Alpha Dawn: Book one of the Teragene Chronicles

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Alpha Dawn: Book one of the Teragene Chronicles Page 2

by Morgan R. R. Haze

  Such narrow-minded views were no doubt encouraged by the nearly draconian governance of the Sthenos Council of Thirteen. Little was known about the Council, other than it controlled the military peace keeping force which had been established by the High Council of Terra Prime. The planet which had been chosen for the Council of Thirteen was the planet of Sthenos in the Theta Sector, only two sectors away from where Terra Prime had been. Nearly a millennium after Terra Prime vanished, the Sthenos Council’s military branch was simply known as Fenix. Each remaining sector or area of colonized space not lost to the Void was overseen by one of the members of Sthenos Council of Thirteen. Though each Councilor operated nearly autonomously, the one thing all Councilors agreed on was that they were not actual rulers, but rather stewards of the seat of power which had been held by the High Council of Terra Prime. Therein they justified the existence of their governance. They believed that order had to be maintained at all cost… and over time it would be, for the right price; for corruption crept into most of the Councilor’s hearts and war for profit would become Fenix’ main activity in the centuries which followed.

  Yet, under a mostly repressive system, there was one light hearted explanation of what the physical universe actually looked like; an explanation which was passed down from one generation to the next.

  A surviving delicacy from Terra Prime was the “doughnut” as it was called, with its commonly related, yet opposite companion, the “doughnut hole.” Essentially, Terra Prime was like a singular round doughnut hole, representing all human life in the known universe. Once Teragene was discovered, the doughnut hole stretched in all directions, as though it became an actual doughnut. A doughnut more akin to the jelly filled kind. This large, solid doughnut represented the expansion of humanity into the universe. However, once Terra Prime vanished, the doughnut hole representing the beginning of humanity was removed, leaving nothing more than what is now accepted as the standard circular doughnut, with a hollow center. The hollow center caused by the holes’ removal, representing the Void.

  Though many simplified beliefs of what had happened would be commonly accepted, there would be those who would fully realize that they were living in strange circumstances. Thus, they would seek to belong somewhere more meaningful, than to the numerous ideologically flawed organizations, governments, and planets spread across the known universe. These individuals would find themselves in a dilemma… should they break with tradition and ask themselves: "Where do I belong?"

  For those that asked such a question, they would not be met with a satisfying answer other than that they should know their place in the existing order of things. Those who tried to break free from the planet, government, or system they were born under, frequently received a label; "Recreant", "Deviant", or "Outcast."

  However, would making the final choice to leave one’s predetermined place in this dystopian universe have any risks?

  Hunter’s Guild Cruiser, the Seeker -3221 A.T.D. Day 374- Jason Singer

  Another day, another bounty. Big Hunter’s Guild ships run a bulk industry. When you are one of the top bounty hunters within the Guild, you rate your own berth. Sounds good until you realize you are working twelve to eighteen hour days, running down the worst of the worst and coming home to a smaller box than the prison cell that the bounties you catch are going into. What are you supposed to do in the down time in between planets but dream about a way to get the freedom of your own ship? So, when the chance to do just that fell into my lap I had to take it and run.

  "Jason. There's a vid (video) line coming through for you. Some uppity up from home, he said his name is William Andrews." Ben's voice came through the small speaker by my door; tinny and mechanical sounding.

  "Be right there. I’ve got nothing better to do for the next hour anyways." I said.

  On a ship this size most things are scheduled down to the minute. When you have shower privileges, mess privileges, even time in the recreation room; it all costs you. Every time you do anything on this boat they bill you. It makes it that much harder to strike out on your own. Depending on how much of a wind bag this guy turns out to be, this vid could end up costing me my next three bounties. Still I have to take it. It could be about Pete.

  "I'll put it through to the port side view pod. That one has been working fairly well and it will give you more privacy than the rec room." Ben informed me.

  "Thanks Ben." I said.

  Ben was the only other one on this boat from Sthenos. He was a good guy, but he hadn't been in the Fenix Service Program. He was never forced to fight wars that were never his. He was a pilot and this was all just a big adventure for him.

  As I peeled my way out of my hole in the wall, I had to stop myself from thinking of all the things that could have gone wrong with Pete. Last I heard from him all of his aptitude tests came back strong for the medical field, but it's not unheard of for the higher ups to shoehorn someone into another field where they needed more warm bodies.

  My footfalls echo off the bare metal floor and walls. The ship is unusually quiet. The one time I don't want peace and quiet it's all there is to be found.

  The view pods are just closets with a chair and a view screen. The stuffed shirt that greets me on the vid screen appears to be around my age… maybe a few years older. He has the dark curly hair, pale skin, and the almond shaped eyes which were so common on Sthenos. But his eyes are a striking dark shade of blue, not the more common brown or hazel found there.

  "Hello. You are Jason Singer, brother of Peter Singer, correct?" William said.

  At his words, my heart dropped to my stomach. "Look if something's happened to Pete just tell me straight out." I replied.

