Scarlet's Torment (1)

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Scarlet's Torment (1) Page 12

by Krihstin Zink

  I respond in a whisper, “I’ll tell you later.” He nods in acceptance.

  All at once we cheer, “To a bright future!” We sip our wine and chat, until the doorbell rings. David excuses himself to collect our food.

  “Hello. Thank you for your order. Your total is…” A young male with a heavy foreign accent states from the door. I hear David greet then thank the delivery driver before he pays the young man.

  As David returns to the kitchen, Kim mumbles, “I’ve never had Indian cuisine; is it good?” She gives us a wry smile.

  “Yes! It’s the best! Not as good as Japanese or Thai, but pretty damn close,” Tim offers through a wide grin.

  Tim opens another bottle then fills our glasses while David makes our plates. After we settle into our seats, we eat in silence until Kim yells, “This is delicious!”

  Tim laughs at Kim’s inexperience with foreign foods, and thus commences a long conversation on international cuisines. After Kim mentions Korea’s belief that dog meat is arousing, David wrinkles his face in disgust before he changes the subject.

  “So…what is it you guys plan to do after your vacation?” David questions Tim and Kim as he shifts his stare from one person to the other.

  Tim lets out a sigh and attempts to reply, but, to our surprise, Kim responds, “I’m trying to stay optimistic, but I’ll need to find a place to live and another location to open my boutique.” She moves a bite of samosa around on her plate.

  “What type of boutique?” David questions.

  Kim retells her story to David, how in Chicago she had an intimate clothing boutique, but that she’s considering a high-end second-hand store.

  “I’m sure the wealthy Naples women must have an abundance of clothing they’d love to donate and or sell,” Kim says with a hopeful smile before finally eating the small bite of samosa.

  I take a moment to walk mentally through my closet and consider how many items I could afford to donate.

  “Sounds like an excellent plan. How about you, Tim?” David shifts his attention to Tim.

  As if Tim were a contestant on a game show, he perks up, clears his throat, then responds, “Well… I’m hoping to apply at BDR, but if that is a dead end—I’ll apply to another design company.” Tim winks then gives David a thumbs up.

  “Design? Are you an architect or interior designer?” Apparently David feels the need to interrogate Tim. I become uncomfortable, but I know it is just David’s way of becoming acquainted with Tim and Kim.

  Tim, like a radiant peacock, perks up then responds, “I’ve studied both.” His confidence shines through his smile. David gives Tim an approving nod.

  We finish our dinner as Kim describes a comedy she watched while waiting to leave O’Hare International Airport.

  “Oh, I remember that movie. It’s called House Bunny,” Tim blurts out as he claps his hands.

  Then Kim answers, “That’s the one! That Anna Faris, she’s a hoot. Have you seen her other movies?” David chimes in with his appreciation of the Scary Movie films; we laugh as we recollect comical moments from the spoofs.

  Kim and Tim volunteer to clean up the dishes; David and I agree before suggesting we open a third bottle of wine. David fills everyone’s glasses then excuses himself.

  “I’ll be back,” he taunts.

  The house is now dark, except for the kitchen. It’s almost ten; I’m not against going to bed this early. David returns from the guest restroom then says, “Is anyone else up for sitting next to the pool for the duration of the night?” We all agree then finish tidying up the kitchen. I push the stove light on, then request that Tim shut off the ceiling light.

  Kim takes the lead to guide us out to the back patio. We sit on the lounge chairs and gaze at the stars. My backyard is dark, but once our eyes adjust we bask in the cool fall evening. I make myself comfortable to gaze at the stars and crescent moon.

  Time passes before Kim breaks our silence to say, “I’m ready for bed.” She finishes her glass of wine, thanks us for the lovely day, then turns her attention to David to say, “It was a pleasure meeting you. Thank you for dinner. Good night, everyone.”

  “Good night,” we reply as Tim follows Kim’s lead and excuses himself. David and I continue our evening under the stars.

  “If it’s all right, I’m ready for those plans you spoke of,” David discloses as the moonlight reveals bags under his tired eyes.

  “Shower and jammies?” I smile at David as he stands then extends his hand to me. We leave the backyard, lock the back door, then find Tim and Kim washing their glasses in the kitchen.

