The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules)

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The Rules In Paradise (Playing By The Rules) Page 2

by Woods, Lindsey

  “And is that your passion in life?

  “Well it pays the bills. I enjoy it if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “But you are not passionate about it?” His eyes were intensely concentrated on me and me alone.

  “I am passionate about art. I am not passionate about being someone’s coffee gopher, no.” I was suddenly feeling irritated? Why did he need to prod into my personal business?

  “Why do you stay then?”

  “Because I need to pay rent on my apartment? Because I need experience in order to get a real job? There’s plenty of reasons people do things they don’t want to.”

  “I seem to have a struck a nerve.”

  “You’re awful nosy.”

  He chuckled and it was low and sexy.

  “I prefer the word inquisitive.” He nodded toward the bartender and in less than a minute a drink was in front of both of us.

  “So, now I get to be inquisitive. What do you do?”

  “I work in business.”

  “Like I said, stingy.” Cole shook his head.

  “You do not know of what you speak.”

  “What are you secretly a eighty year old British man?”

  Cole let out a full blown laugh at this. He threw his head back and laughed loudly.

  “Last I checked I was American. I’ve been several times to Britain though.”

  “You’re evading the question Cole.”

  “No ma’am. You asked if I was an eighty year old British man and I answered that question.”

  I inwardly groaned. “You’re mildly infuriating.”

  “Only mildly? I will have to up my game.”

  I stared at him in shock.

  “You’re absurd.”

  “You’re intriguing.”

  “Oh really? Are you inexplicably drawn to me?” I dramatically flicked my hair over my shoulder and put my nose in the air.

  “Like a moth to the flame.” The way his eyes burned into mine as he spoke, I felt a chill run up my spine. He filled a much larger space than a normal person. Not in a physical way but in the intense air he emitted around him. I felt my cheeks blush as I struggled for something to say.

  “You never said what you did. Or should I assume you’re not going to give up that information?”

  “Though I could choose to just answer your last question and infuriate you further I will go against everything I believe and not push your buttons further. I am in business as I said. I am co-owner of a very successful innovative design company. Essentially it is my job to convince people with lots of money to give us their money and we will come in and spend a small portion of that money on designing their dream building. We do not do construction, we essentially tell hotel moguls what they need to have in their hotel in order to make money.”

  “I’m not sure I understand.”

  “I spend time in places like this and see what people like or do not like about where they stay. I then bring that field research as I call it, back to the powers that be and we make the hotel of their dreams.”

  “So you’re a spy of sorts?”

  Cole laughed loudly again and smiled at me. This time he gave me the full view of brilliant teeth and for the first time I noticed adorable dimples. “Nobody has ever put it that way before. I guess I kind of am a spy. I should add that to my business card.”

  “You co-own this company with who?”

  “Well, it seems ironic you ask that question now. As my partner currently has his hands all over your friend’s ass.”

  My eyes shot towards the dance floor and sure enough Adrian was moving to the music, dancing with a man who had roaming hands.

  “Yes, indeed he does.” Cole looked at me and shrugged his shoulders, taking the last sip from his glass.

  “I find it hard to believe that any of your men would allow the three of you to go away and leave them behind.”

  “No, they didn’t because they are not real. Imaginary boyfriends will let you go anywhere. Char is the only attached one. She just got engaged about a year ago.”

  “You approve it seems.”

  “I do. I like him a lot.”

  We sat in silence for a few moments. Both of us were looking on the dance floor. I watched as Adrian danced with this man, hopefully he wasn’t quite as intense as Cole.

  “Where are you here from?”

  “I had thought maybe you had lost your inquisitive bone. I live in California. I have a home in LA. I know it’s terribly cliche, but what can I say, that’s where the money is.”

  “Is that your passion?” Two could play at this game.

  “LA? No, that is my city of which I reside.”


  “I’d be lying if I said no. I may not always offer the truth, but I do not lie. I enjoy money. I enjoy having money. I do not care to worry about going somewhere if I feel the need or purchasing something I want. In that respect, yes, I am passionate about money.” I nodded signaling his answer was fair enough.

  “Love or money?” I said.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You have to pick one. You can’t say both or neither, you have to pick only one.”

  “Money.” I frowned slightly at his answer.

  “Does that answer not please you?”

  “It’s your answer, it doesn’t matter my opinion.”

  “You wear your opinion openly on your face. Why do you disapprove?”

  “I didn’t say I did.”

  “No, but your face could not hide your distaste. Why?”

  “Because that’s how my face looks?” I smiled a bit, knowing I was slowly starting to catch on to the rules of this game. A sly smile spread across his face.

  “Touche Olivia. Let me rephrase that. I want to know why you didn’t like that answer.”

  “If you want the truth, it makes me feel sad for you.”

  “I do not want your pity.”

  “It’s not pity. I just don’t think that money should be the object everyone pines after.”

  “So your answer is love?” Cole asked.


  “Care to elaborate?”

  “You can lean on someone and they can help you. Money can only get you stuff.”

  “In my world money means you are somebody. If you are nobody then nobody is willing to give you the time of day. You cannot survive if nobody is paying you. If you can’t eat then love does you no good.”

