To Make You Feel My Love

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To Make You Feel My Love Page 8

by Tina Rose

  Alana woke feeling more relaxed and refreshed then she had ever felt in her life. It took her a few minutes to realize that last night hadn’t been a dream and that the reason for her feeling wonderful was still lying in the bed next to her, heat radiating from his body.

  Their magical night that began on the rooftop, under the stars, had only been the beginning. They spent all night making love till the early morning light. Logan was such a generous lover, making sure all her needs were met each time their bodies joined in ecstasy. Fear of wanting more was showing its ugly face. It was going to be hard to say goodbye at the end of the week. Maybe, just maybe, they could endure a long distance relationship? Other people did it every day, right?

  Rolling over, she looked at him. He stole her breath away. Every cut in his muscles was defined perfection. All she wanted to do was run her tongue over each bulge of every muscle over his entire body. He was asleep on his stomach, head lying on his forearms, displaying his manly physique. She could still feel the muscles moving beneath her fingers as they made love throughout the night. Lightly, she touched his light brown hair. He stirred beneath the sheets, instinctively reaching out for her ass and pinched it.

  “Ouch!” she squealed, “what was that for?”

  Grinning, he opened his eyes, “Now I know I wasn’t dreaming last night.”

  He pulled her into his arms, as she wiggled trying to escape, “You’re rotten, you know that?”

  Chuckling, he kissed her forehead. “Can’t help it, you bring it out of me.”

  “So, what would you like to do today?” she asked, grazing her finger along his strong jawline.

  He closed his eyes reveling in the feel of her touch. “I’m doing it. This is all I want and need.”

  Alana smiled, “You don’t want to waste your vacation in these four walls. Let’s go to the beach, or better yet, how about we go to the Gulf Aquarium?”

  Logan rolled to his back, twirling her long hair between his fingers, “Sweetheart, where ever you go, I’ll follow.”

  That simple statement warmed Alana’s heart, but she wouldn’t let herself get emotional right now. He was still leaving in a few days, and she wanted to have as many memories to cling to as she could once he was gone.

  “We need to get food first.”

  “Why? Did you work up an appetite last night little girl?” God, that sexy grin of his.

  “I seem to recall some help in that department, sir.”

  “You do?” he pulled her closer. He smelled of spicy masculine desire, making her body stir with want.

  “Uh-uh-uh,” she wagged her finger at him, “food first. I’m starving!” Right on cue, her belly rumbled.

  “Okay, okay,” he said, holding his hands up in mock surrender, “How about a shower first?”

  “Hmm, I’ll get the water ready,” Alana said. Jumping up from the bed, she donned his shirt from last night, and headed for the bathroom. Logan stared after her. The shirt covered down to her upper thighs, showing just enough of her bottom to make him harden again. Now he was seeing the full version of the woman who stole his breath away just a few days ago. He knew that she had been holding part of herself back from him. She was smart, funny, determined and strong. Oh, and drop dead gorgeous! Let’s not forget that!! Why would she want an old soldier with a gimpy leg?

  Hearing the water running, Logan joined her in the tiny bathroom, laying his clothes by the sink. She was just pulling his shirt off her shoulders, and heaven help him, her perky breasts and taut nipples were just a reach away.

  “God, beautiful, just beautiful,” he said barely above a whisper.

  Alana jumped, “You scared the bejesus outta me!”

  He pulled her to his warm body with a chuckle. “I’m sorry. You and your girls just take my breath away. He brushed his lips over hers and caressed her bottom pulling her even closer to his growing erection.

  “Umm, I’m not sure we should do this together. You seem to have a growing problem.”

  “Yeah, and you seem to be the cause of it,” he reverberated in her hair, squeezing her tighter. “Question is, what are we going do about it?”

  “Nothing a cold shower won’t fix.” She had a hard time keeping a straight face as she stepped in the shower and reached for the water knobs.


  Alana threw her had back and laughed. The expression on his face was priceless.