  “You guys headed to bed?” Tim inquires as he gestures for us to hand him our wine glasses.

  “Thank you,” David and I say.

  “Good night, everyone,” Kim offers warmly.

  “See ya in the A.M,” Tim utters over his shoulder.

  “Let’s get dirty and then wash up,” David whispers in my ear as he grabs my ass. I kiss him deeply until he picks me up with ease and rushes us into my bedroom. I reach for the door handle to let us in, then he uses his foot to shut the door. He shifts my weight, allowing me to lock the door behind us.

  David places me on the edge of my bed then makes himself comfortable between my legs. Our lips meet, and we kiss as he removes my top. I recline in my bra and pants as I watch him disrobe. He stands before me—naked and rock-hard.

  Without protesting, he completely undresses me then thrusts me back onto my bed. I relish observing his facial expressions while he inserts all of his girth into me. I blissfully enjoy David’s rapid rhythm as he takes his time building my orgasm.

  My legs cramp due to being in the air for too long, but I ignore the pain. I feel the familiar heat and intensity build, and moan in relief as my climax arrives. David follows suit and is a tad louder than usual. I lower my legs then relax on my side while David collapses next to me.

  “Shower or bath?” I ask as he kisses my shoulder.

  “Hmm… bath,” he utters from below his arm. Before he can grab me, I jump off of my bed, then run stark-naked to my bathroom.

  After a quick trip to the toilet, I wash my hands then start a hot bath for us. I add bath oils then light a candle. I shut the faucet off as soon as the tub is full. Right as I turn to tell David that our bath is ready, my face hits his shoulder.

  “Ouch,” I mumble as I rub my face while David rubs his shoulder. He checks if I’m all right before he lets out a loud laugh.

  Our hot bath is soothing and therapeutic. We soak, motionless and half submerged in the foamy, hot, oil-filled bath. “You may have added a tad too much oil,” David teases as he helps me out of the tub.

  As the tub drains, David dries me off with a towel; he enjoys himself as he takes his time with my lady bits. I break free from his sensual towel drying to dress myself. As quickly as I can, I floss and brush my teeth. I leave David alone to tend to his teeth.

  After turning down the sheets, I wriggle into bed until I find my perfect resting spot. David snuggles up next to me. Before I can wish him a good night, he’s already snoring. I thank the Lord for my many blessings, but, as I reflect on what else I’m thankful for, I feel my body drift into a restful state.

  For the second morning in a row, I awake to an empty bed. I relieve myself, wash my hands, then give my teeth a vigorous scrub. There’s an uncomfortable and extremely noticeable amount of sleep crust in my eyes, so I squeeze a little bit of face wash into my palms and work up a thick lather. I wash my face then decide to stay in my pajamas. The hair on my neck stands on end as I walk into my room. My stomach turns as my chest tightens. I become breathless as I see that I’m not alone.

  “Hello, Kate,” I speak calmly to the motionless female in my sitting area.

  “Did you sleep well?” Kate questions in a calm, stern tone that makes my body hair tense.

  “What the fuck are you doing in my room?” I yell as I rush over to attack Kate. I quickly freeze when I notice Kate is covered in blood.

; “Oh, my… are you hurt?” I ask as I look her over. “Is that your blood?” I question as I back away.

  The corners of her lips turn up into a sinister grin before she cackles with such hate in her eyes that my legs feel my fear. And before I’m able to evaluate the situation, I jerk toward the door. I move as quickly as I can, but my attempts are in vain. My heart is racing, but my feet are stuck to the carpet. An eternity passes before I enter the living room.

  A knot forms in my stomach as I take in the blood pools and splatters that stain my living room. Tim lies motionless, face-down in a puddle of blood. His head reveals a massive stab wound. I drop to my knees then notice Kim’s unconscious body. I crawl over to her and discover Kim has the same head wound. A scream from deep in my stomach echoes throughout the room.

  “Why? Why! What the fuck is wrong with you?” I yell as I search the room for Kate. My vision snaps on her waiting for me in the kitchen. She’s standing poised with her sinister grin wide across her lips. I lunge to hit her, but halt as she reveals a large knife. Before I can block her, she plunges the knife deep into my stomach. I stumble in an attempt to keep myself from falling.