  "I'm sorry.” He apologized without any trace of said emotion, “I was just making sure I had the right man. Singer isn't exactly an uncommon surname. I was hoping that we could reach a mutually beneficial arrangement. I assume that you are familiar with the laws governing anyone exiting the Fenix Service Program; since you took advantage of those provisions as soon as legally possible." William retorted.

  "I'm guessing that you aren't spending your obviously precious time to ask me legal advice. So why not get to the point and explain to me why you've bothered to track me down for this little chitchat." I said, already feeling a dislike for his attitude.

  "Straight to the point it is, Mr. Singer. My younger sister’s talents are such that the Service Program plans to fast track her into an elite unit, but it requires me to sign all rights away as her only male relative. This is something that she does not wish. She identified you and your brother as people who may be willing to help us with this situation." He said.

  "So, she needs someone to marry her." I simply stated.

  "Quite. Now I was hoping that you would be able to convince your brother that this marriage would be beneficial for all concerned." He said, attempting to pressure me.

  "First off we are keeping my brother out of anything that has to do with anyone becoming a Recreant. There is a reason I’ve kept as much distance as possible between me and Pete, and I haven't spent the last four years doing that to tell him he should marry a Recreant." I said, making my feelings clear.

  "Ell said you wouldn't want your brother brought into this. Very well,” he sighed, then continued, “I am in a position to guarantee that Peter will go directly from school to a teaching hospital for the remainder of his required Program service. What he chooses to do afterwards is up to him. Also, I am willing to gift you with one year’s wage and a ship of your own as my sister’s dowry. This is providing that you sign the marriage documents and no one on your side ever knows of this arrangement. Neither I nor my sister will wish for any further contact with you after this business is concluded. We will be leaving Sthenos as soon as all of the documents are registered."

  Thoroughly done with his attitude, I said, "I'm not the one looking up random men so my sister can be a child bride. She wants out. I get it. But don't act like I'm some kind of lecherous hump that's going to
make off with your sister as soon as the papers are sealed. I will be doing a job. I do my part, you pay me, and we part ways. You don't really strike me as someone that I would like to spend an abundant amount of time with and I'm sure that's a mutual feeling. Now, do you have the particulars worked out?"

  Planet of Heliu -Day 377-Jason Singer

  After that life changing vid with my pompous brother-in-law to be, I still had enough credits in my account that I was able to jump ship on the next planet we came to, Heliu. Quitting this company fortunately wouldn’t affect my Guild rating. Ben was the only one on the ship who I told I was leaving. I let him know that if he ever got tired of guild work to look me up. He just laughed and said, "You never know."

  Fortunately, Heliu was a decently populated, well terraformed rock in the Omicron Sector that had grown into a fairly diverse society. Not so upper-crust that I couldn't be comfortable in my own skin but it wasn't so rough I had to look out for cutthroats, even though cutpurses are always a possibility around the spaceports.

  I went to the hotel where William booked a room for me. Again, it wasn't top of the line, but it was a clean room in a decent area of town; not too far from the spaceport. Also, it had enough soundproofing that the ships coming and going didn't sound like they were right on top of me. It was small by some standards but compared to my berth on the Guild ship…this was a palace.

  With nothing to do but wait for the documents to be delivered, I took full advantage of the attached bathroom and enjoyed the first actually hot shower with real water that I had in years. The chemical showers of the ship got you clean, but there was nothing relaxing or even pleasant about them. I love sailing through the black ocean of space but there are some things that I had sorely missed about being planeside. Fresh food and clean running water would be in my top five.

  It didn't take more than two hours of me being in the room, long enough for a good long shower and to have a meal sent up, for there to be a knock on the door. A little man with a big bald head, small eyes shining through gold rimmed spectacles, and clutching a logbook scanner stood there with a tired and harried air about him.

  "Mister Singer?" I nodded an affirmative. "I am a Records Clerk, I have your marriage documents for you to look over and if everything is to your satisfaction, I can process your seal."

  "You do fast work." I said to him as I led him to the small table that held the remnants of my meal.

  "Your brother-in-law sent everything to me an hour ago. This would normally take at least a week to get all the proper clearances for such a large dowry, but seeing that it is almost all tied up with the purchase of the starship, it streamlines things considerably. Mister Andrews indicated that there was some urgency.” He seemed to be fishing for more information on the reasons for this hurriedly arranged marriage.

  "I understand that Mister Andrews wants to see his sister's affairs taken care of as quickly possible. I think he is an efficiency expert of some kind back home if I remember right." Hopefully that explanation would satisfy his curiosity for as long as it takes to get through this.

  "Ah, that would explain how everything was perfectly in order with the paperwork. Don't think I've ever seen things this neatly tied up on its first draft in all of my years of doing legal documents such as these." He said.

  I didn't know if the Clerk was into some shady business and thought it was some kind of sting operation on him, with everything being too perfect. After one more look around the room, he seemed to relax. Then he opened his book and briefed me on the marriage documents. Within ten minutes I felt that Mister Andrews hadn't been trying to screw me over. The credits would be deposited at the time the marriage was sealed. The ship that was already on order would have the title made out to me. Not just some junker that I would need to repair every time we broke atmo (atmosphere) but something that would belong to me straight off the line. All I needed to do was get to the space station that was building it, and collect it upon completion.

