Unexpected: Desert Knights MC

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Unexpected: Desert Knights MC Page 13

by Paula Cox

  She gasps audibly, anticipating what comes next. Her eyes pop open and stare up at me. I lean back down and kiss her sweet lips as my cock pushes into her. Right at the entrance of her lips, I feel her engorged flesh tighten up against me. It holds me in place for a moment until I push through the invisible wall, thrusting until I am fully in.

  Tory cries out, grasping at my back and neck. I’ve seen this pain before, but it’s hard to imagine on my side. To me, her fresh, unplucked pussy feels like unwrapping a new package. The walls of her give in around me, contouring to my body. I hitch up her legs so that they rest on the top of the back and front seats just so I can get in even further.

  With her in position, I start rocking up and down just so she can feel the fullness of having a hardened cock inside of her. It loosens her up; I can feel the gently gush of her juices moistening my shaft. It gives me enough space to begin to actually thrust. I place my hands next to her head, on the leather seats, as I push up off of her. But her hands remained wrapped around me, as I move tenderly in and out of her.

  “Anton…” She calls up to me. “Anton…”

  I listen to her call my name, letting her almost beg me for it. As I go faster, her lips stop moving. She leans her head up towards the window, staring at the fogged-up glass. Her hands lift up to the top of her hair as she lets herself enjoy each and every bit of my strokes. Even her hips raise to meet mine, as she picks up her own speed.

  Both of our breaths get lost in the moment. Mine all seem to float down to the effort in my hips, as I now pull fully in and out of her. Each time I exit her, she lets out a small yelp, a cry for more. When she wraps her legs around my hips, her ankle crossing over the other one, I know she is ready for the real Anton.

  My cock digs in deeper, pushing into her as fast as possible. The friction of skin-to-skin holds me in place. My shaft pulsates in time, the vein in me bubbling over. I look up to see Tory’s face going completely flush. Her hands have found their way to her stomach, as if she is pushing all of her pent up energy down toward her hips.

  Her mouth opens, letting out a wild scream. The sensation of her climaxing sets me off, as I burst into her…too late to pull out. But I don’t care. I just feel the long, gasping release of my cum shoot up and out of me. As I finish, she pulls me in so that my head rests upon her shoulders. My hot breath practically sticks upon her moist skin.

  She turns herself towards me, her body still quivering as I wrap my arms around her shoulders to warm her up. “Anton, I don’t even know what to say. That was…”

  “Incredible? Amazing? Perfection?” I lift my head so she can see me wink at her.

  “It was something. I waited way too long for that.” Her eyes go dreamy, as if she’s looking back on her entire life in this context. One minute she’s a virgin, the next she’s not. Her whole life changed with just a door opening.

  “You were waiting on me. No shame in that. I would have waited for me, too.” I can’t help but poke fun at her. All virgins are this sentimental, especially when they lose it to me. But while I normally hate this sort of thing, listening to Tory wax poetic is something deeper and more meaningful. I actually want her to feel this way.

  She snuggles her head closer to my shoulder as our bodies relax. I hear her sigh onto my bare chest, and her nails rap against my skin to the beat of my heart. My eyes close, as I give myself just a few minutes to take this all in. There have been so few moments in my life where I felt anything resembling this kind of warmth, and I wasn’t going to let go of it.

  That is, until Tory sits up. She grabs her hands around her naked breasts and turns towards the window of the car. Without looking down at me, she says in a hallowed tone, “Do you hear that? What’s that sound?”

  “What? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I sit up, pulling my weight so that I am sitting again. Rolling the windows down, I wait, and it isn’t long until I hear the familiar sound of motorcycles, many of them, in the distance.

  Chapter 17: Flight or Fight

  I hear a crack in his voice as Anton turns back to me with eyes wider than I’ve ever seen. “We have to go. We have to go now.”

  “What? What’s going on?” I watch him, as he grabs at the pile of clothes on the front seat of the car. He tosses me the dress that I slip on over my head followed by my panties, still damp from the foreplay.

  “You hear that thunder? It ain’t what you think it is. It’s your brother…or your dad. It’s someone, and they’re coming for us. Did you tell anyone where you were going to be or what you were doing?”

  My teeth gnash into my lips with such force that I instantly start bleeding. The metallic taste of my own blood mixes in my mouth as I debate about what to tell Anton. If I lie, I risk putting us in danger. And if I tell the truth, I risk him knowing that I caused whatever is going to happen to us.

  I did listen to him when he told me to go home and act normal. I did exactly that. When I got back to the house, still soaked in my jeans and hoodie, my mom looked me over as if she could tell. Her voice was almost an octave higher as she asked, “What are you doing here, Tory? I thought you were supposed to be…” She never finished her sentence.

  “Oh, I got caught in the rain outside the lab after our lunch break,” I lied, knowing she could read right through my overly cheerful facade. This wasn’t supposed to be how a girl who was just publically reprimanded and nearly beaten by her own father was supposed to act, regardless of the family she comes from. “I didn’t want to go back to class soaked, so I asked the professor for some time to run home and change, and she said I could. I’m just going to run upstairs and grab a new outfit, and I’ll head back for the rest of the night.”