  Logan stepped in after her, picking her up and wrapping her legs around his midsection, his erection hitting right at the V of her opening. Hungrily he devoured her mouth. He slipped his fingers under her bottom finding his way to her already moist slit and inserted two fingers. Alana moaned into his neck.

  “God, you’re so wet for me. I love that I do that to you.” He kissed her hard.

  “Condom…” she murmured in to his mouth. Her heat was throbbing with eagerness, she wanted him so bad.

  Logan reached out of the shower to his clothes lying on the counter and fumbled around until he found a condom in his pocket. She took it from him, sheathing him with it. He turned his back to the water so he wouldn’t drown her, and kissed her hard again.

  “Now, where was I?” he mumbled, searching for her moisture again. He dipped his thick fingers inside her, searching for that magical spot that made her moan.

  “Oh, right about there I think.”

  He found her gem and began to massage it rhythmically. Gyrating her hips against him as he continued the rhythm in and out, massaging her clit and almost sending her spiraling out of orbit.

  “Oh Logan, I need you inside me, please, please,” Alana begged.

  Hearing her beg for him did something primal to him. Logan rubbed his rock hard cock against her clit before he entered her. God she felt so good, so tight. He pumped into her, fast and hard.

  Alana panted, trying to keep up with her heart rate and breathing, meeting him thrust for thrust.

  “Say my name, Alana, say it!” he roared in her ear.

  “Logan,” she yelled. “Oh god, Logan!”

  He felt her muscles tighten around his shaft buried deep inside her as she released an orgasm worthy of the Orgasm Hall of Fame. Feeling his balls tighten as his own orgasm hit him, he roared out her name as his semen pulsed from his body. They were both breathing heavily as he looked at her and kissed her silly.

  “Lord have mercy woman! You’re trying to kill me. I love to feel you come for me.”

  Alana giggled, “Glad I can oblige.”


  For the first time in her life Alana felt like a little girl again. She was so excited to go to the Aquarium. Logan had never been before, and she couldn’t wait to show him all her favorite exhibits and shows.

  Passing by the penguin exhibit, a pungent odor filled the air. “Man, those things stink,” Logan said, waving his hand by his nose.

  “Yeah, but they’re still one of my favorite animals.”

  “Why is that?” he asked with disgust.

  “Well, aside from their keen fashion sense, they mate for life. They are monogamous creatures, and the father helps with the babies instead of leaving it all for the mother to do. It’s the natural way of life that humans often forget.”

  She had such a sincere look in her eyes he couldn’t help but pull her close and kiss her forehead. “You’re so sweet, you make my teeth hurt, you know that?”

  “Man, you’re cheesy,” she snickered. “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

  “Yes, sugar, that’s a compliment.” Giving her a quick kiss, he turned her around and they kept walking through the park.

  He couldn’t help but think how lucky those stinking penguins were. To be able to spend the rest of your life with the one you love. Alana was right, that was the natural way. No
t living in fear, wondering if you’ll make it home this time, or worrying if what’s around the next corner is going to blow your head off. For the first time in his career, he questioned his path.

  Wanting to show him the sea turtle and shark exhibit next, they made their way past the stingray display to a huge circular glass tank with stairs leading down into the middle of it. They watched the turtle and sharks swim around them. The sea turtle had beautiful colors as it swam gracefully around and around, occasionally going up to the surface to spout water. Alana explained how the turtle had been found dying on the beach and then brought to the Aquarium for rehabilitation. She had such an innocence about her.

  Watching the bird show next, Logan was more entertained by Alana’s amusement then he was the birds. She seemed to see everything through fresh eyes, almost childlike.

  After the show Alana asked if he wanted a cold drink. “Sounds good, point the way,” he smiled, hoisting her up on his back, carrying her piggy back to a concession stand serving cold drinks, ice cream, hot dogs and pretzels. There were a group of young men standing in line laughing and making jokes. One of them turned to smile at Alana and began walking their way.

