The Fallen Angels Academy Trilogy: Paranormal reverse harem romance

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The Fallen Angels Academy Trilogy: Paranormal reverse harem romance Page 43

by Kaylee Kane

I was getting numb to the screams. Even the blood splashing and bone splitting became less confronting. Defeat dawned on me. The world was coming to an end. Andrajvah was going to tip the balance and the world we knew would end. And there was nothing I could do. I felt bad that all the while I was thinking of myself. I was thinking of leaving Fallen Angels, to start a new life and put everything behind. I was so selfish.

  A hot lump of tears formed on my throat. My eyes glazed over at the commotion in the Massage Parlor as I sat there motionless. Even their suffering would end, finally. All these would disappear.

  I was lost in my own thoughts when one of the faces in the Massage Parlor rang a bell. I blinked quickly and wiped the tears that blurred my vision. Craning my neck, I peered through the dark chamber. My heart cinched when I made out it was Toar.

  A glint of hope revived in me. Toar would know what to do. He could guide me to the declaration. All I needed to do now was find a way to get to him. Urgency sprang me on my feet. Wrapping my fingers around the railing, I surveyed for an entrance. The main entrance was flanked with a pair of patrolling guards. There was no way I could get in through there.

  So I went to look down the staircase. It seemed like there was a backdoor that led towards the inside of the chamber. It wasn’t guarded.

  I went back to see Toar, to wait for the perfect time to strike.

  A bloody lump covered his forehead. A cut ran across his broken nose. He was stripped off his armor and was garbed in a tattered black tank. Toar collapsed on the ground, his back was perforated with bleeding holes that closed back within seconds. The pair of Hell Guards who hauled him out of the massage chair towered over him had the same smug look when one of them kicked him on the side.

  “What goes up will come down in the end, huh?” jeered the kicker.

  His companion wrapped his arms over his chest. “Who on their sane mind would think of going against the Master? Especially someone as high up and wise as yourself?” He kicked him again.

  You would have thought he would spring on his feet and beat the crap out of the two cocky Hell Guards. But he didn’t fight back. His crimson face twisted in a pained expression as he clutched onto his stomach and curled up into a ball. A hollow hole burned in my stomach. Toar was in defeat and he looked so weak. It was so out of character.

  With his eyes closed, he laid on his side. Unmoved.

  The Hell Guards spat on him and walked away, leaving him to his own devices. That was my chance. I followed the guards with my eyes until they went out of sight and tiptoed downstairs. I opened the door and slithered out of it like a shadow. Glancing around for one last time, I dropped into a crouch next to Toar. I shook my head to purge away the emotions and focused on the mission.

  “Hey…” I prodded him on the muscular arm with my finger.

  My chest swelled with hope when Toar stirred and peered at me with his half-squinting eyes. “What are you doing here?” His voice was labored and barely audible. It sounded as if he was reprimanding me for looking for him.

  I gulped. “The declarations. I have to destroy them. We have to stop Andrajvah from putting the end to the world. It’s just too precious. I can’t bring myself to watch the entire history of mankind being wiped out.”

  Toar’s eyes settled on my face for a long time. He fell back on the ground with a snigger and shook his head. “So you know the truth.”

  I nodded. I tried not to sound bitter. “Should’ve told me earlier.”

  Toar gave me a sideways glance. “It would be futile. You were too driven by your own ambitions. You wouldn’t give a damn if I told you the truth then. You would think about your own escape. Your own freedom. But now…you have earned it. Alas, it’s too late to do anything right now.”

  I felt a tug in my stomach. Toar was the only one with the courage to go against Andrajvah. And now he was giving up too.

  “If this was the slightest chance we could take to save the world, I would do it.” Clenching my fists tightly, I glanced around to see if the two guards came back.

  Toar shook his head as a tired sigh escaped his chest. “It’s too late to do anything now, Debbie. The Doomsday Clock is closing to midnight. The end is near.”