  She had already tuned me out, but it had given me a chance to make a break for the bedrooms. My parents’ door was still ajar slightly, giving me enough of a chance to see if my dad had taken his wallet off of the dresser. He had, and by now, he knew what I had done.

  I knew I had to move quicker. Despite what Anton said, being here at home was like a deer standing in the middle of a hunting ground. I was putting way too big of a target on my own back. Despite having a bag full of clean clothes, I still changed into the first outfit I could get a hold of—a light blue sundress with buttons running from the hem to the neck. It wasn’t exactly appropriate getaway clothes, especially if we were riding on Anton’s chopper, but it would have to do.

  As soon as I was dressed and had knotted my hair into a better braid, I marched myself back down to the living room where my mom sat silently watching her shows. I kissed her forehead gently taking in her perfume, the same she always wore, before whispering a goodbye. She never said anything back, nor did she try to stop me. It was as if she knew that this was the best and only choice for me, like she had said the night before.

  My hand was on the doorknob when I heard him from the other side. He was like a low rumble waiting to burst out of a volcano. My feet stuttered back towards the hallway, and to my side, my mother appeared near my arm. We both listened to him as he jiggled the lock of the door and muttering, “I’m going to kill that fucking brat.”

  “Run.” My mother pleaded with me, “Go out the backdoor. I’ll try to stall him.”

  I turned towards her, giving her one last glance as I sprinted through the hallway, towards the kitchen. Behind me, the door flung open and slammed against the wood wall. My mother calmly said in her best, sunny voice, “Hello Clay. I didn’t expect you to be back so soon. I was just taking a nap. Must have fallen asleep to my shows...”

  Everything trailed off as I rounded the house, past the tree that leaned against my window, and through the bushes. I ducked, as I noticed the front door was still open. My father remained in the middle of entryway, raging at my mom. “Maureen! That girl! That whore daughter of yours stole my damn money!”

  “Now wait, Clay. You’re talking about Tory here. You know she wouldn’t do that. Are you sure it wasn’t one of your boys? Those new men you got protecting you, well, I
don’t trust them much.”

  “No, Maureen! It was Tory! I know it.”

  “Well, she isn’t here for you to ask. She’s at school. She’s supposed to be in lab all afternoon and then doing rounds at night at the clinic. You’re just going to have to wait till she gets back.”

  He doesn’t take the alibi. I heard him roar, as he pointed out, “Then why is her car in the driveway? Do you think I’m stupid, Maureen? Do you think you married an idiot?”

  “Oh come on now, Clay. One of her classmates picked her up while you were in the shower this morning. Annie or Andrea. I don’t remember the name. She said she didn’t want to drive that beater because the weather report said storms were on the way.”

  My stomach turned violently as I realized that getting to my getaway car was nowhere near possible until he closed that door. And even then, I was going to have to get that old thing to start up without him noticing. I needed a miracle, or at least a plan.

  And then it happened. I stood up a bit as I watched my mother bravely reach behind my father and grab the door, pushing it shut. In that second, I saw her eyes scan the yard for any sign of me. She was giving me seconds, just seconds, to make my run. I darted to the car, leaping over the bush concealing me. Luckily, I left it unlocked, allowing me to sneak in without being noticed.

  There was a slam—a door closing. I ducked on the front of the seat trying to make myself as flat as possible, but it was too late for me. I only counted to three before there were hands around my ankle, pulling me out. I tried to kick back, to scream to call for help. But he was too powerful for me, and I’m yanked out of the car in one large pull.

  My head slammed to the ground, hitting the concrete straight on. I picked myself up, but there was a sharp sting as he smacked the side of my head with the back of his palm. It landed right where he had hit me almost twenty-four hours earlier. The pain pulsated around my eye and shot up to my forehead.

  “What do you think you’re doing, Tory? You think you can just steal from me, from your own father? Who do you think I am?” His yells were incoherent and all ran together. I could barely make them out over the sound of my ear buzzing.

  “I don’t… I don’t…” I wasn’t sure what I was answering or trying to explain. Lying or telling the truth would get me nowhere now.

  “I don’t want to hear it, you filthy, ungrateful child!”

  He stood over me, his fists in a ball. I placed my hands over my head as I screamed back at him, “Please! Just let me go! Let me go!”

  “You think you can run away? That I won’t track you down? You think you can make it out there on your own?”

  “Please, daddy. I just want to go. Will you let me do that?”

  All of a sudden, he moved. He stood to the side, his head hung low in his hands. A small chuckle came out of his mouth, as he turned back to my mother who stood in the doorway. “You did this. You raised this girl to be disobedient and disrespectful. Now she thinks she is better than us.”

  “That’s not what I said,” I replied. “I just want to get away from the club. I’m tired of it.”

