Renegade Lady

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Renegade Lady Page 8

by Dawn Martens

  I jerk my head towards Sarah and growl out, “You’ve got two weeks, and then I want your ass gone.”


  Setting up the house after Mindy’s funeral sucks. All the old ladies brought a ton of food yesterday, so at least I didn’t have to cook, but I still had to get everything set up. Feeding nearly a hundred bikers isn’t easy, especially when all you want to do is lay down and cry. Timber and Reese are helping me out, since Chipper is drunk and crying. Wish I was too. It’d be nice to dull the pain I’m in.

  As I’m setting the last casserole on the table, I see Roxy slip onto the couch beside Chipper. She’s been trying to chat him up for months. Let me tell you, that bitch has some nerve. When Mindy was still alive, she used to come over here all the time. She said she was here to help, but not one time did she lift a finger to help me take care of Mindy. Instead, she’d try to hit on Chipper. One time, I heard her tell him they could make it quick. She said he wouldn’t last long since he hadn’t been getting any from Mindy. I braced, hoping he wouldn’t be like my Dad and jump at the chance, and instead he got pissed and told her to back the fuck off. He also told her to never step foot in his house again. I guess she didn’t listen.

  Roxy was pissed when it happened, but she still wanted Chipper. I could see it in her eyes every time they were around each other. Now, she thinks his wife’s funeral is the perfect opportunity to get him. The bitch is unbelievable. She just doesn’t get it. Chipper loved Mindy. He wouldn’t cheat on her. He sure in the hell wouldn’t fuck someone on the day of her funeral.

  I turn to Reese who’s standing beside me with a look of pure disgust on his face. “What the hell is her problem? Mindy’s funeral was today, and she’s over there trying to get at him. What do you see in her?” I say, almost hysterically.

  Reese looks at me, eyes darkening. “One day, babe, I’ll tell you, trust me, I ain’t got no choice but to keep her around.” He then looks back up and shakes his head at his wife. “If I could, she’d be out on her ass.”

  I start ask him what the hell he’s talking about when the door opens and Kidd and Sarah walk in. I can’t believe he brought her here. She’s been nothing but a bitch to me for the last three months. I look up to Reese and whisper, “I can’t believe that he brought her here after she was such a bitch at the funeral home.”

  He places his hand on my shoulder and gives it a tight squeeze. “Just ignore her ass. Her expiration date is coming up soon. You won’t have to put up with her much longer.”

  “What do you mean by that?”

  He shrugs. “Not my place to tell you, but you’ll find out soon enough.”

  Strong arms circle my waist before pulling me back into a wall of muscle. “What are you two over here whispering about?”

  Before I respond, Reese clears his throat and nods his head towards the doorway. I pull away from Timber and turn around. Sarah is walking right towards me. “Shit!”

  Timber leans down and whispers in my ear. “Don’t let her upset you. That’s what she wants.”

  She stops a few feet in front of me, just looking at me with her hate filled eyes. I swear she stares at me so long, I start to feel like I’m some sort of art piece in a museum. I look around for Kidd, sighing, but only see the back of him, leading Chipper out the door.

  Finally, I look back at Sarah. “Can I help you?” I say, doing my best to sound bored.

  “Yeah, you can stay the fuck away from my man,” she says snottily.

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me, bitch. I’ve had enough of you strutting your ass in front of him. If he wanted you, he wouldn’t be with me.”

  Her words hit me right in my heart, mostly because I know they’re true. He wouldn’t be with her if he wanted me, but he doesn’t want me. I’m just his little sister. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. If you have a problem, maybe you should talk to Kidd about it.”

  “My only problem is you. I want you to take your ass away from here. This is Kidd’s brother’s house. He shouldn’t have to put up with you panting after him every time he comes to visit.”

  I feel Timber’s body tighten behind mine, so I place my hand on his to let him know I got this. “I live here. It’s my home, and I’m not leaving.”

  “You’re only here because Chipper feels sorry for you. Do you really think he wants some bit of used goods around all the time?”

