Her World of Submission

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Her World of Submission Page 5

by Justine Elyot

  ‘My little reindeer on her sleigh,’ he said approvingly.

  He wrapped his fist around the beads.

  ‘She’s even got a tail,’ he said, pulling lightly.

  Again my sphincter tightened as if it had no intention of relinquishing them without a fight.

  ‘OK, then,’ he said, taking up position with his hands on my hips and his legs between mine. ‘Now what should I do with you? I think I’m going to take out the balls.’

  He cupped a hand beneath my pussy and prodded inside to loosen and release the balls.

  ‘You’ll have great pelvic floor control now,’ he said, putting the chiming spheres down. ‘I’m going to test it out, I think.’

  His inward plunge was sudden and breathtaking. How different it felt from the little round balls, which had been comfortable yet always on the verge of slipping out, making me concentrate hard on the area. He was thicker, longer, much more satisfying, and my pussy was grateful for the invasion.

  He set a punishing pace straight away, slapping into me until I grunted with each thrust. His hand held on to the anal beads, not pulling them hard enough to dislodge them, but creating a very awkward, ticklish sensation back there.

  ‘How’s that?’ he asked hoarsely, ramming into me. ‘Hmm?’

  ‘Good, sir,’ I panted. ‘Missed … it …’

  ‘I know you did. You won’t be missing it again. You’ll be getting it every day.’

  I held on tight to the headboard. Jasper slowed down a little and changed his angle, seeking my G-spot. He knew where it was to be found and it wasn’t long before each stroke passed across it, building that slow burn in my stomach and downwards.

  Perhaps he could tell it was coming by the shaking of my thighs or the increasingly higher pitch of my whimpering, but he told me gruffly to let him know when I was coming, and I had to admit that I was on the threshold now.

  ‘Good,’ he said, and he tugged at the beads so they moved down my passage.

  My reaction to this was instant and intense. The orgasm speeded up, whooshing and ripping through me like a whirlwind. He pulled the beads out of my bottom as I cried out and banged my palms against the headboard. The way my muscles flexed and clenched against his action made the orgasm stronger than I could have believed possible. I was so washed away in it that I didn’t even notice Jasper coming himself and had no idea it was all over until he flopped on my shoulder and bit my neck.

  ‘Merry Christmas,’ he said.

  ‘Where is this sleigh going?’

  I think the answer was Dreamland, because answer came there none.

  Chapter Four

  I dressed for breakfast for the first time in three days, rather begrudging the exercise. I had become used to serving, or being served with, raisin toast and hot chocolate in bed. Whichever one of us had gone down to the kitchen would be wearing nothing but an apron. The other, still in bed, starkers.

  But this morning we were back in training to rejoin The World.

  Or rather, The World was joining us, in the shape of Rosie, Dimitri and the other one whose name I could never remember.

  ‘What time are they getting here?’ I asked, fixing around my neck the little collar he had bought me last month.

  He saw me, came to stand at my shoulder and stroked the soft skin underneath it.

  ‘Wearing your collar, eh?’ he said, clearly chuffed.

  ‘Of course. I always do, except when you want me to take it off.’

  ‘I didn’t order you to put it back on.’

  ‘No, I know, but I like wearing it. And since we’re going to be in the company of like-minded people …’

  He kissed my shoulder.

  ‘I’m touched, love. You’re out and you’re proud. That means a lot to me.’

  I raised my lips to his for a kiss.

  ‘I know.’

  He broke off and checked his watch.

  ‘To be honest, I’m not sure when they’re getting here,’ he said. ‘I suppose about lunchtime? But maybe earlier, maybe later. Are you OK to stay in this morning? The grocery delivery is due and I need to go out with the groundsman and discuss a few things.’

  ‘Oh, yes, fine. I wasn’t planning anything.’

  Once dressed and breakfasted, I went to sit in the morning room to do some work on an article I wanted to submit to a history journal. I could see Jasper at the back of the house, trudging across the yard with his new groundsman. The pair of them wore Barbour jackets and tweed caps and their breath steamed out ahead of them as they walked.

  I thought for a moment of Will, the old groundsman, and wondered what he was up to these days. Hopefully not blackmail. His last attempt must have shown him it wasn’t really his speciality.

