The Fallen Angels Academy Trilogy: Paranormal reverse harem romance

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The Fallen Angels Academy Trilogy: Paranormal reverse harem romance Page 46

by Kaylee Kane

  Diabolas scoffed and swung Raveno’s arm off him. His eyes spat fire. It looked like fire blazed in his irises as he glared at Raveno. “It will be the best fucking thing that will ever happen to me, Raveno!”

  The two alpha shifters traded glares as their chests heaved and fell in sync.

  Raveno shook his head. “No, it’s not. Everything will cease to exist and–”

  “That’s great! Nothing will ever exist! No pain, no suffering!” Squeezing his eyes closed, Diabolas sucked in a deep breath. His voice sounded steadier when he added, “I don’t expect you, a highborn to understand this.” A hint of sadness dripped in his words.

  A wave of sympathy for him coursed through me as he hung his head low in defeat. My thoughts went back to the cell where Diabolas told me the bits of his past. He didn’t tell much. I could understand why. All my life I’d been surrounded by angels and highborn. Sure I’d have some encounters with the Agents of Darkness and Hell Guards but being so close and personal with someone from the dark side? Diabolas would be my first.

  Coming to think of it, I didn’t think there were angels who fucked the demons. Perhaps it was just too taboo to talk about it.

  “You were born and bred in the sky, Raveno. You always have a place in heaven to go back to. But for me?” A sad look in his eyes, he glanced around the Hall of Justice, as if he was taking in the view for the first time. “All my life, I’ve known darkness and evil. I was born into it, just like you were born to be an angel. When Andrajvah took me in and I first set foot in the Underworld, that was when I found a place called home. A place I truly belonged.”

  Diabolas snarled through his gritted teeth as he turned to Raveno. “It was the first time in my life that I felt like my life had meaning. That I could finally realize my talents and skills and put them to good use. And Andrajvah helped me find myself. If the Master decides the world should end, I shall never say no.”

  Diabolas closed his eyes to suck in a deep breath again. “And then you came to my life. A fucking highborn. What the fuck were you thinking? What the fuck were you doing in the fucking Underworld?”

  Raveno pursed his lips. He looked like he was about to say something when Diabolas raised his finger at him, stopping him on his tracks. “I pitied you, Raveno. I did. You reminded me of my filthy past. Lost and confused in a world that you didn’t belong in. I wanted to help.”

  A brief silence.

  “It was a grave mistake.”

  “It wasn’t a mistake, Diabolas,” said Raveno.

  “It was the worst fucking mistake ever, Raveno!” shouted Diabolas. His eyes looked like they were about to burst from his skull. “All I wanted was to help you but you stole the only thing I had from me. You became Andrajvah’s new favorite while I got neglected, abandoned like a puppy that lost its magic after Xmas.”

  A guilty look arose on Raveno’s face. “No, that wasn’t my intention. I never wanted to compete with you.”

  Diabolas was about to say something when I stepped forward and broke my silence. “There is still good in you.” Diabolas’ eyes widened as the two of them turned heads in my direction. “There was goodness in you when you decided to help Raveno. You didn’t want him to suffer as you did. It was an act of selflessness. And then when you told me the truth, sparing me from the torment of the unknown.”

  I couldn’t hide the sneer creeping up on my face. “And because you told me the truth, you tipped the balance against Andrajvah’s favor because I’m going to fuck up his plan.”

  The two hellhound shifters followed suit when I tilted my head up to look at the Doomsday Clock. It was two minutes from midnight. The hope that was fading away rekindled in me.

  A look of shock twisted Diabolas’ face. “No, it’s impossible. The Doomsday Clock never ticked backward before. What the fuck?”