  His head shot back in my direction, as he answered quickly, “Then you know what, go. I’ll give you a good head start. But you will be found. I’ll be sure of that. And if I don’t find you, someone else will, and by then, you’ll be crawling back to this house.”

  “What?” I answered confused. “You’re letting me go?”

  “Yeah. I want to see you fail. I want to see you suffer just so you have to beg me.” He walked over to me with his large feet scuffing against the stone. He reached down and pulled the purse from around my neck and dived his hands into it. He pulled out my wallet and the wad of cash I stuffed in there earlier. “But you won’t be doing it with my money.”

  “I…I—” I couldn’t help but stammer. I wasn’t completely dumbstruck by what was happening. On one hand, he was giving me my freedom, but I knew it was going to come at a price. He wasn’t going to let me out of town without a fight or at least a chase. And whoever found me first wasn’t going to treat me with kid gloves.

  I didn’t even finish my sentence. I only looked back to my mom who had not moved an inch since walking outside. Tears streamed down her face, as she held a hand to her mouth. I nodded in her direction before running towards my car. My parents disappeared in my rearview mirror. Each stood in their places, neither one moving. Frozen in time, I didn’t think I’d ever forget that moment…when I was given my chance to run by my own jailer.

  The clock on my car’s dash read five o’clock. I only had an hour to get to Anton, but before I could take off, I had one last stop. After seeing my mom like that, I couldn’t let her just sit there, not knowing whether I lived or died. That would be letting my father win. I had to, instead, set up a middleman with the one person I trusted.

  April was beside herself when I showed up looking more bruised, battered, and wet than she had ever seen me. Her arms raised to me, pulling me in for a hug. It was the sisterhood of the daughters of the Knights. We had now all been victims by our fathers and boyfriends. I was just joining the fold late.

  “So he’s just letting you go?” she asked after I finished telling my story.

  “Yeah, but he’s going to try to find me. I know he is. Anton says he can get us out of the state, but I know my dad and brother better than he does.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure. Derek told me that there is some shit going down between Anton and Brandon. The whole drinks at the bar thing kind of spiraled, and some shit was said against your brother. I don’t really understand it, but I think Anton knows more than he lets on.”

  “I don’t really care, April. All I want is to just get the hell out of California. But I need to know that you will be my messenger when or if I do. I just want my mom to know that I’m okay. Will you do that?”

  “Yeah, you know I will. But what about tonight? Where are you going to meet him?”

  I blurted it out before I could stop myself, “Exit 28, Senators’ territory. Anton knows it over there better than anyone else.”

  Her mouth dangled open, as she took everything in. After a long, drawn out pause, she asked, “Are you sure this is what you want, Tory?”

  “Yes.” I glanced back up at the clock. I was already running late. I’m never late, but today, he was going to have to wait for me. I looked back down at my friend who looked almost more upset than I was and reassured her, “I’m going to be fine, April. I’m going to be free… finally!”

  “Just be safe out there. I trust you know what you’re doing.”

  With that, I walked back out the door and to my car. The empty road should have given me pause, but I didn’t notice it. I was so focused on just getting on the highway, past Desert Knight-land. Crossing over to the other side was almost like a relief, a safety net. And Anton still waiting for me in that mud soaked field only made the rest of my day melt away.

  Now, he stood before me asking if I gave us away, and I couldn’t decide how to answer him. With the motorcycles roaring in the distance and both of us scrambling to just escape, all I could answer his question with was a simple, “Yes. I told someone.”

  “Who? Who the fuck did you tell?”

  “April. I told April.” My mind flashes to her. She wouldn’t have told anyone that information unless it was tortured out of her. I could only imagine what my father, and possibly hers, would do to her if they suspected that she knew where I had gone or what I was doing.

  “We have to go, Tory.” He leaps into the front seat and starts up the car.

  My mouth goes dry, and I can barely speak through the large lump in my throat. “No, Anton. You go.”

  “What? Are you out of your mind?” He turns back to me, as I step out of the backseat. He follows me, his hands raised. The lights of the motorcycles shine above us over the exit ramp. They are only minutes away.

  “No. I’m not crazy, but I most likely got April killed, and now you’re next. I can’t let anyone else’s life be
destroyed because I wanted to escape my dad. I want you to go, Anton. Go back home and pretend like this never happened. Pretend like you never met me.”

  He walks towards me, his legs striding through the rain soaked grass and gravel. “I can’t do that, Tory. Not now, not after what we’ve been through. I won’t leave you.”

  “You have to, Anton. This isn’t right.” We both turn our heads as the first motorcycle makes its way down the curve through the illuminated streaks of rain. “Please. Just go.”

  He pulls me in tight against his chest. His leather jacket scrapes against my face, but I hold him even closer. A hand lifts my chin up towards him, as he says over the noise of the motorcycles nearly surrounding us, “I won’t forget you. I’ll be back.”

  “Go, Anton. Just go.” I push away from him and slip in the front seat of my car. My head turns to watch him pull his Harley out of the mud and on to the side street. His engine purrs under him as he takes off like a jet in the opposite direction of the gang of bikes moving in on us.


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