  “Fucking bitch! Did you think you would win? David told me he would be here. He let me in. He told me to kill your friends first, and to leave them on display. He hates you, stupid-bitch-whore!” she yells as she leaps toward me. I’m helpless while Kate stabs deep into my chest, then she repeats her attack until I bleed out from nine stab wounds.

  A shadow forms behind Kate; my fuzzy vision normalizes to reveal David’s face. His mouth opens to say something, but I can’t hear him. I feel myself float away, then glance down at my bloody, horrific murder. I float out of my house to become one with the sun.

  “Scarlet! Scarlet!” David bellows as he shakes me, failing to wake me. My body relaxes as I note that my murder was all a dream, but my dream wounds ache.

  “Scarlet. Wake up. Now!” David urges. I open my eyes to a dark room. I reach for his arm to comfort him. He relaxes under my touch.

  “Even in my sleep, she torments me…” I whimper, but refuse to cry. I won’t give that psycho bitch my tears. I whimper in pain as David wraps himself around me and holds me close. His warmth induces a peaceful slumber.

  Thursday, October 18th, 2012, starts without any disturbances. David and I quickly make love before Tim or Kim check on us. I rush to the bathroom to complete my morning routine and move out of David’s way to leave him to his duties. He’s humming as he exits the bathroom.

  We agree that our pajamas are appropriate, so we wander into the kitchen to check on my guests. We hear loud snoring from Kim’s bedroom, then hear the bathroom faucet, but decide to wait for Tim in the kitchen.

  “Good morning, you two. Did you sleep well?” Tim’s question sends a shiver down my spine—I shake my head “no” in response.

  “Are you all right?” Tim eyes are heavy with concern.

  “Yeah, I had another Kate dream,” I mumble as I roll my eyes.

  “Hey, everyone!” Kim announces as she strolls into the kitchen. Her hair is a wreck, and her eyes are puffy.

  We discuss getting breakfast or making breakfast. “I see Violet isn’t a big bacon and eggs person,” Tim declares as he rummages through our fridge.

  “Honestly, I’m okay with a tall cup of coffee,” Kim proclaims. “I usually skip breakfast, and sometimes lunch.” Tim and I gape over Kim’s confession.

  “You really shouldn’t do that,” Tim offers as he places his hand on Kim’s shoulder.

  “I know, but sometimes I just get too busy to eat. Plus, I never have an appetite for anything. Yesterday was the first time I had three meals in one day…” Kim says before staring at her hands. David’s uninvolved in our conversation. Kim laughs then leaves the room.

  “I’d like to eat some fluffy pancakes, cheesy eggs, and crunchy bacon,” Tim announces with a penetrating stare. David grins and nods his head in agreement.

  “I’m okay with getting a table at the country club. They serve breakfast until eleven,” I offer.

  David glances at his wristwatch then says, “Could we place an order for pick-up?”

  As I consider his idea, I try to remember the last time Violet and I had a meal delivered. I find a pen and notepad to write everyone’s order. Two boiled eggs, two sausage patties, two slices of whole grain toast are what I usual order from the country club. Before I let everyone know I’m ready, David inquires about my order then says, “I’d like a meatier breakfast. How about grilled sirloin steak with mushrooms, and scrambled eggs? Would they have that?” I suggest David select a substitute order, just in case.

  I direct my attention to Tim. Immediately he dictates, “I want… four slices of bacon, a four-egg veggie omelet, and some whole grain toast—with jam.”

  “Yummy! I want what Tim is ordering, but half,” Kim announces as she glides into the kitchen. I nod then write down her order.

  “One slice of toast,” Kim shrieks. I let her know I had already noted the amount of toast. I find my cell in the living room, scroll through my contacts, then dial the country club’s business number.

  “Thank you for calling Quail West Country Club Café. This is Mandy speaking, how may I help you?” a familiar voice announces.

  “Hello,” I say before giving my name and number, followed by our large order. I request a pitcher of orange and cranberry juice, as well as two pots of coffee. We’re lucky that all our orders are available a la carte. She applies my total to my account then gives us an estimated forty-five minute delivery time.