  Jasper and the groundsman disappeared from view and I turned my attention back to the heyday of Spode.

  When the bell jangled, I assumed it was the Ocado man, and I sauntered to the door without urgency. I was not prepared for the three people I saw on the doorstep, looking nothing like delivery persons.

  ‘Oh,’ I said, caught out. Then I squealed, ‘Rosie!’ and we leaped upon each other.

  ‘Sorry,’ I said, flustered, remembering myself. ‘Do come in. You must be …’

  The man introducing himself as Dimitri was an interesting-looking dude. Not at all what I would have picked out for Rosie, who had always gone for rugby types at university. He was more the sort I’d have been into – boho. Almost too boho.

  I had an overwhelming sensory impression of height and exuberance and lots of rattly bangly stuff and a fascinating moustache. He crushed me into an unexpectedly tight embrace and I had a moment of mild panic that I wouldn’t be able to get out of it. But he let me go and I caught my breath and laughed and said, ‘Aha, yeah, pleased to meet you.’

  ‘You are Rosie’s friend, yes?’

  ‘Yes, gosh, sorry, I’m Sarah.’

  I was quite discombobulated. Rosie looked rather amused by the effect her new squeeze had had on me.

  ‘Don’t mind Dimitri,’ drawled the blonde standing a little way behind him. ‘He makes quite a first impression, doesn’t he? I’m Tina, but everyone calls me Trixietots.’

  Tina, that was it. My body double. I found myself giving her a covert once-over as we shook hands, especially around the hips and thighs.

  Yes, a good match.

  ‘I hope you’re not hungry,’ I said, looking out over the driveway for signs of Mr Ocado. ‘We haven’t had our grocery delivery yet. Expecting it any minute. But I can do you teas and coffees.’

  There was a general murmuring of ‘coffee/tea would be great’ and we drifted towards the kitchen, Dimitri jingling as he moved.

  ‘You live here?’ said Rosie, gazing around her at the lobby, with its precious treasures.

  ‘Well, I still think of it as Jasper’s place. I moved in a few weeks ago but I’m not used to calling it my home yet, to be honest.’

  ‘One day we live in a place like this, Rosie, what do you think?’ said Dimitri.

  She squealed a little, and I think he had pinched her bum, though I didn’t see for certain.

  ‘Yeah, once you get the call from Hollywood,’ she said.

  ‘Well, you almost have,’ I said, grinning. ‘You’re going to be in a Jasper Jay film.’

  ‘He’s such a wonderful film-maker,’ enthused Trixietots. ‘Oh, my God, what a fabulous kitchen. I have kitchen envy. Mine is twenty years old and the cupboard doors are hanging off the hinges. I tell you what, why don’t we all move in permanently?’

  She laughed and we all joined in, but my hackles rose a little. Probably just in mourning for our lovely secluded lifestyle. It really seemed odd to be inviting other people into our sanctuary.

  I busied myself with tea and coffee to cover my moment of hostility, turning my back while they cooed and exclaimed over various marvellous gadgets and finishes.

  ‘Is Jasper in?’ asked Rosie. ‘I’m dying to meet him.’

  ‘He’s just out in the ground
s at the moment. He won’t be long.’

  She came to stand beside me and put her fingers on my collar.

  ‘This is nice,’ she said quietly, underneath the exuberant chatter of Dimitri and Trixietots. ‘I’d like one of those.’

  ‘How long have you and Dimitri been together?’

  ‘Eight months.’

  ‘Not that long, then.’

  ‘You and Jasper only met this summer.’

  I shrugged. ‘Everyone’s different. You can’t force your relationships to have a certain pace. It’s too soon for some, not soon enough for others.’

  ‘No, it’s not that. It’s more that Dimitri and I … well, we’re both learning. Your Jasper is experienced and knows the drill. Dimitri and I, we just kind of bob along, picking it up as we go.’

  ‘That sounds good. And I’m sure there isn’t a drill. There are as many ways to have this kind of relationship as there are people having it. Whatever makes the two of you happy is the way to do it.’

  Rosie turned and looked over at Dimitri, who was doing something with a state-of-the-art pepper grinder that Trixietots clearly found extremely amusing.