  My brows knitted in confusion. “Doomsday Clock?” Why hadn’t I heard this from the lectures? Must have nodded off.

  “The Doomsday Clock hangs in the middle of the Underworld. Next to the Hall of Justice. You’d probably be too busy praying for your own safety if you were in the Hall of Justice to notice that the Doomsday Clock is there. You might think that it’s just a clock. But the hands never move. You wish it wouldn’t. Every time Andrajvah claims a Heart of Gold, the time inches closer towards midnight.”

  The tiny hairs rose on my arms. The chill picked up around me. The idea of the end of the world felt realer than before. The adrenaline pumped through my system, making my heart tick like a time bomb.

  “And that is when the balance is tipped and the world starts to crumble.”

  “No!” I gripped tightly onto Toar’s hand as the mental images of Professor Ashura flashed back into my mind. The memories of the other day when Ashura and Clem were killed were still fresh in the back of my mind. There was no way I could forget that.

  After I sold my soul to Andrajvah, I told the Agent of Darkness everything I knew. Everything that Urken had briefed to us. I still couldn’t fathom why my name was on Urken’s list but I guessed it was just fate. It made my life so much easier now when I got my powers back.

  And on that fateful day, when Ashura and I went to the meeting point, ready to attack, we got ambushed. The Agents of Darkness attacked us. I knew this all along. It was all an act. They weren’t coming for me. They were coming for Ashura. But what I didn’t expect was for Ashura to throw herself in front of me, taking the blade.

  The Agent of Darkness was pretending to hurt me but Ashura sacrificed herself. That wasn’t part of the plan but it turned out well. The news of the ambush went quickly to Urken, who turned up to witness the whole thing.

  I stood there overwhelmed with guilt and shock. Urken had come to my rescue even though I just caused the death of his colleague. I hated myself so much but I had to focus on my own goal. The guilt still hung over me. I swore to myself I wanted to put everything behind after this. I didn’t want to be an angel anymore. I didn’t want anything to do with the divine world.

  “Where are the declarations?” I pursed my lips as a wave of anger and disgust for myself sizzled through my veins.

  Toar’s eyes lingered on my face as if he wasn’t sure what to tell me. I snarled through my gritted teeth. “We’re all gonna die, Toar. Tell me now.”

  Toar parted his lips to say something when a shout rang out from behind me. “Hey, who the fuck are you?” I turned around to see the two hell guards marching angrily towards me. A chill ran down my spine as panic engulfed me.

  My eyes felt like it was going to burst out of my skull when I shouted, “WHERE?”

  “The throne! It’s next to the throne!” All the blood drained from my face as I stared stupidly at Toar. How the fuck was I gonna get to the fucking throne when Andrajvah was there all fucking time?

  It was as if Toar could read my mind, he said, “Andrajvah’s not always at the throne. He’s busied himself with the Hearts of Gold these days so you might just get lucky.” Toar smirked at me. The adrenaline was pumping hard through my system as my brain racked for ideas. I had to take the chance. No matter what. I’d like to redeem myself. At least I had to do it for Ashura and Clem.

  The advancing footsteps of the Hell Guards gained towards me. I had no idea what came over me. I reached over to scoop up the handheld massager and turned around to swing it at the two Hell Guards. The machine that felt heavier than it looked spun in the air and hit one of them in the forehead with a loud thud that knocked him out.

  The other Hell Guard widened his eyes as he stared down at his unconscious colleague. When he looked up, his glare burned
into my face. Without breaking eye contact, he muttered to himself. “We have an–!”

  I staggered back in shock when Toar pulled himself back on his feet and slammed his fist across the Hell Guard’s face. I winced as blood belched from his nostrils and a canine sprang out of his lips. The Hell Guard’s eyes rolled back into his skull as his whole body limped and he collapsed dead on the ground.

