Renegade Lady

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Renegade Lady Page 14

by Dawn Martens

  I shake my head. “Not anymore.”

  “Jenna isn’t like the rest of the bitches here. She isn’t going to take your shit lying down. She’s not gonna do something just cause you told her to. ”

  Hearing him use Jenna’s real name kills me. It proves that they’re a lot closer than I ever realized. She doesn’t let anyone but Chipper call her Jenna anymore, and that’s my fucking fault too. I made the mistake of calling her the Ice Queen and it stuck. “She’ll learn.”

  This time Reese barks out a full laugh. “She’ll learn? Do you really believe that?”

  “Yeah, she’s an intelligent woman. She knows what’s expected of her. Ice will fall in line. It’ll just take a little time.” I can only pray that what I’m saying is true; pray that someday she’ll let me back into her heart.

  “Pres, I thought you were smarter than that.”

  “What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I ask in a near growl.

  He shakes his head. “She’s not gonna just fall in line like other women. She’s going to fight you tooth and nail every step of the way.”

  “I’ll win,” I say, determination filling my voice. I have to. If not, I’ll lose her for good this time.

  He nods. “Yeah, but do you want Ice or some half ass broken version of her.”

  I push my hands through my hair. “I don’t know what the fuck I want.” That’s not true. I want Jenna, the Jenna that looked at me like I was the only man in the world for her, but I’m not sure that Jenna exists anymore.

  Reese stands up and walks towards the door. “You better figure it out. You can make her be your old lady, but you can’t make her give a shit about you. If you want Ice to be by your side, you’re going to have treat her like she belongs there. Bossing her ass around isn’t the way to go. There’s a reason why she never wanted to be an old lady.”

  She never wanted to be an old lady? What the fuck did he mean by that? All the girls in the club would fight to the death to become an old lady. I knew she didn’t want to be mine, but I figured she’d jump at the chance of being claimed by Timber or Reese. Shaking off the thoughts of what Reese just said, I get up and walk back to Jenna’s room.

  She’s still curled up on the bed sleeping. I go over to her and kick the bed hard enough to make it shake. “Wake the fuck up,” I shout.

  She bolts upright. “What the hell is wrong with you?” she sneers, then looks around, then back to me, eyes narrowed. “What did you do to Reese?”

  “What I should have done was put a bullet in his fucking head. He knew he shouldn’t be in here with you, but he was in your damn bed anyway. He got off with a warning this time, because he’s my brother. Next time, he won’t be so lucky. Don’t make me have to pull the fuckin’ trigger, Ice.”

  “Bullshit! I’m not stupid, Kidd. I know you wouldn’t kill Reese. Bloody him up a bit, yeah, but he’d be breathing when it was over. He’s a brother, and I’m just a club whore. If anyone in this situation ends up dead, it’ll be me and you know it. Even though my life sucks right now, I still want to keep on breathing,” she says like a snotty teenager. She throws back the blankets, and I notice she’s naked underneath. I told her last night that she was mine. She better pray that nothing happened between her and Reese.

  “Did you fuck him?” I growl out.

  She turns towards me with her hands on her hips and doesn’t even attempt to cover herself. The woman feels no shame when it comes to her body. She has no reason to feel any. Even with the weight loss over the last few weeks, her body is still fucking perfection. It’s the sexiest damn thing I’ve ever seen. She’s long and lean, standing near five foot nine, and so damn gorgeous.

  “I wish, but he wouldn’t give me any. He said you laid claim, and he couldn’t do that shit to the brotherhood. You know, you guys don’t fuck each other’s old ladies. You only fuck every other piece of pussy you can lay your hands on.” She walks to her dresser and pulls out a Buck Cherry tee and a pair of faded blue skinny jeans. “Plus, like I told you before, I’m not ready to die.”

  “I wouldn’t have killed you, but I would’ve made you pay,” I state in a voice that lets her know I’m not bullshitting her one bit. I’ve watched her with too many guys over the years, and that shit stopped this morning.

  Her deep brown eyes fill with anger. “I can’t believe you’re trying to pull this shit now. My life was finally coming together. I had so many plans, but you push your way in and ruin every damn thing.”

