Renegade Lady

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Renegade Lady Page 4

by Dawn Martens

  “Alright, I’ll be back with your drinks,” she quips before bouncing back to where she came from.

  I watch the waitress wiggle her tight little ass as she walks away, and for a brief moment, I wish that I hadn’t brought Jenna with me.

  “I wanted a burger.”

  I jerk my eyes towards Jenna, and thoughts of the waitress and her sweet ass fade away. “You don’t come to Mimi’s for a burger. You come for her country fried steak.”

  Jenna’s eyes narrow in my direction as she places her hands flat on the table and leans towards me. “But, I wanted a burger, onions rings, and a big ol’ chocolate milk shake.”

  “Too bad. I’m buying, so I get to order you whatever the hell I want to.”

  “Fine, but it better be good,” she says before sticking her tongue out at me.

  Within minutes, our food is on the table and we’re devouring it. When I notice that Jenna’s plate is nearly empty, I shoot her a big smile. “You still wanting that burger?”

  She shakes her head and smiles. “Nope, but I could still use a chocolate milk shake.”

  I look back to her empty plate that just moments ago held enough food to feed a small army then throw my head back and laugh.

  “You eat any more and you’ll bust a gut,” I say as I stand up and reach inside my jeans. I throw some cash on the table and motion for Jenna to follow me. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”



  I’m standing in front of my mirror, putting on make-up and thinking about Kidd. He’s taken me riding a few times over the last couple of weeks. Spending time with Kidd is awesome. I have so much fun; more fun than I’ve ever had before. We don’t do much other than go out to eat and ride around town on his bike, but it is still a blast. Just being with him is amazing. I only wish that he’d quit looking at me like a kid and see me for the woman I am. I know that most people wouldn’t consider a sixteen year old a woman, but I figure I’ve been through more than most grown-ups ever have.

  I’ve just finished putting on my lipstick when Chipper walks into my room. “Are you ready yet?”

  I lay my make-up bag on my dresser and turn to him. “I sure am.”

  We’re heading over to the club house for their annual Easter egg hunt. When Mindy first told me about it, I was shocked. As far as I know, my Dad’s club never did anything with the families of their members, but Mindy says the Renegade Sons always make time for their families. They do Christmas parties, Thanksgiving dinners, Fourth of July cook outs, and even let the kids come to the clubhouse to trick-or-treat.

  Chipper looks up and down my body, and then narrows his eyes at me. “Where the hell is the rest of your dress?”

  I look down at my skirt and shake my head. What? I’m wearing a blue skirt that stops right above my knees and a white sweater that’s covered with small blue flowers. “What’s wrong with my skirt?”

  “There’s nothing wrong with your skirt, hon.” Mindy says, as she walks into the room.

  He turns to her and points to my legs. “It damn near shows her ass.”

  She giggles back at his frustrated face, sounding like a school girl. “No, Dad. It doesn’t.”

  Chipper starts to argue more, but Mindy narrows her eyes and quickly cuts him off. “She looks pretty as a picture, doesn’t she?”

  He stares at Mindy for a few more seconds then turns back to me and pastes on a fake smile. “She sure does.”

  “Then that’s all that matters. Our girl sure is a beauty, huh?”

  Mindy walks over to me, grabs my hand, and leads me from the room. Chipper follows begrudgingly behind us, mumbling about his little girl flashing her legs. I look towards Mindy and see a smile cross her face. She leans towards me and whispers, “Don’t worry about him. He’s just worried that some of the guys will notice how beautiful you are, but you could be wearing his old Iron Maiden tee-shirt with baggy jeans, and they’d still notice you.”

  I smile back at her then walk towards the door, not caring if any of the guys at the club look at me; which is a bold face lie, because I’m secretly hoping that Kidd notices me.

  During the ride to the clubhouse, I imagine what his face will look like when he sees me. I know I might not compare to the other women in his life, but I think I look pretty exceptional today. I hope he thinks so too.

