Escape to the Country

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Escape to the Country Page 4

by Lily Harlem

  My legs were fixed around his hips, ankles crossed. My fingers threaded through his hair, I pulled hard and let my orgasm overtake me. Consume me. Like a tidal wave, it ripped through my body, sending my vagina into spasms and sucking their dicks even farther into my wrecked body.

  Matt pumped harder as I milked the base of his cock with my ring. “Fuck yes,” he muttered, his cock pumping as his whole body stiffened. “Oh, yeah.” A prolonged groan tangled with my wet tendrils of hair as his solid row of abs bricked against my butt cheeks.

  Tim gave two more thrusts then he too went rigid and shuddered through his moment of torturous pleasure. His hands slid up my back, between mine and Matt’s bodies and rammed me down harder on to my impalements.

  I called out his name through the last tremors of my orgasm, opened my eyes and saw white hot lights streaking the sky. It took me a moment to realise they were stars.

  “Jeez, that was amazing,” Tim panted. “I knew you’d be stunning with Matt and me both inside you.”

  I slumped, the solid, granite muscles of their bodies supporting me in the gently lapping water. My clit was throbbing, bobbing up and down against Tim’s coarse pubes. My butt hole was tight, squeezing and holding Matt. What had at first felt so unnatural was now so perfectly delicious, so unimaginable right, that I wondered why I’d never tried it before. I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be long before Tim ventured into my darkest hole, and as I imagined sharing that with him, I found his mouth for a lingering, loving kiss. We still had so much to give one another, to discover about one another.

  “Come on, baby,” he murmured as Matt slid from me. “I think you’ve had all you can take for one day.”

  I nodded feebly, rested my head in his neck and closed my eyes. The next thing I knew, he was lifting me into his arms and carrying me out the pool.

  “We’re turning in for the night,” he called to the others who were lounging naked on the patio.

  I kept my eyes shut. He was right—I had taken everything I could.

  Chapter Four

  Tim carried me upstairs, folded a fluffed towel on the corner of the bath and sat me gently down.

  “We need to get the chlorine off you,” he said, flicking the shower to life. “Or you’ll itch all night.”

  “Mmm.” A late tremble captured my spine. I could still feel the two men inside me, stretching me, still feel their hard bodies pressed against mine. “Thanks,” I said and looked up at Tim.

  He stood naked with a hand in the cascading water waiting for it to warm. He grinned. “For what…specifically?”

  “For bringing me here, to meet your friends…”

  “Is that it? Is that all you want to thank me for?”

  I shook my head. “No, thank you for sharing me—the way you used to share Jane.”

  “She told you that?” His dark brows twitched.

  “Yes.” I felt like I’d said something wrong. “Do you mind?”

  He shrugged. “As long as you don’t.”

  “No, why should I? It all happened long before you met me.”

  He grinned suddenly. “You really are amazing, you know that, Annie.” He grasped my wrist and pulled me into the streaming water with him. “I have never, ever brought another girl to meet Matt and Jane. I never thought anyone would be as open-minded about sex and pleasure and sharing as they are—as I am when I’m with them—but I just felt that we, me and you, we’re right in so many ways, every other way, except…” He reached for a bottle of coconut shower gel and filled his palm.

  “Go on.”

  “Except I just thought sometimes, in bed…”

  I swallowed tightly. I knew what he was going to say. I’d obviously faked one too many orgasms lately.

  “I felt I wasn’t always getting it right with you, for you.” He rubbed his palms together to create a plethora of white bubbles. Began to stroke his hands over my shoulders and down my arms, filling the steamy air with tropical beaches and Piña Coladas.

  “But why did you think that…? Why didn’t you say anything? This is a rather extreme weekend to plan without—”

  “Because,” he interrupted “I knew we just needed a bit of tweaking in the bedroom department, a bit of variety, some fun. I’ve always been super confident when it came to fucking, but with you, with you, it’s special.” He cupped my breasts and took their weight in his palms. We both watched the dark areolas pucker as his thumbs dragged across my nipples. “With you, it’s not fucking, it’s making love,” he said in a quiet voice. “With you, it’s too important to make mistakes. I have to get it right, every time. I can’t lose you on a technical hitch.”

