One Of The Enemy (Hidden Descendant Series, Book 1)

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One Of The Enemy (Hidden Descendant Series, Book 1) Page 8

by C. M. Chidgey

  “Calm down Cayla, we didn’t say we don’t believe you, it’s just not normal. There have been sightings in there before though.” Mark said softly.

  “There have?” I asked sounding relieved because I had actually been starting to doubt my sanity.

  “You’re glad about this?” Andrew asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Well, yeah, now I don’t think I’ve lost my mind quite so much.”

  “So, are you going to tell us what happened?” Denise asked.

  So I did, but when I reached the part about the panther Mark asked in confusion. “It hissed at you?”

  I frowned. “Yeah, why?”

  “I’m sure you did something to provoke it, it wouldn’t have just hissed at you.”

  I stared at him, it was almost like he knew I had, but I shook my head and sighed. “Ok, so I hit it with a branch because he ate my cat.”

  For some reason every one of them found that hilarious except Dom.

  “It’s not funny!” I exclaimed. “It ate my cat! I loved that cat!”

  “I’m sure it didn’t eat your cat!” Dom tried to soothe me running his fingers through my hair. “You said yourself that they practically looked the same, so they are like long distance family.”

  “So, where did my cat go then?” I asked.

  He shrugged. “He probably went to hunt.”

  “But the wolves! They might have got him!”

  “I doubt it, cats are good at avoiding danger.” Mark said.

  That calmed me down a bit and I was quiet until Denise prompted me to carry on with the story so I finished it with a final sentence.

  “When the panther faced the wolves I ran off through the trees until I got here.”

  “Well, your safe now and I’m sure your cat is fine.” Dom said rubbing his hand down my back making me flinch. “What the…..” He tried to pull the back of my shirt up, but I slapped him away.

  “I’d like my t-shirt on thank you.”

  “Well, you’re bleeding.” Dom stated holding up his now bloody hand.

  “That doesn’t mean I want to get naked.”

  He sighed in frustration. “I know that, but where did it come from.”

  “I don’t know, that damn wolf must have got me, it wasn’t hurting so I thought it was just a light scratch. The stupid thing caught up with me on the way back here, but the panther attacked him, guess he didn’t want the wolf to steal his food.”

  Matt snorted. “I guess not.”

  Dom glared at him. “Well, how bad is it, because it clearly isn’t a light scratch.”

  “How do I possibly know that?”

  “Then let me see.” He reached for my t-shirt again.

  “God, stop trying to take my t-shirt off!” I complained at him and stood up before he could stop me.

  “He’s just trying to help you Cayla.” Mark defended his son.

  “I know.” I groaned putting my hands on my head as I paced the floor. “I’m sorry Dom I just…….” I trailed off not even knowing how to explain what I was.

  Pain throbbed through my body, but at that moment in time it was good because it let me know I really was still alive and hadn’t been ripped apart by wolves or a panther.

  “Why were you gone so long anyway, Dom told us you were just taking a walk.” Denise asked.

  I sighed. “Because I lay down and I didn’t mean to, but I fell asleep. When I woke up I was surrounded by wolves and a growly hissy panther.”

  “You aren’t supposed to be left on your own at the moment especially somewhere like that, your body is using a lot of energy to heal. That’s why you fell asleep like that, I’m surprised you’re still going after running, your body should be in a lot of pain right now.”

  He only didn’t know I was because he couldn’t see me grinding my teeth together against the pain every few minutes as I paced.

  “I guess I’m stronger than I look.” I murmured with a shrug sending a twinge up my spine, but I refused to show the pain.

  Everyone was quiet for a few minutes, the only sound was my feet hitting the floor as I paced, as the minutes ticked by my pacing became slower and slower. When I finally stopped Mark raised an eyebrow at me and asked?

  “You’re in agony right now aren’t you?”

  “So damn much.” I finally admitted before sitting back on the couch.

  “Why do you have to be so stubborn?” Dom asked.