  I grabbed Raveno by the face and whispered into his ear. “You can do this, Raveno. You can turn Diabolas back…”

  His brows knitted. “No, Debbie. I can’t. He’s–”

  “Yes, Raveno. You fucking can. I turned you back.” I glanced at Diabolas, who was still in a state of confusion and despair. “He said you were friends, yeah? That means you guys might have shared some important memories together in the past. What you need to do now is to elicit a powerful and meaningful memory in him, bring him back to his previous self when he was untainted by Andrajvah’s influence. Only you can do this now.”

  “This is not fucking happening!” Diabolas’ voice roared through the walls of the Hall of Justice, spewing venom. His eyes glowed like hellfire as they scorched in the direction of Raveno and me.

  I unfurled from Raveno’s arm as Diabolas flexed his arms, his well-chiseled muscles doubling in size. His sheer black top looked like it was about to burst in the seams. A pool of sweat formed on his chest, marking the front of his tank top with a dark spot. I hated myself so much for wanting the brawny arms to be wrapped around me.

  Raveno’s muscles tensed up as he got into his fighting stance. The static in the air made the tiny hairs on my arms stand on ends. It was the moment of truth for me. I didn’t want either of them to get hurt.

  Guilt pricked at my conscience. How could I root for the other guy when the life of the love of my life was at stake as well? Now that I thought of it. Why did I even bother about getting Diabolas back to the good side when I could just destroy the declarations and ride Raveno’s dick off to the sunset?

  Diabolas was a rotten bastard beyond repair. Why did I bother wasting my time fixing this bad boy when I had so much catching up to do with Raveno? But why couldn’t I have them both? The memories of both of them sharing me at this very spot where they were standing right now. Where my tight wet holes were getting stretched and filled up.

  The yearning for both of them grew even fiercer in me. Raveno was the only shot we got to getting Diabolas back. And I felt so selfish sending him for the dirty job. Knowing that I could lose both of them at the same time.

  “Raveno, you son of a bitch! I should’ve killed you when I got the chance!” The infuriated face had nothing on the wry smirk that followed after. He pulled out a spear from thin air that extended into a full length. The rusty blade was covered with a dark lump of blood.

  Raveno’s eyes widened as a gasp escaped from his gritted teeth. Regret filled me as my eyes darted urgently between the two hellhound shifters.

  “Fortunately, as you said, Raveno, it’s never too late to turn back!” Diabolas twirled the spear around his fingers. He raised it high in the air. The glow of the torches cast shadows on his biceps, making them look even sturdier. With an anguished growl, he launched himself at Raveno.

  My heart cinched as I stepped back, almost keeling over. I grabbed onto the armrest of the throne for support as the commotion took place in front of me. Suddenly, everything became so real. I could feel every thumping of my heartbeat in my chest. The fear trickling in my veins.

  The time became warped and slowed down. My heart almost stopped when the blade of the spear was inches from Raveno’s face. I pinched my eyes, unable to bring myself to watch. The next second, I heard this metallic clink. I thought it was the sound of my heart shattering.

  But when I opened my eyes, another spear had magically appeared in Raveno’s hands. My heart leaped as Raveno blocked off Diabolas’ attack with the handle of the spear. Sparks flew as the metal clashed.

  I stood there with my feet rooted to the ground, watching in awe as the two alpha males fought. Hot blood blazed through my veins like fire.

  Diabolas’ jaw clenched savagely as he twisted Raveno’s spear off. Thick purplish veins bulged across his lean biceps as he spun around and stabbed his spear at Raveno. Grabbing onto the handle of his spear with two hands, Raveno blocked the attack again. The tantalizing smell of their sweet hung in the air.

  “Fuck off, Diabolas!” Pushing him off, Raveno crouched and swung a low kick at him. Diabolas was quicker, jumping to dodge Raveno’s attack. He twis
ted his spear around his hand and planted it onto the ground, missing Raveno’s foot by inches. The ground cracked as Diabolas twisted the blade out of the surface, leaving a hole.

  Diabolas was taking no prisoner. The murderous gleam in his eyes sent a shiver down my spine as he launched himself at Raveno again, this time catching his opponent off guard. “No!” I shouted, throwing my hands over my mouth as a hollow hole burned in my stomach.