  As soon as I get out of the car, I see Kidd. He’s sitting at one of the picnic tables with a blonde chick straddling his lap. Seeing him with her brings a rush of tears to my eyes. I turn away, hoping to wipe the evidence of my hurt away before anyone notices, but I know that I failed when I feel Mindy slide her arm around me. “Don’t let them see you cry, sweet pea. Wipe your eyes, put a smile on that pretty face of yours, and pretend it doesn’t matter.”

  I lean into her, placing my head on shoulder. “It shouldn’t bother me.”

  “Bullshit. You can’t control your feelings.”

  I look towards her and smile sadly. “He thinks of me as his sister. Why can’t I think of him as a brother?”

  She squeezes my waist and smiles back to me. “Like I said, darling, you can’t control your feelings.”

  I feel her body tighten as she looks over her shoulder to see who’s coming up behind us. Kidd’s walking towards us with a big smile on his face, the blonde trailing close behind. When he gets close, he grabs me and pulls me in for a bear hug. He then leans down and kisses Mindy’s cheek. “How’s my girls?”

  Mindy grabs my hand and pulls me back towards her. “We’re good. Jenna just got some dust or something in her eye, so I was helping her get it out.”

  He looks at my face then places his thumb under my eyes and wipes my tears away. “Did you get it?”

  I’m so focused on the feeling of his fingers on my skin that I don’t answer, but Mindy does. “Yeah, we’re all good now.”

  He starts to say something, but stops when the blonde walks over and wraps her arm around him. “Hey, baby. You going to introduce me to your friends?” she says while shooting me an evil glare.

  “This here’s my girl, Jenna,” Kidd says, giving me a wink. Then he looks towards Mindy and smiles. “And this is my sister-in-law, Mindy.”

  The blonde ignores Mindy and zeroes in on me. “So, you’re his niece?”

  Hearing myself labeled as a member of his family causes my stomach to roll. I love when Mindy and Chipper call me their daughter, but I don’t want Kidd to think of me as his niece. I stay quiet, hoping someone else will explain the situation to the bitch that’s still giving me the evil eye.

  Luckily, Kidd does. “She’s not really my niece. More like a little sister.”

  His words send bile into my throat. I look up to see that the blonde is now smiling at me in a way that sends chills down my spine. “How nice. A little sister,” she says, emphasizing the word little.

  Mindy pulls me closer to her, gradually pushing me slightly behind her back. She smirks at the woman and says, “Yeah, but she won’t be little too much longer. Ain’t that right, Kidd?”

  Kidd looks between Mindy and the blonde, a puzzled expression crossing his face. He’s about to say something, no doubt ask what in the hell’s going on, when the woman beside him goes up on her tiptoes and whispers in his ear.

  His eyes flash bright, and a smile that I’ve never seen on him before spreads across his face as he looks towards the blonde before turning back to us. “You guys have fun. I know I’m going to.” Without even saying goodbye, he turns away and walks to the club house with the blonde on his arm.

  Mindy and I stand there quietly for a while longer before she pulls me to the club house. “Come on, girl. Shake it off, and let’s have some fun.”


  I throw my head back and pump the last of my release down the chick’s throat. I look down at her and start to run my fingers through her hair, but stop when I realize it’s a dingy blonde color and not the shiny black hair that I’d been picturing in my mind. Fuck! What the hell is wrong with me?
Jenna is sixteen years old; way too fucking young for me to even be imagining having my dick in her mouth.

  I push the girl off my junk and stand up. I jerk my jeans up, zipping them as I take a step away. Looking down at her, I feel nothing but disgust and can’t keep the snarl off of my face.


  I start to walk away, but stop when the blonde lays her hand on my arm. “No reason to run off, baby. We could make a night of it.”

  I shake her hand off, not bothering to look at her. “Sorry, I got other things to do.”

  She snorts and says, “Yeah, like running after your little sister.”

  I stop and turn to look at her. “What did you say?”

  It’s one thing to admit to myself that I’m fantasizing about Jenna, but it’s completely different when someone else notices that I am.

  “You heard me. This big biker boy wants a little girl instead of a woman,” she says, sticking her chest out to show me her generous cleavage. “What’s your problem? Can’t handle the real thing?”