  I don’t respond. Instead, I watch her pull the shirt over her beautiful breasts and it causes me to have to hold in a groan. Her tits aren’t as big as a lot of the other girls, but they’re real and so fucking perky that they make my dick ache. She notices me staring and a sarcastic smile crosses her face. “Damn, you can’t take your eyes off me. Can you? Why not just take a picture? It’s better than the real thing anyway. Pictures don’t fight you when you use them to get off.”

  “No, baby. I don't need a damn picture. The sight of your sweet ass and even sweeter tits is already burned into my brain.”

  She shrugs her shoulder. “It’s nothing you haven't seen on stage at The Kitty Kat dozens of times.”

  I nod. “That's true. I’ve seen your naked ass more times than I can count, but it was never mine before, at least not for long. Now, when I look at your beautiful body, I know it belongs to me. That alone makes my dick hard.”

  “I’m not yours,” she denies in a voice slightly lower than a shout. “Just 'cause I’m a woman now, and not a little girl that can’t make your dick hard, doesn’t mean you should claim me.”

  “Ice,” I grind out, not wanting to remember the things I said to her in the past.

  “Why don’t you go pick someone that wants to be an old lady? One that wouldn’t give a flying fuck about you turning to the whores when you need a quick nut at the club or on the road?”

  “That’s why I chose you. With you, I don’t need anyone else,” I say, staring at her ass as she bends over to put her heels on.

  She lets out a throaty laugh. “Right. I didn’t satisfy you last time. What makes you think this time will be different?”

  “That’s not fucking true, and you know it. I don’t want different. I just want what we used to have back.”

  She ignores my words. “I would never hack it as an old lady, especially not yours. You should know that about me already. But no, why would you know any damn thing about me, huh?”

  “You can tell me anything you want to, Ice. I want to know everything about you.” And I do. This girl means the world to me.

  “That’s new. As far as you were concerned, I wasn’t anything but a gullible piece of pussy. What happened to make you see me in this new light?” She’s quiet for a moment, but then her eyes narrow. “This is Chipper’s idea isn’t it? He talked you into this shit. Well, you can just tell him to stay out of my business and fuck off.”

  I start to reply, but she places her hands up stopping me. “No, don’t worry about it. I’ll tell the nosey bastard to kiss my ass myself.”

  She starts to walk towards the door, but I grab her arm and pull her to me. I place a hand across her mouth. “For six years, you’ve been throwing shit my way. I wouldn’t have taken it from anyone else, and I’m done taking it from you. I am the president of this fucking club, and my word is law. You’ll either do what I say from now on, or you’ll hit the road.”

  Her eyes narrow at me even further before a quick look of defeat shines in her eyes, and she slowly nods her head in compliance. I gently pull my hand away from her mouth as her body begins to go slack in my arms. “You will never talk to me like you have been today again. If you do, I will beat your ass.”

  “You don’t believe in hitting women.”

  “You’re right about that, but I don’t see a damn thing wrong with laying you across my lap and smacking that sexy ass of yours a few times,” I say while squeezing her tight little ass. “Who knows? Maybe you’ll like it.”

  That flares
her temper again, and she tries to pull away for me, but I pull her in closer. “You need to make up your mind up. You can either walk now, or you can be my old lady.”

  She looks up at me with the most beautiful brown eyes I’ve ever seen. “Kidd, I don’t think I can do this. I don’t want to leave the club. It’s my whole life, but I don’t think I can be your old lady.”

  I lean my head down and place my forehead against hers. “You can do it, Jenna. Please, give us a chance.”

  I feel her take a deep breath before replying. “Fine, I’ll be your old lady, but if you pull the same shit as last time, I’ll walk away. I don’t want to leave the club, but I will if I have to. You also need to know that if I catch you fucking any of the other girls around here, I will cut your dick off. I’m not like the other old ladies. I won’t be able to watch you fuckin’ around with the club girls. I don’t share, Kidd. If I’m yours, then you’re mine.”