  “Shut the fuck up,” Reese growls out. At the same time as Timber says, “Close your fuckin’ mouth before I close it for you.”

  If her earlier words had been a hit to the heart, these are punches straight to the gut. Not once has anyone brought up what happened to me in Mateland, especially not like that. Mindy and me talked about it a time or two, but only when I had nightmares, and only to comfort me. The worst part is that I know Kidd had to have told her, because she would’ve never known about it if he hadn’t.

  I know I gotta say something, or Reese and Timber are going to go off on her ass. Finally, I choke out. “Whatever, seems to me you’re just jealous of this used bit of goods.”

  With that, I start to walk away. I barely make it a foot before she reaches out and grabs my arm. She swings me around to face her. “Listen here, you little slut.”

  She doesn’t get further before Timber sends the side of his hand into her forearm, causing her to let go. “Hands off. Now!” Timber snaps.

  I stumble backwards, landing in Reese’s arms. “I got you, Jenna.”

  Timber gets in her face and starts to yell, “I take it you don’t know the fuckin’ rules around here, so let me enlighten you. She’s the princess around here. Fuck with her, fuck with all of us. There is not a man in this room that wouldn’t lay his life down for her any day. I know you think you’re big shit because you’re with Kidd, but we don’t give a flying fuck whose dick you’re riding. You mess with her, and your ass is dead.”

  Sarah’s face pales before responding. “I was just laying claim to what’s mine.”

  Timber bends closer to her, almost touching her nose with his. “That’s bullshit, and you know it. You’re time’s coming, and you’re grasping at strings. But let me tell you, it doesn’t matter what you do. You’ve already lost. Now get the fuck away from me.”

  At that, Sarah turns around and rushes across the room. I let out a relived breath. “My God, she’s a bitch.”

  Reese chuckles. “You got that right, Jenna.” When Reese first came back after being in Mateland with Kidd, he would tell me about Sarah. About how nice she was, sweet, a good person, then she moves here with Kidd, and she turns into a mega bitch. I’ve never seen a nice Sarah, not once since I’ve met her.

  The words barely leave his mouth, before Roxy storms over, taking Sarah’s spot. “What the fuck, Reese? You’re always on my ass about what I do, and here you are with your hands all over the kid. I better not find out you’re fucking her.”

  “What I do, bitch, is none of your fuckin’ business.”

  “Everything you do is my business, as long as you want Rosalie to keep calling you Daddy,” she shouts.

  “Time for us to go,” he says, venom dripping from his voice. He grabs her and starts to move through the room, but stops before leaving the room and turns back to me. “We’ll talk later, babe,” he says to me with a wink, his parting words causing Roxy to freak out yet again.

  I shake my head and walk over to Timber. “I think I’ve had all I can take.”

  I lean into Timber, wrapping my arms around his waist. He wraps his arms around me, bringing me even closer. “Any other bitches come over here, I’m getting out my gun.”

  I look up to him and giggle. “You’re a wonderful friend. Thank you for being there for me today. I couldn’t have made it through the funeral without you.”

  “Anytime,” he says, placing a kiss on the top of my head.

  We’re quiet for a moment before I pull back and look up to him. “What the hell is going on with Roxy and Reese? They’re married, yet she whores ar
ound like she doesn’t have an old man at all. What in the hell did she mean about Pebbles calling him Daddy?”

  “It’s not my story to tell. One day, he’ll tell you himself. When he does, you’ll understand that he’s doing the only thing he can,” he says, running his hand over my hair.

  I nod. “Reese is a good guy. He deserves better.”

  “So do you.”

  I cock my brow. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ll tell you on your birthday,” he says, then leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips.

  When he does that, the vibe in the room changes. It’s so heavy that I can feel it. I jerk back and look across the room. Kidd is standing at the door looking furious. He starts to take a step towards Timber and me, but stops when Sarah walks up to him and wraps her arm around his waist. She reaches up and kisses on his jaw, but he doesn’t lose his tense look. When she’s done, she looks over and smiles at me. She then grabs his hand and pulls him out the door.

  Timber places his chin on the top of my head and mumbles, “Yeah, you deserve better.”



