Macy's Awakening

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Macy's Awakening Page 7

by Pepper Anthony

  They shared a genuine smile and Jerrod felt the pall between them beginning to lift. They were on the same page again. They could make this platonic relationship work for the next few weeks until her trial. He just had to remember the sincere gratitude in Chuck’s voice—and the fact that the man was a former All-American football tackle with shoulders a mile wide and hams for fists.

  Chapter 8

  Jerrod carried two bowls of popcorn into the family room where Macy sat on the far end of the couch, studying the on-screen movie menu.

  “How about Avatar? Have you seen it?” she asked as he handed her a bowl.

  “Just once, in the theaters. I’d be up for seeing it again.”


  She made the selection and sat back, her eyes steady on the large screen. The movie began, the oversized images dancing in the dark room, throwing colors and light into the corners and all over Macy herself. He watched her fondly from the corner of his eye, trying not to notice the long stretch of bare calf and thigh. She insisted on wearing those old shorts around the house, and a snug pink t-shirt that hugged her breasts. Maybe she didn’t realize how delicious she looked, like something made of cream and cocoa with raspberry garnish.

  It had been three weeks since Chuck’s Sunday morning call, and—true to his word—Jerrod had managed to keep things totally on the up-and-up with her. Though it had been a little awkward at first, they’d settled into a routine of sorts, with him going to the office early every morning and coming home early in the afternoon on days when he didn’t have to be in court. He brought his files with him, and kept in touch with Verna, his assistant, via fax, text, and email. Sometimes he ended up working late into the night in order to have time with Macy in the afternoons and evenings.

  They’d done just about all the tourist attractions the Portland metro area offered—the art museum, forestry center, museum of science and industry, Pioneer Square, and the paddle-wheel dinner cruise boats that plied the Willamette River. They checked out Saturday Market twice, Pittock Mansion, and the Zoo, not to mention several shopping malls. It had been great to reconnect with his city again, in a personal way he hadn’t since Allie was a little girl.

  It was a departure for him to put less emphasis on his legal cases. Oh, he was still giving them his full attention, but he’d gotten better about juggling his schedule and his personal energy so that he and Macy always at least had dinner together. And he’d even turned down a couple of cases in order to retain some flexibility in his day. Arlene’s biggest complaint had always been that he put his work first. It had come as a shock to Jerrod how easily he could prioritize his personal life now that he was coming home to Macy.

  Although they weren’t having sex, they’d come to form a close bond that fell outside standard definitions. They were friends, but more. And yet the age difference often made it feel like a father-daughter relationship, or perhaps student and teacher. Sometimes it wasn’t clear which one of them was the student and which the teacher.

  The girl had a unique perspective on life that refreshed him. She wasn’t frivolous or giggly, like lots of young women he’d met, but she was open to life in a way he’d forgotten how to be. She noticed everything and shared her observations joyfully with him—rainbows caught in dew on the grass, a tiny bird’s nest lined with feathers, even the melody in Peter’s rumbling purr.

  But she wasn’t a Pollyanna either. In fact they’d had several lively debates on a range of topics from politics to the humane treatment of farm animals. That she could hold her own in a discussion with someone twice her age impressed him to no end.

  The longer she stayed with him, the more his own perspective began a gradual shift from tired and cynical to something more hopeful, more alive.

  Yes, that was it. He definitely felt more alive with Macy in his house.

  He watched her now as she lost herself in the movie, her fingers covering her mouth as the story took a dramatic turn. Peter had wandered in and claimed the spot next to her on the couch, a new habit of his. Apparently just as charmed by Macy as Jerrod was, the cat had gone from aloof loner to faithful pet in the last three weeks. Peter had even included Jerrod in the expanded circle of his good will.

  So, if he’d come to admire her immensely and treasure the time they spent together, how did Macy think of him?

  As a friend, a mentor? Or had she relegated him to more of her father’s contemporary, just a stuffy older guy she had to hang out with and depend upon for legal representation?