  I stood there frozen in my position, feeling a mix of admiration and fear towards Toar. “Holy shit.” I blinked quickly, still trying to digest the commotion that happened in front of me seconds ago. Still unable to fathom that I picked up the massager and knocked the hell out of the other Hell Guard.

  Toar’s chest heaved and fell. His biceps firmed up and bulged, stretching the thick crimson skin. He tilted his head toward me. “I’ve been wanting to beat the shit out of this motherfucker.” He shot me a wry sneer. “You are right, Debbie. We’re gonna die soon. We can afford to take the chance.”

  My nerves rose anew in me when at least a dozen of Hell Guards burst in through the main entrance. “There they are!” they clamored, anger seething in their crimson eyes. I staggered back, tiny hairs pricking the back of my neck as the Hell Guards marched in our direction. “Holy fuck, what have I done? I wasn’t expecting this.”

  “You knocked out a Hell Guard. What did you expect? A trophy?” snarled Toar as he picked up the handheld massager I used. “Now go and destroy the declarations. I’ll take care of this. Remember, the declaration only bows to the wrath of the hellfire.”

  Panic rose in me as my eyes stilled on the Hell Guards. I wasn’t listening to half of the thing Toar was saying. Urgency catapulted my feet off the ground. Before I knew it, I was already bolting towards the staircase where I’d come from.

  Guilt pricked at my conscience when I peeked through the railing to see Toar roll his shoulders and stretch his arms, getting himself warmed up for the fight. I wasn’t sure if he could handle all of them. But I didn’t dwell. I had a more pressing duty in hand. I had to stop the Doomsday Clock from striking midnight. I had to restore balance to the world.

  With my heart pounding in my ears, I pushed myself up the steps. Focusing on nothing but the goal.

  The anxiety I felt earlier uncoiled from my chest as the drone of cries abated. I slowed down and followed the path towards the center of the Underworld. My eyes darted around, watching out for Hell Guards and the Doomsday Clock.

  I couldn’t find either of them. Skulking along in the shadows, I feasted my eyes on the stalactites sharp as dagger points hanging down the ceiling of the Hall of Justice like the sword of Damocles. The flames from the torches gave out a faint golden light and cast the long shadows of the columns over the chamber.

  Toar was right Andrajvah wasn’t on the throne. Why bother when the world was coming to an end soon? I crouched behind one of the columns and looked around the Hall of Justice, looking for the declarations. My heart leaped when I saw a mound of scrolls piling up next to it. It was literally there the whole fucking time and I overlooked it?

  The urgency rose in me. There was no one in the Hall of Justice. This was my chance. I had no idea what came over me. The sudden rush of energy and motivation filled my system. I bolted across the chamber and crouched next to the declarations. There were at least a few hundreds of scrolls here. I didn’t think they were all the souls that the King of the Underworld had collected but at least they were enough to stop the Doomsday Clock ticking.

  My mouth went dry when I reached my hand out and unfolded one of them. The musty yellowish paper was scribbled in black ink and there was a drop of blood at the bottom of it. “This is it…yes…” A smile split my face.

  Gripping tightly onto the scroll, I tried to rip it into halves but it didn’t budge. It didn’t even crumple. “What the fuck?” Fuck. What was I gonna do now?

  The blood drained from my face. I was so close. I got the declarations but now I couldn’t destroy them?

  “Looking for something, Debbie?” The familiar voice coming from behind me made me turn around. My heart skipped a beat when the shadow of the silhouette fell upon me. I leaped to my feet and was met with Raveno’s face.

  Holding my breath, I gulped when his eyes fell on the scroll in my hands. “Someone’s been telling you stories?” Raveno sounded almost sad.

  I licked my tongue over my lips and tried my luck. “How do you destroy these?”

  Raveno looked at me like I was stupid. Then, he let out a sigh, “Look, Debbie. I really don’t want you to get into trouble. If you come with me, I’ll let this slide.” I wriggled him off when he tried to grab my hand. Our eyes interlocked as the sudden realization dawned on me. “How did you know I was gonna be here? You knew Diabolas told me the truth. How?”

