Renegade Lady

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by Dawn Martens

  Renegade Lady

  By Dawn Martens &

  Emily Minton

  All rights reserved. This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook is copyright material and must not be copied, reproduced, transferred, distributed, leased, licensed or publicly performed or used in any form without prior written permission of the publisher, as allowed under the terms and conditions under which it was purchased or as strictly permitted by applicable copyright law. Any unauthorized distribution, circulation or use of this text may be a direct infringement of the author’s rights, and those responsible may be liable in law accordingly. Thank you for respecting the work of this author.

  Renegade Lady by DAWN MARTENS and EMILY MINTON

  Copyright © 2013 Dawn Martens and Emily Minton

  Published 2014

  Cover Art by Kellie Dennis at Book Cover by Design

  Edited by Brandi Gilvaja. Main edits by Kendra @ Catdipity Kendra's Proofreading, Line Editing, and Reviewing. Proof reading by Evette Ashby

  Formatted by Angel Steel

  Renegade Lady is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this book either are from the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, establishments, events, or location is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Please do not take offence to the content, as it is FICTION.

  Trademarks: This book identifies product names and services known to be trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks of their respective holders. The author acknowledges the trademarked status in this work of fiction. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.


  Emily’s Acknowledgements:

  I want to thank all of our freaking bad ass betas Maureen, Ahren, Tee, Lindsey, Hayley, KC, Melody, and Skye. You guys are amazing. I adore each and every one of you.

  Brandi… You freaking rock. You’re the alpha reading queen. Thank you so so so much for everything.

  Evette Reads, you rock girl. There is no way I could’ve done this without you. Thanks for being my sounding board and my friend. I know I call you my personal assistant, but you’re really my savior.

  Kendra, Kellie, and Angel: Thank you guys for making the final product the bomb!

  To all our bloggers: Each and every one of you ROCK! You are the backbone of the writing community. We appreciate you more than you will ever know.

  David, Jess, and Bailey: I know you guys have to pick up my slack, when I’m lost in book word. Thanks for not complaining too much. I promise to make lasagna and meatloaf for you soon.

  Dawn, thanks for being by my side. You make working a freaking blast. Love you, chicky. (But, next time, no more discussions of anal sex.)

  To my readers: Thank you for taking this wild ride with me. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Dawn’s Acknowledgements:

  I def need to thank my mega bitch Brandi. She is my sister queen reader. When she read this as our Alpha Reader, and loved it, even declared she wanted to be a Pimptress too, haha, I knew this book was a good one. Thanks B for being awesome.

  To my first round of beta readers Maureen, Ahren, Tee and Skye, thank you for all the feedback, all the notes you gave helped us to build this story more, made it longer, and just overall, made it that much better.

  To my second round of beta readers Lindsey, Hayley, KC, Melody – Thank you!! You ladies read this sort of books all the time, and love them, so having your input on Lady made us sigh a huge sigh of relief.

  To Evette for helping Emily and I with this! Appreciate it! And thanks for being an awesome assistant, even though I don’t really take advantage of it lol, but I’ll try harder! ;)

  To my best friend Nikki, this is 5 books I’ve put out. Where the hell is yours woman! You’ve been working on it longer than I started writing! Ha, get to it! Love you! And I hope we get to meet in person before Nash and Ava get married ;)

  To Emily, you have made writing together so flippen enjoyable. Seriously, you friggen rock.

  To my hubby, I love you! Thanks for keeping the kids busy when it got close to deadline time so I could make sure this was finished. I know books and reading are not interesting to you, but every day you ask about my books, and support me. That means the world to me.

  And last, to my readers, thank you for loving my work, and supporting me as an author. Emily and I are going to be working hard, to try and get Broken done before this baby comes out, that way, you don’t have to wait forever and a day for us to get back to writing. While I have this baby I will be on hiatus, so I appreciate you awesome people in being patient with us.


  This one is for all the old ladies out there. Hope each and every one of you have your own Kidd. – Emily

  This book is for my girl, Brandi, just because. – Dawn


  Renegade Lady contains adult situations some readers may find offensive. This is a raw and gritty story involving under-age rape, explicit sex, graphic language, violence and drug use. Not intended for readers under 18.

  Renegade Lady

  Renegade Sons MC Book One

  Jenna “Ice” Chandler grew up as part of a motorcycle club. She considered it her home, until one wrong move made it her prison. After months of abuse, she is rescued by Chipper, who takes her to Big Clifty, Missouri, home of the Renegade Sons MC.

  Kiddrick “Kidd” Jones is the president of the Renegades. He knows there is something special about Ice the moment his older brother, Chipper, brings her into the club, but stays away, because she is too young.

  When time comes for Ice to take her place in the club, she has two choices, become an old lady or a club whore. Not believing in love and knowing a man can never be faithful, she decides to earn her spot on her back.

  With each passing year, Kidd's feelings for Ice grows and the urge to make her his becomes stronger. Frustrated and jealous, he finally decides it’s time to make her his.

