Scarlet's Torment (1)

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Scarlet's Torment (1) Page 9

by Krihstin Zink

  My home feels empty, and my mind drifts to a recent conversation with Violet. She mentioned that Milton was considering moving to Naples.

  “If he mentions or ask that I live with him, would you keep this house or move, Scarlet?” I thought about it. Would I? Violet crossed her fingers as she spoke of the possibility of moving in with Milton. She also became agitated at the thought of living in this house with Milton, especially with her history with Peter. Milton was a fresh start, so naturally they would need a new home to share. I was unsure what I’d do, so I told her I’d just wait to see what would happen.

  After a relaxing bath, I dress myself in comfortable pajamas then send Tim a text:

  Me: Hi, there! Would you mind some company?

  Tim: Hi, stranger! I thought you forgot about me. I need some sunshine in my life, how about I come to visit you?

  Me: Problem. Long story short: I need to get away from Naples for a while. I’ll tell you the story when I see you.

  Buzz… A photo of Tim and me making fierce stares covers my cell screen. I answer, but before I can say anything Tim blurts out, “What’s going on?”

  His curt candor causes me to laugh before I respond, “Well, hello, Tim!”

  We chitchat about the weather and then Tim says, “Come on. Why do you want to get away from Naples? I thought things were sweeell...”

  I release a deep sigh then answer, “During the summer I started dating a client.”

  Tim interrupts, “Scandal!”

  We laugh, and I continue, “Anyhow, BDR planned a center for David, Dr. David Jensen. Things were great between us, but he has a psycho ex who has vandalized both of our cars, she has vandalized BDR, and now I have two bullet wounds that are slowly healing, thanks to her.”

  Tim quickly replies, “What! Wow! Wow! Did she shoot you? I hope she was arrested.” I’m silent and become angry as I remember Kate assaulting me.

  “Kate has evaded the police,” I snap.

  “Oh, hell no!”

  “They haven’t caught her, hence my need to leave Naples,” I hiss with irritation. Tim becomes silent. After what seems like too long a pause, I make sure we weren’t disconnected, “Tim?”

  He sighs and clears his throat then says, “What if I come to visit and we take a road trip to the Keys?”

  If we were to go, I wouldn’t be too far from David. I feel hopeful. “Brilliant plan, Tim.”

  Tim says in his usual arrogant but playful tone, “I know.” Tim’s wide eyes and infectious grin flash in my mind.

  “When could you be in Naples?” I ask as I hear Tim texting.

  “I’ll book a flight now and text you the details.”

  Noticing the hour, I send David an email, assuming it will be too late.

  “Hi, Babe. Great news. Tim and I decided that a trip to the Keys would be better. Once I know more, I’ll let you know. Love, Scarlet.”

  The physical therapist mentioned staying mobile, so I venture out into the house. I enter my room just as my phone rings one last time before the voicemail kicks in. I notice I missed David’s call then push the callback button.

  “Hey, babe! I was walking around the house. Did you read my email?”

  “Yes, I like that I get to meet Tim.” I imagine David rolling his eyes.

  “You’ll like him. He’s sweet. I think he’ll like you,” I offer in a calm tone.

  “I hope not too much.”

  I’m silent then respond, “Don’t worry, you’re not his type. He likes thin-framed metro-sexual types.” David ignores my comment then asks if we can see each other soon. “I think we can make it happen if Tim isn’t in town. I’d hate to be rude to him,” I respond.

  “Understandable. I hate to cut our conversation short, but I have a nine o’clock appointment followed by several more. I need extra rest after our evening together.”

  David’s husky voice induces his seductive smile to appear in my mind. We exchange our regular evening goodbyes. I hang up first then check my email… no messages. I start to read a cyber-article on social networks’ negative impact on relationships and fall asleep mid-article.

  The next day, I awaken to a dark room and the aroma of breakfast. Nostalgia sets in as I hear The Beatles playing from afar. I reminisce about my childhood breakfasts with the Belkas. During the weekends, mornings consisted of Elizabeth making bacon with whole-wheat pumpkin pancakes and veggie omelets.

  After my bathroom duties, I make my bed then open my bedroom curtains. The sun temporarily blinds me. I regain my sight and glance towards my nightstand. Wow! 11 AM. As I leave my room, I collide with Elizabeth.

