Scarlet's Torment (1)

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Scarlet's Torment (1) Page 20

by Krihstin Zink

  “They were attempting to stop the cranial pressure that was building. Thankfully there wasn’t severe bleeding,” he says with a lopsided smile. I nod in agreement.

  “What day is it? Is Emily alive?” I inquire with urgency. Elizabeth, Benjamin, and Violet knock quickly and then barge into the room.

  “Darling! We are so thrilled that you are awake,” Elizabeth exclaims as she leans over to kiss my forehead.

  “I love you. I was so worried,” Violet gushes as she squeezes my hand. We exchange pleasantries before David returns to his perspective of my attack.

  “Your parents and Violet arrived two hours after me. We anxiously waited until we were allowed to see you,” David says as he reaches to hold my hand.

  “It has been a strenuous day, darling,” Elizabeth adds. Benjamin and Violet nod in agreement.

  David mentions that, after my emergency surgery, I was placed in the intensive care unit until Tuesday night, when they moved me to a regular room that I’m in now.

  “Emily had to have ten staples to close the injury Kate inflicted,” David tells me then continues, “She’s back at the resort with her sister and cousin.”

  There’s another knock on the door and Kassidy walks in with a tall, dark male figure.

  “Hello, Scarlet, my name is Dr. Rodrigo Max. I have overseen your stay here at Lower Keys Medical Center. I must say, you are a fighter!” Dr. Max declares with an unrecognizable accent that matches his foreign appearance. He continues to inform me that, if I continue on the path that I’m on, I could leave by Friday.

  “What day is it?” I question.

  “It’s Wednesday…Scarlet, your traumatic brain injury caused swelling and minor bleeding. Therefore… you may have forgetfulness, frequent headaches, and mood swings. Don’t worry; we will give you extensive care information upon your departure. That scar on the right side of your head may linger for quite some time, but you’re lucky to be alive,” he offers in a hopeful tone as my family and David nod in agreement.

  Dr. Max informs me that, if I need any extra pain medication, I should not hesitate to contact the nurse on shift. I thank him and Kassidy for saving me.

  “All in a day’s work. Please get some rest,” he instructs as he takes his leave with Kassidy behind him.

  “I’m parched; let’s get something from the cafeteria,” Violet utters quickly as she shoots a strange expression towards Elizabeth and Benjamin.

  “Oh. All right. We’ll be back soon,” my parents say as the three leave.

  David pulls a chair closer to my bed, but he doesn’t sit. Instead, he pulls a small gray box out of his pocket.

  “Scarlet...I know we’ve only known each other less than a year but as I raced down here…not knowing if you would survive or not, I promised myself I would love you: always and forever,” he declares as he gets on one knee. Then he says with tears brimming his eyes, “Scarlet, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  I can only imagine the uncertainty he experienced while waiting for me to wake from my coma. I am elated, and I shout, “Yes! Yes! I love and adore you. I couldn’t live a happy life without you.” He stands and opens the ring box.

  An arrangement of rubies surrounds a sparkling oval-shaped diamond that is held by a white-gold setting. To say my engagement ring took my breath away would be an understatement. We’re tearful messes as David slips my perfect ring onto my left ring finger. I reach for him, then gently pull him close as he wraps his arms around me.

  “I see such a loving future with you,” As the words escape David’s mouth, I remember the scumbag who put me in the hospital—during my vacation! What a psycho bitch!

  “What happened to Kate?” I snap, which causes David’s smile to fade.

  “Can we not enjoy this moment?” he mumbles as he slumps down into his chair. I gesture that he hurry.

  “Please, I’m tired of worrying if or when she’ll attack me,” I confess as I plead that he end my uncertainty. He takes a moment to collect his thoughts then says, “Once the Key West officers had her in their custody…there was a struggle. Naples’ police department urged the Key West police department to transport her to Naples for processing. But, then it turned out she had fraud charges in another state.”

  We’re silent until David begins to speak again. “Key West PD tried to transport Kate to Naples. But, while in route, Kate stabbed an officer…they were bewildered as to how she even obtained the pen.” He combs his fingers through his hair then lets out a sigh.

  “Kate assaulted an officer...then fled. They had no choice but to shoot her while on US 1. She was shot several times before falling off the bridge, then into the water. When they failed to find her body…they pronounced her dead,” David concludes with Kate’s demise as he reclines into his chair. This ordeal has taken so much from all of us.

  “Let’s celebrate!” Elizabeth shouts as my parents and Violet enter my room.

  “Or not,” Violet offers as she gawks at us.

  “What happened? Did she say no?” Violet probes as she glares as David.

  “How did you guys know?” I question in a curt tone.

  “How could we not know?” Elizabeth retorts.

  “We helped pick the ring,” Benjamin reveals with a radiant smile.

