One Of The Enemy (Hidden Descendant Series, Book 1)

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One Of The Enemy (Hidden Descendant Series, Book 1) Page 10

by C. M. Chidgey

After applying a little mascara, some blue eyeshadow and some lipgloss he announced that it was done. After staring at me for a few minutes he frowned.

  “You’re missing something.”

  “Shoes?” I asked.

  He looked down at my feet before walking over to the suitcase and pulling out some navy blue flats that matched the dress before helping me slip them on and looking at me again. “No, it wasn’t the shoes.”

  I raised my eyebrows questioningly before he finally said.

  “You need jewellery!”

  I frowned. “I think that’s packed in one of the boxes.”

  “My sister left some here.” He said.

  “I can’t just use your sisters stuff.” I objected.

  He grinned. “Don’t worry, I’ve already asked her, whose hair stuff did you think that was? She said we could use anything we needed.”

  I still felt hesitant before saying. “Ok, well thank her for me.”

  He nodded before disappearing out of his room, he appeared minutes later before clasping a necklace around my neck and sliding some matching earrings in. Both were the perfect blue to match my dress.

  I grinned. “Ok, am I finally done?”

  He nodded. “I think so.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. “Finally.”

  He chuckled. “You loved it.”

  “What are you wearing then?” I asked him.

  He smirked and grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt before heading to the bathroom. I snorted, it always annoyed me how girls could take hours to get ready yet guys could take five minutes and still look good.

  When he walked through the bathroom door, I sighed. Yeah, he still looked good despite taking a fraction of the time it had taken me to get ready. He laughed seeming to read the annoyance in my expression before linking our arms and leading me down the stairs and out of the front door.

  When the cold hair hit me I shivered and Andrew looked at me.

  “I would offer to drive, because it’s not exactly warm out here, but……” He trailed off.

  I hesitated for a minute and finally deciding that I needed to sort out my life I forced a smile and said.

  “You know what? You can drive me.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Are you sure?”

  It took me another minute for me to finally build up the courage to nod before walking over to his car. He stared at me as if he was waiting for me to back out the whole time he unlocked the car, climbed in, I climbed in, pulled on my seatbelt. Eventually he looked away when he started the car and accelerated, but it didn’t stop him from glancing at me from time to time.

  I bit down on my lip as I forced the memories to the back of my mind refusing to let them make me cry like they had so many times. I could do this, I had to. I couldn’t live my life in fear; if I did it would destroy me eventually.

  When we pulled up outside Dom’s house I practically launched myself out of the car when Andrew stopped, but luckily I was still holding myself together. Matt was climbing out of his car at the same time. His eyebrows rose before he walked over to us.

  “Well, look the birthday girl has arrived and she is looking hot!” He smirked looking me up and down.

  “Thank you.” I breathed.

  He looked at the car then me again before his eyebrows shot up again. “Did you just come in a car of your own freewill?”

  I gulped and nodded as Andrew climbed out of the car and locked it up.

  “How was it?” He asked.

  I shrugged. “I think I still have a bit of a way to go.”

  “You’ll get there.” He said wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “Happy Birthday by the way.”

  I smiled. “Thank you.”

  “Do you really want Dom to murder you?” Andrew asked Matt as he watched his hand stroking my arm.

  Matt grinned mischievously. “I saw her first tonight and I’m extremely glad I did.” He said looking me up and down again.

  Andrew chuckled and pushed Matt’s arm from around my shoulders. “Hands off the birthday girl.”

  Matt pouted, but settled for walking next to me as we headed towards the front door.

  “So, are you giving Dom another chance then girl?” Andrew asked.

  I shrugged. “Maybe.”

  Matt slid his arm around my shoulders again. “Well, let me know if you’re not.”

  “Matt!” Andrew hissed pushing his arm off of me again.

  “I thought you had a hot date for tonight anyway?” I asked Matt raising an eyebrow.

  He shrugged. “True, I guess I better go find her now that you mention it.” Andrew and I both shook are heads as we watched him enter the front door and disappear into the crowds of people inside.

  When we walked through the door Andrew pressed for a real answer. “So Dom, yes or no?”

  I groaned before finally nodding. “Yes, I don’t want to lose him.”

  He grinned seeming satisfied as we made are way through the people blocking up the hallway.

  When we reached the lounge we spied Dom in the middle with a couple of girls clearly flirting with him as they pressed their scantily clad bodies against him trying to get his attention, but I could even tell from here that he was trying to push them off. Andrew saw the look of rage on my face and clearly thought it was directed at Dom because he started saying.

  “He’s not interested in them Cayla.”

  He didn’t have to convince me of that though, he didn’t look at all interested, I was sure that the girls doing the flirting could see that. Without thinking about it, not caring how much attention it would draw to me I made my way towards Dom. Andrew kept trying to stop me, but I shrugged him off. I was half way there when I spotted Matt talking to Dom. When I was almost there Dom looked towards me and a look of panic crossed his eyes as he seemed to put more effort into getting away from the girls.