  I know I should be pissed. Hell, I should tell her that it isn’t any of her damn business what I do with my cock, but I kind of like the idea of her claiming my dick as hers. Plus, there’s no fuckin’ way I’m sharing her with anyone else. I’ve done enough of that already. “Same here, baby girl. If I hear about you spreading for anyone other than me, I will kill the bastard. That includes Reese and Timber. I won’t hurt you. I would never hurt you, but I will make you pay.”

  “Fine,” she says as she pulls her head back from mine. “I get it. I’m your old lady, but that doesn’t change the fact that I have shit to do. I gotta get to The Kitty Kat before those stupid bitches tear the place down.”

  I know she’s lying. She’s still got an hour before she’s supposed to be there, but I don’t call her on it. “Speaking of the club, there was an issue with Daisy this morning. Seems she decided to start sticking produce up her snatch, and something got stuck.”

  She looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind, and then repeats my words from earlier. “Something got stuck?”

  “Yeah, an orange,” I say, letting out a chuckle. “Chipper said Kandy called looking for you. She wanted to know what to do with Daisy.”

  “What the hell did she think I could do, reach up there and pull it out? They need to get her ass to the hospital. I gotta go,” she says and starts towards the door.

  I step in front of the door, blocking her path. “I’m going to try to make this easy on you. After that shit went down with Roxy, the brothers and I decided there would be no more old ladies running the girls, but I’m gonna make an exception for you. You do too good of a job to take them away from you.

  Anger flashes across her face. “Anything else I need to know before I can leave?”

  I reach out and grab the back of her head then pull her face towards mine. “Yes.” I say before slamming my mouth down on hers. “Tonight, you’re in my bed.”


  I watch Kidd walk out of my room after he kisses me, and as soon as my door slams shut, I have the sudden urge to scream. In fact, I would like nothing better than to lay down on my bed and have a screaming fit, but I don’t have time for that shit. I’ve got a life to live, even if it’s not the life I’d originally planned for myself. As soon as that thought passes through my brain, another rolls in, and I realize I just told Kidd that I’d be his old lady. SHIT! What the hell is wrong with me?

  Not only did he hurt me, he’s also the biggest horn dog in the whole fucking club. I don’t want my mother’s life. She was nothing but weak and stupid when it came to men. Did I love her? Hell yes, I did. She was my mom and all I had. But really, that woman needed to grow a pair, dig her head out of her ass, and put my father in his place, or better yet, kick his ass to the curb. If she had, maybe she’d still be alive, and Timmons would’ve never gotten his hands on me.

  I shake the bad thoughts away, grab my keys, and head over to The Kitty Kat. I barely make it two steps out of my room before Rum stops me to tell me about the situation with Daisy. He thinks it’s funny as hell, and I know it’s just a matter of time before he starts calling her something stupid like ‘produce stand’ or ‘fruit salad’. When you do something idiotic, the club never lets you forget it.

  He also fills me in on some shit that’s been going down at The Kitty Kat that I need take care of. Sounds like I need to go over some rules with those bitches--again. Apparently, someone was passing out drugs at the strip club last night, and it’s a known fact that selling drugs at The Kitty Kat is a big time violation. Even doing drugs is against the rules. They can smoke a little weed, but anything else isn’t allowed. They all know the rules, and the girls that broke them will have to hit the road over it. Then, the one that brought the drugs inside of the club will be feeling the bite of my hand before she follows them out the door.

  I pull out my phone and text Skittles to let her know that she needs to take Daisy to the hospital, and that I’ll straighten that chick’s head out later. I love Daisy to death. She’s one of my best friends, but she can’t keep doing stupid shit.

  Then, I decide to go to the apartment complex that houses the club whores and the strippers that work at The Kitty Kat. I’ll take care of my business there, because there’s no reason to bring that shit to the clubhouse.

  Head down, I walk out to my car, a shiny silver-blue BMW Z4 Roadster. I bought my baby just last month with the money that I’ve been saving. Chipper got pissed as soon as he laid eyes on her and told me that we’re bad asses. We drive Harley’s, not BMW’s. I guess he forgot, as a woman, my only spot on a Harley is in the bitch seat. That’s a club rule; one of many that I don’t agree with.

