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Lady Dragon

Page 29

by D. Jordan Redhawk

  Jake didn’t answer, seeing something in the corridor beyond. Without asking permission, she opened the door once more, this time admitting a sleepy Margaurethe.

  Whiskey’s heart tripped as Margaurethe approached. She wore a robe over her nightgown, the material a green so dark it was almost black. Her mahogany hair spilled over her shoulders, red highlights glowing beneath the gymnasium lights. Her bare feet whisked across the floor. Whiskey met the tendrils of Margaurethe’s mind, wrapping herself in a cloak of mulled wine and woodsmoke.

  Margaurethe slipped into her arms. “I woke and you were gone.”

  “I slept plenty yesterday afternoon. I couldn’t get any more.”

  “How long have you been down here?”

  Whiskey shrugged, enjoying the smell and feel of her lover against her. “Maybe an hour?” It had been more like two, but she didn’t want to admit to that long an absence. She crossed her fingers in the hopes that Jake wouldn’t spill the beans.

  Margaurethe pulled back to peer at her. “I saw Lionel in the hall.”

  “Yeah, he came to say goodbye. He’s got a lot of work ahead of him.”


  “Your mother’s returning to Europe with him.”

  Margaurethe remained quiet for several seconds. “That’s good. We’ve always done better with long distance.”

  They held each other for some time, the sky outside becoming gray with impending dawn. Traffic began picking up on the highways across the river, and Whiskey heard delivery trucks beginning to trundle past the building. Reluctant to speak, she nevertheless felt the sensations of fleece and carnations that indicated Jake had bristled. She looked to see her bodyguard standing sentry, glaring out the door at whoever was in the hallway. “I think it’s time we went home. It seems we’re monopolizing this room.”

  “An excellent idea.” Margaurethe kissed her. They crossed the room, arm in arm. “We wouldn’t want Jake to break any bones over the matter of public space usage.”

  “Nope, not at all.” Whiskey chuckled. “It’s okay, Jake. Let them in. We’re leaving.”

  The warning in Jake’s expression lessened but didn’t abate as she opened the door. Out in the corridor, a half-dozen men stood in shorts and T-shirts, two carrying basketballs. Though Human, as soon as they caught sight of Whiskey they straightened and bowed to her.

  “Our apologies,” Margaurethe said. “The gymnasium is yours, gentlemen.”

  Their apparent leader, a man who worked in the marketing department, grinned. “No apology needed, Ki’an Gasan, Ninsumgal, but thank you.” As soon as Jake cleared the entry, they ducked inside to begin their game.

  The cardiovascular room was doing brisk business. Every machine was occupied and three women had gathered on mats for a yoga session. “And so begins another day.”

  Margaurethe smiled at Whiskey. “As it should be.”

  Whiskey entered the elevator, Margaurethe on her arm and Jake at her back. Today wasn’t just another day, it was new and invigorating. She’d survived the enmity of the man who’d been attempting to kill her for over a year, and personally defended herself against the woman who had lusted for her death centuries before she’d been born. There’d be other threats in the future, just as dire, just as serious. For now, however…

  She reached out and punched in the elevator express code and the button for the sixteenth floor. “No place to go but up.”


  Aga Maskim Sañar–Bertrada Nijmege’s title, Judiciary of the High Court of the Agrun Nam

  aga ninna–fearsome crown

  aga’us/aga’usi–security, policeman, soldier

  aga’gída–the Ninsumgal’s personal guard

  Agrun Nam–council (literally “inner sanctuary”)

  Baruñal–midwife to the Ñíri Kurám process

  ebánda–younger brother

  gasan–lady, mistress, queen

  Gidimam Kissane Lá–ghost walker, a talent, able to move through solid objects

  Gúnnumu Bargún–shape shifter, a talent, able to change appearance

  Ki’an Gasan–Margaurethe O’Toole's title (literally “Beloved Lady Mistress”)

  kizarus, kizarusi–vessel


  kutyafasza–Hungarian–dog’s dick–swear word of Nijmege’s

  lamma–female spirit of good fortune, nickname, term of endearment


  lugal–male leader of small household unit

  m’cara–beloved, an affectation of Margaurethe O’Toole for Elisibet Vasillas

  malandro–Brazillian–tough guy, bad guy

  Maskim Sañar–Samuel McCall’s title, Judiciary of the Low Court of the Agrun Nam

  minn’ast–beloved, an affectation of Elisibet Vasillas for Margaurethe O’Toole

  ñalga súp–nitwit


  Nam Lugal–Lionel Bentoncourt’s title, leader of the Agrun Nam

  Ninsumgal–lady of all, sovereign, dragon, monster of composite power, official title of Elisibet

  Ñíri Kurám–the change, the turning

  nu-me-en-na-ta–you don't exist

  puru um–idiot, hillbilly


  Sabra Sañar–Aiden Cassadie’s title, Diplomatic branch of the Agrun Nam

  saggina–local magistrate for European Sanguire

  Sa’kan Sañar–Ernst Rosenberg’s title, Master of the Treasury of the Agrun Nam

  sañar/sanari–councilor of the Agrun Nam


  Sañur Gasum–Reynhard Dorst’s title, Eunich Assassin

  Sublugal Sañar–Valmont’s title, Defender of the Crown

  su-lum–covered in shit

  takoja–Lakota, grandchild

  Ugula Aga’us–Captain of the Ninsumgal’s personal guard, the Aga’us


  Usumgal–lord of all, sovereign, dragon, monster of composite power, official title of Elisibet’s father

  wicahca–Lakota–real man, term of respect

  za–you; yourself

  Zi Agada–chief bodyguard, Jake Jacobsen’s title

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