  Raveno’s eyes lingered on me. His blind gaze reminded me of the Agents of Darkness. He sucked in a deep breath and hung his head. When he looked back up at me, a sigh escaped from his chest. “I went into your head. I knew what you did, Debbie. How else did you think I knew you save myself for me?”

  A wave of anger and shame rushed through me. But when Raveno pursed his lips, and his pink eyes turned glassy, a wave of sympathy washed over me.

  “I still love you very much, Debbie. You know that.” His voice softened as he reached out to grab my hands. The declaration slipped out of my grip and clattered on the ground. It took me back to half a century ago when I’d begged him to stay.

  Raveno was completely intoxicated by the offer of freedom in exchange for selling his soul to Andrajvah. Like myself.

  “We don’t have much time left, Debbie. And I don’t want to spend the rest of the remaining time we have separated from you.” Guilt pricked at my conscience when I remembered fucking Diabolas in the cell. Raveno sucked in a deep breath and closed his eyes. “I’ve lost you for a half-century and I don’t want to live another second not having you by my side.”

  My stomach fluttered when Raveno grabbed me by the face and pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened in shock before closing as I relaxed into his embrace. His strong arms wrapped tightly around me. The feel of his delicious muscular chest pressed up against my breasts. I was drinking in his breath, lavishing in the sweet taste of his mouth against mine.

  Nostalgia washed over me. If only I could turn back time and convince him not to leave me. If only I would give myself to him at that time. A wave of love for him coursed through me. I could feel his cock rising along with the temperature.

  “Mm, Debbie. I love you so much. I wish I hadn’t left you…” His hands groped across my back as if he was trying to rip my skin off. His hot breath skated across my cheeks. His tongue thrust through my lips and laced across the back of my teeth.

  For a moment, I forgot what I was doing. I forgot the world was going to end.

  I just wanted to feel his dick inside me. My eyes fluttered open as I laced my fingers through his hair, feeling the satin softness brush against my skin. I wanted to see his face. To memorize the handsome features that I’d missed out for decades.

  I skimmed my hands lightly across his broad shoulders, feeling his rigid muscles tighten under my touch. My gaze fell over his shoulders and on the vacant throne as a naughty idea sprang to my mind. I grinned sheepishly to myself as the mischievous plan took shape in my head.

  I couldn’t go back in time to change history, but I could do something to change the future now.



  My body trembled with lust and thrill as I pulled away from Raveno. Our eyes interlocked when I pushed him on the left chest, making him stagger back. “I’m in control this time,” I said. The corner of Raveno’s lips quirked up into a smirk as he arched his brow.

  He glanced at me up and down. His cocky face made me want to submit to him and let him drive but my will was stronger this time. “Okay.” He nodded. “I’d like to try something new. So tell me what you want me to do, baby girl.”

  I wasn’t even sure if this
plan was going to work. One thing for sure, my pussy was in for it. The blazing heat climbed up my body as I slithered my arms around his hips. My hands lightly skimmed around his hips, feeling his muscles tense against my touch as I grabbed and kneaded his ass cheeks.

  His dark jeans slung deliciously low at his hips, wrapping tightly around his legs. The massive bulge in his pants expanded and stretched the material of his pants. I cupped my hand on his crotch, feeling the hardness prod against my palm. The dirty thoughts of his throbbing manhood stretching and filling me up sent a wave of heat sizzling through me.

  “You’re getting so greedy, Debbie. I didn’t know you were such a little slut like this. Perhaps the dry days in Fallen Angels had turned you into an insatiable whore…” My stomach fluttered as Raveno tucked a stray lock of my hair behind my ear and kissed me on the side of my cheek.

  My breath was stuck in my chest as Raveno brushed his knuckles against my cheeks. Pinpricks started trickling down the length of my spine when he kissed the underside of my neck. My breath became raspy and labored. It was so hard to focus when my mind was running wild.


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