  Without thinking, I rush towards her and grab her around the neck. Slamming her into the wall, I place my face inches from hers. “You’re gonna shut your mouth right now, or you’ll never walk out of this club alive.”

  Her face starts to turn a deep shade of red as she panics and claws at my hands. “Let me go,” she gasps out.

  Ignoring her pleas, I squeeze her throat tighter to make my point even clearer. “If I ever hear that you’ve said that shit to anyone else, I will find you. When I do, I’ll bury your ass. Do you understand me?”

  She does her best to nod, barely choking out the word yes. When I feel that she gets me, I let go of her throat and walk away, doing my best to shake off my own shame. I’ve got to get away from here before I do something I’m gonna regret; something that’ll cause Jenna even more pain, and God knows she’s been through enough of that.

  I stomp out of my room and head straight to the common room, hoping a drink can wash away my anger. I step up to the bar and shout at the prospect handing out drinks. “I want a bottle of Jack and a glass.”

  Before he can even get my much needed bottle to me, Pop comes up and tells me that he needs to talk. I abandon my drink and follow him to the office, only to see that Chipper’s sitting on the couch, looking pissed as hell. I look towards Pop and ask, “What’s up?”

  He motions towards Chipper and replies, “He refuses to go back to Mateland. Says he has to stay around here to take care of his wife.”

  Thinking back on how pale Mindy looked earlier, I agree. “I don’t blame him. Everyone knows that Mindy hasn’t been feeling great here lately. She doesn’t need to be alone right now.”

  “The stray he brought home last time he was in Mateland could take care of her. It’s not like she’s doing much else,” he growls out.

  Hearing Pop call Jenna a stray sends my already simmering anger to its boiling point. “She’s not a fucking stray! She’s a kid.”

  “If you had your way, she’d have been sent back by now,” Chipper says as he jumps up and gets in Pop’s face. “What the fuck happened to you? When did you get to the point that you don’t even care about an abused kid? When did you get so damn cold?”

  Pop snarls at him. “I got enough to deal with without dealing with her shit too.”

  “How many times have I told you to let me deal with it? Let me kill the motherfucker,” Chipper shouts. “I promise that not one fucking soul will be able to track it back to you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I shout, trying to gain their attention. “I thought you said you put a bullet in Rig.”

  Pop and Chipper turn to look at me. Both of them seem shocked that I’m standing here, so caught up in their argument that they forgot I was in the room. “Again, what the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Nothing,” Pop answers.

  I raise a brow. “Didn’t sound like nothing to me?”

  “Yeah, nothing,” Chipper mumbles as he sits back down.

  Pop ignores him and walks over to his safe. He pulls out a few stacks of cash; at least ten grand. He walks over to me and pushes it towards me. “I want you to go Mateland. Get their shit straight and set someone up to run the club. Killer will remain president, but someone else will hold the power. Make sure whoever you pick can keep their ass out of trouble and their nose clean.”

  I shake my head and motion towards the money. “What the hell’s that for?”

  Pop pulls in a deep breath then looks towards Chipper. Finally, he replies, “It’s gonna take some cash to get them out of this mess. I’m not sure how much, but I know that’s just a drop in the bucket. I’ll send more in a few weeks, but I don’t want you carrying too much with you when you first get there.”

  I finally take the money, wondering what in the fuck I’m getting into. “When do you want me to leave, and how long do you want me to stay.”

  “You leave tonight, and you stay until you get their shit straight.”

  Chipper gets up and walks towards me. He places his hand on my shoulder and leans close to me. “Be prepared, brother. There’s some serious shit going on inside that club.”

  With that, he walks out of Pop’s office. I look towards Pop and start to question him, but stop when I realize that I’m not going to get any straight answers from him. He’s so far up his own ass, there’s no point in trying to set him straight. Where Killer is concerned, Pop’s ain’t going to tell me shit, so I decide to find the prospect that Chipper brought back from Mateland and get some intel on my own.