  Without pausing I walked straight up to him, shoving my way through the two girls ignoring their protests before wrapping my arms around Dom’s neck and kissing him. I knew everyone was looking, but I didn’t care I wanted everyone to know that he was mine. Dom seemed shocked for a moment, but it didn’t take long for him to enfold me in his arms and return the kiss just as enthusiastically as I was giving it. I heard a few wolf whistles in the background and when I pulled back it still seemed to be over way to soon.

  Dom smirked and raised his eyebrows. “Not that I’m complaining, but what was that for?”

  I grinned and shrugged. “Can’t a girl have a birthday kiss?”

  He smiled keeping his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear. “Happy Birthday and you look beautiful by the way.”

  I kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “I suppose you think you’ve won now?”

  I turned at the sound of Maddy’s voice to see her stalking towards me, her sidekicks following her.

  I sighed. “What are you doing at my party?”

  “I get invited to everyone’s party.” She hissed.

  “Not this one, what do you want?”

  “Just what’s mine.” She stated turning her gaze to Dominic.

  Dominic started to step forwards, but I grabbed his hand and shook my head slightly.

  “There is nothing here that belongs to you, just leave.” I growled taking a step towards her.

  She took a step towards me. “He is mine.”

  “Really, does he know that? Because I don’t think he does.”

  She walked forwards until our noses were almost touching. “Everyone knows it.”

  “Everyone knows that you’re living in an imaginary world and he will never be yours.” I hissed before turning away from her.

  “Get out, you weren’t even invited.” Matt said.

  “What he said.” Andrew added.

  “No one asked you, you fag.” Maddy hissed at Andrew.

  Before I could think about anything, I turned back towards her and punched her in the face with as much force as I could muster. She stumbled backwards and
I growled.

  “Don’t ever insult my friends again you stupid bitch.”

  Not many people had been paying much attention to our little exchange until that point, but now everyone was watching intently. She covered her nose with her hands before hissing.

  “You’re going to regret that.”

  “Are you threatening me?” I took a step towards her again, but Dom grabbed my arm and whispered.

  “Calm down love.”

  “Get out.” I yelled at Maddy. “Before you make me regret ever saving your life!”

  “No one has ever spoken to me like that!” She screeched.

  “Yeah, well it’s about time someone did.”

  “Can you remember the way out, or do I have to show you?” Matt asked leaving no room for discussion.

  “I remember.” She mumbled before she and her sidekicks practically ran from the house.

  “I need a drink.” I muttered before heading to the kitchen as everyone realised the excitement was over and went back to their conversations.

  It was empty when I walked in, but Matt, Dom and Andrew followed me in before he closed the door. My hand was throbbing and it felt like it was on fire so I walked over to the sink and held it under the cold water of the tap.

  “What are you doing?” Dom asked at the same time Matt asked.

  “That was a nice punch.”

  I groaned. “No, it wasn’t. I think I did it wrong, my hand is killing me.” I opened and closed my hand a few times, wincing as I did. “Stupid damn Maddy.” I muttered.

  “I don’t know why she had to show up here.” Andrew said. “And what happened in there Cayla? That was unlike you.”

  “Maybe I got tired of being pushed around.” I muttered filling a glass up with water and drinking it straight down. “The moment I walked into that school she pissed me off, tonight I got tired of it.”

  Matt smirked. “You might be small, but you can be quite feisty.”

  Andrew and Dom chuckled while I muttered. “I’m not that small.”

  “Is your hand ok?” Dom asked.

  “Yeah, I think it’s just sprained.” I smiled. “Let’s get back to the party.”

  We rejoined everyone else, I had no idea who most of the people were and I wondered if Andrew and Matt had actually known the people they were inviting, but I didn’t question it. We all squashed up on the couch together before Matt asked.

  “Who wants to do some shots?”

  “Sure.” Andrew said.

  “Fine with me.” Dom agreed.

  They all looked at me questioningly and I shrugged. “I guess.”

  Matt frowned at my expression. “Have you ever done shots before?”

  I shook my head. “I’ve never had alcohol.”

  “Well, we need to change that.” Matt said getting up from the couch.

  I chuckled and Dom nudged my arm. “You don’t have to you know.”

  I smiled at him. “I know, but it’s my birthday so what the hell?”

  After a few shots I discovered that alcohol tasted absolutely disgusting, but I loved the numbness it sent through me to block out the pain that had slowly been getting to me as I realised it was the first birthday I had spent without my parents.

  “Hey girl, why you looking so sad?” Andrew asked putting an arm around my shoulders.

  Matt and Dom had gone off to get some more drinks and we were sitting together on the couch. Andrew’s voice had started to slur a bit, but being my first time and being smaller I was pretty sure I was in a worst state than him.

  “I’m ok.” I muttered.

  “What’s up?” Matt asked suddenly appearing in front of us and passing me and Andrew another shot each.

  I downed it quickly letting more warmth run through my body erasing the last of the pain. After that the guys decided I wasn’t allowed anymore to drink, which wasn’t a very good idea because by the time everyone left the alcohol haze was starting to wear off of my brain and the pain flooded through me full force.

