moment before he continued his way down her torso, past her belly button and then grabbed the side of her tiny panties with his teeth and pulled them down on the right side. He repeated the motion on the left side.

  When they were halfway down to her knees, he moved her to her side and yanked them off the rest of the way with his hand. Scooting down between her legs he pushed them further apart, up and over his shoulders, exposing her sex. The light aroma of her arousal made his dick stand straight up at attention. For now, his cock would have to wait. He wanted to taste her first with his mouth.

  He dropped little kisses along her inner thighs and when he reached the apex, he flicked his tongue over her clit and fastened his mouth onto her slit, causing her to gasp in pleasure and she grabbed handfuls of his hair to make sure he didn't stop what he was doing.

  She came suddenly and unexpectedly. Her hips bucked up and she nearly pulled Seth’s hair out as the orgasm ripped through her. Seth lapped up her sweet creaminess and then slid up her length until his cock was poised to enter her. She opened her eyes when he paused and he raised his eyebrows in question.

  There wasn’t anything in the world right now that he wanted to do more than sink himself into her, but he needed to be sure she wanted it too.

  “Please,” she begged in a low throaty voice. “Fuck me now.”

  He plunged inside her and withdrew almost completely before plunging in again. Julie bucked her hips to meet his thrusts and then put her hands on his ass and pulled him in deeper until he was fucking her hard and fast, building her up to another explosive orgasm. He bent down and took a stiff nipple into his mouth and sucked hard making her come just as he poured himself into her.

  After Seth caught his breath, he rolled off her and shifted them around so they were lying side by side, spooning with his arm draped over her waist and cupping one breast. They barely fit on the narrow cot, yet neither one seemed to mind.

  Julie marveled at how warm and good she felt. She felt like everything was right and the way it should be. Surprisingly, she felt like she was right where she belonged—wrapped in Seth’s arms.

  “You okay?” Seth asked.

  Julie smiled and answered, “Better than okay. You?”

  “Oh yeah. I’m just fine.”

  They dozed off for about a half hour and when Seth woke he looked at his watch and saw it was early afternoon. Mrs. Alvarez would start worrying if they didn’t get back to the ranch house for lunch. He gave Julie’s ass a light smack.

  “Time to get up and moving before they come looking for us.

  Chapter Ten

  After lunch, Seth pulled out the snowmobile and they bundled up once more and rode out to where the men were keeping an eye on the cattle. Julie climbed on behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She turned her face to the side, leaned against his back and adjusted her hood to keep her face as warm as possible.

  Seth pulled his ski gloves on, gunned the engine a few times, yelled, “Hang on,” and took off. He’d already explained to Julie that once they were at the herd, he would search in the culverts and arroyos for any calves or other cattle that may have wandered away from the main herd. It was easier to do on the snowmobile with this much snow than on a horse. With the snow so deep there was no telling what a horse might step into causing it to fall and injure itself.

  It was an exhilarating ride, and every now and then Julie lifted her head and peeked over Seth’s shoulder to get a view of where they were going. The biting wind always made her quickly duck her head back down behind the protection of Seth’s broad shoulders.

  When they reached the herd they stopped at the fifty gallon oil drum that had a constant fire burning. The men took turns coming back to the fire to warm up. There was a metal plate covering about a third of the top of the barrel with a pot of coffee on it.

  “Hey, boss.” Justin, the foreman, greeted the new arrivals. “I just made a fresh pot of coffee if you want to warm up your innards before searching for strays.”

  “Yeah, that’d be great. I’m sure my bride would like to get off this thing and stretch her legs a little bit.”

  Julie got off the snowmobile and watched as Justin wiped out two used coffee cups with some clean snow and a not too clean looking rag that hung from the corner of the metal plate on top of the barrel. He handed them each a cup. The niceties of cream and sugar weren’t used out here on the range. The coffee was strong and bitter, but Julie drank it down so she could warm up before they got back on the snowmobile.

  A few of the other men came to the barrel to greet Seth and Julie and congratulate them again on their nuptials. She couldn’t help but wonder what they would think if they knew how the morning was spent at the line shack. She was still in a bit of a daze about it. After spending her wedding night with the rolled up blanket between them who would’ve expected the consummation of their marriage vows to take place on a narrow cot in a line shack?

  Back on the snowmobile, they skirted around the herd of cattle and slowly drove along the dips where cattle may have become stuck.

  “Keep an eye out for any strays; it’s easy for me to miss them when I have to keep my eyes on where we’re going too.”

  “Okay, I’m looking out.”

  Sometime later, Julie bounced up and down on the seat, pointed up ahead and to the right, saying, “Over there! I think I see something, a cow and her calf. Can you g
et us there on this thing?”

  “Yeah, I can. Just hang on.”

  She gripped his waist tightly as he maneuvered them down into the shallow gully. Afraid the strays would get spooked and run off, Seth stopped the snowmobile and turned the engine off about fifty feet away from them. He walked slowly towards them, speaking softly with a rope in his hand. If he could snag the cow, he knew the calf would docilely follow its mother.

  Julie saw movement out of the corner of her eye and turned to look. There was another stray. It was mooing plaintively and she started walking towards it. Like Seth, she spoke softly so as not to startle the animal as she approached it.

  She wasn’t sure what to do since she didn’t have a rope. Even if she had one, she didn’t have the strength to make this cow move. That had already been proved when the calf had dragged her through the snow the last time she’d tried to get a stray. She decided she would just wait until Seth came to help her. But then the cow turned and started slowly ambling away.

  Without a thought, Julie began making her way down the snow covered incline to stop the cow from going anywhere. She lost her footing and fell on her butt before sliding down the rest of the way. When she saw she was headed for a tree, she bent her knees and tried to turn to avoid crashing into it. She was almost successful. Her shoulder slammed into the tree and she fell backwards, hitting her head on a snow covered tree root hard enough to knock her out.


  Seth finally lassoed his cow and turned around to tell Julie to drive back up the incline to tighten up the slack in the rope. She wasn’t there.

  Where the hell had she gotten to now?

  He looked around and not seeing any sign of her, called out, “Julie! Where are you?”

  There was no answer. Standing still, he tried to concentrate and listen for any sounds. Maybe she went behind a tree to relieve herself. But all was quiet. All he heard was the breathing of the cow and its calf.

  Stomping over to the snowmobile, he made sure the rope was securely fastened to the steel loop under the seat, then followed her tracks. While he plodded through the snow, all he could think of was how he was going to put a burning on her cute little ass.


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