  I chat and enjoy cafeteria goodies with my family and fiancé. My wound throbs as a pain surrenders me helpless. I’m in need of a nap. I ask everyone to forgive my rudeness then inquire if I could just rest while they continue their conversations.

  “Of course, love,” David assures. I fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

  On Thursday, I wake up restless and ready to walk. Following many conversations, it’s agreed that I can take a short walk around the hospital floor. I grow tired quickly, so I return to my bed. After the awkward event of having the catheter removed, I’m finally able to use the bathroom. The rest of Thursday crawls by slowly.

  My parents and Violet come in after lunch to let me know they are leaving to prepare for my return. Then Tim, Kim, and all my new resort friends take turns checking in on me—even Kelly comes to visit; he’s so sweet. All the girls gush at my ring, and even Tim is thrilled!

  “I get to be the maid of honor, right?” Tim questions as he glares at me, pouting. David lets out a chuckle, but then manages to restrain himself. I glare at him in disappointment.

  “We’ll probably have a long engagement; so much to plan,” I reply with a smile.

  “Of course,” Tim responds as he waves his hand in the air.

  “But, yes, you know you are my maid of honor,” I assure, which makes Tim beam with excitement. I thank everyone for visiting and make sure to tell all of them that I appreciate the time we spent together.

  “Girl, you know we have plenty of adventures waiting for us,” Charlotte retorts.

  We say our farewells, except for Emily and Fredrick. I grab Emily’s hand as our eyes meet; our eyes overflow with tears. Her head is bandaged like mine.

  “Thank you so much for being with me and trying to stop Kate. You could have run, but you stayed and got hurt defending me. You’ll always be a cherished friend,” I tell her as we embrace. Tears stream down our faces as we promise to stay in touch.

  Tim and Kim asked if they could return with my Tacoma at the end of their vacation; I give them my blessing. Once David and I are left alone, my body reminds me how exhausted I am. David leaves to retrieve my things, so I take the opportunity to nap.

  When he returns with my bags, he informs me that Kim promised to bring back anything he may have missed. I struggle to stay awake while David shares that his staff is doing what they can to stay busy until his return on Monday. He questions if I want to remain in the Keys or return to Naples. I feel my bed calling my name, so I confirm that I want to return home. I have another dreamless night, but I’m not complaining. I don’t miss the vicious dream attacks by Kate, but I sure do miss Clara.

  I’m discharged at 11:00AM from Lower Keys Medical Center. David loads my items
into his trunk then helps me into his car. Our trip is calm and smooth, with frequent rest stops. By 5:00, we’re finally opening the front door to my house. David lingers behind to collect our luggage.

  Once I’m in my bathroom, I slowly undress. I gape at all my bruises—my head throbs as I lean down to change. David glides in to start our bath. We relax in the hot water as we make plans for our future.

  First we speak of the office Halloween party I can now attend. Then we consider a possible date for our wedding. David vents about an awkward delivery nurse—he is unsure whether he should fire her or not.

  “I’m sure if you tactfully speak to her about it, she’ll be more cooperative,” I offer as I pat his knee.

  “Maybe,” he responds.

  The hot water and essential oils create a calming ambiance. I never want to leave David again. We’re immersed in tranquility as we relish in each other’s embrace. I begin to drift to sleep as I listen to David recollect his last delivery. “That little guy was so excited to be born,” he declares.

  David’s embrace is so calming; I’m at peace as I soak in the tub with him. I envisage our future; my mind forms an image of our children. What a future we could have, full of possibilities. Thanks to Kate’s death, my torment has ended. I say a little prayer, asking to dream of my mother. The last thing I remember hearing is David asking if I want him to carry me to bed.

  The moment my head touches my pillow, I launch into a dream. I’m fully-dressed, standing on an unfamiliar hill. My surroundings are breathtaking. Plush grass covers the hill and feels lovely under my bare feet. I feel a hand on my shoulder—I turn to face my beautiful mother.

  “Hello, again,” she says as she hugs me close.

  “Hello,” I whisper into her ear.

  Thank you for purchasing my debut novel, Scarlet’s Torment. If you enjoyed it, please share and recommend Scarlet’s Torment to others by providing an Amazon or Goodreads review.

  Also, stay tuned for Scarlet’s second book, Scarlet Unleashed, and my stand-alone novel, Dancing with Mary Jane.

  Warmest regards,

  Thank you, Karla Davis and Teresa Grandy for being the best friends (and life consultants) a girl could ever ask for.

  Thank you, Wendi Lynn and Dee Knope for helping me just because you wanted to.

  Krihstin Zink is a bibliophile-turned-writer. When she’s not on adventures with her family, she’s mastering her storytelling.

  You can Contact Krihstin via the following links:



  Chronicles of an Ambitiuous Author






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