  “Have you ever been in love?” The question was out of my mouth before I could even process what I was saying.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t know if you’ve ever been in love?” I gave him a look of disbelief.

  “I guess I don’t. I’d like to think so, but I’m not certain.” Cole disappeared somewhere. I saw his eyes begin to gloss over as he was deep in thought, somewhere over the ocean.

  My concentration on the incredibly sexy man in front of me was broken as I spotted Charlotte and Adrian sitting across the bar, giggling into their drinks. I closed my eyes to silently wish them away but when I opened my eyes they were still sitting there being utterly obvious.

  “I do believe we have an audience,” Cole said with the slightest hint of a smile pulling at his lips.

  “I see that, I’m sorry.” I felt myself flush knowing that he also saw my friends unabashedly gawking at us from across the bar.

  “It’s late and I do believe I should return to my room. Thank-you for the dance, Olivia.” The way my name flowed over his tongue made me tingle. The tingle went into a full body vibration when his lips grazed my cheek and he whispered goodnight.

  “Goodnight Cole,” I whispered after him.

  Chapter 3

  I answered questions from the girls the entire walk back to the room. Although they knew him about as well as I did, they assumed I was withholding information. I assured them if I had any information or knowledge about him they would be the first ones to know.

  It wasn’t long until we all retreated to ou
r own rooms and were out for the night. After a small breakfast and coffee the next morning we changed into our bathing suits and were situated on lounge chairs by the pool.

  “I only feel moderately like death,” said Adrian.

  “This is an improvement over the previous years,” I chimed in.

  “It is isn’t it? I think I’m growing up.” All three of us laughed loudly at that.

  “So, do you like him?” Adrian asked, out of nowhere.

  “I’m assuming you mean Cole. And no, I don’t know him. Literally I know nothing about him other than he is extremely good looking and he can dance.”

  “It’s really quite mysterious and romantic. Like out of a romance novel. A tropical location, hot mysterious guy,” Charlotte mused.

  “Except I’ll probably never see him again which is exactly why I’m trying not to think about him.” I had to be honest with myself. It was a fluke. I wasn’t the one who was normally hit on when we were together. I also wasn’t one to put myself out there.

  We fell into a comfortable silence as the three of us drifted into our thoughts, or in Adrian’s case, into a deep sleep. I caught myself glancing around the pool area, hoping to see him. Even if he didn’t come over to see me, I felt like just seeing that he was real would be enough.

  My heart jumped a little bit when I saw a few of his friends from yesterday afternoon walk into the pool area. I couldn’t help but feel disappointed when I didn’t see him follow.

  Shortly after lunch time the pool area started to fill up. We had given into the call of the fruity drinks and were having a good time. On one drink run, Adrian got caught up talking to a guy at the bar. He was cute, and I recognized him as the man she had danced with last night.

  “You guys, I think I’m in love,” Adrian said as she set down our drinks. “That guy I’ve been talking to? His name is Jason and he owns a yacht! He and his friends are going out tonight, inviting some people out for a party on the boat. I signed up the three of us. He’s totally adorable. He said he works in California, in business. He’s the one from last night. Stop looking at me like that Char, at least he didn’t say he’s an actor.”

  “So I guess the plan is to get on a big boat with people we don’t know and travel out to sea so we can get raped and murdered,” Charlotte said.

  “He’s totally not like that,” Adrian said, annoyed.

  “Oh well I’m glad in the thirty seconds you’ve known him you have figured out he’s a real gem.”

  “If it’s sketchy, we won’t go. Ok?”

  “Fine.” Charlotte finally succumbed to Adrian’s pleading.

  I understood Charlotte’s point, but at the same time we were on vacation. It wasn’t time to do what we’d do at home. Adrian was right, if it looked sketchy, we’d leave. Besides, there might be a chance Cole was going to be there and that was enough to take a risk. I thought for a minute and realized this thought was the opposite of everything I usually believed. I was he cautious one. I was the one who often tried to talk other people out of doing things because I thought it was too dangerous. Here I was willing to get on a strange boat with a man I literally had never met just for the chance to glimpse a guy I had talked to for an hour or two last night? Apparently Mexico was messing with my brain.

  The rest of the day went slowly for me. I was excited when it was finally time to go upstairs and get ready so we could have dinner before we left. I knew I shouldn’t have been excited given the possibilities of death and destruction on a party boat of strangers, but I still had butterflies at the thought of possibly seeing him. I assured myself this was just to make sure he was not something I had imagined.

  Dinner was exquisite. We had seafood at a small tiki bar/restaurant next door to our condo. After some drinks and a delicious meal we were all quite excited. The only time I had been on a boat was with these two girls, on one of Charlotte’s dad’s boats.

  I was stunned when we walked down to the docks and saw a boat that literally was the size of a big house. Lights were shining all over and I could already hear the music aboard. Jason came jogging up to us, hugging Adrian on his way.