  It takes me a few minutes to find Reese. When I do, I see that he’s helping his daughter open up all of her plastic eggs. I look around, wondering where his old lady is off to, but naturally she’s not anywhere in sight. Knowing that slut, she’s probably spreading her legs for one of the members’ right this very moment, while her baby girl is having the time of her life playing with little plastic eggs. Bitch. Members don’t fuck other member’s old ladies, but prospect’s old ladies are fair game. Well, only when they’re down with it. Reese’s woman, Roxy, is always up for a roll.

  I’ve asked myself more than once in the past few weeks why in the hell doesn’t Reese get shot of the bitch? Looking at his daughter, I have my answer. I continue my way toward them, crouching down to see her stash. “Did you get a bunch of candy?”

  “I got a lot.” The gap-toothed red headed girl smiles up to me. “I even got twenty whole dollars in the golden egg that the Easter bunny hid in my Dad’s pocket.”

  I reach out and tousle her hair. “That’s great, Pebbles.”

  She scrunches up her nose. “My name’s not Pebbles. I’m Rosalie.”

  “You look just like Pebbles Flintstone to me, so you’ll always be my Pebbles.”

  Reese chuckles as he bends down to give his girl a kiss on the top of her head. “Why don’t you go show Mindy and Jenna your candy, yeah?”

  “Sure, Dad,” she says, before giving him a quick hug around the neck. She then runs towards the picnic tables that all the old ladies are sitting at.

  We watch her run away and laugh at her excitement. I look back towards Reese and smile. “She’s a cute little thing.”

  “Sure is. I can’t believe she’s nearly ten.” He looks at me with a proud smile on his face. “I know she’s too old for all this Easter bunny shit. She doesn’t believe in it anymore, but I wanted to have just one more year.”

  “I understand” I say, nodding.

  “I saw that face you were wearing when you walked up. I know you didn’t come over here to talk about my kid. What’s up?”

  I shake my head then tell him about my upcoming trip to Mateland. I ask him what his take is on the shit that’s going down with the Mateland MC. Reese ends up telling me everything that he knows about the MC, which isn’t much, but it’s enough to make my stomach clench. Underage girls, drugs, and trouble with the local police are just a few of the shit storms that the club’s dealing with. All in all, it’s too mu
ch shit for one person to handle.

  “Fuck!” I say, running my hands through my hair. “What in the hell am I going to do?”

  “Nothing on your own. You need to take a crew with you. Men that know how to use their fist, but aren’t afraid of using fire power when needed.”

  “What about you?” I ask.

  He looks towards his daughter, anxiety flashing across his face. “I’d go man, but things didn’t go very good the last time I left Rosalie alone.”

  I take a second to consider my options then lay my plan out to him. “What if she stays with Mindy and Chipper while you’re gone? You could come back every few weeks and talk to her on the phone every day.”

  “I could do that, but I don’t know if Mindy’s up for taking care of her.”

  “Jenna will be there too. She’ll help.”

  He finally nods in agreement. “That could work.”

  Within ten minutes, we’ve got it all settled. Mindy quickly agreed, seeming to be excited to have another kid in the house. Chipper seemed a little reluctant at first, but he relented as soon as he saw the excitement on Mindy’s face.

  Jenna walks up, holding Pebbles hand, just as Reese and Mindy are ironing out the detailing. “What’cha talking about?”

  A huge smile crosses Mindy’s face as she explains. “Rosalie is going to be staying with us for a while.”

  “That’s cool.” Jenna says, looking down to Pebbles. “You can share my room with me.”

  Pebbles seems excited about staying with Jenna, but her apprehension comes through when she looks at her dad. “Where are you going?”

  Reese lays his hands on her head. “I’m going with Kidd on a road trip.”

  “How long will you be gone?”

  He crouches down in front of her. “I’m not sure, but I’ll come home to visit you as much as I can.”

  She continues to question her dad, but I don’t hear a word she says. Instead, I’m stuck on Jenna’s reaction. She looks like she’s about to cry. It’s the same look she had on her face earlier. I see Mindy grab her hand and give it a squeeze, and I know it’s more than just a piece of dust in her eye.


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