  How about as lover? Did she ever think back to that at all?

  He shifted his legs to relieve the sudden stiffening of his cock against the front of his jeans. It was foolish to allow himself to go down this road again, even a little way. But he did entertain those memories every so often, usually in bed alone at night. He’d replay their one night together, her sweet, eager surrender. The way she’d smelled and tasted. The soft sounds of passion that broke from her lips. He’d remember in titillating detail their tryst the next morning in the kitchen, before her father’s call. The memories always left him feeling sad and restless.

  Jerrod stood up and went into the kitchen to the sink, letting cool water fill the empty popcorn bowl and run out over his hands. He knew he needed to put the brakes on this train of thought immediately.

  “Shall I pause the movie?” she called out.

  “No. I’ll be right back.” He passed his wet hands over his face, cooling the sexual fire that was always banked just below the surface of his calm demeanor.

  * * * *

  Macy turned back to the TV screen, her hand languidly stroking Peter’s fur. It was another quiet evening at home with Jerrod, the kind she liked the best. In a way, it was a little like being at home with her dad. They were comfortable together now, and they enjoyed doing some of the same things. He’d taught her backgammon. She’d taught him cribbage. She did some of the cooking, adding Grandma Wilson’s corn bread and greens to their usual barbecued chicken or steaks. Sometimes they went in the hot tub, but not at the same time. And Peter hung out with her, which she loved. She’d always wanted a cat, but her father didn’t like them and had never allowed her to have one for a pet.

  Jerrod had been nothing but thoughtful these past few weeks. Not only had he arranged to bring a laptop home from his office for her personal use, but he’d even gotten her a new cellphone. Now she could text Leticia whenever she felt lonely or scared, or call her dad in the evening just to hear his voice. It made the waiting so much easier. So much less frightening.

  Jerrod had taken her back to the police station two weeks earlier when the detectives working the case wanted to go over everything one more time. It hadn’t been as awful as she’d expected, even though they’d kept her in the interrogation room for hours. Jerrod had sat next to her the whole time, squeezing her hand in support.

  Only a month now until her trial was scheduled, and nothing had changed. So far the cops hadn’t found the man who stole the bracelet, and she stood to take the fall for his crime. Sometimes panic rose in her like a giant ocean wave, threatening to drown her. Jerrod seemed to know when she was caught in that wave; he always managed to say something encouraging at just the right time. He continued to promise her that he’d set her free, and she continued to put her faith in him.

  She had fallen hopelessly in love with him.

  That awareness had only entered her consciousness in the past few days. She was determined to keep it to herself and not mess anything up between them. If she confessed her feelings, he probably wouldn’t believe her, after the way she’d waffled before. He’d probably think she was just a dumb girl who was too young to know her heart. But he’d be wrong. Her whole body told her that she loved him, from the way her pulse fluttered when he walked into the room, to the wetness in the crotch of her panties when he gave her one of his beautiful smiles.

  She wondered how serious he was about keeping things just friendly between them. At first, it had seemed like such a good idea
. But as time went by and she got to know him better, she began to listen again to what her body told her. Desire and sexual awareness unfurled in her like butterfly wings. She longed to spread those wings and fly with him again. To kiss him, touch him, let him touch her.

  A series of emails and texts to Leticia had cleared up any remaining mysteries about sex. Her friend was excited and enthusiastic about Macy’s new non-virginal status, and had given her a lot of specific suggestions to think about. Her favorite fantasies involved Jerrod’s cock. She’d seen it, swollen and red, before he put the condom on, but she’d only gotten to touch it briefly in the dark by the hot tub. Now she longed to explore further. To take it in her mouth and pleasure Jerrod, the way Leticia described.

  Macy squirmed a little on the couch as she thought about the way Jerrod’s cock had looked just before he stuck it into her pussy. So long and thick, with veins that stood out on the velvety surface. It amazed her that her body could accommodate such a thing. Now that she wasn’t sore any longer, she wanted nothing more than to open herself to him once again, to invite him back inside her body, to feel him fill her pussy with hot, velvet steel.

