Warlock's Fate: An Andrew Moore Novel 03

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Warlock's Fate: An Andrew Moore Novel 03 Page 1

by D. R. Rosier

  Warlock’s Fate

  Andrew Moore Novel 03

  Author: D. R. Rosier

  Copyright 2017. This is a work of fiction. Names, Characters, Places and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead, is entirely coincidental. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  About the Author

  Other erotic fantasies by D. R. Rosier:

  Non-erotic Fantasy titles:

  Book Description


  The club’s loud and harsh beat was muffled from the back office where Arthur and his mate Helen reviewed the books. They did this once a year at all their establishments, not so much because they couldn’t trust the vampires in charge of the businesses, but because they liked to make sure things ran efficiently and no mistakes were being made. In the past, he’d also caught things that the younger vampires in the coven had missed, such as humans foolish enough to embezzle money.

  To be fair, the foolish humans didn’t know who they were really working for.

  Arthur was a perfectionist, and he preferred order in his life. Which was why he despised the shifters so much, they were chaotic, undisciplined, and had no true leadership to unite them. The warlock was another thorn in his side, one he couldn’t excise with certainty, but he was working on a plan. He was also hoping the mages would take care of the problem, so he wouldn’t have to. His network of vampires throughout the city had informed him the mages had taken up where he’d left off just a few days ago.

  Jason’s phone vibrated, and Arthur looked up, as his head of security, and personal turn took the phone from his pocket and started to read a message.

  Jason said reluctantly, “It’s not good news sire.”

  Arthur ordered, “Tell me.”

  Jason reported, “The ambush the mages set up failed, and another stronger attack at the warlock’s home failed. One of the mages has gone rogue, and seems to be assisting him in growing stronger, and actively defending him as well.”

  Arthur sensed there was more, and waited for Jason to mentally formulate his report. The delay was annoying, but he preferred concise reports, and waiting while Jason condensed a long windy report in his mind was the price for that.

  Jason continued, “Seven out of the nine mages that made up the mage council are dead, including the head councilor Carlos. Mage society is reeling, and it may be some time before they fill those positions, and even then, the new council might give the warlock wide berth after such a crushing defeat.”

  He frowned at that, it seems his hopes at the easy solution were dead. He should have known better, nothing in this life was easy.

  Helen asked, “What should we do?”

  He pondered that for a while, there was no way he could match the strength, speed, or power of the abomination Julia, but he knew who could. He hated asking for help, but he knew that was the only option if he were to be rid of the warlock, and survive. He just wondered if his sire would consent to help. She could be stubborn, which at her age, wasn’t surprising.

  He pulled out his phone, and scrolled through his contacts. He tapped on the name Annaliese, she didn’t have a last name, she’d already been over two thousand years old before she’d turned him. Julia was at least twice as powerful as him, putting her demon’s age at around fifteen hundred years old. Annaliese was at least three thousand, one of the truly ancient and powerful of their kind.

  Now if he could just persuade her to help…

  Two weeks later…

  Samuel Pierson, investigator for the mage council, let his thoughts wander as the new council continued to bicker. As usual, his mind wandered back to the restaurant, and the hybrid vampire-cat shifter that had spared his life. He’d been barely conscious and stuffed inside a wall, and had seen her make Edith’s head practically explode with a negligent toss of a heavy glass salt shaker. Then she’d looked at him with her dark amber eyes, and had seen him looking back.

  There was no way she didn’t know he was still alive.

  Then she’d disappeared in shadows, spared his life. None of his men had been killed either, only the three councilors, and one of his colleagues had died that night. For a few days, he’d wondered why she’d spared him, she looked fierce and angry, and the last thing he ever wanted to do was cross paths with her again. Eventually, he believed he figured out why he was spared, the warlock didn’t want war. He was convinced all the warlock had said in that meeting was the truth, or at least, that Moore had firmly believed it was the truth.

  History told him that peace with a warlock was naïve. Some did start out that way, and were inevitably corrupted by the evil of their patron, and tried to gain ascendency over all the supernatural races in the city.

  But… he’d done some research on the Moore line in Chicago, and there was something very different with that family. The Moore line had helped and fought to keep the peace in that city since its founding. He wasn’t sure why, but that family of warlocks were different from the rest. There was some speculation that it was simply their DNA, and that they were predisposed to having compassion which tempered their ambition.

  Another bit of guesswork in the Moore files implied there might be another reason, that the Moore line had a fallen angel as their demonic patron instead of a lesser demon or demoness born from pure evil. It was an absurd idea, fallen angels were very powerful and at the top of the food chain in hell, Why would they willingly align themselves with, and serve a mortal when they can send their lackeys? Still, such a link to a being that wasn’t wholly evil, but balanced by a full range of emotions and inclinations with free will, could and would account for why they weren’t corrupted as easily as the others.

  As for him, he wasn’t sure why it was, maybe it was both reasons. A highly-developed sense of morality and compassion, combined with a patron who wasn’t filled with hate. He was sure however, that there was a very good chance Andrew Moore would turn out like the rest of them, which meant all this bickering, death, and betrayal had been a mistake.