  “I’m so glad you ladies came. Adrian you look lovely. Ladies, I’m Jason. Thank you for coming.” His tone was gentle and he was extremely personable and polite. He was a little on the short side but by no means would I call him short. He had sandy hair and light eyes. He looked genuinely nice. If nice had a look, that is. We introduced ourselves and he led us up onto the ship.

  “Bar is to the left, sitting area too. Restrooms are to the right. Food is downstairs inside. Have fun!” Jason waved and smiled and Adrian followed after him, her arm linked with his. I watched them both walk away happily.

  Charlotte and I just looked at each other for a moment before heading toward the bar. The bar was on a huge deck. There was a DJ playing music there as well as large dance floor. It looked much like the beach party at the condo except this was all housed on a impossibly large boat.

  “This is pretty crazy,” I said to Charlotte as we both sipped our drinks.

  “I can’t believe how many people are here. It seems like last night.” Charlotte said almost reading my mind.

  As I was gazing around the huge boat I noticed Cole, walking over toward us. My palms immediately got sweaty and my heart started pumping faster. I turned toward the bar and nearly choked on my drink.

  “He’s coming.” Was all I could get out before he reached us.

  “Whiskey please Eric. Ladies, it is a true pleasure to see you again. I’m sorry we didn’t get to meet last night, I’m Cole Cooper, and you are Charlotte. Olivia spoke so much about you.” His smile was stunning and Charlotte looked moderately flushed as he shook her hand. I was thankful that someone else had that reaction to him.

  “Olivia it is so good to see you again. I saw Jason downstairs and he said you had come with his date for the evening.”

  I stood there stunned. He had brought so much energy with him. Not excited, happy-go-lucky Adrian energy, but controlled energy. Like he was completely in charge of every inch of the space in which he occupied. And the space he occupied seemed to be triple the space anybody else occupied. It felt like a weight settled where he was. Not necessarily a bad weight, but definitely strong.

  “Did you have a nice day today?” Cole asked, his tone innocent enough.

  “We did, we sat by the pool and had dinner before we got here.”

  He was leaned casually back against the bar, his small glass of ice and whiskey in his hand. He had on a pair of black shorts and a gray, fitted T-shirt. Even in something so casual he owned his look.

  “So Cole, Olivia didn’t mention it. What is it that you do for a living?” Charlotte had turned into mother hen.

  “Jason is my business partner in the hospitality business. I’m out here doing some research for him, as well some pleasure mixed in with some friends who came down with me.”

  “So you know Jason well then? Do you live in California as well?” Charlotte had a mission, and clearly it was to find it everything possible about Cole. Either she really wanted to know about him or she wanted to see if I was keeping anything from her.

  “Yes, I do. We’ve been friends for a very long time.” He sipped his drink and set the empty glass on the bar. He nodded toward the bartender for another.

  Charlotte sipped her drink as he studied him. She must have made a decision as she placed her glass on the bar and excused herself to go check on Adrian. We stood in awkward silence for a few moments.

  “I’m glad you made it. I feared I would have to spend the evening having boring small talk with random drunk vacationers. I had a good time last night. I hated to leave so quickly, but I did have to get back to my room and take care of a few things. Like I said, you were wrong as well. You are a good dancer.” He spoke quickly and sipped at his drink. I continued to just stare at him.

  “Um, I had anticipated hearing you had a great time as well, or you’re glad you came, or you’re happy to see me. U
nless that is untrue then perhaps I should go?” He was watching me anxiously, I knew he was trying to gauge my expression.

  “Who the hell are you?” The question escaped my mouth before I could stop it, or before I could make it slightly less intrusive.

  “I’m sorry? Did we not go over this last evening?” His expression read as slightly annoyed.

  “What I mean is, who are you? You’re here for business with your friends? You pop up out of nowhere followed by your friend asking my friend out where you just happen to be.”

  “Olivia, nobody put a gun to your head to board the boat. It was of your own free will. I have my suspicions that it was your hope, as much as mine that we would run into each other here. This is not some weird cult. This is my friend’s boat. We have traveled together and I am simply enjoying one of our adventures. However, being accosted by a woman at the bar is not my idea of fun.” His tone was even, but so matter-of-fact.

  “I didn’t mean that, I just, I’m sorry.” I took a sip of my drink. I felt embarrassed. His overbearing attitude was stifling and I didn’t know how to handle it.

  “Don’t apologize. I quite like to hear you speechless, almost as much as I like to hear your challenging tone.” I looked over to him to see him taking in the deck. He had the hint of a smile at the corners of his lips.

  “So you wanted to see me tonight.” It was more of a statement than I would have liked.

  “You seem almost as surprised as I do. It was a very short time I got to spend in your company last night, yet I spent the remainder of the night thinking of you. It is quite rare that anyone, let alone a random woman, has that effect on me. Which is what I meant when I said I had to meet you.”

  I felt the blush take over my cheeks. His admission was shocking considering I could hardly get a name out of him last night.

  “How long are you here?” The question seemed unrelated, but it fit perfectly with my train of thought.

  “Well I will remain on the boat until we dock. I am not quite a strong enough swimmer to make it back to shore at this point.” Though his lips did not say he was being funny, his eyes sparkled with a hint of amusement.


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