  Before I could let myself break down in front of the guys I excused myself to the bathroom. The moment I locked the door behind me I let the tears fall and slid down the door until my knees were pressed against my chest. The sobs rose in my throat before I could stop them and before long I was curled up tightly as I cried.

  It wasn’t long before there was a knock on the door, I stood up quickly and wiped my eyes before looking in the mirror. My dress was now crinkled and mascara was smudged underneath my eyes, I could never pretend that I wasn’t crying when I looked like this.

  There was another knock and Dom’s voice travelled through the door. “Sweetheart, open up, I know you’re upset.”

  I sighed and reluctantly opened up the bathroom door to find Dom standing there. Besides having wrinkled clothes and probably being a little drunk he still looked ridiculously good. He knew I needed to cry and he didn’t attempt to stop me which I was thankful for. Instead he slid into the bathroom with me silently, closing the door behind him and pulled me into his arms. I clung to him and I was glad to have something to hold onto while I sobbed so hard that I didn’t think I’d ever be able to stop.

  At some point Dom had sat down on the floor and pulled me into his arms, but I couldn’t remember that part. All I could remember was the agony of realising my parents would never spend another birthday with me; they would never wish me a happy birthday. I would never see Toby’s excited face again when they sung happy birthday to me. It was too much to bear and I didn’t know if I’d be able to live with it.

  Eventually I pulled my face away from Dom’s tear stained shoulder where there were also splotches of mascara. My tears had run out by now and I had just been sobbing with the absence of any falling from my eyes.

  “Sorry.” I murmured turning my gaze towards his face.

  His eyes met mine and he ran his hand against my cheek before pushing locks of hair away from my face.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for Cayla.”

  I sighed and he rested his forehead against mine before I lowered my eyes and muttered. “I just wish they were here.”

  “I know you do, but I bet they are watching over you. Just because you can’t see them it doesn’t mean they aren’t here.”

  I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my lips at the thought of them still being here. “You really think so?”

  He nodded silently before sliding his hand to the back of my neck and directing my lips towards his and kissing me slowly. My arms automatically slid around his neck and tangled in his hair before I tugged him down closer to me kissing him back desperately as if his kisses would erase the pain and he tasted so good that the loss was gradually getting pushed to the back of my mind. He explored my mouth with his tongue and I explored his right back until we pulled back purely for the fact that we needed to breathe. We were panting when we finally pulled ourselves up from the floor. After washing my face and drying it I opened the door wincing out loud at the movement of my hand I had used to punch Maddy. Immediately the cat who had spent so much time claiming my chair trotted into the bathroom. I followed it with my eyes until he stopped next to Dom. I shook my hand and flinched again as it throbbed.

  “Are you ok?” Dom asked sounding concerned.

  I looked up at him and at first I thought that once again the yellow in his eyes was due to light reflecting, but there was no light directed at his eyes at all. Glancing back and forth between him and the cat I realised there eyes were the exact same colour. What the hell did that mean? His eyes weren’t always yellow.

  “What the hell?” I muttered backing out of the doorway.

  Dom looked confused for a minute, but the cat meowed making him look in the mirror. What did he speak cat now? Something weird was going on.

  “Wait Cayla, I can explain.” He said, but his bright yellow eyes were freaking me out way too much.

  They reminded me so much of that night with the panther and before I could stop myself I let out a shriek and took of
f down the stairs.

  Chapter 8

  I heard footsteps on the stairs, which clearly belonged to Dom and the footsteps in the hallway I guessed belonged to Matt and Andrew. They paused at the bottom of the stairs and looked straight past me at Dom before looks of understanding crossed their faces. Was I the only one that didn’t know what the hell was going on? At closer inspection I saw Matt’s eyes flash yellow too and that was the final straw, I let out another scream before taking off for the front door before any of them could catch me.

  Slamming it behind me to buy myself more time I sprinted for the woods. The alcohol still left in my system didn’t do a lot for me, I kept stumbling and almost fell over a few times. I didn’t know how long I had been running for before I realised I was in the middle of the forest that I had been attacked by wolves in, in the middle of the night and I wasn’t entirely sure where I was. If I could just find the lake I would have some idea, but I was panicking and couldn’t focus. The only sounds were the branches snapping and leaves crunching under my feet. I could smell the forest, which had previously comforted me, but right now it just scared the hell out of me.

  Eventually after what felt like miles I ran into the clearing and just managed to stop short of the huge lake before I fell in. If I had been a tiny bit later in realising where I was I would have been swimming by that point. Panting I slowly made my way around the perimeter of the lake until I reached the large grass area.

  I dropped to my knees and tried to get my head under control and figure out what I had seen, but no matter how many ways I tried to run it through my head I just couldn’t understand what it meant. What the hell was he? Or Matt for that matter? I knew it wasn’t my imagination. I had seen his eyes turn yellow a number of times and just shrugged it off as the reflection of the light. Maybe this time it had been the affects of the alcohol though. I mean that would make more sense right? Maybe the cat meowing and Dom looking in the mirror straight after had just been a coincidence.

  Not sure how long I had been kneeling there in silence a sudden growl made me look up.

  “Oh no, not again.” I groaned seeing the eyes all around me glowing out from within the trees.


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