  Will Ice finally thaw out and give love a chance, or is Kidd fighting a losing battle?

  Renegade Sons Motorcycle Club

  “Never Forget and Never Forgive”

  The Renegade Sons Motorcycle club was founded by Charles “Gun” Jones, Clyde “Digger” Bell, and Kenneth “Killer” Thompson on Mach 23, 1973.

  The three brothers by choice were all members of the 42nd Infantry division out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky, also known as the Renegade Sons. Each man had done at least two tours in Vietnam, each believing they fought for something bigger than their self. A fact they were all proud of.

  After returning home from Vietnam, the three men realized that they fought and bled for a cause that many of their country men did not believe in. They realized that they had watched their fellow soldiers, their brothers, die in vain. Even though the men were scattered across the United States, their anger at the situation led them back together. That same anger led them to establish the Renegade Sons.

  Part One

  The Beginning



  I stare at the ceiling while Timmons pounds into me. I bite down hard on my lip, so hard I can taste blood. He slams in one more time and grunts loudly into my ear before rolling onto his side. He lays there for a moment, breathing loudly, then climbs from the bed.

  I can hear him getting dressed, but I never take my eyes off the ceiling. I just lay there and count. I usually make it to around thirty before he leaves the room. One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi…. He’s pulling on his jeans. Thirteen Mississippi, fourt
een Mississippi… I hear the swish of his shirt. Twenty Mississippi, twenty-one Mississippi, twenty-two… There’s the shuffle of his boots. Twenty-eight Mississippi… Finally, the door opens and he walks out.

  As soon as I hear the click of the lock, I roll off the bed and run to the trashcan. I barely make it there before the bile comes spewing out. When I’m done, I crawl back to the bed and pull myself onto it. Once there, I curl up into a ball and pray that God will send someone to save me today. I’m still praying when sleep takes over my body.

  “Get the fuck up!” Timmons shouts, waking me from my nightmare filled sleep. He reaches down and grabs me, pulling me from the bed by my hair. I land hard on the floor, causing pain to ricochet through my already aching body. I slowly push myself up onto my knees and do my best to look at him through my swollen eyes.

  “Get the fuck off the floor and follow me,” he says after giving me a swift kick to the ribs.

  I rush to get up, doing my best to ignore the pain. I walk behind him, every step causing a stabbing sensation to shoot up my side. He finally stops when we reach the middle of the common room. He takes a seat next to my dad and pulls me into his lap. “Jenna, your Dad has something he needs to talk to you about.”

  I don’t respond, just simply nod my head. I learned during my first night with Timmons that things go better if I just keep my mouth shut. Being quiet doesn’t keep him from hurting me, but this way I can’t say something to make him mad. When he’s mad, his beatings turn brutal.

  Dad leans towards us, putting his hands flat against the table. “Timmons and I have been talking. He seems to think it’s time someone took hold of your reins. After that shit you pulled coming in here after your mom died, I’ve decided he’s right.”

  I close my eyes, hoping he doesn’t see the anger flashing through them. Scene? What scene? All I did was come to the club house to tell him that Mom was dead. Yes, I was crying and screaming, but who wouldn’t be after they just found their mother OD’d on the kitchen floor?

  “Do you understand what I’m saying to you, girl?”

  I look back to my father and shake my head. I don’t understand. I don’t understand anything that has happened to me over the last few weeks. How a father could allow his own daughter to be raped and beaten by a monster like Timmons, I will never understand.

  “What I’m telling you is that Timmons is claiming you. You’re his old lady now. There’s nothing you can do to change it. Best start listening to him if you don’t want to be hurt,” he states matter of fact.

  Hurt? Can he not see the bruises covering my body? What about the dried blood that stains the disgusting nighty Timmons makes me wear? “But I’m only sixteen,” I whisper out, even though I know I should keep my mouth shut.

  Timmons’ arms tighten around my waist, causing a sharp pain to course through my ribs. “It doesn’t matter how fucking old you are. You’re mine, and pleasing me is the only damn thing you need to be worrying about anymore. Understand?”

  I have to swallow a gasp of agony, but force myself to answer. “Yes, sir.”

  Dad looks from me to Timmons. “I can’t tell you how to treat her. She’s your old lady now, so it’s your choice. But if you don’t lay off taking your fists to her, she won’t make it more than a week or two.”

  Timmons body tightens next to mine. “Like you said, she’s my old lady. I’ll do whatever the fuck I want to her,” he says in a near shout.

  Dad raises his hands, palms up, in an attempt to calm down Timmons’ anger. “You’re right. She’s none of my business anymore. I won’t say shit about it from now on.”

  Timmons leans towards Dad, causing my head to nearly hit the table. “You better not. ‘Cause if you keep getting in my business; I’ll get in yours. I’m sure you don’t want the boys from Big Clifty knowing your secrets. Be a real shame if they found out you’ve been using their cocaine to feed that nasty little habit you got. You know what I’m talking about, right? The coke that should have been in Cali by now.”