  “Sorry, Mom,” I offer before we share a morning laugh.

  “Oh, Scarlet, you startled me. I was just coming to wake you.”

  I give Elizabeth a hug then respond, “I could smell brunch and hear The Beatles playing, and I knew you were here.”

  Elizabeth’s welcoming, warm smile gives me such comfort. She extends her arm for me to walk with her. Elizabeth’s 5’10” stature will always make me feel like a child. Jade and I are the shortest, Jade at 5’9” and me at 5’7”. I’ll always retain my baby status in this family.

  I sit at the kitchen table, and Elizabeth brings our plates along with tumblers of orange juice. We eat and converse just like old times. When I lived with Benjamin and Elizabeth, it was often just the three of us. It was nice to have siblings, but I enjoyed having two parents to myself more; considering I barely had one parent while living with Clara.

  “I like David for you, but I hope your relationship doesn’t suffer due to Kate’s behavior,” Elizabeth says as she takes a small bite, followed by a quick sip of her orange juice. She eats slowly so that she can fill up on one portion. She rarely ever has seconds, and often doesn’t finish her meals.

  Elizabeth probes about my relationship with David. At first I respond fondly, but then become agitated by thoughts of Kate.

  “Four months together, and my only concern is Kate. It’s sad and pathetic. She is the one who chose another, and now…”

  I divulge as Elizabeth straightens up then interrupts to say, “Let’s change the subject, I want to enjoy our time together.” I ask Elizabeth why Benjamin didn’t come. “He’s helping Violet while you recover. He has missed working,” she reveals.

  “I was surprised he ever retired.” Elizabeth shakes her head, recollecting Benjamin’s glee when leaving home this morning.

  “Benjamin enjoys midmorning golfing and afternoon tennis. He occupies his time. As do I, but drawing blueprints he has mentioned is the thing he misses the most. Sometimes I catch him drawing random buildings.” Elizabeth takes her last bite. I push my half-eaten plate to one side. Since the shooting, I have not had an appetite. David has questioned several times if I have lost weight.

  “Have you heard from Grandma Lucy or Amber lately?” Elizabeth inquires with a motherly stare. I feel guilty because David has consumed all of my spare time.

  “No. Actually, I haven’t heard from Grandma or Amber. Have you heard from Jade or Adrian?” I search her eyes for a response.

  “They’re both fine. Jade and Ander have taken on more responsibility in their departments, the girls are enjoying their school year, and so are Adrian and Carina’s kids. Carina is as busy as always, and so is Adrian. We discussed having Thanksgiving at our house again,” Elizabeth offers fondly. She has adjusted well to retired life by planning the last two holiday reunions. We continue chatting about the family while we team up on cleaning items used for brunch.

  I shower then primp as quickly as possible. I find an outfit similar to Elizabeth’s red, Nanette Lepore, blazer and black-striped dress with nude, Gucci platform pumps.

  Today is a mild, breezy day in Naples, so I decide to wear my flirty, unlined, lace mini dress by Pierre Balmain along with my nude, Fendi, platform pumps. With all the rest I’ve had, my thigh is barely a bother, but I notice I’ve developed noteworthy scars. Thank goodness my injuries are more about appearance than pain, because I’
m hopeful to return to work in November.

  I give myself one last glance in the mirror and applaud my tousled hair and barely there makeup. I check my Tory Burch Amanda leather hobo for my cell phone, Chloe wallet, Dior sunglasses, and Chanel makeup. Elizabeth grabs her Gucci hobo then we lock up the house and settle into her Lexus.

  “I’d like to visit The Village on Venetian Bay. Is that all right with you?” Elizabeth inquires with a grin spread wide across her lips.

  “Yes, but I might need to rest here and there,” I say with a pout.

  We drive the speed limit until I notice Elizabeth checking her mirrors more often than usual. “Everything all right?” I question, but Elizabeth ignores me as she straightens up to focus on the road before checking her mirrors again.

  “Yes, I just keep seeing that blue Nissan behind us. It’s been tailing us since we entered US 41 then as we exited Park Shore,” she finally reveals as she focuses on the road. I keep quiet so she can concentrate.

  “I’m going to call the police, or maybe we should drive to the police station?” I whisper. In a flash, the blue Nissan speeds up next to Elizabeth. My heart drops and I bellow, “Find somewhere safe—that’s Kate!”