  She felt her body react as his footsteps grew louder, knowing he’d soon be sitting across from her in his favorite chair, where she could secretly glance at him and watch the light play over his handsome face.

  Macy jumped as a sudden loud rapping came at the front door. Peter started at the noise and hopped down, slinking off to hide.

  Jerrod strode through the room, scowling. “Who can that be?”

  He disappeared down the hall that led to the formal living room. After a moment she could hear the murmur of voices, one of which was female. The voices grew louder. She distinctly heard a woman whine, “What do you care? You’ve never given a damn about that cat.”

  Peter! The woman must be talking about Peter.

  Feeling a surge of protectiveness, Macy got up and snuck down the dark hallway. From her vantage point in the shadows, she could just see around Jerrod to the woman standing on the front porch. She was blonde and thin with a dark tan and lots of makeup. Her face might have been pretty if it wasn’t for the sneer of disdain that curled her too-red lips. An empty cat carrier sat beside her on the porch.

  “I don’t care what you think I owe you, Arlene. You left Peter here. He’s mine now. Buy yourself a new kitten if you want a cat so badly.”

  “Oh, that’s priceless.” The woman laughed dryly. “You’ve gone and gotten yourself all attached to the damn cat. Huh. I betcha Peter is the only way you’re getting pussy in your bed these days.” She cackled at her own sick joke.

  Macy felt the blood rushing in her ears. Without a second thought, she stepped out of the shadows and sidled up next to Jerrod. She wrapped her hands around his arm and rubbed her face against his sleeve.

  “What is it, baby?” she said, pitching her voice low and sexy. She thrust out her breasts and made herself look directly into the older woman’s flinty eyes.

  “Hi. I’m Macy, Jerrod’s girlfriend. And you are?”

  * * * *

  Jerrod stared. Macy was extending her hand toward his ex-wife. Arlene blanched as she took in the younger woman’s comfortable attire and possessive stance. Not a word came out of her gaping mouth.

  “We’re very fond of Peter,” Macy went on, withdrawing her proffered hand gracefully and locking her fingers into his. He could feel her hand trembling, but her voice came out calm and self-assured. “I think Jerrod made a great suggestion. There are lots of kittens needing adoptive homes.”

  “Well!” Arlene clamped her mouth closed, turned on her heel and stomped down the porch steps. They watched as she went to her late model SUV and threw the carrier in. In a moment the car roared off into the night.

  Jerrod dragged Macy into his arms, kissing the top of her head, lifting her off her feet in a bear hug.

  “That was fabulous. That was perfect. That was priceless in fact.” He laughed from the belly up. “I bet she won’t show up here unannounced again.”

  He pulled back and looked down into Macy’s glowing face.

  “Whatever made you do that?”

  She shrugged. “I didn’t like the way she was talking to you. I wanted her to know you weren’t alone anymore.” She gazed up at him, looking shy and pleased.

  He stared into her eyes, suddenly feeling breathless with emotion. Was she offering herself to him? Did she really see herself as his girlfriend? Or had her words been nothing more than a clever comeback to Arlene’s malicious remarks?

  “Well, it worked,” he finally said weakly. He set her back on her feet.

  “Besides, it isn’t right for her to think she can come and take Peter after all this time, is it?” She pounded her fist into her palm.

  “No. He belongs here with us.”

  He wanted to say more. He wanted to talk about the way he felt about her being here, how natural it seemed, how he loved coming home to her. Even without sex, being with her made life seem intoxicating and rare.

  He’d been marking time before she came, just going through the motions. He could see that now. He’d forgotten how much juice life had in it. Now he wanted his full share.

  But that meant more than backgammon and cribbage, more than movie night or playing tourist. He wanted Macy in his bed again, hot and sweet, with her limbs spread and her lips open beneath his. He wanted to plunge his hungry cock deep into her wet, hot pussy and hear her sighs of ecstasy as he drove it into her again and again.