  I just grunted and Mark came over to me gesturing for his son to move before sitting down. Without being asked I turned my back to him so he could lift up the back of my t-shirt. I wrapped my arms around the front of my t-shirt making sure that nothing was revealed that I’d rather was kept covered.

  “They aren’t that deep so they don’t need stitches.” Mark was saying. “They just need to be cleaned.”

  Without being asked Denise got up and moments later returned with a bowl of water and some cotton pads. There wasn’t any kind of warning before he pressed one against my back and I let out a cry.

  “Dad.” Dom growled at him.

  “I’m fine, really that was more shock than pain.” I assured him.

  When he was finished he kept my t-shirt held up before saying. “Give me your shirt son, there’s no point putting a bloody t-shirt over clean cuts.”

  I couldn’t resist from looking in Dom’s direction as he lifted his t-shirt over his head. His muscles on his stomach and arms rippled at the movement and my eyes were practically glued to his chest. It took a lot of willpower for me to pull my eyes away from his chest before he could finish taking his shirt off and catch me looking. Kiss or no kiss it didn’t really give me the right to ogle him. When I glanced in Matt’s direction I knew he had caught me looking and he winked at me making me blush at the fact that someone had noticed.

  Mark pulled me to my feet and led me into the hallway grabbing Dom’s t-shirt on the way. I murmured my thanks on the way out and he gave me a smile. As soon as my blood covered t-shirt was removed Mark looked away, which was definitely a good thing considering I had, had no bra to wear since I had arrived here. I didn’t waste any time in pulling Dom’s on and couldn’t help but breathe in the fresh smell of him rather than the slightly washed out smell after it had been through the washing machine and tumble dryer that had been on the other ones I had borrowed.

  I followed Mark back into the lounge and the now only remaining chair was taken up by the smaller black cat so I walked over to it and gave the cat a gentle nudge to try to get it to move. To my horror it looked at me and hissed just like the panther had making me stumble backwards in shock.

  “Shit, what is it with cats hissing at me?” I yelled in annoyance. “You and I are going to fall out buddy!” I added pointing at the cat and then myself.

  He hissed at me again. They were all chuckling around me and then Dom said from his chair. “Just come sit with me.”

  I glared at the cat and then him. “I think you set this up with the cat.”

  He smirked and raised an eyebrow. “And how did I do that Cayla?”

  “I don’t know, you probably offered him salmon for the week if he refused to let me sit here so I would have to sit with you.”

  “Is sitting with me really that bad?” He asked still smirking.

  I groaned and walked over to him. “No, but don’t let it go to your head, right now I hurt so I much that I wouldn’t care who I sat with if it was a chance to sit down.”

  Matt snorted and the moment I reached Dom he pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around me gently as if he thought I would break if he wasn’t careful. It felt so good in his arms and I couldn’t help myself as I snuggled against his still bare chest resting my head against his shoulder. He ran his fingers through my hair softly and I let out a quiet sigh feeling safer than I had ever felt in my life even when my parents had held me close I didn’t feel this safe. It made me wonder how I could trust someone so much that I had known for such a small amount of time, but now wasn’t the time to question it

  I didn’t know how long I had been asleep, but I was still half asleep when I felt movement as Dom stood up with me before turning around to put me back in the chair except I slid my arms around his neck still too tired to open my eyes and murmured.

  “Don’t leave me.”

  “I won’t be long sweetheart I just need to use the toilet.” He assured me.

  “And then you’ll be back?” I clarified.

  “As soon as I can.”

  “You promise?”

  “I promise.” He answered as I finally loosened my arms from around his neck.

  I felt his lips on my forehead before I heard his footsteps heading out of the lounge.