  “Oh, Tim.” I pressed my hand against his stubbled jaw line. “You’re not going to lose me on a technical hitch. That’s a crazy thing to say!” My heart swelled with compassion and remorse. He’d been worrying about this on top of everything else at work. I should have told him when he wasn’t hitting the spot or, better still, taken control and shown him what I wanted. Because of my inaction, he’d suffered terribly these last few months. I felt like an awful girlfriend. “I’m so sorry, Tim.”

  “There’s nothing to be sorry for.” His dark eyes captured mine, his lashes were beaded with water and his mop of dark hair stuck to his scalp. “It was just one of those things. Life got in the way of the important stuff.” He tugged at his bottom lip. “So we’re good?”

  “More than good.” I pressed my body into his and felt his familiar, solid strength surround me. “We’re perfect.”

  He kissed the top of my head and ran his hands down the gutter of my spine onto my butt cheeks. “You make me so happy,” he whispered. “Happier than I ever thought I could be.”

  After turning off the water, Tim dried me and led me into our floral room. With tingling skin, we got under the duvet and wrapped our limbs around one another. My hair was only towel dry, but the night air was warm as it leaked in through our open window, so I didn’t mind.

  I was just drifting into a world of hills and pools and Tim and strawberries when our mattress shifted behind me.

  “Mind if I join you?” A soft voice whispered.

  “Sure thing, Teresa,” Tim murmured sleepily.

  The duvet wafted as she slunk beneath it and her little, warm body pressed against my naked back and behind. Tim shifted his legs and hers became wrapped with ours.

  “We’re just sleeping though.” Tim said stifling a yawn. “Annie’s shattered”.

  “Suits me,” she said, her hand slipping around my waist and resting on the swell of my stomach. “The other three have got the strap on out. Jane always gets carried away with that.”

  Tim gave a huff of amusement. “Yeah, I know.”


  Teresa slept all night spooning me. It was cosy and comforting to have two gently snoring bodies surrounding me, holding me, and I went into a deep, black sleep that re-charged me like a whole week of sleeping would.

  As I came round, listening to the birds claiming their territory in the cottage garden, I became aware of Tim’s breathing altering. It had become shallower and fractured. I curled my hand over his waist, worried he was having one of his bad dreams. His abs were tensed to granite. I felt a tremble in his muscles and a sheen of sweat lay on his skin.

  As I moved farther my fingers meshed with hair—silky, long hair that was definitely not Tim’s.

  I flicked my eyes open, confusion buzzing in my sleepy brain.

  “Shh…” Teresa let Tim’s dick slip from her mouth and caught it in her waiting palm. “He’s still asleep.” She grinned like a naughty little girl pinching sweets from a candy shop.

  Tim let out a groan and shifted his head on the pillow. She flicked her thumb over his moist slit and his cock twitched back towards her mouth as if begging for more.

  “Join me,” she whispered. “What man doesn’t want to wake up to find two girls sucking him off?”

  I looked back at Tim’s face. His eyes were screwed up tight and his lips had press
ed into a straight line. His black stubble was becoming positively beard-like and I realised how much I loved waking up with him, how much I loved his Sunday morning, devil-may-care look as opposed to his serious suited and booted, the-weight-of-the-world-on-his-shoulders look. I had a sudden overwhelming desire to give him pleasure, to start off his day the way just looking at him had started off mine—superbly.

  I grinned at Teresa and slunk down the bed. She licked her wide bee-stung lips and offered me my boyfriend’s rigid cock like she was offering me a lick of her lollypop.

  I pressed my flattened tongue over his slick, dewy head, tasted Teresa and Tim all mixed together, then popped him into my mouth and began to swirl the tip of my tongue around the ridge of flesh below his glans. Teresa kept her fist around his shaft, worked up till she met my lips then dropped back down.

  Tim’s hips twitched and his long, low groan added to the bird song filtering into the room.

  I hadn’t given Tim head many times. It was something he never asked for, though always seemed to appreciate it if the mood took me to have a go. I suddenly wondered why this part of our sex life had been neglected. It was so sensual, so empowering, so damn delicious. Musky and manly, not to mention Tim’s moans of pleasure went straight to my clit.