  When he saw Rosie looking at him, he put the grinder down, strode towards her and pulled her into an embrace with a flourish that made me suddenly completely understand why both the other women in the room seemed besotted. His charisma was not of the same brand as Jasper’s, but boy, did he have it.

  ‘You are old friend of my woman?’ he said.

  ‘Less of the old,’ I said, unable to resist a beaming great smile in answer to the one he gave me.

  ‘You are telling me off? Hey, Rosie, she is telling me off! How about that?’

  ‘I don’t think she’s serious,’ said Rosie. ‘Sorry. Sometimes the intention is lost in translation, if you know what I mean.’

  ‘Oh, God, no, I wasn’t telling you off,’ I assured him. ‘It’s just … banter, you know?’

  ‘Ah, yes, banter, I know of this.’ He looked at Trixietots. ‘Like when you say an inappropriate thing to me and then I tell you it is inappropriate because I have a girlfriend and you say, it’s OK, is only banter. Right?’

  There was quite an awkward silence. Rosie looked pissed off, Trix shamefaced. I guessed Dimitri had dealt with that little problem. And it was clear to me that Rosie and Dimitri’s relationship was exclusive, which came as a relief. No orgies, then.

  ‘I’m a bit of a spare part here, aren’t I?’ said Trix, so woebegone that I felt for her.

  ‘No, not at all. If anyone is, it’s Rosie. She doesn’t have a role in the film.’

  This seemed to cheer Trix, even if Rosie had a moment of miffedness.

  I turned back to the coffee.

  ‘About this film,’ said Rosie as I poured. ‘Are you saying you’re going to be in it?’

  She sounded as if she’d just heard I’d conceived the son of God.

  ‘Well … that’s Jasper’s plan,’ I said.

  ‘What? No way! You’re going to be in a porn flick?’

  ‘It’s not a porn flick! It’s an art-house movie about sexual mores … oh, God.’

  I could see this statement was going to be tripping off my tongue a lot in my near future.

  ‘Oh, my God, wait until I tell the girls from uni,’ she gloated. ‘They’ll just die. You were always so untouchable. Never even had a drunken snog. Just those three years with Ben. Are you still in contact with him?’

  ‘No. I think he’s in America now.’

  ‘It’s just such a leap. From Ben, who still wore jumpers his mum knitted for him, to Jasper Jay. I mean … how does it happen?’

  I put the cups on the table with an enigmatic raise of my eyebrows.

  ‘There are more things in heaven and earth …’ I said vaguely.

  Dimitri clapped his hands. Jingle jangle.

  ‘Hamlet!’ he cried.

  ‘You like Shakespeare?’

  ‘I audition for a touring production. But I did not get the part. I think, my accent, you know?’

  ‘I suppose so. So you’re a serious actor?’

  ‘What, you think I just do porno? I don’t. I have never done one, in fact, except with my girlfriend, for private watch only.’

  ‘Oh, no, I didn’t mean to assume …’

  ‘Is OK. Yes, I am an actor and I would like to get more work here in the UK. I have a few bit parts, you know, but always I am picked for the same roles. The criminal immigrant from Eastern Europe. It is quite boring, quite depressing. This is something new, could be fun.’

  ‘Did you grow that moustache for a part?’ I asked.

  He shook his head vigorously.

  ‘No, no, no. Sometimes I am asked to shave him, but I always try to keep him, you know. Only if totally necessary for the part will I shave.’

  ‘I like that you call it “him”,’ I said. ‘It sounds like a pet.’

  ‘Yes,’ he said, smoothing the ends of the magnificent thing with his fingers. ‘Exactly. Like a good friend now. I cannot feel myself when he is gone.’

  ‘Well, I shouldn’t think Jasper will mind it. I’m pretty sure he’s only going to do shots of your lower half.’

  ‘What’s that? Who’s talking about me?’

  Jasper entered from the door into the yard and stood, looking about and smiling at all the new faces he took in.

  ‘Oh, Jasper. Do you want coffee?’

  I returned to the worktop while he took off his cap and jacket and came forward to perform handshakes and small talk.

  ‘You must be Dimitri. Delighted you could make it. That’s quite a fabulous tattoo you have on your shoulder; does it mean anything?’