  Elizabeth doesn’t panic, and without losing focus on surrounding traffic, she reaches for her purse to produce a handgun.

  “Mom! Why do you have that?” I shout as I back into a corner of my seat. Elizabeth has always been a serene person, but now she’s as serious as I have ever seen her.

  “This is my G30. That bitch will never hurt you while you’re with me,” Elizabeth scolds as she lowers her window, swiftly turns to Kate, and points the gun at her. “Leave my daughter alone, you psycho BITCH!”

  Never in my time with the Belka family have I heard such language exit Elizabeth’s mouth. However, I feel proud as I witness her internal Momma bear radiate. Kate’s face shows alarm. Her Beretta 21 Bobcat is no match for Elizabeth’s gun.

  Thankfully Elizabeth was prepared. If not, I’d probably be lying in the hospital again, or dead. With haste, Elizabeth places her G30 in her lap, retrieves her phone, then snaps a photo of Kate’s blue Nissan. I memorize her license plate, and before we know it, Kate has vanished.

  Elizabeth pulls over on the shoulder, calmly grabs her purse, retouches her makeup, and turns to me. “Should we call the police?” I sit in shock, and zone out as the cars speed by us.

  I gain my composure, check my makeup, then turn to Elizabeth to respond, “Can we head home? I feel exhausted.” I close my eyes and drift into deep thought as Elizabeth takes the nearest exit. I feel the car take a left to go the opposite direction on US-41.

  I’m emotionally exhausted. I’ve grown to adore David, but I’m not sure how we will be able to survive Kate. I surrender to the exhaustion and drift into a dream of Kate chasing me with an ax. I get away, but she catches me quickly, then hits me with the ax’s blunt end. I’m knocked to the ground and voicelessly screaming as she takes the ax to my body. I’m helpless, and I drift into shock as I watch her remove my legs and arms.

  Elizabeth’s Lexus stops and abruptly wakes me. “What is it?” I ask as I sit up, scared and confused.

  “Sorry, love. I was avoiding a cat,” she offers.

  We are at Elizabeth and Benjamin’s home. I sigh then relax into the seat as I let myself adjust to the moment. My cell phone rings, and my mood changes as I see Tim’s face on my phone screen.

  “Hi, handsome. When do I get to see you?” I ask in an effort to ignore Kate’s highway attempt on my life and murderous acts from my dream.

  “Hi there, beautiful. Is everything all right? You sound flustered,” Tim inquires then urges a response.

  “No, I’m not. Kate tried to attack me again. Except this time, Elizabeth was able to spook her. Can you believe Elizabeth is locked and loaded?” I divulge in a proud tone.

  “Wow. Well, I’m calling to inform you that I’m at the airport. I’ll be leaving around three and landing at six. Could you pick me up?” he requests with pep in his voice.

  I become excited by Tim’s news, Elizabeth notices and asks who I’m speaking to. I mouth, “Tim.” She gives me a moment. I tell Tim, “Yes, of course. I’ll see if someone can drive me. I still feel shaken up from our encounter with Kate.”

  “Understandable. Stay safe, beautiful. I’ll be there soon, and we’ll be in the Keys before you know it,” he offers before we end our call. I sink into Elizabeth’s passenger seat.

  “I can take you to the airport, Scarlet, if you want,” she offers as she pats my shoulder then gives me a concerned stare when I don’t reply right away.

  “Yes. Yes, of course. Thank you,” I respond as I give her a tight hug. We linger in our embrace. She strokes my hair then adjusts us so that we’re eye-to-eye.

  “Listen. Everything will be all right. The police will capture Kate and life will resume.” Elizabeth’s presence consoles me, but I’m upset that Kate has so much power over my life. Why couldn’t she just accept that she hurt David? She had her opportunity, and she chose her college professor.

  “Are you hungry?” I offer a nod to her question then mindlessly exit the car and follow her inside.

  “We have leftover pasta salad, a garden salad, and baked chicken. Sound good?” she offers as she peeks from the side of the fridge door.

  “Thanks. I’ll take a small plate of pasta salad and a little bit of chicken. Could we watch some TV while we eat? I just want to become detached from my thoughts for a moment.” I sink down with my elbow on the counter and my fist holding up my face.

  “It’s all right, dear, go ahead and get your spot on the sofa. I’ll bring our plates,” she offers. I nod and thank her, but feel lazy for not helping.