  As I placed my hand on the scanner and then sealed the marriage pact with a blood sample, I wondered if this really was the last I would hear from my new family. It would be strange to know I had a wife out there, that I could pass right by on the street and not even know we were on the same world. That thought followed me to the docks the next day. It stayed with me as I booked passage to the Arles space station where the ship was being built…and to the ship the day after that for my departure…it continued with me all the way through the week-long trip to the space station on the fringes of the Sigma Sector.

  At the station, I met with the shipyard manager. One, Jon Smith, nope that really was his name, I swear. When I showed him my receipt he let out a long whistle.

  "I never thought we would get a buyer for her. One of the nicest we've ever worked on. She is my favorite, the truth being told. She was a custom job. The original buyer got himself killed over some land dispute of a recently terraformed moon, if I remember right. Just before completion, a few years back. Anyways, got all the new upgrades you ordered completed. She's even sweeter than she was to start with. Now, if you come with me I'll get all your biometrics put in her and you can get on your merry way. "

  I learned early that keeping your mouth shut is the best way to find things out. Most people don't do well with silence between them and another person. As I listened to Jon talk, I realized my new ship was a work of beauty. A Banshee class star cruiser. She was built with an organic design; her hull was gunmetal black, contrasting with the blue plasma, emanating from her Omni directional engine ports. She came to a point at the bow, reminding me of an elegant saber. This is a ship that even some of the best bounty hunters in the known universe could only dream of. I would be able to handle her myself to start with, but she could also easily support a crew of fifteen… all having their own quarters and still have room for passengers. She had her own landing shuttle, as well as a cargo hold with room to carry two more small ships and cryogenic chambers for the transportation of fugitives. She came with a hydroponic bay to augment the life support systems, full med suite with two operating rooms and five recovery/isolation rooms, and a full array of weapons and defense capabilities. The truly awesome part though, was the Captain's quarters.

  This room was larger than the barracks that I shared with eleven other men when I was still in the Fenix Service Program. The bathroom had real running water! Jon explained that the ship had the best water filtration system available anywhere; all wastewater was atomized, with all waste products being converted to fertilizer for the hydroponics bay. Because of this, the ship could go indefinitely without the water being changed. This infinite supply of water made the large, separate shower room more inviting. Even its blue, glowing glass floor was mesmerizing because of its liquid filled appearance.

  Jon finished up the tour by sealing the title transfer. "You’re all set; I just need your seal to make it official." Oddly enough this actually felt like falling in love and marrying the girl of my dreams. As I sealed this too with blood, I wondered who had ordered all of these upgrades for my new baby.

  I christened her the Waylay. She had made me feel waylaid, but in a good way; and with everything she had to offer I could do all sorts of waylaying of my own.

  As I sat at the helm for her maiden voyage, I just kept waiting for someone to vid me and say it was all a cruel joke. I engaged the Waylay’s primary thrusters. The station grew smaller in the starboard view port, and still no vid came. When I was a safe distance from the station, in a state of disbelief I engaged the stardrive.

  "Hello Jason. I am Ell." At the sound of her voice I about fell off of my seat. I had been wound so tight I thought someone was on the bridge with me, not that the ship's computer was bringing its voice online.

  "Why are you called Ell," was the first thing I could think of to ask?

  "It’s short for Elliot. I thought it was strange being married to someone that I hadn't even had one conversation with, so I programmed the ship's AI with myself. My brother felt it
best for us to never meet, but I prefer to at least have the memories of one conversation with you. If you prefer, after this, I can reprogram it to a standard AI." She offered.

  "How are you going to remember this if I'm talking to the ship's AI?" I asked, perplexed.

  "For now, I have it set up for a data drop when you come into range of relay satellites. If you want to continue talking, I can set up a more direct relay. Given your chosen profession I can see my skills becoming of use to you."

  "Really, you think you're going to be able to help me with bounty hunting from who knows how far away?" I asked, incredulously.

  "You'd be surprised what I can do with the upgrades the Fenix Service Program has already made to me. With the stardrive operating there would be some delays, but not too noticeable unless I had to divide my attention to a number of things at the same time. However, when you're just moving about with thrusters our communication should be in real time. Why don't you tell me who you want to go after first and we can have a trial run?" She suggested.

  "Maybe later... I like to know who I'm working with before jumping straight into a job with them. I'm assuming you were one of the Service Programs’ hacks. How old were you when you entered the Program?" I asked.

  "I was six and William was fifteen when our parents died. He was already training for an oversight position at the time and the Program continued with his training. With me, things were different. I had an affinity for anything computerized, but being as young as I was my predilection was always brushed off as curiosity, or getting into places where I shouldn't have been. For the last eight years all of my waking hours have been devoted to diving deeper and deeper into the code that runs everything. I’ve accessed anything from systems or programs running spaceships to space stations, superstructures and satellites. Even many of the planetary governments’ communications and organized crime syndicates bank accounts are within my reach. The Fenix Service Program never found anything that I couldn't access. Of course, my abilities only work if there is technology nearby… put me on a backwards planet with pre-technology, and I’m just as normal as the next person.” Ell said, with a slight laugh.


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