  “Relax your throat,” Teresa whispered. “Take him all the way in, right to the back.”

  I looked into her startling blue eyes, only inches from mine. I didn’t usually swallow him much beyond the head; that was my technique.

  “Like this,” she said. Her shoulder bumped into mine. “Let me show you.”

  My heart squeezed. Should I feel indignant at her interference? Should I tell her where to go? Tim was, after all, my boyfriend.

  She must have sensed my hesitation, because she smoothed back a wayward lock of my hair and drew her brows together. “I’ll show you how I do it for Carl,” she murmured. “He taught me how men really like it done and then you can have a go. Tim will thank you for it, I promise.”

  I released his penis from my mouth. She grinned triumphantly, got onto her knees between his thighs and bobbed her head over him, positioning his dick like a circus sword swallower prepared his tool. She flicked her bouncing curls over her shoulders and stretched her mouth into a wide ‘O’.

  She sank downwards and my pussy clenched as I watched his thickly engorged cock disappear into her pretty mouth. She carried on going, her cheeks bulged, her fists clenched, and her nostrils flared. Finally, she reached the base of the shaft, the corners of her mouth where stretched thin and white and her eyes tightly shut.

  Tim let out a deep rumble from the base of his chest and he murmured something incoherent. Teresa began to slide back up, leaving a trail of sparkling saliva on his silky skin as she went. She followed where her lips had been with her fingers, massaging and stroking the neat straight veins that ran up his shaft.

  I became impatient for my turn. “Okay,” I whispered, my hand joining hers in the stroking and massaging of his cock. “I can do that.”

  With a soft popping noise, she released him into my palm. “Breathe through your nose,” she murmured, catching a drip trickling down her chin. “And beat the gag reflex, it gets easier.” Her hand slid down to his balls, catching them in her palm and rolling them like two snooker balls in a bag. “He’s got a beautiful dick,” she said into my ear. “Make sure you treat it well.”

  I had every intention of treating it well. I swallowed and licked my lips. My whole body was buzzing. I was determined to take him in as deep as Teresa just had—no, make that deeper. I wanted to hear that low rumble of pleasure when I hit base, I wanted to hear it louder, more Neanderthal.

  Tim’s hips shifted beneath me. I was suddenly worried he’d wake up before I had a chance to experiment with the depth I could take him. I sank down and spread my lips around the large head of his cock. I kept on going, felt the ridges of his glans slide over my teeth. He was so hot and hard, silk on steel. I used my hand wrapped around his base to judge how far I had left to go. I was only half way and already my mouth felt shoved full. I didn’t think I would be able to go as far as Teresa, but I was determined to try.

  He smoothed over my tongue and hit the back of my throat. My sensitive tissues gagged in response. My heart rate increased and a pulse in my temple beat a wild tempo.

  “Go past it,” Teresa murmured, cupping my tight jaw-line with her hand. “It’ll ease in a second. You’ll get used to it.”

  I begged my brain to tell my body what to do. Pulling a long ribbon of air through my nostrils I sank down another inch. The head of his cock made deeper progress and slid way down my throat.

  Tim hissed as his hips jerked almost violently.

  I swallowed to control my gag and felt him stroking the delicate, sensitive tissue.

  “Jeez, Annie,” Tim muttered in a tortured voice. “What a fucking start to the day…” His fingers weaved into my hair, not holding me tight, just resting on my head. I looked up at him, couldn’t smile or speak, but held his dreamy eye contact for a few, long seconds before closing my eyes to concentrate on the job in hand.

  “You like how she’s doing it?” Teresa said over my head in a voice that would charm a snake.

  “Fuck…” Tim tensed his hips as I curled my entire tongue around his shaft. “Like is not the word. I thought I was having the hottest dream ever, and then I wake up and find its reality…” He paused to drag in another breath. “Like is definitely not an accurate description.”

  I created suction in my mouth. It made the slit on his head rub against the back of my throat and sent white hot fingers of electricity to my clit and aching pussy.