  He frowned at the council, as they worked on and discarded plan after plan to attack Moore, and get revenge on Samantha. That second one… Samantha, scared him more than the vampire-shifter hybrid did. Samantha wasn’t only better than him at magic, she looked graceful and effortless while doing it, without fear or hesitation. Almost as if she shaped and moved the magic with a peaceful sure heart. He’d like to ascribe arrogance to her for it, but in truth it was simply confidence tied to a natural ability far beyond his own. As long as he’d known her, she’d never tried to lord her power and accomplishments over him or anyone else.

  His frown deepened, as they seemed to be setting
another trap, almost identical to the last one that had been a disaster. His back straightened as he came to a decision, he couldn’t let this continue. It was a waste of time, lives, and resources that would be better spent elsewhere. What they really needed to do, was come to some true accommodation with the warlock. As long as overly ambitious people ruled the council, that wouldn’t ever happen.

  He didn’t want to be on the council, he never had, but that, or being fired for failing a challenge, sounded better to him than a certain death that wouldn’t count for anything. Of course, nothing was certain, even if he did win, he’d have to convince the other eight idiots it was a good idea to back off. That could take… a long time. He already regretted his decision, who’d want to deal with the boneheads? But he felt he had no choice.

  He stepped up in front of the dais, and cleared his throat.

  The new head councilor frowned down at him for the interruption, “What is it Samuel?”

  He took a deep breath, “Jonas, I challenge you for your position of head councilor…”

  Chapter One

  The leather chair was comfortable, as I paged through the newest spell and magical theory book that Samantha had me working through, while I waited for her to join me. I wouldn’t call it advanced, but it was certainly intermediate in nature, and would have been incomprehensible to me just three weeks ago.

  The last two weeks had been incredibly quiet on the mage and vampire front. I’d been able to focus on studying my magic, keeping my four incredible women sated and happy both sexually and mentally, both in and out of bed in other words.

  There was also the matter of Gina, the head alpha for the cat shifters. She was incredibly sexy, and a wild woman in bed, a blonde haired and blue eyed bombshell. I’d visited her twice the last two weeks to recharge the wards, and to join our bodies together. She was great, and I cared for her, but in her case, we could never be more, and she couldn’t be faithful to me. Yes, that sounded rather hypocritical to me, since I have four women in my bed every night, but surprisingly I hadn’t felt the jealousy I’d expected to feel about what she got up to when I wasn’t there. When I was there, she was attentive, fun, very distracting, and all mine. She called it the best friends with benefits plan.

  Katia, my fiancé, and the only human among us, who I loved to distraction, had found her stride and was very happy with both me, our other mates, and her job. She’d taken the bedroom closest to the living room and turned it into a second office, where she took care of our financials, businesses, and even tracked my hidden heirs along with the assets we’d given them. Granted, there was only one of those so far, hidden heirs that is, and that was something I’d have to remedy soon.

  Katia had also been in contact with our moms, who’d just left after a two-day visit. My mother had taken in my apparent harem with a shrug, Katia’s mother had taken a little more convincing that her daughter hadn’t lost her mind. It wasn’t easy, since we’d hidden the fact that magic and the supernatural world even existed from Katia’s mom. Which meant we couldn’t explain the whole warlock, succubus, libido thing, and why that made a difference in the supernatural world. We couldn’t explain how Katia had given up her jealousy, magically, and was just as much a lover of the other three as I was. Still, we’d handled it. While her mother had left not quite sure her daughter was sane, she’d been very convinced her daughter was content and joyful.

  In truth, it wasn’t just me and my needs, Katia cared for and slept with Julia, Lilith, and Samantha as well. It was one of those love in all directions type of thing, and I was glad it worked, because I didn’t want to let any of them go. Although, only Samantha and Katia could ever leave me, Lilith and Julia were stuck with me until I died, which made me work extra hard to keep them happy and sated. Having four loving and happy women in my bed was a dream, but I knew the reverse, unhappy women, would be a nightmare.

  Julia, my strikingly and exotically beautiful, not to mention sexy as sin, cat shifter-vampire of sorts, had me firmly wrapped around her little pinky. I was her master, she was my guardian, and she had to obey all my orders by pact, those outside of a sexual nature anyway, but I had given up on resisting the fact that I was quickly becoming smitten. She was attractive, fun, loyal to intense degree, and obviously loved me with all that she was. How could I not fall for her, and fall hard. She didn’t have to give me all of her, just her protection and loyalty, that she gave me her love, and her body exclusively within our family, was something I’d never take for granted.

  I still hadn’t told Julia how much I’d grown to care for her, adore her, and love her, but I was sure she could smell it in my scent, and discern it from the way I looked at her and treated her. I still pulled her into my lap every chance I got, there was something about her that prompted that action in me, and I loved to hold her and take in her scent. Still, I planned to let her know exactly how I felt in words soon, I just wanted the first time I told her how I felt to be notable, and special.