  “Alana? Is that you? I almost didn’t recognize you out of your scrubs.” It was Matt Gentry.

  “Matt! How are you?” Alana jumped down from Logan’s back and hugged Matt. Logan didn’t like the way Matt’s eyes closed as he hugged Alana, a little too tight at that. Was that little shit smelling her hair? He was, ahhh shit!

  Logan cleared his throat interrupting the cozy conversation between his woman and the snot nosed brat.

  “Oh, Matt, this is Logan Montgomery. Logan is a,” she paused, “friend of mine.”

  Logan didn’t like the way she said “friend”. After last night’s tryst on the roof top, and their morning escapade in the shower, he thought they were quite more than friends. Matt stared him down as he reached out to shake Logan’s hand, squeezing it in a vise grip hold. Jealousy poured through Logan. Stepping back, he put his arm around Alana’s shoulders and pulled her in close to him. Leaning down, he kissed the top of her head, his eyes never leaving Matt’s.

  “Logan, this is Matt Gentry.” Alana looked between the two men. She sensed the tension between the two of them. “How is your mom today?” she asked him.

  “She seems to be feeling somewhat better. My grandparents are spending the day with her.” He answered her, but never stopped looking at Logan.

  Alana was getting tired of their chauvinistic display of jealousy. Moving out from under Logan’s arm, she gave him a warning look, and moved in to hug Matt again.

  “Well, that’s great Matt, I’m glad to hear it. It was nice running in to you, but we need to be going. The dolphin show is about to begin.”

  Matt hugged her back, but he continued to stare Logan down. He even had the nerve to kiss her cheek. Taking every strain of self-discipline Logan could muster up not to reach over and take this kid’s head right off his shoulders, Logan pulled his hands into fist by his sides. He wanted to say “get your fucking hands off my woman”, but the glare from Alana said he’d be wise not to.

  “It was good seeing you too, doll,” Matt winked.

  That was all Logan could handle, he growled under his breath, putting his arm back around Alana’s shoulders and leading her away. No way was some little shit still in diapers going to try to intimidate him. He could kill a man with his bare hands if need be, and this little shit didn’t know who he was dealing with.

  “Excuse you,” Alana said, eyes squinting and looking at him like he had just kicked a puppy. “What in the hell was that all about?”

  “That little shit was trying to intimidate me Alana, and that’s not going to happen,” he snarled at her. “And what’s with the ‘he’s my friend’ routine?” He was pissed, she could see it in his eyes. But so was she.

  “Hell, I don’t know Logan. How would you have liked for me to introduce you? My lover? One night stand? Weekend Fling?” Ugh. She threw her hands up in the air and stomped off, Logan chasing after her.

  “Alana,” he called. “Alana! Dammit!” She was quick, but not quick enough. Logan caught up with her, grabbing her by the elbow. Alana swung around and tried to land a slap across his face, but his instincts kicked in and he wrapped his fingers around her wrist, quickly pulling her into him. Logan looked around to make sure they were not drawing an audience, especially little Matty boy.

  “Can we discuss this, like adults, in a private area?” he ground out through gritted teeth.

  Alana just glared at him for what seemed like hours, before breaking eye contact and shaking her head. “Let’s just leave. This isn’t going to work.”

  “Why? Because I don’t want some walking hormone putting his damn hands all over you?”

  “He did not have his hands all over me. And I am not going to put up with neanderthal behavior! You got that, Sergeant!” she said, poking him in the chest with her forefinger.

  It was almost cute. Almost. She was so petite next to him. Seeing fire in her eyes was actually a turn on for to him. He felt his cock twitching in his shorts, but he was still pissed. Why didn’t she see why he was upset? That cocky little son of a bitch had challenged him. He couldn’t stand for that. Wouldn’t stand for that.

  “Look,” he said gently, “I know you have concerns about where we’re headed, and I don’t have all the answers. I wished to god I did, but when you’re with me, you’re with me, okay. I don’t want any man putting his hands on you. I’m sorry that you don’t understand that.” He lightly grazed her cheek with the pad of his thumb. “I would like to finish our day on a good note. I don’t want to fight with you.”