  “So, how is everyone?” Mandy inquires. For years, way before the Belkas adopted me, Mandy has worked as the Café’s manager.

  “We’re all taking it one day at a time,” I offer then pause.

  “Well, honey, you know that you all are in my prayers. Please say hello to Liz and Ben.”

  “Of course. Please send our well wishes to Pat and Lyal,” I reply before Mandy blows kisses through the phone—I do the same.

  Lyal, what a bitch. I grimace as I recollect the first time I met her. It was like one of those awkward movie scenes. We had a club event one Sunday. It just so happened to be Employee Appreciation Day. After a prolonged strike, as a morale booster, Employee Appreciation Day was added to the monthly schedule. Thus, management worked the café while employees enjoyed a day at the club.

  On that month’s Employee Appreciation Day we planned a spur-of-the-moment surprise breakfast brunch for Violet to cheer her up. She kept saying she didn’t want to go, but we convinced her and had brunch with Violet and three of her closest friends. I felt a tad young for the crowd, so I lingered in the restroom and was surprised to see the wench who stole my book at the library. I. Was. Livid.

  Previous to the brunch, I was reading Moby Dick for over an hour at the library. I felt the urge to relieve my bladder, but ignored it for over fifteen minutes. Then, as I get to another whale being captured, I felt the pain of a tortured bladder on the brink of leaking. I hopped up, not thinking to reserve the book with the librarian. I left the book with my notepad and pen.

  When I returned to my seat, my book was gone and where there was once an empty chair sat Lyal. I didn’t learn her name until her friend whispered for her to leave with their group.

  After that wench argued with me for over five minutes, she set the book down and flipped me off right before leaving. She is a genuine bitch!

  So there we were, eye-to-eye in the bathroom. Lyal’s visibly uncomfortable in her outfit. When she harassed me at the library, she was dressed a tad Goth—emphasis on a tad—no serious piercings, just all in black and exaggerated black makeup.

  The day I bumped into her, she was in what most would consider preppy country club clothing. After a brief ego show, we decided to stay out of one another’s way. Later, Mandy introduced us in the hopes that we would become friends.

  Pat quickly noticed my and Lyal’s shared indifference. When Mandy and Lyal drifted toward their table, Pat lingered.r />
  “Lyal’s difficult to befriend. Please don’t feel obligated to,” she said as she squeezed my shoulder. I nodded in agreement. Pat was obviously a victim of Lyal’s bullying ways.

  “What’s the wait time?” David nuzzles my neck. I turn to hug him, and admire his gorgeous face.

  “Approximately forty-five minutes,” I respond in an automated tone. David reveals his luminous smile then releases his infectious laugh.

  “I adore you,” he whispers into my ear. I hug him tightly, taking in his intoxicating, manly aroma.

  “I feel the same for you. I’m looking forward to returning from the Keys and continuing in our lust for each other,” I disclose seductively as I nip David’s lip.

  “Umm… you’re not in the bedroom, guys!” Tim announces as he glares in our direction.

  I feel my face blush then David retorts, “You’ll be dating soon enough, and I’ll be mocking you.” Kim laughs, but Tim scowls at us, then without saying a word, he storms out of the kitchen. I frown at David as I catch up with Tim.

  “What’s wrong, my cute, pouty friend?” I question as I try to give Tim a hug, but he brushes me off.

  “David just dissed me!” Tim bellows as he waves his hands in the air. He sulks and stares at the wall with his eyes and lips wrinkled up tight.

  “What? I’m sure he didn’t…” I begin, then recollect David’s body language and tone when he spoke to Tim.

  “Tim, I’m sure David meant no harm. He’s probably sympathetic to your single status.”

  “Maybe,” Tim snaps before giving me a dubious glare.

  “Everything all right? Can I help with anything?” Kim questions in concern. I realize, since first meeting Kim, she has interrupted various conversations Tim and I have had without her. Today, Kim’s portraying a much more peculiar person compared to yesterday.

  Without making a fuss about the situation, Tim informs Kim it’s nothing and walks toward the kitchen.

  “What beverage will we pair with our breakfast?” Tim mumbles from inside the refrigerator. I inform everyone that I ordered fresh cranberry and orange juice, as well as two pots of coffee. Tim blurts out, “Mimosas?”


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