  Lilith, the third woman I knew I loved, was a bit more complicated. She was a fallen angel, a succubus and greater demon who lived on the infernal plane. She also owned my soul, but was my dedicated servant in this life, and had to obey me like Julia. Complicated just didn’t begin to cover it as a description for our relationship. But… she could also pass for Katia’s sister, she was sweet, guided me subtly when required, and supported all of us. She was an incredible woman. She had the looks and beauty of the girl next door type, innocent, with a hint of sexy. She had a perfectly average hourglass body, neither voluptuous, nor athletic but right in between, and a sweet innocent face. I hadn’t told her how much she meant to me either, but the time was coming for that as well.

  Samantha, the mage I had hired, and who had been the fourth and final woman to joined our bed, two weeks ago now, was also an incredible woman. She was powerful with magic, and had sped up my education quite a bit, not only in learning spells, but better techniques to cast and fight. She’d also been dueling with me to increase my competence in an actual fight, every afternoon after lunch.

  She’d also analyzed the wards of our home, and tightened them up over the last couple of weeks. I’m sure it’s not a surprise that I’m falling for her as well. She’s an air mage, graceful, willowy, and has the sexiest green piercing eyes I’ve ever seen, and beautiful long curly strawberry blonde hair. She’s confident, and can seem a little flighty, or disconnected at times, but that’s because of her high intelligence and genius. I wasn’t sure if I loved her yet, but I cared for her very much at the least.

  My life was very full, and active. I hoped Samantha would be the last, only because I only had so much time in the day. I was sure my libido would be up to more, but I thought our relationships would start to suffer, and didn’t intend to allow any others into our bed if I could help it. Truthfully, I’d have been very satisfied with just one of them, but I was greedy, and my libido wouldn’t allow me not to love on and sleep with them all.

  Being in the mood wasn’t ever a problem for them either, which goes back to the fact of having a succubus as a patron, and the infernal magic. There was true attraction, affection, and desire, but it was all raised to another level because of the magic.

  The last month or so of my life had been a little crazy, to say the least. But, I was getting used to it, the plan was never to take it for granted. Fortunately, Katia and Samantha would keep me on my toes that way, neither one of them would hesitate to call me on any bullshit.

  My head rose as Samantha walked in the study, and moved toward my desk like she was floating on air. She had on a red skirt, and a creamy white blouse, with black two inch heels. She froze, and her smile faltered.

  “Who’s that?” Samantha asked.

  I frowned in confusion, and then my eyes widened in understanding. I’d forgotten she was there. I turned, and took in the naked demoness. She was a lesser demoness, and had long raven black hair, reddish brown eyes, and a body built for sin. Literally in her case. However, the sexy e
vil demoness was actually reading a book, and flipping through it at a rate of a page a second, approximately.

  “Umm, Samantha, this is Alma. Alma, say hello to Samantha.”

  “Hello to Samantha,” the demoness said in a smoky teasing tone.

  Samantha walked the rest of the way over and sat in the chair.

  “What is she doing?” my mage asked.

  I replied, “Remember when we were attacked here two weeks ago?”

  Of course she did, she’d killed four of the council members by herself, and had saved us all from being driven from our home, or death. I knew she’d never forget that night.

  Samantha nodded.

  “That night I thought about what could have happened. If they’d driven us away, the council would have not only destroyed our home, but they would have either destroyed this library, or at the very least would have taken it. Since then I’ve been worried about losing all the knowledge in these books, and the opportunity to study them.”

  Samantha looked at the demoness, and blushed, “So… that’s why a gorgeous demoness is naked in your study?”

  Alma turned and beamed at Samantha, “Thank you. I love your hair sweetie.”

  In truth, Alma was pure evil, but she was bound tightly by spells, and had a lot of orders to be polite, and to not do rude things. Things like sucking out souls, torturing people, or even being catty.

  I explained, “Yes actually. As you know I’ve been studying the infernal magic at night, for the five extra hours you sleep. I ran across an advanced summoning ritual last night to make a sentient book, by binding a demon into it. No matter how she looks, I have no inclination to sleep with a lesser demon.”

  I didn’t care what she looked like, the worst thing I could ever do was grow attached and feel warm toward a truly evil creature like Alma. I also knew I wouldn’t be able to stop those emotions from happening if I slept with her.

  I held up a small leather bound book, “Alma is bound to this, permanently unless it’s destroyed. She can read any book, and reproduce it in here on demand, or show a list of available books in an index. She can also search all the books she knows for any information I want to know and show those pages in an order that makes logical sense from different source books. She can also act as a journal and personal spell book, and record any spells or wards I may create. In short, she is… or she will be in a day or two, a copy of the magical library in here. So… if it happens again, and we’re ever forced run, I can just grab Alma on the way out the door so to speak. Even better, since she’s a demon, I can even summon the book to me since she’s bound to my service, even if we left it behind I couldn’t lose it unless she’s destroyed.”


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