  Dad’s face turns red, and I can tell he wants to come across the table and lay Timmons out. Instead, he sits back and scowls. “You got what you wanted. Take her and get the hell away from me.”

  Timmons chuckles as he stands us up. I look back towards Dad while Timmons pulls me across the room. He’s staring at me with a look of regret on his face, but he keeps his mouth shut. I guess his secrets are more important than his daughter. Before Timmons pulls me into the hallway, he shouts across the room, “Come on Rig! Let’s go have some fun with my old lady.”



  Anger fills me as I walk through the Mateland, Missouri chapter of the Renegade Sons MC’s club house. I didn’t want to come to this shithole, and now that I’ve seen what’s going on, I can’t wait to get my ass out of here. There’re a ton of reasons I gave up the VP chair, and being away from home is one of the biggest. I can’t believe all the shit I’m seeing. There are drugs everywhere-- every-fucking-where. One of the club whores is literally snorting coke off the fucking floor. Never seen anything like it in my life.

  I’ve been here nearly two hours, and I’ve yet to see a member sober enough to talk business with. I should be home taking care of my sick wife, instead of having to deal with a bunch of fucked up dipshits. My Dad is the President of The Renegade Sons MC. He knew some shit was going down with the Mateland Renegades Chapter, so he sent me here to talk to Killer, the Chapter President. Dad wants me to find out what the fuck is going on with the missing cocaine. It was supposed to have been transported to California last week, yet no one there has seen it. But after being here two hours, it isn’t hard to figure out what happened to that shit.

  “Yo, Chipper. Are you still lookin’ for Killer?” One of the prospects quips from behind the bar.

  “Yeah, is he back yet?”

  “Yep, just came in. I saw him walking down the back hall with a few bitches,” he says as he wipes down the counter. I can tell by the tone of his voice that he knows some serious shit is going on, and he’s smart enough to know that he doesn’t want to get on my bad side. I’ve talked to him a few times today, and he seems like a good kid; a little green, but all prospects are. Maybe I should take him to Big Clifty and let him see what it means to be a true Renegade Son.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Reese,” he says, sticking his hand out for me to shake.

  I shake his hand and look back towards the coked up members. “How long’s this been going on?”

  He shrugs. “Not sure man. I just signed on a few weeks ago, and I’ve been on the road since then. I just got here this morning.”

  “It wasn’t like this when you were here before?” I ask.

  “Today’s my first time inside the clubhouse. I signed on as a prospect after meeting a few of the members at Sturgis,” he explains.

  I motion my head towards a guy throwing up in the corner. “Is this what you signed up for?”

  A look of disgust crosses his face. “Hell no. I got an old lady and a daughter. I planned on bringing them here after I got settled, but I don’t want my little girl around shit like this.”

  “So, you’re not planning on sticking around?”

  “Doubt it. I figure I’ll work for a while then head back home.” He shakes his head. “Sad though, I liked the idea of being a part of something bigger than myself.”

  I smile as soon as the words leave his mouth. “If that’s true, then head on down to Big Clifty. It’s about thirty minutes south of Kansas City. I think you’ll find what you’re looking for there. I’ll be heading out soon. You can follow, if you like.”

  I don’t bother waiting for him to reply before I start to walk towards the hall. I figure Killer took a few chicks to his office, but he’s going to have to kick them to the curb. We need to talk, and what we don’t need is an audience. I make my way down the hallway, but stop when I hear a whimper. I swear, it sounds like a baby. If these crazy motherfuckers have a kid in the mi
ddle of this shit, I’m going to kill a few of these stupid sons of bitches.

  I continue to the office, but stop when I reach the room next to it. What I see makes me want to put a damn bullet into Rig and Timmons’ heads. Both of the stupid fuckers are buck ass naked and hammering into a girl. From the looks of it, she seems to be a damn kid. There’s no fuckin’ way the girl can be over eighteen. What the hell? This is wrong! I storm into the room and snatch Timmons off of the frail girl beneath him.

  Dick swinging around, he stumbles back. “What the fuck?” he says, slurring, high as a kite.

  I pull out my piece, grab him by the hair, and push the barrel of the gun into the center of his forehead. “That’s exactly what I want to know.”

  “What the hell is going on, man?” Timmons asks again as he tries to pull away from the cold steel hovering between his eyes.

  I jerk his head back towards me. There’s no way in hell that I’m letting this fucker go. “Like I said, that’s what I’d like to know.”

  Rig pushes the kid off his dick, and she falls towards the floor. “Chipper, you need to chill the hell out.”

  I look down at the girl, and for the first time, I can get a good look at her face. Both of her eyes are black and swollen. I’d bet she can’t even see shit through either of them. Blood steadily drips from her nose, and there’s no doubt in my mind that the damn thing is broken. Her body is covered in multiple black and blue bruises, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t have a broken rib or two. When I lower my eyes down her body, I finally zero in on the blood that’s pooled between her legs.


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