  My eyes stayed closed so I wasn’t entirely sure if I had fallen asleep or not when he returned and lifted me into his arms again before returning to his seat. It was only then that I realised there weren’t any other sounds from the others, which meant they must have already gone to bed or in Matt and Andrew’s case they had gone home. In fact I wasn’t entirely sure if they went home or stayed here the night. Pushing thoughts from my mind I buried my head into his shoulder again and noticed that it now had a t-shirt covering it. He must have been getting cold and I didn’t blame him, I was cold and I wasn’t missing half of my clothing. I tangled my fingers into the material as part of my brain became convinced that if I let him go he would just disappear.

  Dom untangled one of my hands from within his t-shirt and interlocked his fingers with mine before he whispered against my head.

  “I’m not going anywhere sweetheart.”

  It was as if he had known exactly what I’d been thinking, but then again maybe it was just that obvious after the way I had been clinging to his t-shirt like it was my lifeline. After a few minutes I relaxed my grip on him feeling assured that he was going to stay with me and fell asleep in his arms.

  Five days later my stitches were being taken out of my stomach and I felt a lot better. On Dom’s insistence I had done nothing but eat and sleep and I was glad I had because I felt almost back to normal now. Not too surprisingly, but still weirdly the cat refused to get up from the chair every day so that I would have to sit in Dom’s arms, not that I was complaining.

  To my relief I had seen my cat since that night with the panther so I knew that he hadn’t been eaten. I kept trying to show him to Dom, but whenever the cat was around Dom wasn’t and vice versa no matter how many times I tried to get them in the same room. Whenever I mentioned this to him he just laughed it off, but it was starting to really frustrate me.

  “All done.” Mark stated after cutting out the last stitch. “It’s healed really well so you should be fine now and it shouldn’t leave much of a scar.”

  “Thank you.” I said getting up and climbing back into Dom’s lap.

  “Are you still going to get an apartment?” Andrew asked and I saw Dom glaring at him out of the corner of my eye as if he thought I had forgotten about it and Andrew was now reminding me.

  He had been trying to convince me to stay for days, but it always ended with me telling him my decision was final. “Yes, I’m still getting an apartment and stop looking like that Dom.” I added without even having to look in his direction.

  “I understand that you want your own place to live, but at least stay until your birthday.” Mark insisted.

  I frowned. “My birthday isn’t for weeks.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “According to your school records, it’s the day after tomorrow.”

  “It’s not even February yet!” I blurted as I began counting on my fingers how long it had been since I had arrived here.

  “It’s the 15th today babe.” Dom told me.

  “And my birthday is the 17th, but that’s crazy. It doesn’t seem like that long.” I said as I finally gave in on the counting figuring no matter how many times I counted it would still add up.

  “We are going to give you a party!” Andrew exclaimed.

  I glared at him. “You are not, I only know you guys. Not much of a party.”

  Matt smirked. “Too late, most of the school is invited.”

  “What!” I shouted before diving towards the pair of them, but Dom wrapped an arm around my waist to hold me back as he chuckled. “Let me go Dom, I’m going to hurt them!”

  He held me easily and I just couldn’t get any closer to them as they laughed along with Denise and Mark who then left the room to prepare dinner. In the end I just slumped against him before shouting at them.

  “You know I’m not the partying kind of person! Why have you done this to me?”

  Dom chuckled. “I don’t quite think it’s that terrible Cayla.”

  “Were you in on this?” I asked turning on him.

  He raised his hands defensively. “I had nothing to do with it.”

  “So it’s just you two I have to get?” I asked glaring at Matt and Andrew again.

  They just smirked at me and I really wanted to slap them, but Dom was ready for me to attack again as he returned his hands to my waist. I sighed and leant back against him.

  “Is my Uncle still out of town?”

  Dom shrugged. “As far as I know, why?”

  “Well, I might as well go there and get some of my own clothes tomorrow for this party.”

  “Hmm, ok you can pick your other things up too so you don’t have to go back there again.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “I have nowhere to put my stuff until I’ve got an apartment.”

  “Will it be more than a truck load?” Matt asked.

  I shrugged. “No, I only got my clothes and a few other things.”