  And he wanted to wake beside her every morning and take her all over again.

  “Macy—” he began, then clamped his mouth closed. He could practically hear the squeal of unwilling brakes in his head. They’d tried this once before. It hadn’t been a good idea then, and it wouldn’t be a good idea now. He had to stop being selfish and get real about things. Macy was just a kid. She should be falling in love with a guy her own age, not some geezer with stars in his eyes and a bulge in his pants.

  Her eyes got bigger, her lips parted. He felt her hands grasp at his arms.

  “Yes, Jerrod? What is it?”

  Chapter 9

  Jerrod couldn’t do it.

  He couldn’t take the chance that Macy would say yes to him now, and then regret another night in his bed. And he knew he couldn’t handle being kicked out of paradise again.

  “Thank you. Just—thank you.” He gave her a quick peck on the cheek and patted her shoulder. “Should we finish our movie now?”

  He saw the light leave her eyes.

  “Sure.” She turned away.

  As he walked ahead of her back to the family room, he wanted to kick himself for being such a weak bastard. He shouldn’t have held her close like that. The girl had been more than ready to melt into his arms. He had felt the raw desire radiating from her.

  He could be holding all that sexy sweetness in his arms this very minute.

  But the morning would come, and with it there would no doubt be remorse—on both their parts. He was doing them both a favor by maintaining his self-control.

  But it sure as hell wasn’t easy.

  He sat through the rest of the movie like a lump of cement, staring at the screen but not processing what he was seeing. His mind wandered. Images of Macy in his bed, Macy lying back on the kitchen counter, Chuck busting skulls on the football field, Arlene on the day she’d given birth to Allie. It seemed like his whole life paraded through his head, taunting him to try and make sense of things.

  He would be forty-three in just a few weeks. Forty-three!

  A man of that age should certainly have a better grip on what was important. He needed to retain his objectivity and provide a good example of that for Macy. The girl was young and in trouble. It was his sworn duty to get her out of it, not get entangled in a messy sexual relationship with her that was destined to end badly.

  His gut twisted as he glanced over at her. Tears were rolling down her cheeks.

  She looked back at him, dabbing at her fa
ce with a tissue.

  “I hate this part of the movie,” she said. “It always makes me cry.”

  * * * *

  Verna’s crisp voice came over the intercom. “Jeff’s on his way in.”

  “Fine. Thanks, Verna.”

  The door banged open and his young, go-getter, leg man, Jeff Spencer, barreled in.

  “Great news, Jerrod. They arrested a suspect in your jewel heist.” He tossed a file on Jerrod’s desk. “His name’s Jones. Egan Jones. Two time loser, same MO. He looks good for it.”

  Jerrod glanced at the mug shot and quickly scanned the copied police report and interview notes. He scowled at Jeff.

  “He’s denying it. What makes you so sure this is our guy?”

  “Read on. His girlfriend—the skank he meant to pass the bracelet to—ratted him out. It’s only a matter of time until he owns up.”

  “But Macy’s not off the hook until he does, or until one of the eyewitnesses IDs him.”

  Still it was great news. Finally something to build a case on. He leaned back and laced his fingers together behind his head, his mind wrapping itself around this latest piece of information.

  Jeff straightened, looked hesitant.

  “Say, Jerrod. I was wondering. Macy’s gotta be bored out of her mind hanging out at your house all the time, with only an old guy like you for company. Mind if I give her a call and take her out some time?”

  A stab of jealousy pierced his gut. Jeff was maybe twenty-five, a much more appropriate age to be Macy’s companion. And he was a good kid, smart and honest. But imagining the two good looking young people together sent Jerrod’s pulse into sky rocket range. He suddenly wanted to punch Jeff’s lights out. Yeah, like that could happen. Instead, he gave the younger man a flat smile.

  “I’ll mention it to her, see if she’d be up for that. I’ll let you know.”

  “Yeah, you do that. ’Cause I’ve seen her picture, and that stuff is way too sweet to be going to waste at your house.”


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