  Searching her face for an answer, he realized she wouldn’t look at him. Taking her chin in his hand, he raised her face, finally meeting his eyes. He could see she was holding back tears. Knowing he was the cause, gave him pains in his chest.

  “Please,” he begged. “Look, at me. I can’t stand to see that look on your face.”

  Hearing him beg melted the ice around her heart. He sounded so sincere. She really didn’t approve of his behavior toward Matt, but she knew if the shoe was on the other foot she would feel the same way. Swallowing the lump in her throat she held back the tears that wanted to escape and met his gaze.

  “Okay, Logan, but we will talk about this again.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief and pulled her into his embrace, kissing the top of her head, then her forehead and finally grazing her lips.

  “Thank you! Now, let’s go see what all the hub-bub is about these dolphins you speak of.”

  As they were leaving the park, Alana’s phone rang. “Hey chica!” Becky’s loud voice boomed through the phone. “Where have you two been hiding today?”

  “Not hiding, Logan and I went to the Aquarium.” She looked up and smiled at him while he squeezed her hand.

  “The Aquarium? Jesus woman! Are we in high school again? The freakin’ Aquarium,” Becky laughed. “Ok, so are you ready for some adult fun?”

  “Oh lord, why does that sound more like a threat than a promise?” she rolled her eyes, smiling.

  “I thought we’d take the boys to the Stardust Gentleman’s Club tonight.”

  “You’ve got to be joking? Really? I don’t know if that’s such a good idea Becks.”

  “Oh, come on! Quit being such a tight ass! The guys will have a blast. We’ll have a blast watching them, later on we’ll all have a blast doing more than watching.”

  “Let me see what Logan says.”

  “Tell him Dusty said first lap dance is on him!” Becky and Dusty were laughing hysterically in the phone.

  “I’ll call you back crazy lady!”

  Alana pushed end on her phone and shook her head.

  “What was that abou

  “Becky and Dusty want us to go to Stardust Gentleman’s Club with them tonight. Dusty said the first lap dance is on him. He found that extremely funny.”

  Logan laughed, “He’s one messed up individual, what can I say.”

  “Well, do you want to go with them or not?”

  “Sweetheart, I told you, wherever you go, I follow.” He pulled her head close to him for a kiss. It started out as a simple kiss, but soon his eyes darkened as he looked at her, and he deepened it, sucking her bottom lip between his teeth.

  She pushed on his chest to break the kiss and stepped back, trying to catch her breath. “We need to get outta this parking lot.”

  “Why, you afraid your boyfriend might see?” he asked teasingly.

  “Watch it, bud,” she said, elbowing him in the ribs and laughing, “That’s not funny.”

  “What?” he asked innocently, rubbing his ribs feigning pain.

  Even after their dispute, they had a great day. She was so happy in his company. They talked easily about everything. They had shared a funnel cake in the park, him feeding her small bites, then wiping the white sugar on her nose and laughing. She smeared the sugar over his lips, before kissing it off, leaving him wanting more. His eyes sparkled each time he looked at her. She couldn’t even remember why she’d been so mad at him, only that she knew she could never stay that way for long, and that thought was almost scary.

  “Okay, so what’s it going be? Becky will never shut up unless we go. We might even have to leave the country so she doesn’t hunt us down.”

  “I guess we’ll go then. How about a nap first?” He waggled his eyebrows as he reached across the car console to steal another kiss.

  “Uh huh, nap, right!” she giggled.

  They made it back to the Beach Hotel in record time. Just the anticipation of what she knew was to come was making her drenching wet. Memories of his hands and lips on her body had her pressing her thighs together. God, what that man could do to her! Walking hand in hand past the main office, they saw Aunt Penny and Uncle James through the plate glass window. Aunt Penny smiled and waved. Uncle James simply nodded.


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