  Diabolas knocked the spear out of Raveno’s grip. The metal clattered loudly at Raveno’s feet. Raveno tried to bend over to pick it up but Diabolas was swifter to kick it out of reach. In a smooth movement of an arm, he pointed the blade at Raveno’s neck. The point of the dagger dug deep into his flesh, drawing blood.

  Diabolas let out a victorious laugh as he tugged Raveno by the hair, tilting his chin up. Raveno’s face twisted in agony. I could feel his pain gnawing in my heart.

  “No, please…” I begged. I could feel the hot tears simmering in my eyes as my gaze darted between the two. My heart pounded heavily in my chest I thought the two of them could hear it right now.

  Both of their chests heaved and fell erratically as their eyes interlocked. A defeated smile crept up on Raveno’s face. “You’ve won now, Diabolas. How do you feel now?” His voice was raspy and labored.

  Diabolas gritted his teeth and tugged Raveno even harder, making him twitch.

  “Not yet, Raveno. Not until I kill you myself. Not until my blade tastes your blood.”

  “And what do you gain from it? You said I’ve stolen the only thing that you had from you. Haven’t you done the same thing to me too?”

  Diabolas’ forehead creased. “What do you mean?”

  Raveno gulped and licked his tongue over his dry lips. He glanced at me and said, “Debbie. You know how important she is to me. She’s everything that I’ve got. But now I’m sharing her with you.”

  Diabolas sneered through his gritted teeth. “You didn’t have a choice, Raveno. Andrajvah has gifted her to me as well. You were forced to share her with me.”

  “I’ve been sharing her with you before this. I told you everything about her. You dare tell me that you didn’t fucking jerk off to her?”

  Diabolas growled and tossed Raveno onto the ground. He lost his balance and collapsed on his side. Tightening the grip on his spear, Diabolas towered over Raveno, who was groveling on the ground. His brutal gaze glued to Raveno’s face as he raised his spear, ready to stab him.

  Raveno sucked in a deep breath and his face relaxed as if he’d accepted his fate. “Just do it, brother.”

  Diabolas stopped, his face twisted in disgust. “Don’t you dare call me brother with your filthy mouth, Raveno. You know you and I are from different worlds.”

  “That’s what Andrajvah wants you to believe. It’s his fucking divide and conquer tactic to stop pea brains like yourself to gang up against him. You know it’s true, Diabolas. It’s all his fucking mind games. Why did you think you weren’t good enough before you met Andrajvah? Do you think Andrajvah would want to adopt you if you had less brain? He saw the smart in you and decided to exploit your low self-esteem!”

  Diabolas’ eyes flashed with anger. “No, shut the fuck up, you fucking scum! Do not humiliate our Master like that!”

  “You know it’s true, Diabolas. It’s time to rise up against him.” Raveno glanced at the Doomsday Clock. The minute hand clicked closer towards midnight.

  My stomach lurched. A wave of fear rushed through me. “No, that can’t happen…” I mouthed. My mind was running wild, seeking new ideas. There was no way Raveno could stop Diabolas. Diabolas’ brainwashing had gone too deep. Even deeper than Raveno’s. After all, he was not highborn.

  “Praise the Master!” Diabolas let out a maniacal laugh. “You’re wasting your time, Raveno. If I were you, I would spend the rest of your pathetic life with your–” Diabolas’ breath was knocked out of his chest when I cupped my hand on his magnificent bulge.

  His eyes almost sprang out of his socket. I continued kneading and molding the bulge, feeling his cock rise and prod against my palm. He glared at me. “What the fuck are you doing, Debbie?” growled Diabolas. His breath got heavier and labored by the second.

  The color on his cheeks heightened as he tightened his grip on the shaft of the spear until his knuckles went raw in white.

  Arching a brow at him, I grabbed his hand and press it against my breast. A gasp tore from his throat. His fingers tightened around my lump almost instantly, reshaping my boob in his hand. My nipples were getting hard, prodding against the fabric of my top.