  “Ah, baby,” he said, releasing his grip on my hair and spreading his arms wide on the bed like a willing, sacrificial victim. “Suck like that a-fucking-gen and I’ll spill down your throat.”

  Now that was something he’d never done to me. In fact, no-one had, and that was something I’d have to fix sooner rather than later. But I didn’t want him to come just yet; that would be the end of the fun. So I glided back up his shaft until just his head sat in my mouth. Teresa’s hands mixed with mine, and together, we played with his solid stalk and cupped his balls in light, feathery movements, tickling him all over, teasing. I let him out of my mouth and Teresa licked his slit. I rimmed his glans then our tongues touched as we both went for the slit at the same time.

  Tim moaned in appreciation. His muscles were so tight his body trembled. But Teresa and I were enjoying our slow, lazy playing. Our tongues met again, running up his shaft this time, and then we were kissing. Her tongue probed my mouth, and I ventured into hers. She tasted of Tim, Tim and a certain girly sweetness that was like nectar.

  Tim’s hand ran back into my hair. “Now, that’s too fucking horny for words,” he groaned, shifting beneath us. Teresa was moving now, up from between Tim’s legs. Her body pressed against mine and I was forced to release Tim’s cock as she rolled me on to my back and settled her soft, curves on top of mine.

  The mattress dipped as Tim shuffled down the bed so his head was level with ours. His scratchy cheek pressed against mine and his tongue danced into my mouth only to retreat to trace Teresa’s bottom lip.

  She let out a sigh and shifted her body so she could cradle my tit in her hand. I returned the favour and reached for hers, pulled her nipple gently in case she didn’t like it hard like I did. She let out a murmur of approval and kissed me again.

  I felt hot suction on my other nipple and explored with my hand. Tim was latched onto me, but he wasn’t being particularly gentle. His teeth nipped, his hand scooped me into a cone and fed me in. His sucking was enough to bruise.

  I whimpered into Teresa’s mouth, delighting in his rough treatment. “You’re gorgeous, Annie,” Teresa said onto my lips. “I want to kiss you all over.”

  I let go of her breast and smoothed my hand over her milky soft skin, into the dip of her waist and over the globe of her butt. She ducked her head and took my other nipple into her
mouth. She seemed to have picked up on Tim’s movements because she wasn’t gentle either. She was rough, perfectly rough.

  My nipples were so hard they’d twisted into tight peaks of tortured flesh. I groaned and wondered how I’d gotten so lucky to have two people worshipping me at the same time. I ran my hands over their heads. Tim’s rough dark curls and Teresa’s tangles of Barbie hair were such a delicious contrast.

  Tim released my breast, came back up to my mouth and set about kissing me until I felt consumed by him, owned by him. I placed my palms on his rough cheeks as he kissed me harder and more passionately.

  I’d almost forgotten where Teresa was I was so lost in Tim. But then I felt her small hands nudging at my thighs, pushing them apart insistently, and I remembered what she’d just said about kissing me all over.

  My mouth must have slackened because Tim stopped kissing at me and looked down into my wide eyes. “You okay?” he said.

  I swallowed and nodded. Felt Teresa’s hair trail over my thigh as she nestled between my knees. Tim looked over his shoulder. He knew full well no other girl had ever kissed me down there.

  Teresa got to work straight away. She used the tips of her fingers to separate my moist labia and pulled back the hood to expose my clit. She pressed the flat of her tongue against my straining nub and held it there. I squirmed and wrapped my hands around Tim’s tense biceps as he hovered above me.

  Tim watched Teresa’s bobbing head for a moment then looked at me with a downright predatory glint in his eye. “Mind if I use your mouth whilst she uses hers?” he said in such a gruff voice that I thought he’d actually been reduced to growling out his words.

  “Yes,” I squeaked. “I mean, no…just…” My brain was in a fog of bliss as Teresa’s skilfully wicked tongue began to swirl and lap, capturing every tiny piece of flesh that was preparing to explode. “God, yes, put it in.” I shoved at his arms. “Put it in now.”

  He rocked up onto his knees, placed them on either side of my head and knelt forward. His dick swung down, a whisper from my mouth, and I lunged for it like a starving woman.


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