  “Well, I can borrow my Dad’s truck, I’ll have to ask him, but I’m sure he’ll let you have it until you have your apartment and can take your things out of it.”

  “Ooh, really? That would be really helpful if he could, let me know what he says please so I know what to pack tomorrow.”

  He grinned. “Does this mean I’m forgiven for the party?”

  “Not quite.” I said with a glare.

  “So when are you two back in school?” Andrew asked.

  “Dad said to wait another week to be sure that Cayla has healed properly.” Dom told him, which was news to me.

  “A week?” Matt asked. “She looks fine to me.”

  I rolled my eyes. “That’s because I am fine.”

  “It’s better to be sure.” Dom said.

  I just shrugged knowing that it would be pointless to argue, Mark was the Doctor after all so I guessed he knew what he was doing. Besides a few extra days off from school wasn’t going to bother me.

  “So, anyone want to come with me to the lake?” I asked climbing off of Dom’s lap.

  Andrew frowned and murmured to Matt. “Did she just suggest going somewhere where she got attacked by wolves?”

  “I think she did.” Matt smirked.

  “Should we be worried?” Dom asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “Don’t be silly guys that was in the dark and its light now. Besides if you come with me you can make sure wolves don’t eat me or panther’s.”

  Dom sighed and stood up. “Fine.”

  I grinned before turning to Andrew and Matt questioningly.

  Matt groaned. “You better not get me killed; I have a very hot date for your party.”

  I chuckled before Andrew stood up muttering something to himself that none of us could here, but I was guessing he didn’t seem keen on the idea of going into trees where we knew a pack of wolves resided.

  “You don’t have to come.” I told him.

  He sighed. “Of course I do, someone has to keep you out of trouble.”

  “Where are you four going?” Mark asked as we reached the front door and he walked out of the kitchen.

  “Cayla wants to go to the lake.” Dom explained.

  “Ok, be back soon dinner will be ready in an hour.” He said before disappearing back into the kitchen.

  I opened the front door and practically skipped outside breathing in the fresh air. It s
melt good after being stuck inside since the wolf and panther attack. Without stopping I ran over to the trees and headed towards the lake at a jog, the others kept up with me easily since their longer legs meant much larger strides than my shorter legs could accomplish.

  I thought when I reached the lake I might cry, but now the only memories I saw were good ones and happiness replaced the sadness I had felt here previously. When I ran over to the lake and sat down the others joined me before Andrew asked.

  “Not to upset you or anything, but I’m just curious. Am I missing something because the last time we were here with you, you were upset, but now it’s like Christmas has come early or something?”

  I grinned and lay back in the grass. “Uh huh, well I guess things change. I realised there were so many happy memories at this lake that I don’t need to ruin them with the bad ones.”

  “That makes sense.” Dom said smiling at me.

  I smiled back before jumping to my feet and leaving them where they were while I ran over to the huge tree close by that had always overhung the lake. Grabbing the lowest branch I pulled myself up and grinned.

  “I used to climb this tree all the time when we were here.”

  Grabbing the next branch I swung my legs up to wrap my feet around it before pulling myself up again. After I had pulled myself up onto the next one Andrew called.

  “Are you sure it’s safe up there?”

  “Positive, I’ve done it hundreds of times.” I yelled back before getting even higher.

  I glanced back at Dom’s face and it looked like he was about to order me out of the tree or something, but he kept quiet and I climbed up two more branches, which was one higher than I had ever been and as I looked down I had to admit it did make me feel a bit dizzy so I decided to stay where I was.

  “Are you done?” Dom asked.

  I grinned. “Yeah, don’t think I want to go any higher.”

  “Good, now please come down.” When I stood on the branch he added loudly. “Carefully.”

  I chuckled, he had no idea that down meant I jumped in the lake and it was confirmed just how much he had not expected when his face turned to a look of horror as I made my way along the branch.

  “Oh, hell no, she isn’t going to jump is she?” Matt asked.


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