  It’s my birthday, and not a soul remembered. I’m eighteen, eight-fucking-teen, and I’m sitting here at the house all alone. I’m not upset with Chipper. He’s had more important things on his mind than my birthday. Mindy’s only been gone for two weeks, and Chipper’s still in as much pain as he was the day she took her last breath. I am too.

  I deal by doing my best to take care of Chipper. I clean and cook, trying to keep everything just like it was when she was still healthy enough to do it herself. So far, Chipper hasn’t noticed. If he has, he hasn’t mentioned it.

  Chipper deals by staying drunk off his ass. In the time that I’ve lived with him and Mindy, I had never seen him drunk. Sure, he would have a few from time to time. I’ve even seen him buzzed more than once, but never drunk. Since Mindy’s funeral, I haven’t seen him sober. He leaves as soon as he gets up and stumbles in after I’m in bed.

  Mindy would hate to see him like this. She would also hate seeing me sitting here all alone. She wouldn’t want to know that we’re all grieving so hard, but she had to know it’d happen. When you lose someone as wonderful as her, there’s no way to keep from falling to pieces.

  I’m standing in the kitchen frosting a cake. Yes, I’m making my own birthday cake. I don’t even want the damn thing. I know Mindy would want me to have one though, so I put on my big girl panties, and made her famous coconut cream cake. I’m just finishing up when I hear the front door open.

  I jerk my head towards the living room and see Kidd standing there. “Hey, baby girl.”

  Shit! I haven’t been alone with him since Mindy’s funeral. In fact, we haven’t even talked. I would have talked to him, but he was with that bitch, and I just can’t talk to him when they’re together. Being that they’re attached at the hip all of the time, I haven’t really talked to him much since he got back.

  I really did try to like Sarah, but it was impossible. She hates me and makes no bones about it, so it’s hard to be friendly with her. Finally, I quit trying. I still wanted to be friends with Kidd, but that all changed after Mindy’s funeral. After what he did, turning his back on me again, I don’t want anything to do with either of them. I know Sarah is his woman, but I’m his friend. Friends are supposed to be there for each other. He hurt me in a way that I’m not sure I can ever get over.

  He walks to me, stopping when his body hits mine. “Still not talking to me? Not even a hello?”

  “Hi, Kidd,” I whisper, feeling uncomfortable at being so close to him.

  He looks at the cake then back to me. “Happy birthday, Jenna.”

  My eyes go large when I realize that he remembered. Of course, the one person that I don’t want to see is the only person that remembers it’s my birthday. “Why are you here?”

  He steps closer, pushing me against the counter. “I would never forget your birthday. I’ve been waiting for this day for a long fucking time.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, confused by his words.

  He lowers his mouth to mine and talks against my lips. “You’re legal, baby.”

  With those words, his lips seal against mine. He kisses me in a way that I’ve never been kissed before. It’s gentle, but all consuming. Finally, I pull back. “What are you doing, Kidd?”

  A sexy smile crosses his face. “I’m claiming my girl.”

  Kidd wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his chest, lifting me off my feet. “You’re mine, Jenna. You’ve been mine since the day you walked in the club house, and I’m about to prove it to you.”

  I’m still confused. What in the hell is he talking about? He’s with Sarah. I’m just his friend, his little sister. “I don’t understand,” I whisper, my voice sounding strained.

  He chuckles before running his hand down to cup my ass. “You’re my woman, my old lady. Now, I’m going to claim you.”

  His words make me feel like someone’s doing cart wheels in my stomach. “You’re old lady? What about Sarah?”

  He shakes his head. “Yes, my old lady. We’re not talking about Sarah right now. We’re not talking about anything.”

  He picks me up, barely bringing me off my feet, then places his lips back on mine. He starts to walk backwards, carrying me with him. Before I realize what’s happening, he leads me into my bedroom. He stops when he reaches my bed and lays down, pulling me on top of him.