  I relaxed a little, feeling that the pressure to entertain was off me now. Jasper was so much better at turning on the charm than I was. I left him to it and busied myself with the coffee machine instead, giving me time to process my thoughts.

  I had been so looking forward to seeing Rosie again and yet something in the atmosphere between us seemed slightly off. Was it jealousy? She had been almost aggressive when she spoke of telling everyone about me being in a dirty movie.

  But what did she have to be jealous of? Dimitri was gorgeous and very sexy and clearly adored her. Yet there seemed to be some insecurity nibbling away at her somewhere. Oh, well. Perhaps a bit of tongue-loosening wine over dinner would solve the mystery.

  Once coffee was finished, Jasper offered to show everybody around and we trooped after him. As I expected, everyone was impressed, especially Dimitri.

  ‘This is an English house I expect to see, like in the movies,’ he said. ‘It surprises me when I come to London and everybody is living in share apartments, very small, and the furniture is cheap, modern. It is not like the way you see it in the movies.’

  ‘Ah, no, we are terrible liars in the film industry,’ said Jasper, laughing.

  ‘It makes me understand, so much of this that we see in the movies is fantasy,’ said Dimitri.

  ‘But a fantasy that seeks to illustrate a truth,’ said Jasper. ‘It just illustrates it as beautifully as it can. I suppose we like to have our eyes pleased when we go to the cinema, don’t we? It isn’t just plain dishonesty.’

  ‘I think your films are very pleasing to the eye,’ said Trix. ‘You’ve got one coming out after Christmas, haven’t you?’

  ‘Oh, yes, it’s a drama set in southern France. We finished post-production last week. We’ve got a distributor lined up. UK release date is the end of January. You’ve done your homework.’

  He smiled at her as we swept en masse into the drawing room.

  ‘Oh, no, I’m just an admirer of your work,’ she said, and something about the fervour of her tone made me exchange eyerolls with Rosie. ‘Oh, lord, so many beautiful things!’

  ‘If you want to know about any of them in particular, ask Sarah. She’s the resident expert.’

  ‘I will.’ She crossed to the area by the fireplace. ‘This reminds me of the fireside scenes in the script,’ she said. ‘Are we going
to film here?’

  ‘No,’ said Jasper. ‘I have another house in mind for the location. But it’s not unlike this room, I suppose.’

  She went and pulled a buttoned leather footstool out in front of the crackling fire and knelt in front of it, then she actually bent over it.

  All of us were agog at how casually she made this move. I had several memories of this very footstool, which made my cheeks suffuse with sudden heat.

  ‘This is in the script, isn’t it?’ she said, looking sideways at Jasper with a cheeky smile. ‘I’m sure there’s a scene where the girl bends over a footstool just like this one.’

  ‘There is,’ said Jasper. ‘You must have been burning the midnight oil. Those scripts could only have been sent out a couple of days ago.’

  ‘Oh, I had to go through it the moment I got it. I mean, I know I don’t have any lines to learn, but I want to make sure I know what I’m in for.’

  ‘Yes,’ said Jasper, smiling wickedly. ‘No lines … to learn.’

  He was thinking of the caning scene. That was the scene with the footstool. How bizarre it would be to watch Trix taking the caning in my place, pretending that her bottom belonged to me. I would have to act the anguish bit, not that that would be difficult. Even looking at Trix in that position was making me suck in a breath and stretch my facial muscles.

  Jasper continued, ‘Dimitri has the easy part to play. He just has to look as if he’s having sex. You have to take some pain, I’m afraid. But I know you’re very good at that.’

  Trix got back to her feet, grinning at us all.

  ‘I’m famous for it.’

  ‘Would you like to see your bedrooms?’


  Dimitri and Rosie were next door to us, while Trix would occupy a room further along the corridor with a view out to the rear of the house.

  Jasper and I left them to unpack and sort themselves out, with promises that lunch would be on the table for one o’clock.

  The Ocado man appeared in the nick of time, full of apologies and tales of icy roads on the higher ground.

  Jasper and I set to preparing a meal together in the kitchen.

  ‘What do you think?’ I asked, working on a big winter salad. ‘Are they what you expected?’


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