  “You sure?” I inquire then offer a meek smile. She gives me her motherly stare.

  “Of course, dear.” I slowly hobble into the living room then glance at my cell, 2 PM. I settle into my parents’ custom-made, Haverty’s sofa that goes well with the rest of their living room décor.

  Elizabeth lives in modest luxury. Nice community, large property, but with modest, beautiful house décor. I search for the Samsung, 72-inch, flat-screen’s remote and spot it on the table. After I slide out of my Gucci, platform pumps, I readjust my legs on the sofa. It’s nice to wiggle my toes. I examine my toenail polish and cringe at my neglected toes. My fingernails are worse. I hear Elizabeth’s footsteps and attempt to lift myself to help her, but my thigh is sore and stiff.

  “I’ll help you, Mom,” I offer as I manage to meet her in the living room entrance.

  “Darling, you’re always so helpful and sweet,” she responds as I pass her to walk to the kitchen and get our drinks. Elizabeth places our plates on the living room table.

  “Mmm… that smells delightful!” I note as I take a seat next Elizabeth. We eat and chat. The History Channel drones in the background. After we’ve eaten what we can, Elizabeth clears our plates as I snuggle into the sofa. With my stomach full, I become drowsy and begin to drift to sleep. Before I can resist, sleep consumes me.

  “Yes. Yes. I know, but Tim will help her through this,” Elizabeth snaps from a distance. “She’s awake, so we’ll finish this later.” Elizabeth ends her conversation. I glance at my phone: 4:30PM. I sit up and move hastily to the bathroom.

  “Be right back, Mom.” I rush to the bathroom then take my time before washing my hands. I freshen up my makeup and adjust my boobs—sleeping in a bra always concludes in a sloppy boob situation. I rinse the sleep out of my mouth then leave the bathroom.

  “Better?” Elizabeth inquires with a grin on her face. I’m not in the mood for playful banter.

  “Sorry, Mom, I just don’t feel like myself,” I offer with a frown.

  “I know, dear. Tim will be a nice distraction. I have faith that soon the police will capture Kate.” Elizabeth searches my eyes for a response then hugs me tight.

  “Maybe we should leave soon to get Tim. What do you think?” I suggest. Elizabeth calls Benjamin to let him
know where we’ll be. I slip into my platforms and grab my purse. We walk quickly out of the house, lock up, then settle into her car. Elizabeth mentions how nice it’ll be to see Tim, and I agree with her. I mention making some time to get manicures and pedicures.

  “Should I call Helen to make an appointment?” Elizabeth offers.

  “Yes, but if she can’t fit us all in, we could go to Kurt’s nail salon,” I respond as we merge onto I-75 then obey the speed limit. We silently listen to the news as Elizabeth takes exit 105, then merges into the five o’clock traffic. By 5:40 we’re parked and exiting Elizabeth’s car.

  Elizabeth takes the lead as we walk into the airport then go straight to the bar. I text Tim to let him know we’re at the airport bar waiting for him. It dawns on me that I have not heard from David today. So, I send him a text as well:

  “Hi, Sexy! Hope your day was a good one. We had an encounter with Kate on US-41, but Mom spooked her. I’ll tell you more in person. Mom and I are at the airport picking up Tim. I love you. Call me when you can.”

  “Should we order drinks while we wait?” Elizabeth questions as she reviews the menu. She enjoys a glass of wine now and then. However, since Kate began to terrorize me, Benjamin mentioned that Elizabeth has been stress-drinking. I’m remorseful, but angry that Kate has such a negative impact on my life and those I love.

  “I’ll have a glass of house red, and she’ll have the same,” Elizabeth informs our server. She smiles then grabs her purse, but I stop her before she’s able to pay.

  “I’ll pay, Mom. After all, you drove all day. It’s the least I can do,” I offer before paying. Elizabeth and I sit in silence.

  “Now, those are two foxy ladies! I sure have missed you two,” Tim hollers from the bar entrance. I stand up quickly to give Tim a hug and kiss on the cheek, then I tilt back to take him in—he hasn’t changed much since I saw him two years ago. He’s tall, but not as tall as David. Tim’s dark hair, eyes, and tanned skin show his Italian heritage. His warm, brown eyes are calming, but his sly grin lets me know he has devious plans.


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