  I know I should be scared, but I’m not. In fact, I’m excited. I’ve only had sex with two people in my life, Timmons and Rig. Mindy said what they did to me was not sex. It was an act of violence. She explained that sex with someone you care about will not hurt, and if I’m lucky, it will feel really good. For some reason, I know having sex with Kidd will not just feel good. It will be life changing.

  He rolls me over, placing his body against my side. We continue to kiss while he undresses me. After he rids me of my clothes, he pulls his shirt off. I can’t stop myself from touching him. I never wanted to touch Timmons or Rig, but my hands seem to be glued to Kidd’s body. When I notice the phoenix tattoo on his shoulder, I lift up and run my tongue over its flames. The taste of his skin sends shockwaves through my body.

  He moves down my body and runs his tongue over my nipple. I can feel them tighten to small peaks and let out a throaty moan. My God! I’ve never felt anything like this in my life. “That feels good,” I gasp out.

  I feel him chuckle against my breast. “Everything we do will feel good.”

  While he continues to use his mouth on me, I move my hands down to his pants. I find his pants already unbuttoned and the head of his dick peeking out the top. I lightly run my hand over it, then start to push his pants down. I wrap my hand around his hardness and squeeze. He bucks towards me and mumbles. “Fuck, baby doll.”

  He pulls away from me and shrugs his pants off before rolling on top of me. The feel of him between my legs is something I can’t describe. It gives me a feeling of being home, like my body knows this is where it belongs, where it was meant to be.

  Kidd pushes his hands between us, placing it at my core. He gently cups me while kissing the side of my neck. His fingers do things to me that I didn’t know was possible. The things that once caused me so much pain are now bringing me pleasure; so much pleasure that my entire body is on fire.

  Kidd pulls himself up and looks right into my eyes. “I need to be inside you, but I have to know you want this.”

  Without even a hint of doubt, I nod. “I want you to make love to me.”

  A look crosses Kidd’s face that I’ve never seen before, a mixture of tenderness and heat. He places a soft kiss on my lips then gets down on his knees. He grabs his jeans and pulls out a condom. I watch him tear it open and roll it on, my entire body humming with desire.

  He comes back to me, kissing me while rubbing his hardness against my wetness. Finally, he starts to push himself in. He doesn’t slam into me like the others did. Instead,
he moves slowly, filling me inch by inch. There’s no pain, just a feeling of amazing fullness. I wrap my legs around him and breathe out, “Ahhh.”

  He starts to slowly move inside me, causing a knot to form in my stomach. My core starts to tighten, and I know something is coming, but I’m not sure what.

  “That's it baby, give it to me,” Kidd grunts out as he slides in and out of me. “Feel me, baby. Feel me deep inside that sweet little cunt of yours.”

  I feel him all right. I feel every inch of him. After nearly two years of feeling next to nothing, having him inside me is almost too much. “Uh huh,” I mumble, focused on the pleasure he’s giving me.

  “God, baby, your pussy feels like silk. It's the best damn feeling in the fucking world. There’s nowhere I'd rather than be than sunk deep inside you, claiming you, proving you’re mine.”

  His words send my body into over drive. My hips start to thrust, meeting his. Suddenly it hits me, and my entire body starts to convulse. My legs lock around him, and I let out a long moan. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has ever felt this good.

  I feel his pace start to speed up, and he starts to grunt each time he pushes into me. After only a stroke or two, he buries his face into my neck and growls. He’s still for a moment then starts to move in me gently. He brings his face to mine, and starts to kiss me. He kisses me in way that lets me know how precious he thinks I am.

  After a moment or two, he rolls onto his side, “Thank you, baby doll.”

  My sex drunk brain takes a minute to realize what he said. “Why are you thanking me?”

  A shit eating grin spreads across his face. “It’s your birthday, but you ended up giving me the best present I’ve ever received.”

  I can’t keep the smile off my face. “You’re welcome, I guess.”

  He chuckles while getting off the bed. I watch him walk from the room, not even stopping to get dressed. In my mind, I know he’s just going to the bathroom, but in my heart, I wish he hadn’t left me. I need him now. I need him to tell me that this isn’t just a dream. I need him to let me know that he loves me every bit as much as I love him.


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