  I’m sure he’d been okay if I’d have bought a Ford or a Chevy, but that’s not what I wanted. I wanted something classy. I haven’t had a lot of classy in my life, but my baby is pure class. Chipper may be the closest thing I have to a father, but I worked my ass off to get this car, so he can just fuck off. I smile at my baby one last time as I run my hand along her hood and make my way to the driver’s side door.

  “Jenna!” I hear shouted from behind me. Jesus fucking Christ, am I ever going to get out of this place? I feel the urge to run as soon as it registers in my brain whose voice is calling for me. Shit! It’s Chipper. Only he calls me Jenna in front of the other guys. In fact, only a few people here even know my real name anymore. Kidd christened me Ice a few weeks after I stopped talking to him. Since then, I’ve done my best to bury the name Jenna, along with the rest of my secrets.

  “You keep your ass right where it is. We need to talk, and I mean for us to talk right now,” he says as he stalks towards me.

  I turn around and look at him square in the eye. I have to fight the smile that normally crosses my lips whenever I see him. I’m madder than hell at Chipper, and I plan to let him know it, but I’m just not ready to have the ‘Kidd’ conversation yet. I know he wants what’s best for me, but that doesn’t mean he can try to run my life. I am, damn near, twenty-four years old. It’s time he learns how to step back and let me make my own decisions.

  As much as I hate to admit it, sometimes it’s hard being around Chipper. He reminds me too much of Mindy. Losing her was one of the hardest things that I’ve ever been through. Mindy was just like a mother to me. Shit, she was more of a mom than my mother even thought about being. I would spend the rest of my life back at the Mateland charter, and let Timmons do anything he wanted to me, if it meant I could get just one more day with her.

  Chipper makes out like he’s a badass, not to be fucked with, but around Mindy and me, he was always loveable and friendly. Hell, Mindy used to call him her big teddy bear, and I used to tease him all the damn time about it. Now, I only mention it when I’m drunk, and that’s not to tease him. Instead, it’s to remind him how much Mindy loved him and how good he was to her.

  When Mindy finally passed away, there was a change in Chipper. He still treats me the same as always, but there’s a sadness in his eyes. Sometimes, I think watching him wallow away in his grief is worse than losing her.

  I know Chipp
er didn’t want me to be a part of the club. We fought about it, but nothing he said could change my mind. Finally, Chipper gave in to what I chose, and I started working at The Kitty Kat. Of course, him giving in doesn’t stop us from having a full out war whenever he feels the need to remind me that my life is too fucked up and he wants me to change it.

  Trying to ignore him, I open my door and attempt to get in before he can get to me. I don’t even get my ass halfway in the seat before his hand wraps around my upper arm and he pulls me out and slams my door. “When I call you, you stop,” Chipper growls out.

  “Sorry, oh great master,” I say sarcastically.

  His hand slightly tightens on my arm and he growls out, “Don’t test me, Jenna.”

  I yank my arm out of his grip and fold my arms across my chest. “What do you want?” I say sounding bored, even though my heart feels like it’s pounding out of my chest.

  “Heard Kidd finally laid claim to you. I gotta say, it’s about fuckin’ time. Now, you need to smarten up a bit.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  “Leave the past in the past, Jenna girl.”

  I shake my head. “He can claim me all he wants. That doesn’t mean I’m going to let him run my life. I do what I want, when I want.”

  He shakes his head at me. “If you think he’s gonna put up with your shit, you’d be mistaken.”

  “Oh fuck off, Daddy. If he doesn’t want to put up with my shit, he can go choose another whore to claim. It’s not like there’s a shortage of bitches that wouldn’t give their left arm to wear his brand.”

  He leans closes and whispers, “You better not forget who you’re talking to. I won’t hesitate to lay your ass out.”

  I roll my eyes at his words. If there is one thing I know for sure, it’s that Chipper would never raise a hand to me. “I’ve told you over and over again that I never wanted to be an Old Lady, but you never listened. Something tells me you put him up to this shit, so now you have to talk some sense into him. You need to make him see that I’m not the woman he wants.”


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