  “So you’re giving this up for Andrajvah?” I gave Diabolas the most seductive look I could muster up. From the corner of my eyes, Raveno picked himself up and dusted his clothes. Diabolas’ eyes moved over to Raveno. His facial muscles tightened, getting ready for a strike.

  I tightened my hold on his cock, making it leap and rise even more. “Argh!” An anguished roar ripped from Diabolas’ throat as he threw his head back. The sweat forming on his forehead oozed down his face, glazing the underside of his neck with a silky film.

  A sheepish grin crept up my face as I took pride in controlling this alpha hellhound shifter with lust just with my bare hand. With my magical touch, I’d made him howl with primal need. This magic was way more useful than any powers I had in the past.

  “Oh, Debbie, You have no idea what you’re doing right now. You’re messing with the beast right here. I’m afraid you might regret it soon…” Diabolas growled through his gritted teeth. His muscles went taut, bulging veins stretching his crimson skin.

  His hungry eyes pierced into mine, spitting fire and feverish glow. A tormented howl escaped his chest as I grabbed him harder on the cock. “Fuck…” He pinched his eyes closed and threw his head back, Adam apple bobbing away in his throat.

  His grip on the shaft loosened. The spear clanked on the floor and rolled off towards the throne.

  My fingers were quivering with excitement as I tore his fly open, unleashing the beast that I had been taming with my touch. The sight of the large shaft with its bulbous head glistening with yummy pre-cum sent a surge of love coursing through my veins. I took my time to marvel at the majestic shape as I got on my knees.

  The musty smell of his masculinity bounced around me. The massive girth bobbed inches away from my face as I looked up at Diabolas, marveling at his gorgeous build. His face twisted in erotic tension. His body hummed with sexual desire, yearning to be satisfied.

  But I wasn’t going to give him what he needed yet. I skimmed my hands lightly over his hips, gliding against the rigid sharpness of his Adonis belt. A low growl tore from his lips.

  My fingers continued to dance on the flesh around his cock, brushing against his pubes. My gentle touch skated across the engorged hardness before I wrapped my fingers tightly around it. Pre-cum oozing from its tip.

  His eyes burned into mine as I opened my mouth and lapped my tongue around his reddened bulb. With steady but rapid circular motions, I twirled my tongue around the entire length of his manhood.

  The way his body firmed up as he bucked his hips lightly against my face made my body sing with pleasure. My wetness was flooding my panty. It heightened my pleasure even more when Diabolas took charge. His fingers raked through my tousled hair, grabbing it hard as if he wanted to rip it off the scalp.

  My breath hitched. His musty scent whirled around me as he bucked his hips, slamming hard and deep into my throat. My jaw went numb. I fought to hold back my gag and steady my breathing.

  The tiny hairs on the nape of my neck bristled. Diabolas’ face became so hot and intense. “Holy shit…this is so fucking good. God, those fucking lips. They are fucking magic! I can’t get sick of fucking them.”

  I pressed my lips tightly together to let his cock spread me instead. It drove him wild. His fingers dug deep into my scalp as his cock thrust in with greater speed. I knew I was breaking him. The pride was blossoming in my chest.

/>   “Oh shit, Debbie, you’re so fucking wicked!” The heat rose within me as he slammed his hips faster and harder against my face. Something dark living deep within me was coming to life. My muffled voice came out in a velvety purr. I sucked him harder, trying to suck the bad out of him when he suddenly pulled out.

  My stomach flipped when Diabolas hauled me up on my feet with his strong arm. I thought he was going to bend me over and take me from behind but instead, he turned to Raveno. My heart somersaulted. I thought he was going to use me to blackmail Raveno or something but his eyes softened.

  “Brother, there is no joy in coming alone. I must share this beautiful moment with you,” growled Diabolas. My jaw fell open. To be fair, it’s been left open from the thrusting anyway.


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